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Who Were Fox McCloud's 5 Voice Actors? | The Voice Cast by TheVoiceCast  •  last post Nov 20th

Mom kinda supports my decision to be an actress. by elleyro  •  last post Nov 20th

Still a teenager but I've always dreamed to become an actress. The first time I told my parents was, when I was like 8, they said I was too young. The second time, when I was 13, my parents were against it and my father then told my homeroom teacher about me wanting to be an actress, so that she pursue me from starting an acting career. After class she then talked to me and was like "I have a friend. Wonderful actress but not successful. Acting is hard so you shouldn't pursue that. It's too hard for you. Try something different." When I heard that I felt depressed and started doubting myself if I really could make my dreams come true. What the teacher said are true, the acting industry is really really hard and I already knew about it ever since I started to research about it, which was like 10-11. But I never wanted to give up, I hoped that someone could trust me and support me, that maybe, maybe when I work hard enough and always show the passion I have for it, I could make it. Oh and I was also sad that my teacher was also against it because I thought of her as a person, who would love to see young people pursue their dream, even if it might seem impossible. Now I'm 16 and still too stubborn to not try to pursue a career as an actress. That is why today I told my mom that I still had the dream to become an actress, that I'm desperate and that her support would mean so much to me. And to my surprise, she kinda showed support, like she wasn't against it or anything. She told me that she wasn't against it. Hearing that made me so happy and I hugged her. (((: <3 Since there aren't any acting jobs (just mostly opera and theatre) in Austria (where I live), my mom suggested that I try it in Germany or England, since these countries are rather near and their film industry is bigger there. I would love to start in England but the problem is just that I wouldn't be able to stay there for too long, that I still attend school and of course corona.

Looking for some advice on my situation by lightskin_canadian  •  last post Nov 20th

Hey guys little backstory, I’m new to this and just signed to agency at end of august, I’ve had about 8 or 9 self tape audition and haven’t booked anything yet. I was going to email my agent today or tomorrow that i won’t be available for any audition that rehire shooting dec 7-14 due my final exams. but i woke up this morning and got an email for audition which of course was to shoot from the 7-14. should I email her my situation or just go with it and if I get it just do my best to balance my school and shoots that week. i don’t want her to be mad at me since I know it’s hard to get auditions in try first place. any advice helps. if it matters the audition is through actors access.

Why are the training exercises actors use so...strange? How does it make them better actors? by holytriplem  •  last post Nov 20th

So [this]( is the kind of thing I mean, I mean obviously this is exaggerated for comedic effect but I remember doing similar exercises in drama classes in primary school and I hadn't realised they were actually used in adult drama classes too. I guess the way to train to be a better actor is to learn how to empathise better and to control your emotions, but how would the first game in particular help with that?

Question on what counts as a "line" by TraegusPearze  •  last post Nov 20th

Hello - I'm working on small indie production. I'm not unfamiliar with casting, but I have been doing it mostly myself. Now, I'm working with three different voice actors, and each has their own definition of what constitutes as a "line" (for their rates.) I've searched high and low, and can't find a solid answer: What is the standard for a line? I've got one actor telling me that a line is any time the character speaks, while another actor is telling me that a line is any single line on a page, broken up by line breaks visually. And a third says it's any line with punctuation at the end. For example, the script for a single character says: Jon! Another ambulance? Can you please stop screwing up my ER? &#x200B; Is that one, two or three "lines" by definition? Thank you for your help!

Agent Concerned About My Self-Submissions — Thoughts? by goodmorningcptahab  •  last post Nov 20th

Basic info to know going in: \- I was a child actor but took a long hiatus to go to college and work. I started acting again full time last September. \- I've had the same agent since childhood and still fit under his youth category (up to age 26). \- I'm SAG-AFTRA and in Los Angeles. In a recent check-in with my theatrical agent, he expressed concern about my self-submissions for independent (publicly posted) projects. I told him I had been submitting myself every day, which he deemed overly aggressive. He could understand one or two submissions, he said, but he's "very concerned" about how often I've been doing it. As expected, he spoke about how COVID-19 has really messed everything up, how even bigger names are being pitched for mere guest star roles, etc. He stressed that I've really only just started (a year in, 8 months of which have been spent in lockdown). He said he's not sure I understand how peppering my resume with small indie projects will look to casting directors. He said that these credits live on IMDb forever and that many of his clients are begging him to help them get these smaller credits off their page, which is impossible to do. On top of that, footage from these projects can't always be expected, and in the unlikely event that it is received, it might be so bad as to warrant it unusable. This last bit I know, but the rest goes against pretty much all the wisdom I've gleaned on r/acting, as well as the internet as a whole. I was under the impression that we need to be hustling and submitting ourselves all the time, even with representation. I would love to hear your thoughts on this. I haven't replied yet because I'm still taking it all in. Is this a normal reaction from an agent? Seems like he's really playing the long game here, which I very much appreciate, but I'm also confused by his reaction/aversion to indie projects. I thought we all had to start somewhere? He makes it sounds like these projects could be a detriment to my career/to getting me in the room. Thank you!

Actors are getting bored by Thespian21  •  last post Nov 20th

Hey, the title basically sums it up. I wanna know what are some of the ways you all stay interested in your craft. I’m not saying I’m not bored with the craft overall, but it can be difficult to stay engaged in the work without a community. What are some hobbies, tools or activities you’d use for yourself?

Who are the voice actors with the deepest bass voices you've ever heard? by endless_telegram  •  last post Nov 19th

Basically as the title says - what actors are the best in terms of using their lower range?

I really want to start, but have no idea where to start. by cleggzilla  •  last post Nov 19th

I've always wanted to be an actor, and i have been told for tears that i should be a voice actor. I've tried to look up some things in the past but i honestly just feel so lost when i start trying to even look into equipment. I have literally nothing to start with, no computer or equipment. Any suggestions for a beginner on where to start would be super helpful and forever appreciated.

10,000 NOs: Advice from Esteem Actor Matthew Del Negro by Readmoreco  •  last post Nov 19th

First time posting in this subreddit so apologies if this post breaks any rules but I believe it could be helpful to many actors in here. We recently interviewed Matthew Del Negro (roles in Sopranos, Scandal etc.) He had some timeless wisdom he shared with us about acting and how to overcome the many NOs that get in the way of yes! I'll post it below, keep acting and never give up! [](

Battled depression and started drama school at 30 by LeftSunray  •  last post Nov 19th

It took me ten years of being too insecure and anxious to follow through with this dream. During covid I lost my full time job but am fortunate enough to have money saved up. Covid also made me reflect on my life and what I want. It has ALWAYS been my dream to go to drama school and it’s sort of the last big thing on my bucket list (for now). I thought what’s the worst that could happen? I can afford the risk. I am now enrolled in a two year conservatory and will be in person in NYC next year. I had done an intensive at this school recently and grew a ton as an actor and love the teachers and methods. Anyways all this to say... I have NEVER been happier. As much as I sometimes regret not doing this earlier, this really just does feel like the right time. I don’t think I would have absorbed the program this way if I was younger since I was quite a depressed and anxious person in my twenties. If anyone is on the fence about a program, go for it! And I’m happy to give advice and answer any questions about this.

Booked my first gig!! by fwnbmb  •  last post Nov 19th

Hi!! I posted a while back about [feeling like an imposter]( Im happy to report back to say i got a call from my agent last night saying i had booked my first gig on a Disney show!! Its only one line but im over the moon

Looking for courses / YouTube channels to hone my skills by itsamovie23  •  last post Nov 19th

From an aspiring actor what is everyone doing during COVID to hone their skills and learn techniqes ? (Weather it’s videos , courses , zoom classes , etc ) Please comment any suggestions or advice thank you! Looking for a jumpstart to learning everything I can! ( I have taken classes before but I need advice on ways to progress thank you !) I plan on doing a YouTube channel as to get more comfortable with a camera but otherwise what are some things I can be doing right now ?

Anya Taylor joy by redalienbaby  •  last post Nov 19th

just finished the queens gambit on netflix and I have to say I haven't been this impressed by an actors performance in a very long time. After researching the lead, I was utterly shocked to find out that she has no formal training... for all those people who say you can't make it without acting school.. she is the walking example that you can. it inspires me a ton, but as someone who has paid a fortune for training and gotten almost nowhere, it also makes me feel like I should throw in the towel!!! ha loved the series and loved her performance. Highly suggest it!

Brits -- help with an RP accent? by nobem227  •  last post Nov 19th

Hi! Canadian here who got an audition for an English project and they're requesting an RP. I understand the RP accent and the history and nuances behind it are a bit murky, but what I'm really looking for is someone to give me an example or two of a show/film with a character speaking in an RP accent, preferably somewhere in their 30's like myself. I have listened to some lessons on the accent, but it'd really be invaluable to either here a native speaker/professional actor using it in a dramatic setting.

17 year old actress trying to grow by lilacblue23  •  last post Nov 19th

Right now I can’t afford higher level classes and I am only taking theatre classes in school. I want to grow more as an actress & figure out my technique more before I go to college. What book should I start off reading? There’s so many suggestions so I am a bit overwhelmed!