I originally attended a local theatre group when I was 14, I did a play with them in our towns theatre but when I was 15 the group got shut down and the only theatre in town was shut down. A year later I started attending a workshop for film and television in the city, it’s a successful workshop and it’s opened a lot of doors for actors, my teacher is also a casting director. I’ve been attending that for 4 years and I’ve learned so much, of course I have so much more to learn though. I’m paying £100 a term to attend but my only issue is I got regrouped into a new class of teenagers because of my age (I’m 22) I’m too young to join the official adult class because it’s 25 and up. I feel like a jerk saying this but no one in the class takes it seriously...whenever we get put into groups to learn our lines everyone just goes off topic and talks about school drama and nothing ever gets done. There was one instance where me and my partner had to completely improvise because she spent the entire time we were supposed to be practicing talking to the group next to us about some people at school, even though I had asked and asked if we could practice. I wanna improve and learn so bad but it’s not happening with the group I’m in and I feel like I’m wasting my money just to listen to a bunch of people talk about school drama. It’s been closed for the last year because of Covid but it’s set to open again in June or July. But during the time it’s closed I’ve been watching YouTube lessons and I truly feel that I’ve learned more this way since being put into the new group. I love my teachers so much and I’m so incredibly thankful for them and for what they have taught them, but I really do feel like I’m wasting time in this new group. And I don’t know what to do, because I feel like if I leave I’m throwing away opportunities since my teacher is a casting director who helps us get roles in TV series etc. I really don’t know what to do.
I usually ask my sister or my mom to be my reader when I do self-tapes. They're super gracious about it, but I'd love to start taping with my actor buddies, either via Zoom or at a local studio space, depending on everyone's comfort level. I usually buy my family a meal or something. When you ask friends to help you do a self-tape, what do you work out with them? Do you pay them (and if so, how much)? Do you buy them a coffee? Do you help them tape in exchange? Does your compensation vary if you do it via Zoom or in-person (provided it's safe)?
I am out of the social media loop y’all! I’m an actress in her early 40’s (I’m a WOC and I often play younger) and I hate social but I am so curious about something... A friend overheard another actress say “she doesn’t like me” and when my friend inquired why she said, “because I followed (me) on IG and (me) didn’t follow her back” - first I hardly check my social media at all and second...her name is not even her name it’s a bunch of mixed up numbers and letters and stuff... Can I ask you - is it really, truly this petty out there? Truly, is it? Is it this disgustingly, horrifyingly petty? If one actor follows you and you don’t follow them back - by accident or whatever - does it constitute the brewings of WW3? This actress might think I’m younger and know the “lingo” but sheesh... I know there will be some writing saying “petty ppl are everywhere and screw her” but this question isn’t about that - it’s more about what is expected on social / etiquette. I was asking my bf about it and he said ask the 20 year olds they that that social shit SERIOUSLY- I’ll have to keep it in mind for younger casting assistants and produces etc. So I’m asking ... do you really take it that seriously? Thank you. And long live the 80’s. When your real enemies dissed you to your face. :)
Raya and the Last Dragon is a major milestone for voice actors and arguably represents a potential shift in the industry. Read more about it at https://www.codystewartvo.com/blog/raya-and-the-last-dragon-is-a-voice-over-milestone
This post is very abstract and just interested in general ideas and isn’t meant to target/shame anyone for their choices. Okay, so, throughout film history, there has been a niche of artistic filmmaking that indulges in depicting very graphic/explicit/unsimulated sex acts on camera. Of course, choosing to perform a nude scene is each individual’s decision to make based on their personal boundaries... But what about those who choose to do these more extreme things? Are there any prevailing thoughts about them in the industry? Will they always be tainted as unmarketable or fringe performers? Does it make them seem unprofessional? Or, going to other extreme, are they just such dedicated professionals that maybe they deserve more respect and credit for doing what most people wouldn’t? Of course, the unions have their rules, and post-#MeToo producers and studios are treading lightly, but still, this type of filmmaking seems to be proliferating in the foreign and indie scenes. Now, I’m not an actor, just extremely curious about the industry, so I really want to know how much validity you all give to these performances. And as for its artistic merit... is there even a line to draw anymore? If so, what do you consider it to be? For example, I can understand an actor not wanting to perform/receive oral sex with their scene partner... but does fitting a prosthetic penis for the filming of an oral sex scene really make that big of a difference in the end, especially if willing actors could have been cast in the first place? In closing, I don’t really have any single question to repeat here... I just wanted to put the ideas out there and see what everyone has to say about them. Even if it’s just your personal thoughts and feelings on the matter as it pertains to your individual career. So... Let me hear it. Thanks.
Hello, I was looking to hire some voice actors for a small motion comic project and was wondering how the hiring process goes. I understand that auditions are done, but I was wondering if voice actors have a portfolio of sorts? I have experience hiring artists to draw comics and was wondering if it’s a similar process. Auditions seem a bit strange to me since the highest word count a character has is about 80. Which leads me to my next question, how does pricing work? Are actors paid by word or is it paid per minute/hour? I’m very sorry to be asking all of these questions, but I’m looking forward to moving forward with the project with some awesome voice actors.
Hi! I'm looking to cast someone for the part of one of the three main characters for a pilot presentation (5-7 minute animated short). Must be LA-Based or able to connect remotely with a high quality home setup (I want to be able to direct the recording session). The character is a young adult elven woman (20's/30's) with a high energy, super positive personality. She loves EVERYTHING! She is a sorceress, but also the Queen of the Kingdom! Must be comfortable with fantasy/ancient accents. Characters will speak like the show Rome on HBO. For the 5 minute short, the pay is $100 for a 1 hour recording session. However, this is not a for-profit video. This will be for internal circulation and pitching. If you are interested, please submit any demo reels you have. And, I will send you sides to audition for the character. Thank you so much!
Hi guys! Does social media follower count really matter or affect casting? I read some vlogs about it and want to confirm to your personal experience. I just believe that actors are not really that active to social media. Plus if yes, is it okay to post portraits of yourself or leave a little mystery to your personality? And also sadly, influencer's are getting handed jobs they didn't even audition for. Example: a tiktoker who got a lead role etc. Please share with me your thoughts! Thank y'all!
I know the answer is probably a big, fat LEAVE THEM ALONE, but if you’re a newish actor curious about the process, what’s ok? Is it ok to watch the process at a distance? Is it ok for a quick chat with someone on your street if they’re not busy? Can you ask them if they need extras? (Kidding.) They film a lot in my area and I’ve always avoided sets like the plague because as locals, we like to pretend we’re too cool for all that. But now that I’m an actor myself, I’m wondering if there’s any etiquette or room for paying attention to the sets and potentially meeting people. Especially if they’re filming right outside your house.
If this is the wrong community for this, please definitely let me know and I will delete and repost somewhere else if necessary. Some Background: I want to start this off by saying I'm 23 years old, and mentally in a very rough place at the moment, I've only got a semester and a half left until I get my AS degree in Film and Video Production, and I'm an incredibly visual individual who is in the process of getting a professional diagnosis done for ADHD (I've been putting it off out of doubt and self neglect- but been diagnosed with PTSD and anxiety for many years now). I currently live in Sacramento, CA, and I moved back here nearly 4 years ago after a trial and error attempt in LA (wrong major, wrong time), and I plan on moving back after I finish my AS degree to go to get my bachelor's in film and finally work in my field full time (if possible). Recently, I lost a best friend's support entirely when she began to talk down to me and I tried to set a boundary. She basically told me that I should never consider quitting my day job even if I feel like I get to a point where I can to focus on acting and filmmaking full time, and since she lives in her parent's home, doesn't go to school, doesn't have a car, and I really didn't care for the way she said it when she sent me paragraphs about how she's "worried about my mindset" because it seems "neglectful" and basically like it's too wishful of thinking, I essentially stopped responding to her. She has a tendency to bring drama with her and blame other people and mental illness for all of her problems, and I finally decided I didn't want to be petty based off someone not taking accountability and having an opinion so I reached out about 4 days later. It's been almost a week and she hasn't responded. So, I didn't reach out again. I've also had a very consistent negative relationship with my mother about anything art related since I "used" to be a professional actor, but I laid off it a bit to focus on school (I love being a visual artist in every way, and really only do voice acting and small projects consistently to keep my skills in check). Every time I talk to my mother about a new project I'm working on she says it's "good for me to have creative hobbies", or often talks about how I already "wasted my opportunity" when I came back from LA the last time (I went to AMDA LA with about 15 years of acting and professional industry experience, they wouldn't let me accelerate, and I decided I was spending a lot of money for repeat courses, and wanted to study something more technical so I could work in the industry in multiple ways). She's always kind of been negative towards me in general (long history of narcissistic tendencies and general verbal abuse), but never towards my art until this past year or so. Maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion, but I feel really lonely and unmotivated, and like the people I trusted most just simply think I can't do it. I just got my first IMDB credit this year, learned how to Animate this semester, and am on a new podcast that reached the top 50 in science fiction on Apple podcast, and none of it feels good enough? My fiance and one other friend seem to be my only support system, but they both work enough that I can't consistently untrain these negative thoughts that are being enforced by people who seem to have a lot more time to bring me down. I've had a very trial-and-error past, and it hurts to feel even more of a lack of trust in myself since my mental illness already makes it difficult. The overall question: How do you all motivate yourself when times get tough either environmentally or mentally? What are your comfort films, your routines, free classes or motivation techniques to help get you through when you feel you're at your most lonely? Are there any support groups I should reach out to as someone who is dealing with the things I am? I already don't have a lot of friends, and COVID basically made that worse. TLDR; I'm having a tough time and being put down by a lot of people I previously valued opinion from. I finally have my eye on hope around the corner and I keep getting put down the same if not worse. How do you stay motivated when you've lost the support of others or you just can't seem to convince yourself that you are enough?
im making this gta film which is quite important to me. i want a voice actor for the villain. i want to pick someone right because it's a big role and i wanna capture my vision right this time. this is also FREE work im not paying. this film is solely for entertainment and fun purposes and will be released on my channel on YouTube. if you are interested or want more details please check my Instagrams @abdullahvsthewrldd or @iron.boyfilms . thank you
If there are voice actors/actresses who have worked on popular media, during the recording of certain media, are there any forms or documents talking about leaking certain stuff about said project to the internet or other means of communication? If so, what are they? (if it's okay to talk about it) and how was it like to withhold said information until the release of said media?
Okay, so long story short: My agent recently just dropped me as she is quitting the industry and I've contacted every other agency in my country and either been ignored or told they aren't taking clients on. So I'm now an actor seeking representation. My friend has asked me to help with a self tape audition from a pilot and has sent me the sides (which have the casting directors name on it). I can easily access her professional email from her website and am wondering... Would it be completely unprofessional for an actor to send in a self tape when they aren't communicating through a representative? It's not a public casting, so only actors being put forward by their agents are seeing it. Or...would the casting director even care whatsoever, so long as the tape was on time and to an industry standard? I wouldn't mention my friend and simply submit a tape to them. Does it show gumption, enthusiasm and ambition; or... does it put me towards the blacklisted section? I feel like the obvious answer is DON'T DO IT, but when I really think about it; it's the beginning of the casting process and I'm not going to submit a half-assed or lazy attempt. I see it as seizing an opportunity. What are your thoughts? Go for it; or help my friend with the self tape and leave it alone? I'll also note that I would submit for the role my friend is reading opposite, so I'm not trying to screw my friend over here!
I am an aspiring voice actor, I just need some guidance on where to start with getting into the field. For context I live in a small town in upstate New York
Looking for an investor for our SAG Union Feature Film. LOI secured w major distributor, A-list actors interest captured with a team ready to go. Full pitch deck/Executive summary ready and available. Tax incentives up to 40% available!
Just wondering