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Do you need a British accent to be a successful actor in London, UK? by throwawayarooski123  •  last post Feb 5th

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Can you guys relate by love_acting99  •  last post Feb 5th

I doubt I'm the only one who feels like this, but I feel like the more productions I do the more I love it. I feel like acting never gets old because every single role and production is different, so it feels like every project is a completely new experience. That's why when someone asked me "are you going to like, move on after like 10 movies" I said "are you kidding me? Move on? I can't move on I love acting. And if did ten TV shows or movies that's nothing. I can't just "move on" after only 10 TV shows. I need to be in as many as possible". Does anyone else feel like they can never sick of it, no matter how many they've been in? I mean, I do other things on the side, and I might take some breaks, but I can't completely leave it behind. Does anyone else feel like they can't do like 50 gigs and say "that's enough"? I feel like I just want to book gigs until I either am forced to retire (maybe due to a medical condition who knows) or die. I don't want this to sound silly, I know all actors want to work, but I don't want it to be short, I want several decades as an actor, writer, and anything else I discover I like (which is realistic nowadays). But my point is, I don't believe that I, or anyone, has to only do, or be, one thing.

How long do Voice Actors have left? by AHungerForKnowledge  •  last post Feb 5th

With Eleven Labs releasing their Great Gatsby narration by an AI (linked here,) it really shook me. It sounds pretty good. How long until AI is superior, faster, and cheaper than Voice Actors?

Advice on emailing after audition? by coldsnaps  •  last post Feb 4th

Hi y'all, Auditioned for a role on Jan 10th, and am weighing if I should ask the casting coordinator for feedback. I likely didn't get the role because I know that there are several other good actresses for the part and I have way less experience than they do but I'm grateful just to have been cleared to self tape since I haven't had a meaningful film audition in a while. I want to ask for feedback without sounding like I'm actually asking for more than that. It seems like I would know by now if they wanted to work with me, so choosing the language of the email is kind of tricky. Since the part hasn't been updated on IMDb I don't know if I should assume in the email that I haven't gotten it, or if it's moving slow and would be weird to assume I'm not in the running. When I sent in my self tape, she responded quickly thanking me, said it would be a little while since she needed to show several people involved, and then gave me a quick line of advice regarding using my agent for something I self submitted for. I know they've looked at my self tape because I can see that the tape and my reel were looked at multiple times in the five days after submitting, and they're all unlisted/link only. One of my auditions even has a like from somebody who viewed it. How do I proceed? I want to get what I can from this audition which could just be what I've already gleaned from practicing, but it would be great to reflect on anything the casting team noticed, and in a crazy universe I guess they could have cast me. I want to be gracious and polite while asking for any feedback they might have. If there's no good way to do this then please yell at me to stop so I don't ruin connections! ​ ETA: I'm in a pretty small market with lots of local people doing smallish projects to get out into bigger markets. The casting coordinator is well known locally for being involved in a lot of different aspects like our local film festival, she acts and produces and casts because she knows so many people but this isn't like a formal casting agency

Specific Agency Submission Questions by Cc-on  •  last post Feb 4th

I know you guys are tired of seeing titles like that so ill try and keep this short but detailed. My agency submission plans this year are/were to submit to agencies on Jan. 2nd, right when they came back from the Holiday break, so my submission was near the top of their inbox. Ideally, I would have submitted it at the beginning of December but I didn't have a reel then. If I didn't get a response I would wait until April and try again with more credits. However, I've gone through some other and older posts about agency submissions and have seen that following up with my submission may be a good idea. I get following up with a meeting but im a little apprehensive to following up with a submission and sending a bad message. **Q1:** Should I reach back out to these Agencies to follow up with my submission earlier in the month? I also only have a handful of credits (2 student films, 1 short film, and 2 small speaking parts in Jupiter Entertainment's true crime shows). When I was searching for Agencies I first looked for actors in my target shows and looked at their agencies. In an attempt to see what I'm missing, I later reversed back and looked into the actors themselves to see that they have I didn't. I noticed that they do have a few more credits than me in short films, but of course, I wouldn't tell if some things were added before or after they acquired an agent but I definitely noticed they had a little more. Just to be specific the actors I looked at are actors with a single Co-star role in my target shows and pretty much nothing else. **OR** Don't follow up and Just focus on getting more work in for now and resubmit during drop season (April) with new/ more credits. Or I could do both ​ Lastly, I've swept through Bonnie Gillespie's book a few times as I started this career (still to this day), and I'm getting a little confused about how I should submit. She doesn't specify how to submit and I've seen some posts on here about emailing them directly. For any agency I've submitted to, I've gone to their website, looked up how they wanted the submission, then submitted their preferred way. I just thought it was a bit more respectful to submit how they request them, but is a tailored email to the agent (From their IMDB Pro listed contact) better?

(Canada) Non-Union working with an agent - contracts? by LockTheUniverse  •  last post Feb 4th

Hey folks! I'm currently a non-union actor in Canada working with an agent at a reputable agency, unsigned to their roster formally. I've been booking work and haven't seen my last couple of contracts come through. Do any of y'all keep your own records somehow or do you just receive payments from your agent - how much documentation are we supposed to receive? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks folks ^_^

Advice from actors with medical memory problems and/or who smoke weed? by WFoxAmMe  •  last post Feb 4th

I am looking for advice, personal stories of similar nature, suggestions of methods, etc. I’ve got ADHD, and decades of Lyme Disease with some vascular brain damage. At 19 a had possibly a small stroke (?) and lost my sense of direction and remembering right from left. Diagnosed in my 30s, I am trying to get my mind back and retrain my mind to remember lines. I’m not sure if it is possible. I did a lot of stage work as a kid, and I’m hoping there’s still enough of a solid training base to resurrect those brain bits? I smoke weed for pain. I am trying to phase that out, but I am not clear as to how much that is a factor in my memory. I’m not sure if my attempts are naive and if I would be better served just focusing on getting into voice work. What would be a good means of measuring my ability? Thank you!

Is it better to train or learn by being on the job? by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Feb 4th

I feel like I need more training (because I'm not that confident in my abilities as an actor), but other people have said that maybe I should jump right into auditions and trying to get work. The problem is, is that I don't know what to do or which path to take. Training and learning more tools and techniques that I can use and that can sharpen my talent and help me be better prepared, or auditioning and being cast in theatre and learning more as I go while building up my resume? I know people say that it's subjective and really up to the actor, but I don't know what would be better for me. Any advice?

Summer conservatory or Three year conservatory? by Abstract_Corduroy74  •  last post Feb 4th

I'm interested in getting professional training to become a better actor, even though my teacher at my University said that I already have training, which I believe the training I've had are just drops in the bucket; I really haven't had time to sharpen and develop the skills and training I've had, as well as prime and use myself to get the best out of my craft. The thing is, I don't know whether I want to do a summer conservatory, or a three year conservatory. I was thinking of maybe doing one at the Stella Adler Studio of Acting or Art of Acting Studio, but I'm not sure what to do. Anybody have advice?

cliquey acting community in atlanta by Still_Yak8109  •  last post Feb 4th

Hey, I'm a local actor in atlanta and I've noticed the acting community in town is super cliquey and not inclusive? Is this normal? It seems like everyone worships Drama inc. I mean they are ok, but not amazing. It doesn't seem like a very tolerant or inclusive community.

I Will visit everyone who posts here, twice this week. Please return, and let every account starmeter stay GREEN Thanks by William Delesk  •  last post Feb 4th

I Will visit everyone who posts here, twice this week. Please return, and let every account starmeter stay GREEN Thanks

How are you all finding your managers in LA? by SomethingTrulyGone  •  last post Feb 4th

I have my agent, but I’m currently looking for a manager. I got my agent through a showcase at school, so I’ve never really sought out representation and I’m starting at the base a little bit. What I’m doing as of now: ImdbPRO - going through shows I think I could be cast in, looking at different actor’s reps (B/C list actors as well as episodic actors) to find some more info on submission and who else they rep. Asking my friends about their reps - Trying to see who they’re signed with and how they got there. Googling “Talent Managers in Los Angeles” - this one always brings me to Backstage or Yelp and they’re always very large management companies and places you can’t cold submit. I’m in the process of getting new headshots which I know will help and I’m getting some new footage for my reel and I’m in the process of updating that as well. I’m curious to know how you all go about it or if y’all have some steps that I’m not taking. I haven’t reached out to my agent himself to see if he knows of any management companies - kinda just thought of that one.. I’ve done the ActorsAccess TalentLink before and I got the strangest bites from that service, odd people/companies that didn’t feel right. Any info/guidance would be much appreciated!

Gift ideas by DdgMc  •  last post Feb 4th

My niece is a senior (in high school), she is currently playing Katherine in Newsie’s Jr. at a local theatre. Sunday is the last Newsie’s show and I would like to make it very special and memorable. She is doing her school spring musical, but to spare y’all from HS drama, I’ll just say she is not as excited about that show. Also, she is the only senior on this (newsies) cast so I feel like doing something big for her, wouldn’t step on any toes, or make any other senior actors feel bad because their family didn’t/couldn’t do anything. Beyond the normal, balloons, cookies/cake, etc., I was thinking of getting a notebook and having the cast and crew write something in it but that is all I have come up with. Any ideas, big or small, please send them my way!!! I should say, I am doing a montage video for her graduation party. Thank you all and to anyone that has shows this weekend, break a leg!!

Summer programs for high school student? by partylegs  •  last post Feb 4th

My daughter is a junior at a performing arts high school. She is planning to pursue acting in college and very dedicated to her craft. She is a drama actor, with little to no interest in musical theatre. We are applying to summer programs and curious if anyone has any experience with any of the below: UNCSA - []( NYU Tisch Summer - []( Juilliard - []( Carnegie Mellon - []( Texas State - waiting on more info for this one. ​ Any other suggestions that will help with the college audition process would be welcome! Thanks!

2nd casting call! price raise 40$! by Frequent_Can2968  •  last post Feb 4th

I'm in need of a female voice actor that can pull off the voice of a 13-year-old girl. The job is for a script short reading. If you're interested please directly message me and do not comment.

Does anyone know a comedy writer or is one and wants to collaborate? by Various-Brain-8418  •  last post Feb 4th

I'm an aspiring sitcom actress and I don't want to wait for opportunities to come along, I want to create them for myself. I have an idea and premise for a sitcom that would take place on one setting at least,and also ideas for characters. I was hoping to collaborate with someone to hammer out a script and get these ideas fleshed out. So if anyone is interested, please message me

How hard is it to change markets? by Sundae_Walnuts  •  last post Feb 4th

I’m an actor in Vancouver (repped, union) getting a few auditions a week (between film/tv/vo), currently not booking much, and few credits. My spouse might need to temporarily move for their work next year, either to Toronto or Montreal area, and I’m debating whether to go with, and try to work out there vs. stay put and do long distance during that time. My agent mentioned I would need to add an eastern rep, and likely work out all the paperwork to work as a local hire in the new market? I haven’t been seen yet by any CDs out east, so would be starting from scratch out there..

How to make friends with other voice actors? by MaverickSoul9  •  last post Feb 4th

This might be a bit pathetic to ask but ever since graduating high school I’ve struggled to make friends. I’ve been in the voice acting community for years but never really felt connected within it. What do voice actors like to do with each other?

Agent Actors access submissions by fujnbbb  •  last post Feb 4th

When my agent submits me for auditions which headshots are used on Actors access? Is it my default photos on there or can they choose? Thanks!

What are your "pet peeves" regarding self-tapes? by TimPrice2  •  last post Feb 4th

I'm casting a small project. I'm going to be requesting self-tapes from a few actors for the first time. I thought it would be a good idea to ask the acting community on here what things casting does that annoy them when requesting self-tapes so I don't do those things. If you have any pet peeves, please share them.