Hello everyone! My name is Mauricio, and it is my first time here (I love how supportive and empathetic most of the people here seem to be of each other). I am making and acting in one episode of a short series I am writing on my own for fun, and I am looking for a couple people who might be interested in joining. Voice recordings (and video recordings - if any) will be totally remote. This will be for fun, and I intend to share it on the Internet when it is ready. I would be happy to talk more to anyone interested! \- Mauricio.
I have some acne scars and it makes me very self conscious as an actor. I wish they showed more actors on television and movies that didn’t have perfect skin!
I am looking to cast a voice actor for a project I’m working on. The part is a birthday clown, so it’s a more goofy, upbeat type role, not like a scary clown or anything. It’s a very easy part, only 4 lines, and of course I am willing to pay for your services. Please contact me either here or email me: cole.simp32@gmail.com if interested
I don’t mean like filming something because I’m perfectly fine doing that, but taking pictures like with photographers makes me so nervous. Is this normal among actors or just me. Probably just me!
Good day everyone. 19M here. I'm an aspiring actor and an artist, and I wanted to ask about video reels. I've heard that you're supposed to put previous work in your video reel, like participation in student projects. I've applied to be part of many student projects, but after receiving the scripts, I've always been frightened to participate in something that, more often than not, ends up being hella cringey. I don't know the long-term effects it might have on my career. Btw, I'm Lebanese and currently in Lebanon. Beirut (the only modern city and cultural center in Lebanon) got blown up in a port accident recently and now everybody is scared to live or produce there, not to mention rebuild it. I'm a very creative person, and I was wondering if companies, producers, and casting directors would be satisfied with videos I've made on my own? That goes to production as well as storytelling. I have a few ideas, but any badass storylines or idea recommendations would be highly appreciated. I love fantasy fiction and sci-fi shit. From your personal experiences, what exactly goes into a video reel? Please describe what kind of artist you are, and the atmosphere of the people you've worked with who've accepted your video reel. Thanks in advance and best of luck always, everyone!
Hey i’m looking into acting classes in toronto such as ones at LB studies, EVN studios, pro actors lab and armstrong acting academy. I was wondering if any had experience with these especially since it all went virtual, like what’s the lay out of the classes, learning wise, participation wise, how scenes work, critique etc ? thanks
"No matter how hard you work and how big a celebrity you become, you'll never be as famous as cheese" -Dan avidan. Seize the day fellow speakers, actors, and hosts!
So I auditioned for the New England Theatre Conference (NETC, similar to SETC, Strawhat, and other cattle call auditions). This past year was the second time I auditioned for NETC and both years, most of my callbacks have consisted of conservatories and summer acting programs. This year, I got a callbacks from Stella Adler and Commonwealth Shakespeare Company for month-long summer acting programs. Have any of you taken part in either of these programs, and if so was the experience worth it? If not, what acting conservatories have you been a part? All in all, is it worth it to pay money to be in a program and will it advance your career as an actor?
Hey guys, first time posting here so I’m not clear whether or not this is the place for it. I was just hoping some of you would have some advice. I play a lot of Modern Warfare and really want to be able to do the Ghost voice from the new actor (Jeff Leach). I’ve heard that it’s good to start with an accent and lower your voice for the desired gravelly effect but I really could use some advice. Anything helps, thank you guys!
hey im a free voice actor. so i will do anything and you don't have to pay me. I am 15. I can do british, american voices etc. i can go really low or mid. I will voice act in animations, short films, games whatever. if you wanna get in touch, email me at: gamingytbenharding@gmail.com
I want to be an actor. Im very talented and cute but I born as FTM and look so young even Im aged 40..I have young look that never change much..I looked as 17..Can I become an actor..?. I really have good look.Where can I get chance please??.My talents dieng because of my birth as Ftm.Please give me chance .I am also good in script writing and editing..I can do many things include dancing..Can anyone suggest me or give chance please? Im Malaysian
I think as many of you may know, I’m located in South America and got a LA based attorney to work on my work visa. She’s worked with people we all know here in my country, so I trust her with my life. I’m not going to say his name, but one of her clients plays a main cowboy robot on a huge HBO show you all know. I still need a manager for that though, which is something that I’ll need to get on my own (you’ve prob noticed how crazy that is driving me too) and through networking in small events and making LA based friends while I travel to take acting classes for a couple months. And by the way, I’m thinking Lee Strasberg in Fall 2021 if things are back to “normal”. And yeah, that’s really necessary because here we don’t have managers, only agents and literally only two agencies have connections abroad, but they only represent a very exclusive list of A list actors that have been around since before I was born. Anyway, I’ve been following my attorney’s advice on things that would be important to get done and got a publicist here which is just great because since my latest work on TV, I’ve got interviews and articles written about me, and most recently they helped me get verified on Instagram. That being said, I wonder if that’s gonna help at all with self submissions to managers! Because although people in the LA industry aren’t watching our productions, which I assume that makes it hard for agents/managers to say how big some foreign actor is, at least they’re seeing that’s someone not only booking but also in the public eye in their country. And I believe that plays a huge role on all this, right?! So that’s my question. What do you guys think? Do you think that helps me at all? I’ve been using IMDBpro a lot these past few months and made a list of managers that have foreign actors now based in LA on their roster. For example, actor Chris Mason on PLL:Perfectionists and Riverdale. He had a few credits in the UK and is now repped by 3 Arts Entertainment in LA. Obviously I don’t know whether his situation was an industry referral or his agent had connections at this management office, but you know, that’s what I’ve been doing... searching for foreign actors in every legit manager’s list. Actors that definitely weren’t huge celebrities in their home country, but booked in big TV productions and had some media buzz. Personally, I do find the social media presence stuff silly, but I think there’s definitely an importance to it right now, especially for 20-somethings like me. Last week for example, I did a shooting with a very popular photographer here. He posted the photos on his IG and this very famous actress that has worked with him a lot of times commented and followed me that same day. Considering that I didn’t have an IG account until a little before the pandemic hit, I do think that’s kind of cool.
looking for someone who can do an indian accent to record about 2-3 minutes worth from a script I've written for a youtube video. I'll pay $10. if intrested reply in comment or dm thx.
We’ve heard it time and time again: “the odds are one in a million”, “if there’s anything else you can think of doing, do that”, “most actors don’t make it”, etc. What I’m curious about is how true these statements actually are. Specifically, how true it is for actors that actually move to LA and pursue acting full-time, CONSISTENTLY. I feel like it’s not so slim for the actors that stick with it and work towards it on a daily/weekly basis for years. It can’t be that slim if you’re actually putting in that kind of effort. It can’t be that impossible to become a working actor (not necessarily famous, but getting to the point of acting for a living) if you’re fully dedicated to it. I feel like when people say most actors don’t really get anywhere, it could actually just mean the actors that try and give up, just pursue it part time, or don’t work at it consistently for years. What do you guys think?
I heard that actors mostly audition in the day and have to work at a night job. Is that true? Do B-list and C-list have an extra job in case they haven’t gotten any roles? How can a person become an A-list actor? I ain’t an actor so yeah, forgive me LOL
Hey everyone. Paranoid actor question here. I just recently had a self tape for a tv show and turned it in to my manager yesterday. Rewatching it again I just...am not vibing with it... I was after I did it. I even kind of liked it? I wanted to get it finished quick since casting had a quick turnaround but now questioning if I should have let the sides settle in my brain first for at least the next day before jumping into the video right away. I felt so confident when I got my sides. A very “I got this” attitude. But now watching it it’s just...ehhh. I asked my friend who read it with me what he thought after watching it. All he could comment was how great the video lighting and sound was. (Ok thanks...) So, I just asked him directly “did it suck?” He hasn’t responded... I’m not defensive at all with critiques. I WANT people to tell me if I suck when I really do, but I’m just feeling like crap now thinking I sent out a terrible take. How do you guys deal with stuff like this? It’s so weird because I’m not like this all the time. For some reason this audition really got to me. :( Thanks!
Hi all! So many actors and actresses have changed their names throughout history, right? Well I assume it’s because they just felt as if their birth names didn’t have much star quality to them in how they sound. So I’m just curious to know if any of you here have had the same thought in mind, and have already or will eventually do the same if they do or have chosen to pursue acting as a career? I personally wish to do just that once I feel as though I’ve nailed the right first and last name for myself, but while I’ve been thinking of a name for a very long time now, I’m also a little worried about wanting to change my name from there too. What if I don’t like this name after a little while? What then? I don’t want to change my name a million times haha. I’d love to just have a great name that works well with me as a person you know? But nothing that’s too common or whatever. I suppose I should be a little more clear... If any of you have changed your names for this career pathway specifically, do you ever use your old name? Do you keep your new name a secret to people that are unaware of your desire to become an actor or actress? Do your friends or family use your birth name while on jobs you use the new one? Is it hard to go from one name to another after so many years of living? Is it difficult to get used to? Or do you ever get lost in who you are as a person? Because I don’t really feel like I have a real sense of identity anyways, which is why I’m more comfortable in the idea of changing my name... I guess I have a lot of questions about this really. And being tired while typing it surely doesn’t help because I’m just typing what comes to mind I feel. But really, this whole idea of changing your name because of a dream is understandable to me. I just don’t understand the after effects of the struggles of doing it. Or anything else really... Sorry for maybe not making as much sense as I could have. I’m just rambling now. Any stories or comments are well appreciated though! Have a pleasant day!
Taking a zoom acting class, and first assignment out the gate is your standard "Who Am I?" 5-min any format you'd like just make it theatrical autodrama. I am not one who likes talking about myself. I know, I know- WHAT?? An actor that doesn't want to be the center of attention?! As much as I love performing, and using personal experiences to feed what I do, I'm not one to shaaaarrre. What have y'all done for this assignment in past? I've watched ALL sorts on youtube, and am at a "too many creative possibilities" and "how superficial can this be without looking half-assed" brain block. And 5 days til it's due