Hi everyone,I'm josh. Like myself, many of us want to become actors in theatre,television and film. I just saw a commercial for Nickelodeon,which helped me to write this. [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/ju931i)
hey guys just posting even though i know i’m over- thinking but just did my 8th audition self tape. i’m new actor only been doing it since around august and was signed around that time. i’m waiting a bit for classes cuz i’m the type who needs in person to be effective. it just every audition i always think that if i don’t get it my agent is gonna be mad that i’m not booking. i’m new and have had 8 auditions and no bookings yet. i know i’m over thinking but how many auditions did it take for ur first booking?
Hello, I'm an young (20) Portuguese actor who already study acting here, but I want to study abroad. In 2019 I auditioned to Guildhall and Drama Centre London, and, well of course, I didn't get in. This year I started looking for acting schools in Europe that taught in English and I found IAB in Barcelona, it went successfully and they offer me an opportunity to study there, but it was too expensive for me to take it. So yes... I SAID NO... a nightmare. But well, since all this Brexit problem is killing my dreams of studying in the UK, I wanted to know if you have any recommendations of drama schools in Europe (or world, idk) that the classes are taught in English (and the tuition fees are supported by the government or not too expensive) Thank you!
Hello actors of Reddit! I did a thing :) Mods, please let me know if this is not OK but I think a lot of your actors would get a lot of value from this. So...I basically was doing an agent submission for *myself* (I've been an actor for 10+ years, recently on Big Little Lies on HBO, Lucifer on Netflix, Sneaky Pete on Amazon) and couldn't help but think about the thousands of actors that were doing the same tedious thing: compiling lists of agent emails, scouring IMDBPro, composing a zillion emails and then sending all those emails out individually. There had to be a better way. Having a tech background before becoming an actor, I'm all about the SYSTEM. Fast forward 3 months, I spent about 60 quarantine hours putting together a list of 200+ commercial and theatrical agent emails, bundled together with a bulk mailing tool, AND a tracking report. Which means all an actor has to do is download the list, use the mailer tool, and you're pretty much done in about 15 minutes. **Legit commercial or theatrical representation in 15 minutes.** So anyway, I'd like to include the link for it if you're interested in more info: [https://www.agentblasters.com/getrepped](https://www.agentblasters.com/getrepped) I really think it would help a lot of actors get over being paralyzed by finding an agent. It's not easy, no one really tells you how to do it in school, and it can suck up a lot of time that could be spent working on your craft. It's the same tool I've used for myself and countless of other actors I've helped find an agent for. I'm pretty much on Reddit all day so if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!! Break a leg out there!! Howard [https://imdb.me/howardchan](https://imdb.me/howardchan)
Hey all, I graduated from drama school in June and I applied to agents then, got no attention as the UK industry was shut down at the time. Now it’s November and I’d applied again, gotten some responses but suddenly, this weird thing happens. I’ve been called into meetings, they see me, they REALLY like me, there’s rapport etc, I’m 100% certain I’m in and then - I get a rejection the next day, and in all 3 cases the email I’ve gotten has been along the lines of: “We think you’re extremely talented however we realised after the meeting that your look, is too similar to our other clients and therefore it wouldn’t be fair to have you on as well as them if you’d be going for the same parts”. I’m heartbroken as this happened three times now, as two out of three had actually made me a provisionary offer (I’m almost certain I’m giving you an offer to join us). I’m petite & blonde, half Spanish and a skilled ballet dancer as well as actor. Is that terribly common? What does this mean? Is it because of covid and things being a lot harder?
Hi All- I did a great zoom read last night of my new version of "Top Gun." Got some help navigating zoom- thank you for helping me from Stage 32- Monica Mansy (Charlene) and Lau'Rie Roach (Goose). Congratulations to all the readers from Pittsburgh, PA to Atlanta, Georgia to Houston, Texas. Also- for the next zoom read on "Thursday December 3rd at 7 p.m. EST Top Gun" - I'm looking for a reader for the part of Skinner. Thanks- Ed Skirtich
Have/do any of you fellow Atlanta actors work with this agency? From the research I've done I'm confident they're 'legit' as in don't require you to take acting classes (they might recommend but it's not required), they don't require you to get headshots through their photographers, none of that fancy stuff. All they ask is that you do get professional headshots from reputable photographers and that you are willing to work! From the looks of it they seem to be a "starter agency" I think. I got an email after submitting to them that they are interested in seeing more of me and would like me to submit an audition monologue for them to view. If they decide to work with me after I send in the tape they would require me to sign a contract. Not sure what would be the specifics of it I'm assuming something along the lines of taking a certain percentage of any work I book through them or something of the sorts. Anyway, do any of you have experience with these guys? I'm a start up actor with honestly no professional experience so I'd be honored to hop on board with any LEGIT agency but I would just like some feedback if any of you have some to offer. Thanks!
Hey all, I work for a digital advertising company and we're looking for actors/actresses who can help us film a variety of 30 - 60 second user generated content advertisements for social media. Content is non-erotic and script will be provided - you will pose as a satisfied customer for one of our clients and make an informal video promoting their product. Content will be shown to hundreds of thousands of people across social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc) ​ This is a paid role at the rate of $20 per hour with up to 2 hours per video. If the initial content quality is good we have a slew of videos backlogged and would love to keep working with you. This role is also remote and you must have a cellphone to record video. ​ If you're interested please shoot a message our way and happy to talk details on any of the projects. Hope to hear from you!
In this video, Hollywood pro acting coach lays out an introductory course to an alternative to 'The Method' acting technique. He explains what turns a good actor into a great actor, how acting should feel, and how the character's objective and emotion tools, taught at his school, help to duplicate human behavior without indulging in 'The Method' type personal experiences, which can be extremely exhausting and traumatic. [Introduction to Acting](https://youtu.be/o9R1DLWyC2Y)
I got an audition for a non-union episodic in LA but have been staying with family in Fl because of the pandemic. It’d cost more for me to get there than what I’d be making on the booking. But... do cd’s get angry when they want you to audition and you don’t? Is it seen as unprofessional? Or do they get so many submissions they can’t tell/don’t care?
Hello actors of Reddit! I did a thing :) Mods, please let me know if this is not OK but I think a lot of your actors would get a lot of value from this. So...I basically was doing an agent submission for *myself* (I've been an actor for 10+ years, recently on Big Little Lies on HBO, Lucifer on Netflix, Sneaky Pete on Amazon) and couldn't help but think about the thousands of actors that were doing the same tedious thing: compiling lists of agent emails, scouring IMDBPro, composing a zillion emails and then sending all those emails out individually. There had to be a better way. Having a tech background before becoming an actor, I'm all about the SYSTEM. Fast forward 3 months, I spent about 60 quarantine hours putting together a list of **200+ commercial and theatrical agent emails, bundled together with a bulk mailing tool, AND a tracking report.** Which means all an actor has to do is download the list, use the mailer tool, and you're pretty much done in about 15 minutes. **Legit commercial or theatrical representation in 15 minutes.** So anyway, if it's allowed here, I'd like to include the link for it if you're interested in more info: [https://www.agentblasters.com/getrepped](https://www.agentblasters.com/getrepped) I really think it would help a lot of actors get over being ***paralyzed*** by finding an agent. It's not easy, no one really tells you how to do it in school, and it can suck up a lot of time that could be spent working on your craft. It's the same tool I've used for myself and countless of other actors I've helped find an agent for. I'm pretty much on Reddit all day so if anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask!! Break a leg out there!! Howard
Hello, I am a self taught actor age 22, male based in Los Angeles, California. I am looking to gain experience. If someone is directing a project whether it is a short film, student film, or anything really. I would be glad to offer my service for your project. If you want to see what I look like, please feel free to message me and we can go on from there. Thank you.
I havent done any acting work or booked any gigs since the pandemic started 9 months ago or so and I began collecting UI from losing my restaurant job which was my main source of income.. before all this I was working there and I'd only book a gig once or twice a month or less, and it was mainly just background work, standing in for the day, low budget independent stuff, and small roles in commercials. However as I'm just a measly non union actor, the jobs are usually no more that a 1 day thing and usually I'm only getting the standard low af non union pay for a full days work, sometimes more depending on the project. A few times but rarely I've gotten to work on a shoot for multiple days at a time if I was lucky and got a decent check. But like I said, very rare. So what I'm trying to figure out is.. can I still collect if I get one of these random 1 day jobs every other month or so? Like how does that work? Do I even report it? This is what confuses me and why I've stopped working these gigs and pursuing small little projects. Cause I dont want to lose my UI over working a low paying 1 day job here and there and its not worth it to lose the thing that's helping me survive. It sucks but I've completely stopped pursuing any projects like I used to and even though they were small, I really enjoyed it and I'm sad. I heard I can still collect partial UI for whatever week I worked if I only worked a 1 or 2 day project and I make less than my base amount. Ugh. It's so confusing and I dont want to risk losing my UI though.
Fellow voice actors! Just wanted to let everyone know that Izotope is having a sale on a bunch of their plugins including Elements. I grabbed Rx7 Elements when it went on sale a few months back and it has been unbelievably helpful. The voice-de noise/de hum can literally take out the sound of a full blown air conditioner in the background without degrading your spoken word audio and the de-click works like a dream in removing my mouth clicks. It's priced at 30$ now when it's usually around 120$ so anyone interested should scoop it up soon if they can! Here's the link ---- [https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/rx-8-elements.html](https://www.izotope.com/en/shop/rx-8-elements.html)
Ahh, the audition. The lifeblood of any actor's career. A single audition could change the game for an actor. But before we show up and step into the spotlight for our chance, what do we do?