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We have found 19,378 posts across 4 actor forums:

MFA or Bust? by soulflow13  •  last post Mar 25th

Okay so I'm in this MFA for performance program and the way they do things is not always best. I have learned some especially considering I didn't study theatre during undergrad but overall the program is just not the best and the work produced from the students who are about to graduate out of the program is not the best either. I've been grappling with decision on whether or not my time would be better spent elsewhere. I want the MFA but idk if I'd be willing to go through the grad school application process again. Also if I wasn't in school I don't really know what my next steps would be. The program is not all bad but probably mostly because I enjoy acting/performing and I'm going to enjoy the times that I get to do that. I'm pretty conflicted so I guess I'm just looking for outside opinions from insiders, lol i.e. other actors

Looking for advice on stage names by I-Sweater-God  •  last post Mar 25th

I'm just starting out as an actor. I have prior experience but I'm looking to submit to agencies and casting directors in the near future. I know that I want to go by a stage name, mainly for privacy but I also want to separate my work from my personal life. I have a first name picked out already, but I'm deciding between a few last names. As someone who lacks representation and is just looking to start somewhere, should I introduce myself using my real name or my stage name?

Uk Actors, little film wanna help? by miloherbsssss  •  last post Mar 25th

Hey guys, I'm a filmmaker from the uk, basically got a love for the craft but want some people to join me on making a project. It's a Uni romance thing, with like a roadtrip and they drop out of uni. Honestly don't have enough money to pay anyone, but if you're up for working together then I promise we can make something really great. Other big film I've made is about art and skateboarding, if you want to see what I done before it's here - [\_\_sk3HX2I&ab\_channel=MovementCO]( . Send me a message if you want to be involved in something exciting aiming for a bitta beauty :)

I’m an aspiring actress. I’m 15, how do I find good castings? UK by Reasonable_Crow_6937  •  last post Mar 25th

I’ve been doing gcse drama, and I’ve been wanting to be an actress for a long time. I’ve been taking lessons and everything my only struggle is finding good castings that are genuine .

Proper Voice-Over Techniques | Actor's Toolbox by robotswithoutorders  •  last post Mar 25th

A letter on Craft by Tglitch93  •  last post Mar 25th

Hello my fellow artists, actors, and navigators. I know this has been an immensely trying time, especially for people who are vulnerable, empathetic, and creative (particularly beginners.) I’ve seen so many posts that really boil down to the core concept of “What is the way?” I know we are all desperate, hungry, and ready- I am equally in the depths with you- so take everything I say with a grain of salt- My words of advice are- Commit to the craft. Everything you seek, from “success” (agents, jobs, etc... etc...) to your delivery, to where your progress is within “tapes”- it is within the craft. I genuinely believe we need a desperate resurgence in dedication to the work. Regardless of a pandemic, economic crisis, a complete reshaping to how and why we create and express our art- if you dedicate yourself to better understanding your own instrument, your own craft- your unique ability to express and reveal your point of view- it will never leave you. You can take it with you wherever you go- and judgement becomes futile in comparison to your love of the work. I know many people will respond, but what about being “good!” But frankly what is good and bad is completely subjective- what matters is your dedication. You will not need a job or awards or even an audience for that matter to validate your ability to be an actor. Your job as an actor is to tell stories- and you can do that whenever, and wherever. Of course, it would be amazing to make a living, and express a story on a grand level (IE a MOVIE, a SHOW, a PRODUCTION)- but the sooner you find that need to express WITHIN yourself, regardless of if anyone else is listening or responding or paying- the sooner you will be able to engage with the larger whole with ease. You have gifts- and you need to nurture them- go read up on the greats of acting- learn about great authors and painters and how they created with or without anyone else! This truth cannot be dampened, bought, or quantized. And you will feel it- of course, you will be unsatisfied at certain points, because this is the never ending journey to discover further depths and understanding. The work is never finished- and there is so much to learn and do! It may feel overwhelming, and it should- but the sooner you begin, the better. If you need any recommendations, my inbox is always open. There is going to be a massive need for storytelling and expression in the coming years, so I beg of you to begin now, so we can get to work. If you’ve made it this far in this- thank you for contributing yourself to a timeless craft and art. Give it the respect it deserves, and do it justice. Your gifts and truth are vital.

'Arrested Development' actor Jessica Walter dies at 80 by Brcomic  •  last post Mar 25th

(UK) If you have an agent & Spotlight but turn 25yo and lack 4 credits, will you be removed from Spotlight? by Creditive  •  last post Mar 25th

If you're a UK actor approaching 25, signed with an agent, registered on spotlight but you have below the 4 required credits (4 speaking roles in Film, TV or an eligible festival nominated short), will you be kicked off Spotlight after you're 25 if you lack the required credits? I'm an unrepresented actor approaching 25, so this question isn't necessarily for me, just one of pure curiosity. Although I suppose it does apply to me, because if the answer is no then I feel more confident in approaching agents to specifically sponsor me on spotlight despite being 24 and a half.

Casting Directors using Twitter for Casting Calls by Smilingtribute  •  last post Mar 25th

Hello everyone. What is everyone’s opinion on open casting calls on Twitter? I’ve just came across one from a British casting director looking for three young actors. Has anyone succeeded through a Twitter open call or know someone who has done it? Is it worth attempting it

Can I try to get an agent if I'm going to college? by lily99463  •  last post Mar 24th

Okay, so I'm currently a junior in High School and I live super close to New York City. I've done a ton of musical theater and drama acting, and I've taken classes. My question is whether I should look into getting an agent now, with about a year and a half before I go to college (maybe not near NYC and therefore not in a major acting hub), or if I should wait until after college to look for representation. Another wrinkle in the question is that I do not have enough material to make a professional reel to submit to agents, and so it would mostly be self taped monologue and scene footage. Would it be better to wait until college, work on student films at that school, and make a reel out of that once I graduate? I've heard agents and casting directors are more lenient about self taped reels when the actor is on the younger side and I have a resume and headshots put together from my theater work. Thanks!

What's the formal name for the "actor professional photo" that everyone on IMDB has? by myronsandee  •  last post Mar 24th

\- Not smiling \- Titled angle Torso and above

Submit in other cities? by Nor-Cal-Son  •  last post Mar 24th

Moved to Oregon recently, I have worked on TV and film in Atlanta, Pittsburgh, New York City, and San Francisco. Disinterested in moving to LA currently because we just had a baby up here and really enjoy the area, and pricing in OR. I had an agent in SF that I recently parted with. My main question is Should I stick to only submitting for projects in portland, or try to submit to other cities for actual paying work such as LA? I worked on an indie here, which I love doing, its just that it seems you can't be a full time working actor in this area. I don't mind traveling for jobs, or call backs. Flights aren't to expensive, but would I even be taken seriously if I don't actually live in the city I'm submitting to? Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

Any actors in Orlando, Florida? by dubblemint11  •  last post Mar 24th

I am doing a project for my acting business class, presenting info on how to find gigs/stay alive in major cities ~other~ than NYC, LA, and Chicago, we chose Orlando. Obviously a lot of pro work would be at amusement parks- but if you have any kind of experience living, working, or auditioning in Orlando I would appreciate hearing it! Is it worth joining AEA or SAG in FL? If any one has any knowledge on cruise line auditions as well, I’d love to hear that, too. Do they do ever do auditions for Carnival, Norwegian, Royal Caribbean, etc. in Orlando, or are they typically in NYC? It’s kind of hard to find this info post-COVID because all their audition pages are shut down- and they aren’t set to sail until June.

Can you ever be overqualified for a voice acting job? by TheGentlemanWolf  •  last post Mar 24th

Wanted to get your thoughts on this, so recently I auditioned for a project, a fan made animation on newgrounds and they were looking for people and I wanted to be apart so I submitted my YouTube resume (a YouTube playlist containing my reels, showcase reels, and genre showcase etc). To the creator and a day later he got back to me saying he liked everything but that I was too overqualified for his project and that he would have to pass on me. And that left me kind of confused, because what made me overqualified? I'm not union actor or even have a agent so that's not an issue, I have no issue doing free fan projects (within reason) and my recording equipment and sound is studio standard, so I don't know. I asked this on voice acting facebook and they said it was either him trying to spare my feelings instead of just rejecting me forthright or he didn't want a person at my level to work for free (which apparently is a pretty common response surprisingly according to them). But what are you guys thoughts, can someone actually become overqualified for certain projects?

How do I get voice actors for my Abridged Beastars Project? by IbeHorse  •  last post Mar 24th

I am unsure of a good place to promote the page I made for people to audition. What are some good websites I can use to promote this?

is 29 too late to jump on the acting "boat"? by roguewavesurfin  •  last post Mar 24th

i've wanted to do voice acting for a while. i do it sometimes as a casual thing for world of warcraft machinimas i make (and i really do put the most effort in the voice acting rather than the video editing and whatnot). i feel like actors, both voice and live action, have been doing this for awhile. like, you all have started out as theater kids who came into a full-on career on the screen. i was a band kid so i didn't have the time to devote to acting, but i was big into my speech classes and the short-lived speech club that existed at my school (it had an improv bit that i rocked, like give me a character and i'll own them). i love watching VA panels for video game conferences. i'm currently watching the 2021 blizzcon VA panel and what draka's VA, debra wilson, says about losing yourself really resonates with me. blizz is a company that likes to advertise "baring yourself" and connecting with a character on a personal level, and i'm all about that (there have been characters where i've imagined lines they might or might not say, sometimes i'm like, "is that him speaking or is that you imposing your own self on him like a fanboy") but i'd also like to break away from myself and deliver voice lines so perfectly that are so perfectly written it stays with ppl forever. i love world of warcraft and would be honored to act with them, especially as a trans man. but i feel like i'm a little too starstruck by the VA conferences, as every kid who follows the red carpets can tell you. i'm a musician so i think i understand how it feels to see a person who watches a few live concerts think they can shred on guitar without the right amount of practice. i'm here asking for a plan (and admittedly some feelgood encouragement). for now all i can think of doing is signing up for singing lessons, they offer those at my local music shop. what else should i do?

Does anyone else get sick of seeing celebrities kids getting acting opportunities that would change an ordinary actors life? by appreciatorofadvice  •  last post Mar 24th

I swear the industry is full of nepotism and it’s so irritating. I was watching YouTube the other day and and ad popped up for a trailer of a new film staring Lily Rose-Depp (Johnny Depp’s kid) and so I read an article about her to see if she did any sort of training but not any that I could find. It seems she got offered a lead role in an indie film at 14 by her dads friend and the realised she loved acting so she dropped out of school at 16 to peruse it full time! I wish I had that luxury haha. I get that some kids will want to do the same thing as there parents and that’s great if you work for it like Uma Thurman’s daughter in Stranger Things. She seemed to try to get things the right way and even went to a top British Drama school for a bit before being offered a role, so at least she wanted to develop her skills through training but I swear a lot of these people ring up a parents friend and BAM starring role lol. I don’t want to hate on these people but I just wanted to start a discussion and am curious see what other people think about all this?

How do I handle patronizing comments from well meaning loved one? by totally_not_destiny  •  last post Mar 24th

For reference, my boyfriend was drinking last night and wanted to get into the topic of my career (or lack of one) for acting. I told him that with the pandemic, along with me not having fiscal/networking support that I have to work my way up from the bottom and play the waiting game (I’m wanting to do on stage musicals, so it quite *literally* is going to have to wait) For now I’m working part-time at a privately owned Texas grocery store by choice. I got told by him while I was describing how I can improve in my department, that I should consider a white collar job, which I declined because white collar = full time = takes away from acting/theatre opportunities. To paraphrase, I was told I should consider a white collar, desk job (he does IT work for a living) because what I am doing might not work out. I know he meant well, but being told what I am doing is unrealistic stung, especially hearing it from him. I heard it all my life from just about everyone, really (for the past 10 years I switched majors/careers because I listened to the negativity and it only hurt me in the end) I am aware of the pros and the excruciating cons of being a struggling actor, and he knows this. And as much as I want to defend myself and my passion, I’m afraid in execution it just sounds like me being naive. I know we’ve _all_ been told this; but how do you cope/respond to your closest loved ones hinting doubt about your acting/performer/etc. career, or your wanting to start one?