Do you guys have any recommendations for movies about actors, that shed light on the life of an actor both struggling and succeeding. I know movies like LalaLand don't show much [
Title pretty much explains it.
Do any of you voice actors have a lisp in your normal speaking voice? Does it go away when you voice act? How does it affect your performances?
I can't seem to find any online resource that offers casting calls for projects. This baffles me because I know the film industry in Mexico is huge and has some amazing movies. Does anyone have any idea of a website that offers casting calls and auditions in Mexico? If not, do you know of any reputable agencies in Mexico? I know i't's a super long shot, but here's hoping.
Here! []( I know a lot of voiceactors have been waiting for the price to drop to $30. It's $30 again. Definitely would recommend getting this. Amazing for mouth clicks and easily the best noise reduction utility out there. Imo, every voice actor should snag a copy of this.
[book cover ]( I recently got a new workshop book called ‘The Stanford Meisner Approach’ by Larry Silverberg (see link for cover image) and I’m pretty stumped since the book requires you to have acting partners to practice with and I don’t know what to do since I doing know any actors personally and have just moved into a new area so I don’t know anyone in general lol. I want to work with people who actually want to act, so dragging my old friends or family into the exercises seems pretty pointless. I sometimes try to do exercises with my siblings, but they just don’t take it seriously and it bums me out. Anyone have any advice on how I can get in touch with learning actors who want to practice their craft? Preferably people who are also beginning acting.
- Avant Artists - ABA Talent Agency - ASAP Talent Agency - Saint Talent Agency Anyone signed with them or know of them? Which one is the most prestigious? I’m currently a non-union actor in Los Angeles that’s looking for an agency to find work for me to become SAG-E.
I’m 19 years old, I’ve always done theater in school, but I only realized a couple years ago, that I’d like to truly pursue acting. I overcome all my doubts and fears and started performing at my college. Sadly Covid hit after my first performance. Then my family moved to New York, and I thought it would be a great opportunity, but once again because Covid I haven’t been able to do it find any type of audition, or casting call. My new college isn’t even starting the drama department up again so far either. Here’s the conflicting part. I have many goals in life. One of them is to become an actor, and my other main goal is to join the military. Which to some may be strange, but it’s something I feel like I’ll regret if I don’t. What’s conflicting me is, if I join the military and do 4 years I’ll be 23-24 when I’m done. I know that acting is ageless, but I feel like if I start at 24-26 I’m very late in the game so to speak. If I knew of auditions, had an agent, and covid wasn’t around, I would sacrifice my goal of the military to maximize pursuing acting, but that’s obviously not the case. I just feel like I would regret it, if I didn’t at least try to join, and I also feel like I would regret starting to truly pursue acting “too late”. So you can see this is haunting my thoughts! One solution I could do, is join the National Guard, or Reserves, which is military but not full time. It basically gives people the opportunity to pursue other careers and or college while serving in the military. This seems like a no brained option, but I’m still not totally sure! Obviously with active duty, the benefits would allow me to pay for going to school for acting, yet I’d be much older. Reserves/guard would allow me to pursue acting at a good age, but I would have basically no extra help with it. Anyways, please comment and leave any suggestions, or advice. Seriously anything helps! Thank you.
Hey guys, So, yes, we actors are used to indirect rejection when we simply don’t hear back about a casting. However, there are times when you don’t hear back for months and then you get a callback or book outright. With open calls, it’s a little different because they typically mention when they’ll need the actor to be available (usually fast approaching dates). In this way, you know that they’ll need to cast someone quickly. I’ve participated in open self-tape calls only for the deadlines to be extended after I’ve sent my tapes in and I always feel like “oh, they extended it because they haven’t found the right person”. But I’m also like “did they watch every tape already?”. This is becoming more common due to the new prominence of self-tapes and open calls because of the pandemic. Does anyone else feel like this? And is the feeling usually correct? I know we should let every role go once we submit, but I’m just curious as to how everyone else has been feeling.
Hey Reddit, So I'd love to hear from those of you who've had managers or considered managers, that are obviously out of SAG jurisdiction. I am a SAG actor who is considering a manager at present. Two things that are new to me in the contract: 1) 15% (I know its not unheard of, but I've never done it) Do you have experience it being worth it? 2) It seems to cover all residuals, not just those "over-scale" also something I've never done. Would love to hear any thoughts? If they come back and say this is the deal, I'm considering not doing the deal, but should I? Thanks!
Hi Everyone, I'm teaching a Meisner Technique class over Zoom and want to make the knock at the door as truthful as possible online. Here is my idea: Each actor will need a smartphone and a computer camera. Students will set up their computer camera as a wide-angle shot that the actors ignore - sort of like a hidden camera on a reality show. Then, actor 1 starts an activity that is very important to them. At some point during actor 1's activity actor 2, who we can also see through her/his computer camera, Facetimes actor 1. The facetime call replaces the knock at the door and actor 1 responds to the call in whatever way they perceive it. Essentially the class is watching the two actors not interact face-to-face in traditional zoom fashion, but rather as an omniscient audience. This different perspective would add more intimacy for the actors as their actor's faith would trick them into thinking they are home alone doing their task. Potential downsides: 1. Not everyone has the technology to do this. 2. The actor may find it much easier to dismiss a phone call than a door knock. (To this, I would argue that actor 2 would just keep calling back if they had something important to come to the door with.) It's not perfect, but I do think it is more truthful. I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on this!
Hi! So I've been thinking and tbh worrying about something recently Actors in very emotionally intense roles/scenes! This thought was triggered when I recently saw the scene in which >!Joel dies in !<The Last of Us 2, but applies to many other examples such as Sissy Spacek (a method actor) in the original Carrie or Joquain Phoenix in Joker... how do actors stay emotionally safe in roles and scenes like this? In particular for the first example,>! Ellie's voice actor Ashley Johnson lost her father as a kid, so couldn't potentially revisiting this dark headspace for this scene be quite traumatic and maybe dangerous?!< And of course, roles like Carrie (a deeply traumatised and abused child) and Joker (who has **so** much darkness behind him) are also very intense and amazingly disturbing to watch. My question is, as actors... do you think they suffer a lot in roles like this? And do method actors (or actors generally, really) in these kinds of roles tend to employ techniques or typically have professional support/supervision to ensure they stay safe?
My question is regarding black women, hair and headshots, so if you are a black woman or know what casting directors prefer, please comment! I change my hair pretty often, but am usually in braids or wearing my natural hair (4a/4b). Should I get a bunch of headshots for the top three styles I usually have? When submitting to auditions, should I submit a few different headshots with the different hair styles or just one style? And considering headshots are pricey, does anyone know the best way to take headshots on a budget? I know I’ll need to space out the headshots between the times when I wear the styles and I do expect them to cost at least $500, so if you have any suggested talking points for me to discuss with the photographer, let me know! Any other suggestions or comments about headshots are welcome.
Well...Production week is over. Fabulous work by designers, technical and stage management and directorial team meant that it was an enjoyable and productive week. Last night was 'Tech. Dress' and - apart from today's day off - we are on stage for the next week. Two more 'Dress Runs', preview night is Thursday, then the first weekend. However, both of us in the cast are treating Thursday as opening, as neither of us want to open on Friday 13th ! The speed of the play is frightening - it definitely felt last night that we were trying to corral a runaway beast: More like breaking a horse than telling a story. Of course, that was also the first time we performed without masks and gloves along with full costumes and wigs, music and effects, too so we were bound to feel a little uneasy. My man isn't quite there, yet, but he's getting close. Technically, I have to project and enunciate more than I have been - a problem when learning lines at speed meets an actual audience. The movements and overall body carriage that I was concerned about aren't the problem I thought they would be. I just decided that it was up to me how I showed this character's life and this appears to have been successful so far. It takes some concentration, though. Those never ending five minutes at Beginners call are followed by a blur of movement, lights, sound, lines and panic, and then we are bowing 80 minutes later! As for his 'emotional life', I still have some work to do in order to bring him to life, but there never seems enough time to make many decisions about objective and risks 'on the run'. I can only hope that this gets better over the next 2 runs, before our first night and that I can keep up the pace for the next 5 weeks (If we actually manage to get this production that far in the current growing lockdown environment!). Interestingly, he has turned into someone I wasn't expecting: Proud, scared, manipulative, and forever deflecting his fears onto others (Including God!). Real-life research has helped immeasurably. Now that I know about who he was, what he did and how, it makes my decision making more definite. Hopefully, the overall effect will be a fully fleshed out person. Trust your Director, actors! Between now and then, it's back to the script to find the corners that have eluded me so far and keep up my now-daily voice and warm-up exercises. Thanks for everyone's feedback, let me know if there are any further questions I cna answer and don't forget, the production is online as well as on stage: [](
I was just noticing that most of the hits to my website lately are coming from China. I don't think they are specifically searching for me, probably just browsing Mandy and clicking on actors and links. Those clicks come thru as "direct" instead of "referral" in my page analytics for some reason (something with the way Mandy links people since hits from my agency's website show as referrals from there). But, since that is where most of the activity is coming from, it got me to wondering if their film studios are fully active again and how often they go looking for Western actors. Anyone here done any Chinese projects?
Hey all, I’ve been in the game for a bit of time. Here’s the deal: I cannot for the life of me land an agent. My resume is filled with theatre roles, training, on camera work and all. My website Is also up to date as well as my headshots. I’ve been booking alongside actors who have representation and I have been landing great roles. I’ve been in my current market for about a year and half and have booked an industrial(paid$$), 5 theatre roles(paid$$),and one major project which I can’t disclose yet but is alongside some big theatre names. I’ve gotten good feedback from casting directors and others in the field but agents just seem a huge miss for me. Im a grounded person who is grateful and humble for all opportunities I received. I just currently feel loss and a little hopeless. Any suggestions? Helpful advice welcome.
(Tl;dr at the bottom) Hi, this is my first actual post and I’ve had my account for awhile, but this has been wracking my brain for a long time and I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry I know this is pretty long, but I’ve also never really talked to anyone about all this before. A little background, I’ve wanted to act since I was little, also a time when according to family I was way more outgoing than I am now. I even had my mom take me to 2 different agencies we could find because I was really dedicated. I participated in outside theatre shows, school talent shows, choir, etc. As time passed I became more introverted and was feeling defeated by little to no opportunities where I live, but I still loved acting, so I took acting class in high school. I was required to audition for the school play for that class and actually made the cast list and the audition process and seeing my name on the cast list is still one of the most amazing feelings I remember, but sadly I couldn’t be apart of it because I had prior school obligations. As I said, I lost hope. I started to get “practical” in life. I figured I could never truly accomplish anything in acting and without a lot of support I decided to just pick a different career, but I never stopped wanting to. One day I was thinking heavily about it after a hard day (in college now) and I researched online and saw there was acting classes I could go to a 30 min drive from campus, so I did. And now it’s like I can’t turn back. I’ve been to 1 private class and 2 group classes, which I know isn’t a lot and I do plan to get more training when COVID calms down, and was also suggested to venture into voice acting. I don’t currently have professional headshots or a demo reel. My problem is I haven’t went to a lot of classes 1. Because I’m still a college student and most extra money goes towards books or other necessities and 2. Because I’m not sure if it’s worth it. I know that I love it. I know that I love the ability to express that comes with acting. This is coming up to my last year of college, what next? I feel like I can’t do things not only because of COVID but because of my college schedule. I’ve supposed to start shadowing for grad school, which I’m also supposed to attend a year after I graduate. The thing is I don’t really care to go to grad school, but I feel like I have to just as much as I feel like I have to finish college. 1. To get a decent paying job to pay back all my student loans and 2. To have something to fall back on just in case I don’t make enough to support myself. I just feel lost. I don’t want to wait. I could use that year to go to classes for sure, but what about getting an agent? What I don’t want to do is just stop my current career path without having representation. I’m on both backstage and actors access and there are no roles in my area. They’re all in Atlanta and I can’t just drive or fly to Atlanta, it’s just not feasible. At my college, auditions for plays aren’t open, they’re for the theatre students. I’ve been to the theatre building as well to look for student film opportunities multiple times because I had a class there and there weren’t any. Our city theatre here runs on schedules from 6am-6pm which I can’t do because classes. There’s only two agencies in my area and I applied to one last year after she said that she took on inexperienced actors and I didn’t hear anything back. I guess I just want someone to tell me what my next step should be which I know might sound stupid because it should be my decision, but I know a lot of you have way more experience and I’d love the help. I just feel stuck as if I can’t do both and then I’ll regret sticking with one or the other. I don’t dislike my current career path, but I definitely wouldn’t say it brings me happiness either. Would it be a good idea to just go get headshots done and a demo reel and submit myself out there now and see what happens to determine the future or are there other steps I should do instead and it’s way too early? I know I’ve only had 3 classes but I’ve also been practicing at home and watching videos when I can. I guess a really big part is not wanting to feel like I didn’t try or that I wait so long I decide to give up again or I’m immersed in my current career path. Anything would be useful please. Tl;dr I’ve wanted to act since I was little, but gave up until I got back into it in college, and I feel stuck in how to pursue acting in my environment while attending college. I have no idea of what direction or steps to take moving forward as I feel I’ve exhausted my options.
Hiya! So, I posted something not too long ago aswell.. but as I'm a beginner actor, is there anything I should know? Do I need professionally taken headshots? Where can I find an agent? How much experience will I need?
Hi All- I need two actors for an original script I wrote -"Top Gun" for a zoom table read on Thursday November 12th at 7 p.m. EST. One is Iceman- Maverick's rival at Top Gun and Skinner- Commanding officer for Maverick and Goose. Thanks for helping and for staying creative. Beginning actors needing experience or experienced actors wanting to keep their skills sharp . Thank you very much. Sincerely- Ed Skirtich
I'm an NYC based actor (I hate it here) and I'm looking to move to Wilmington NC to be closer to friends and family. But I'm also under the assumption that there's actually quite a bit of work down there. Does anyone living in or around the area have any advice, or experience in the scene? I'm sure it's probably much different, and not as saturated, as New York, but I need to leave this city for the sake of my mental health lol. Plus I just love NC