Hi All- It's late notice but I need an actress for tonight for a zoom reading of a new version of a script I wrote for "Top Gun" for the part of Charlene. The zoom reading is at 7 p.m. EST. Thank you very much. Please include your email so I can send you the script and zoom invite. Sincerely- Ed Skirtich
I'm a college senior. I've been planning on being an actor my whole life. In high school I lived in a big city and I had an agent and booked a couple small speaking roles in movies and TV shows. Nothing huge but enough to join SAG-AFTRA and all that. I was in acting classes and stuff constantly, and not to brag or whatever but generally I was told I was pretty good. Like I got good feedback from teachers and casting directors. And I booked work, so that seemed to reinforce that. I took some time off to go to college and major in theatre. My agent dropped me because my school is in the middle of nowhere, which is super valid, but I'd been planning on moving to NY as soon as I graduate to try and act as a career. However, my time at college has kind of torn that idea down. I don't go to a big BFA program, it's a super chill BA where almost nobody is intending to act as a career. It didn't require an audition or anything. However, I wasn't cast in a single production the entire time I was here. I haven't even gotten very good grades in a lot of my acting classes. I've worked really hard my entire life and I don't know why suddenly I'm at the bottom of the barrel. I'm the only one in my year who hasn't been in a single play, and many of the kids who get cast as leads every semester don't seem to me like they're that much better than me. Now I'm starting to think that I was never any good to begin with, and frankly I have no idea what to do. Should I take this as indication that this career isn't for me? I don't want to delude myself into wasting money pursuing something I'm clearly no good at. But then again, would I have booked work in high school if I was so bad? I don't know what to think. And I know that without seeing me act nobody on here can tell me if I'm good or not, but what would you do in my situation?
IM SO HAPPY! I GOT A REPLY FROM A SUCCESSFUL, TALENTED ACTOR I REALLY ADMIRE! His name is Anson Boon and my best friend knows him, so I figured, why not try to message him? I sent him a short text on Instagram saying how I’m passionate about acting and would love to talk to him, and he responded!! He gave wonderful advice and was so kind and I’m just over the moon happy
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
What are some England-based agencies that an actress with only a few credits can contact?
Hi im new in this subreddit and i was wondering how I would start as a voice actor cuz I really like to do voices and stuff I really enjoy listening to voice actors when they do their job and I would like to start myself as one so could anyone help me by some advice
I am almost 18 and up until this point have no experience in acting besides the acredited classes I take (paid for myself). My parents do not support me acting as a career and I am going to college to study finance (nyc or socal). I know am young but with a kind of difficult major, is it possible for me to be a successful actor? I don’t think I am a bad actor and the classes I take are well respected.
What is the best way to become an acting teacher or are there any good training programs for teaching?
Hey everyone, what do you all think are the best jobs that are flexible and/or accommodating when taking acting lessons and going on auditions? I am lucky that I don’t have student debt, but considering that covid has made me unable to even find a job in my highly sought out field, I realize that wasting away on apply to jobs that won’t allow me time to pursue personal goals isn’t doing me any good anyway. I live near Boston and left NYC due to the virus, so If you have any suggestions for good jobs for aspiring actors and musicians in places like LA and NYC, please comment below. Thanks!
Hi, all. Long-time lurker on this sub. Now I finally feel comfortable posting. I’ve been acting on and off for the past five years. Certainly nothing to write home about. Some music videos and television pilots that went absolutely nowhere, but hey... That’s show biz, kid. When I was much younger, just starting out, I was taken advantage of. A lot. Took a lot of gigs for free, just happy to be cast and have an opportunity to work and gain experience. What I did not expect, was for one of the directors I collaborated with to become an absolute disappointment in every way a person can be a disappointment. Before Covid, I was cast in a project with someone I had worked with in the past. He was someone I knew from my days as a musician, and he was also a mutual friend. So I figured even if he was a mess, he would never really steer me wrong. (Right?) Well... He was always a bit of a flake, and I wasn’t even sure his latest project would even be shown. He tends to film a lot of footage and do absolutely nothing with it. Many, many wasted afternoons. Lots of MY money flying out the window, as I had to provide my own wardrobe, makeup/hair, and transportation. (Things this director never once reimbursed me for, or even offered to reimburse me for.) Again. That’s show-biz! Anyway. I get to set for the most recent shoot. It becomes very clear, very quickly, that he is coked out of his mind. Everything he gave me notes and instructions for completely went out the window. The original concept for the music video included several costume and hair changes. (Again. Money I spent purchasing very specific items he wanted be to wear.) He only had me film in one outfit: the robe I arrived in to finish my makeup and hair. I figure, *”Okay. It’s his vision. I’ll just roll with it and do what I do.”* When I asked for direction, since things were changing on the fly, his only notes for me were the following: “You don’t need to do anything. Just be sexy.” ....Alright. Noted. The shoot was a disappointment, to say the least, since I hoped he had learned from his mistakes in the past. I silently pledged to myself that this would be the last time I ever worked with him. The whole experience made me feel extremely uncomfortable. I also thought, this will just be another addition to the long list of his projects that go nowhere. What we filmed was absolutely nothing resembling what we had discussed for months prior. Fast forward to now. The moment when I knew that not only would I never work with him again, I would never SPEAK to him again. The final cut of the music video was actually released! Hurrah! Only there was one little problem. He included footage of me that was filmed without my knowledge, when he told me the cameras were NOT rolling. It was a shot that happened in-between takes, when I was running off set. I can remember exactly when this was, too. I desperately had to use the bathroom. He obviously kept the camera rolling, and even joked about it later. I even said, “Well we’re gonna leave THAT out!” More laughter. I also made it very clear later that I did not want that footage in the video. (There was no room for a “what-if” on that!) I never, ever, EVER anticipated that he would do something so unprofessional. It really made me feel violated. Now, maybe that’s a diva move on my part, but it really made me feel betrayed. Seriously, folks. Would any of y’all want footage of you literally running in slow-motion to take a desperate piss included in a project you worked super hard to look good for? Yeah. That’s what I thought. I told him off in a very tersely worded letter. I made it very clear that I was disappointed in his lack of respect for my wishes, and the fact he included footage that made me so uncomfortable. He never responded. Our friendship, professional relationship or whatever you want to call it is toast. So. Fellow actors. What steps do I take from here? Is there anything should do? Is there anything I *can* do? Or am I left with yet another disappointing project under my belt? Any advice is greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to commiserate. I am just relieved to get this off my chest.
I will check out relationship advice but I wanted to check here on this subreddit for fellow actors. Anyways I’m in the city and in the perfect spot for theatre/acting however gf is upstate (3hour drive not bad for me) but she is also in the perfect spot for career. We’d been together for almost 4 years and have made LDR work but I want to try and come up with an end plan.
I live in NYC and have been doing student and indie films and a lot of brand new plays with an audience of less than 20. I have a BFA (didnt have showcase) and have been doing on going classes off and on for the last 2 years for training. I finally got a reel cut and was planning on sending it out to agents and managers but then Covid happened and I assumed it was a bad time to submit. Now it's 8 months later and I havent done anything and feel even more lost than i did before. I still am hesitant to submit to agents and managers now. I guess I'm feeling like I'd rather not try than try and get 100 percent rejections. I guess I'm just struggling on how to move forward right now. Literally right before Covid I met with a career coach who I trust who basically just said to get better headshots (I havent done this yet.) and to mass submit to agents. I've posted this question like once a year for the last 3 years and never feel like I'm ever any closer to achieving success. I've also been thinking about grad school, particularly in the UK for a change. I know I'm a solid actor (i got leads in school) but I just feel like the last 4 years I havent done anything except survive. In the classes I've taken, I've met actors who I dont think are good who have agents which adds a whole different layer to my frustration. Any advice for signing with an agent or manager right now?
So you know in mainstream media there are tv/film actors that sort of trancend to the A-list millions of dollars per movie/episode status. Is there a similar hierarchy in the VO community both past and present?
[If you are in Voice Over and looking for work, be vary wary of "Actors Everywhere".](https://imgur.com/a/6dITqvi) If you are looking for work, be aware that the boss of this company has a history of coercion and serial inappropriate behavior. The company is small and intimate, less than 10 people. You will work with him and be alone with him 1 on 1. They do primarily sexual audiobooks. The CEO and lead performer of this company has a history of making sexual advances on female workers. He has a "Confidence Exercise" in which he has a woman undress on camera in front of a window while he films them and touches them. He believes sexual touching in the recording booth during erotic books is the only way to get real chemistry in audio. And saying "no" is often met with "you'll come around." He will relentlessly work at you until he can coerce you into sexual acts. Whether or not this is still in practice at this company is unknown, but please if you audition be aware of this behavior and this company.
[If you are in Voice Over and looking for work, be vary wary of "Actors Everywhere".](https://imgur.com/a/6dITqvi) If you are looking for work, be aware that the boss of this company has a history of coercion and serial inappropriate behavior. The company is small and intimate, less than 10 people. You will work with him and be alone with him 1 on 1. They do primarily sexual audiobooks, but they won't tell you that they're mostly sexual. They'll just say "Audiobooks" The CEO and lead performer of this company has a history of making sexual advances on female workers. He has a "Confidence Exercise" in which he has a woman undress on camera in front of a window while he films them and touches them. He believes sexual touching in the recording booth during erotic books is the only way to get real chemistry in audio. And saying "no" is often met with "you'll come around." He will relentlessly work at you until he can coerce you into sexual acts. Whether or not this is still in practice at this company is unknown, but please avoid Actors Everywhere.
So I’m a new[ish] actor and I’ve spent the last few years working on my craft. It seems like I’m naturally funny and do well in comedic roles. But when it comes to drama (or anything that requires serious emotion) I fall flat and feel forced. Does anyone else have this same issue? How did you overcome it? Any advice on how to strengthen my performance skills in dramatic roles?
We all have heard this thing in spirituality "surrender your EGO",i heard the same during my yoga philosophy class ,seems like ego is the biggest obstruction in spirituality,being an actor i compared it with acting which is my profession and i love to do it infact its spirituality for me .HOW? what should an actor do when he is in the character ? he should surrender himself to the character !total surrender a begger ,a thief,a gangster or a pickpocketer or anything , as an actor to completely feel the character we should surrender the ego of who we are !what we are ! total dettachment from ones own association, how much money you have? What were you? What are you? What you want to be! Forget the camera ,forget the lights,forget the director just surrender to being the self(character) and soon you will feel the energy.That is how i percieve my art as a spiritual experience.