Hello guys, im new here. My passion is really acting but there are no acting opportunities in where i live, a small island in the philippines. There arent even any acting classes or any community theatre here. But i have a plan to move to the u.s when i turn 26, im still 19 and still have a lotttt to learn. My only way of learning right now is through yt ans some acting books. I took a medical related course for my college so that it will be my day job? when i hopefully move there. I just wanna ask if im too late to pursue acting. i think i might be late
Hi so I'm not really a voice actor but I wanted to make a mod for a game with a voiced character and was wondering what the best setup for something like that is, my only mic I have is this gaming headset which I'm not sure how to best setup in audacity. Along with that I was wondering if there's any editing tricks to help make the voice lines clearer and overall nicer. I appriciate help and if you have any suggestions about different software or something to use I'd also appreciate that thanks.
I thought this might be of interest here. Building on the face-api.js open source library and models, I'm playing with something that estimates age range (about a 9-year range), shows dominant colors, etc. for a headshot (or photo with faces). It's a work in progress. It's at [https://learnforeverlearn.com/headshotanalyzer/](https://learnforeverlearn.com/headshotanalyzer/) A sample result is at [https://learnforeverlearn.com/headshotanalyzer/sample\_results.png](https://learnforeverlearn.com/headshotanalyzer/sample_results.png). If you get a chance to check it out, let me know if it quirks for you or anything. It's worked on the browsers I've tried, and on my iphone (on the phone, clicking the upload button will allow you to take and use a photo on the spot... I've been using it that way on pictures on the wall around the house and for actors on TV). The expression detection is also based on models available with the face api. It will actually analyze every face it finds in the picture - the most I've had it do so far had 26. \-Thanks
Hi - I had to move back in with my folks from NYC mostly for mental health reasons but they lined up nicely with covid. I’ve been in retail in the CA suburbs since March and have been calmly working and not spending much. I wanted to move to LA in Dec/Jan, but I got a request at my retail job to apply for a promotion. If I apply and get it, they’d want a 90 day commitment. Is there acting work available in LA or should I just stick with my little retail job for a few more months? Pros of staying here: -More money saved -I love writing plays and i can do good work here -Less Covid risk (although I work at a grocery store) -There are trees here -Promotion looks good on resume Cons of staying here: -I’m 24 and shouldn’t live with my folks for too long -I don’t want to casually quit acting -Diminishing mental health returns on staying in the suburbs -I was gonna say “pilot season” but I’m going to be doing unpaid work to develop a reel for a while anyway so it probably doesn’t matter yet But specifically the question is, is it a good time for a brand new non-union actor with no reel to show up in LA and try? I know this is objectively a bad idea covid or no covid, and I’m one of the dumb guys who is gonna do it anyway, but I’m wondering how COVID changes the answer. Any opinions from anyone in LA? Thanks everyone.
I'm a 21 year old girl about to graduate with a BFA from a pretty reputable program in the states. Throughout my 4 years of college it's just been nothing but frustration. I feel liek none of my pofessors have cared about me or ever tried to understand what I was saying, I haven't been in a play or student film in 3 years I feel completely hopeless. College was a complete waste of time and money even though I went for something I supposedly love, there hasn't been a single aspect of the training I connected to. Every single time I rehearse or perform in class I feel awful and cry for hours afterwards. I just feel so horrible and untalented, I think about quitting every day but I still haven't. Despite all this being an actor is still my dream but I think it may be better to just not even pursue it and figure out something else. Should I just quit before I ruin my entire life trying to do something I'm horrible at? I put in all this time but I don't think I'll ever be succesful I feel so pathetic. What's the best move, should I still pursue acting or just quit before I fail?
Hi Redditors! I know this has been asked way too many times but most threads I saw were years old. Here’s the thing, I know people can improve and take acting classes but I’d still like to know where I stand now. For some reason a lot of people seem to overestimate their acting abilities (absolutely no offense here, I’m probably very mediocre too!) and I don’t want to fall down that hole. Should I just film myself and then watch it? What kind of things should I pay attention to? And is there a specific monologue that could be challenging? I’d appreciate any type of advice, thank you :)
I would consider myself a decent actor, maybe even good sometimes. Either way I enjoy it a ton especially musical theater but I’d like to do some films later on. I had a thought about actually getting a role, I am missing a portion of my pointer finger, would this ever prevent me being selected for a role?
Hey everyone, I have recently been thinking quite a lot about cinematography in general. However, after some research, I never found a concrete answer on how some foreign actors manage to land a role in Hollywood movies. How would someone audition if they don´t live in the US? Would a local agent be able to find work opportunites abroad? Finally, say if you do sucessfully get the role, how would you move to the US anyway? I'm aware of the O-1 Visa though I don't know much about other methods. Thanks in advance -- English is not my native language, sorry about that.
never met a method actor but they definitely get a bad rep.
Would a name such as shawnny be looked at as too childish for a actor who’s 20 ? The Nick name Johnny isn’t made fun of I don’t know how shawnny would be perceived
Hey guys Dalton Johnson here now I’m a fairly new voice actor, just wanted to know what’s a decent mic and if I need sound pads. I have Mac air book and any audio software that would work on that would be pretty good. I’ve voiced in a couple fan and indie projects like Webtoon fan dubs. Any advice goes a long way and the thought of potentially being able to work with some of you is great! Thank you
What are the chances of getting casted as a BG actor without any prior experience? I applied for BG role in my city (which doesn’t have many film productions) the day the casting went up but haven’t heard back. Auditions are in 3 days, so at this point I’m assuming they casted many experienced BG actors. Another missed chance :D
Hello! My name is Rex Winnfield and I am working on a skit for my upcoming album and I am looking for some ADULT voice actors! The whole meaning behind the album is growing up and not knowing what you want to do as an adult after high school. The skit is a dinner party where a few adults ask a bunch of questions to a teenager about college, and how these adults judge this boy for not wanting to go to college and not knowing what they wanna do. If this interests you, please comment and/or DM me on here for more info!! I also unfortunately do not have any form of pay so this would be a free gig to help a small artist out. I can assure you, I make NO money off of my albums haha. Thank you! -Rex
I’m 19 in college working on a hard engineering major. I’ve been searching for a true passion that I can do next to my job as an engineer. Something that I enjoy and can fulfill my creative outlet. I realized that all my life the #1 thing I really enjoy doing is watching television and film. When I was a kid my mom got me to go to sleep at night by putting me in front of the tv. To me nothing sounds more fun than being an actor and acting but I’m afraid that it won’t be for me or I won’t end up going anywhere with it. I’m curious to hear when you guys knew acting was for you.
We won't be able to pay as we won't be earning either, can be a fun project to do and would add to your credentials.
Hello people of reddit! This is my first time posting on reddit (as you may guessed from the opening line), also english is not my first language so excuse my grammar. + this is long, sorry :/ So I'm 19 years old, currently a student in a health profession program. I love acting, I've been acting since elementary school, although I haven't been in any play for 2 years now I think (one year was basically just covid and studying to getting into university) I've been mostly in school plays. I'm lived in a small city, so I basically didn't have a lot of options. I don't even know why I'm studying a major which I can't even imagine myself becoming one day. Maybe I'm scared and it'll go away later who knows. I've thought about applying to acting schools, and last minute I changed my mind which my parents have no idea of. I feel like I've just fallen so far from acting and that feeling makes me more stressed and depressed. Because the uni is online, im at my parents house right now. I have never ever told them that I wanted to act. I don't think I can ever tell. My brother has always been seen as the talented acting kid in the family. I feel like if I tell them that I want to act, they would laugh at my face. My mom could be supportive maybe, but the possibility still exists. My dad wouldn't even allow it probably. And because of all of this I just want to go to auditions and be rejected, so I that can tell myself “Yes you don't have the talent, and you can't act” I know that getting rejected from something doesn't mean you can't to do job but I don't know maybe their words would change my opinions on acting. I don't live in us/canada/uk. I'm a noneu who just got into a eu uni. I have a little saving but can't really spend it as I don't have an income right now. So if I try to sign up for any acting classes I would have to go to my parents for that, which is the least thing I want. I don't know what to do. I know those people who say they love acting but never even done it, and maybe right now when you are reading this you are thinking I'm one of them too. But I'm not that. I love learning, watching, reading about acting, self-taping myself. I'm just feeling very unsupported right now. I'm confused and don't know what to do. I don't have the guts to drop out of uni, move to a big city and start something that I have no hope in. I don't want to make a decision then regret it later. Writing all of these down is actually so hard for me. I'm lost. I'm not asking you to tell me what to do, obviously you don't know me. I just want opinions, someone to tell me that I'm thinking wrong somewhere. You can be honest with me, it's probably what I need right now.
Hello dear Redditors :) my acting class is currently working on a theatre production of Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Hermia and Lysander are in love but later on Lysander no longer loves Hermia - he hates her. To get rid of her Lysander says "Away, you Ethiope!" to Hermia. I'm taking over the role of Hermia. Now, in the process of working with my class we are thinking about replacing "Away, you Ethiope!" with something else. As I am an actress of Asian Descent we are thinking of something along the line of "Away, you Chink". We are aware that we are reproducing racism against Asians with this but at the same time we think that the reality out there needs to be displayed on stage too and mustn't be censored. However, I still feel that I find myself in an inner conflict with this and I can't fully support this text adaption. Before confronting my class with this though, I'd like to know what your take on this is. What do you think? What is the priority here? I appreciate every piece of advice.
So I’m 19 years old and I’ve always dreamt of being an actress. It’s always been my ultimate goal. I always tell myself though that it will never work out because I’m not good and I would feel too silly. I also feel kinda uncomfortable whenever I bring it up to my family that I want to do it because I feel like they think I have my head in the clouds and that it’s too big of a goal. I’ve also never acted in anything before. Not even a play. I feel like I’m too late. I also want to go to college for it but I live in southern GA where there’s not really anything. I looked into New York Film Academy but obviously it’s in New York and I’m in Georgia so I would have to do it online. Would that even be worth it? Another thing is I don’t want to be in debt for the rest of my life. I went to college for a couple months for Graphic Design because I tried to tell myself I didn’t want acting because it was too much of a dream and it would never happen. I’m just so over making myself believe I’m not good enough and I want to continue trying to pursue acting but I just feel like I’m too late. Any advice?
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie actor in Toronto who's been in a couple student films and short indie films. I want to take some acting classes before looking for an agent and have looked into a few places. I've heard some good things about Second City's acting levels 1-4 and also Milne Acting Studio. If anyone could give me some advice about either of these two or any other places I would greatly appreciate that. Also, as a side note with the ongoing pandemic these classes would most likely be online. Would it still be worth it or should I wait until classes are in person again? Thank you