I’ve seen a few people on the sub complain about celebrities like Addison Rae and Harry Styles getting roles instead of actual trained actors. I understand that you may find it annoying but you have to realize that these, from what I can tell, are supposed to be groundbreaking movies, they’re simple movies with big names attached to them to get money. I’m happy that there are still many actors and filmmakers which are passionate about film that try to deliver art over a money-grab.
Just watched A Woman Under the Influence for the first time. I had never heard of Gena Rowlands. My mind is blown. Her performance has unalterably changed me- not just as an actor, but as a person. I think Cate Blanchett put it best in her speech at the Governor's Awards in 2015: [https://youtu.be/E8u4q5kDiEw](https://youtu.be/E8u4q5kDiEw) Thank you, Gena.
When I say celebrities, I don’t mean actors. Harry Styles has just been announced to star in Olivia Wilde’s ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ (replacing Shia LaBeouf). Addison Rae (Tik Tok star) has been announced to star in ‘She’s All That’ remake. I don’t know much about her so maybe she has trained as an actor, but I can’t find much about that, only dancing. I’m not saying that they don’t deserve these roles but surely their name and following has secured them over talent.
What word of advice would you lend to aspiring Asian actors? Not that familial pressure to pursue a "real" career isn't enough (this may be an offensive stereotype to some, but it is true in my case), but the industry in anglo countries doesn't particularly favor Asians or Asian-looking people (I am east Asian looking). The career path is already risky as it is, but add the box of Asian roles and it does become a stickier situation. there are a few exceptional cases like the recent casting of Liu Yifei and other significant Asian roles in the Mulan movie but this is one in a few.Basically, what I'm saying is I'm quite intimidated. I know I want to pursue acting but it's a scary world out there for minorities, or so I've heard. Scary meaning forever being cast as the nerd extra or diversity character. what advice would you have for someone like me? it could be in regard to where I should study (undergrad), what I could do, or anything really. All advice would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,a confused but determined Actress-to be
Does anyone know any good talent agencies, drama schools, or overall performance arts communities in St. Louis? Are there a lot more acting opportunities out here than most people may think? It just kind of bums me out when I go on Backstage or other websites and there’s barely any projects based in Missouri in general.
I would absolutely have their full support as they've always told me that they will support me in whatever I choose to do, but even before I started comprehensive school, my parents and I always figured I wanted to be a computer scientist. I've always had a love for acting and even used to do it when I was younger (17 yrs old rn) and my teacher even got me an audition for a tv show (turned it down because I was a dumb kid who got scared with such a big leap, still my biggest regret to date). It's really bugging me because I know for a fact my parents will be fine with it, but I just can't seem to muster up the courage to tell them I'd like to be an actor.
I saw there were a few site recomendations in the rules. However I have heard that they are more for Amarican actors and not Canadians. What sites are good for Canadians? Are the one's listed any good for auditions in Canada? I do like a lot of the articles I read on backstage. The one's listed are: Actor Access, Backstage, Playbill, and Casting Networks.
Hello! I'm a professionally unprofessional voice actor and wanted to make sure I'm not screwing up already. I've only done a few roles so far (Both pretty loud) and have gone to some good lenghts with being careful with my voice when doing them (Breathing right, hydrating, warming up). However, I'm still left wondering and anxious of the fear of damaging my voice since after both of these I've found myself with an annoying itching and burning throat! What am I doing wrong and what shouldI do instead?
Hello! I am an actor who is expanding into voice acting, and figured a solid place to start is the commercial scene. In any case, I would very much welcome your ears to listen to [my commercial reel](https://vimeo.com/456903897). My voice is British neutral / RP. Eventually I will also be including a reel in French, my second language. I am open to both constructive criticism, things you like, and three words which you think describe the quality of my voice (warm, etc). Many thanks, I will reply to everyone to takes the time to listen
So I'm looking to be an actor. I have little experience some theatre and studio work. I don't live in a particularly thriving place. And I have pretty much no funds. I don't know how I'm supposed to get started. Online auditions (which most you have to pay for a subscription), acting school (extremely expensive and out of my price range), moving to a more acting work friendly place (once again a money issue. I am from England but currently living in Germany). Just for reference I do think I have the chops for acting maybe with some practice I can be really good. I'm 18 which isn't incredibly young but not too old I hope, and I'm not ugly which probably doenst mean much. I'd appreciate any help. I know I might sound lazy or ignorant but that's not me. I seriously love cinema and I would love to perform in movies. I don't mind grinding to do it I just don't know where to start.
What should I ask him?
Hey everyone! With spooky season coming up, myself and some of my fellow actor buddies have been auditioning for new “socially distant” haunts. In my area, these are mostly happening on a road, where cars drive through the attraction. Unfortunately, I’ve been finding some of these opportunities aren’t as cut and dry as they seem. I got cast in one of these attractions via virtual audition (YAY!) and another one I went to audition for in person seemed really... questionable. so I decided not to go through with that one. The attraction I’ve chosen to work with, however, also seems sorta questionable. My future coworkers and I attended a virtual orientation where we were left with more questions than answers- I mean. So. Many. Questions. I honestly have a long list in my notes app full of questions I hope will be answered at my in person orientation this weekend. My gut feeling is telling me they may not have answers to many of these questions and that’s never a good thing to feel before a production, however I’ve wanted to be a scareactor for a long time and this is the closest I can get during the pandemic, so I’m waiting until the orientation to make my mind up on this. My question to you fellow thespians; What are some questions you feel are important to have answered before you commit to a production? What is a deal breaker for you, when it comes to the answers to these questions? I just want to make sure I don’t forget to ask about anything before I fully commit. Thanks for taking the time to read and/or respond! TL;DR - Auditioned for a production that seems a little sketchy. Need help finding questions to ask them at my orientation to make sure they’re legit and know what they’re doing before I commit to the role. I’m asking what questions YOU personally feel are important to have answered before a production/what is a dealbreaker answer. Thanks!
I never use my real voice because it is good for nothing. I use heavy modulation at least 12-20 effect sits on my out put mixer channels where I have both parallel processing and bus side chain processing as well. So sometimes I have like 50-70 effects coming live when I start recording or practicing. When I tell I am a voice actor and showing demons robots dragons zombie's ghouls banshees ghosts and so on. I am being outcastes by other vo-s My voice is not good it is immature sounding weak and good for no roles. My videos, compositions had to get real vo-s so I began to experiment and by now I can produce astronauts and apache pilots or artificial intelligence voice, change gender and all these goodies. They aren't beneficial. No one ever asks in an advert I need someone with a voice that could play a heavy droid role because then I would b a millionaire. No. There is no such thing. But I also can't say ,hey do you need monsters to be heard? So I have like 140 clips and they lead me nowhere. My music is another thing that I go high with for certain. So that I have no issues with. So again how would you advertise if you were in my shoes?
I have a question concerning union actors working on non-union projects. I am aware of SAGs GLOBAL RULE ONE but I have been offered to work on a small film in a remote area. In the email, the producer/director/writer told me several actors are SAG-AFTRA (himself included) but he's shooting non-union because in this area "it doesn't make any sense to do a union movie". I am in no position to question him - I'm non-union, but this is his 5th movie in as many years (some are shorts) he's shot in the area. I don't know ethically if I should take the part offered. There is also a movie shooting nearby with B-List actors and I am 90% sure it is a non-union shoot. I realize actors can be FICORE and I would have no idea, but three of the actors were pretty popular back in their heyday (one from late 70s TV, another from 80s TV). Conversely, if a union actor works a nonunion production - say a voice-only role or a role where they aren't easily recognized ( low budget horror, prosthetics, etc), what happens to the production company if SAG finds out? Is production responsible for the union actor (that never disclosed that were union) and will they be fined? I haven't been doing this long but I want to do it right so any advice would be appreciated.
I saw a NOVA episode last night on Implicit Bias, and, of course, I thought about how relevant it is to acting. Of course implicit bias has been around for centuries, except Socrates, like so many since, have called it by many different names. Socrates said that "... an unexamined life is not worth living." Much later, Lee Stras'sberg berated and bullied actors in The Group Theatre during the 1930s to break down human defence mechanisms in an attempt to play as truthfully as possible. Of course, the NOVA segment presented the idea that because of our implicit bias we are at the mercy of corporations that farm big data. But I can't help turning everything into a discussion about theatre. I'm retired from teaching theatre and it took me a long time to recognize what I view as my central implit bias. I'm more than certain that I have many biases, but this is my Big Kahuna of defence mechanisms. Apart from the usual terror of failing on stage, I have discovered that I have an historical abhorrence of being found out. Found out of what , I'm not even really sure, but I know that I was raised to keep up appearances, so people would not think less of me. I'm sure it is a vestige of my parents being Irish Catholic in a very Protesant neighborhood and having to keep up the front that they were middle class since in those days many viewed Irish as dirty, drunk, superstitious and disgustingly reproductive. Once I found out that there were reasons for my holding back on stage, I started to let go a lot more. These days I'm just terrified. But I'm less terrified the more I'm prepared. So this is a long winded way of telling actors what they need to be good actors. One, know thyself, and two, be prepared. And, for Thespis' sake, start today. It took me half a lifetime to discover that one thing.
I'm a computer science and physics student in my college in Britain and I'm afraid that when I begin acting, I'll be too old to get to where I would like to be. It's probably ridiculous but it's a thought that I haven't been able to shake. Also, my acting experience would be from a drama school I went to for 4 years when I was a bit younger, and whatever classes I take when I move to America. Would that leave me too inexperienced? I'd love to be a screen actor but I feel like going from little acting experience to getting an agent etc would take years. Hopefully someone can tell me I'm wrong
Hello, I’m an 18 y/o M whose started to notice my hair thinning or receding, I’m not really sure but either way I feel like I’m probably going to become bald soon. I have a passion for acting/film/theatre and as a quite skinny guy with no facial hair, I’m terrified that my balding head is going to affect my chances of getting roles. I could just be really paranoid but normally when you think of young actors, you picture actors with amazing hair and actors like those gets leading roles all the time. Not a balding 18 year old. I hope I’m just being paranoid. Anyone who has experience, I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you.
Not sure if this is the right sub - PLEASE redirect me if it isn’t!! Just needing a little advice!! (i know in the FAQ you guys say it’s never too late - but I feel like musical theater is a little bit different of a beast...?) I’m 19F currently. I’m currently going to school for neuroscience in Philadelphia, but (cliche i know) I’ve always wanted to be on Broadway. I’ve never done musical theater. Quarantine has made me realize that, although 1% of actors ever ‘make it’ in the industry, life is too short and unpredictable not to at least try. i’m also a very realistic person. i planned to go into the healthcare field. i know i would do well there and i would probably enjoy myself. but i still cant shake this feeling that i need to just give this acting thing a go. my plan is to finish my neuro degree (while doing a little bit of acting in college) then move to new york (or stay in philly) and do acting, singing, and dancing classes once i get there for a few years and maybe audition after that. i even started a savings fund for when i go. if it doesn’t work out or i don’t like it then i’ll go into medicine but at least i’ll have tried. someone be honest with me - is it even worth a try or should i just go straight into medicine? i’m not super talented or anything - so i’d be starting from 0 at 23 years old. i know you don’t know me - but what would you do if you were me? i don’t want to waste years of my life and tons of money doing something that’s not worth it. But i also don’t want to die with regrets. How difficult would it be for me to just get to a point where i can provide for myself comfortably as an theater actor?
Ive been lurking on this forum and reading everything i possibly could, so thank you so much for sharing your expertise! Im still reeling at how fast this all happened. I started taking a bunch of zoom acting classes in July. Watched interviews with casting directors, audited classes, bought a masterclass sub, attended webinars, self submitted to student films etc. I had been holding off looking for an agent as i felt like i needed some credits (all i have are high school plays) but an acting friend told me i needed an agent asap cuz things were opening up so i panicked, wrote and self taped my own monologue and submitted to a bunch of reputable local agencies last month, not expecting to hear anything back. Surprisingly I heard back from a medium sized agency in two days and signed the next week. My agent is super nice, gets my goals and i feel super lucky to have him. Ive gotten around 3 auditions since signing and its been pretty chill as my agent said he wanted to start me off small and i was totally fine with that! But today i got an audition for a supporting role in a film and he said he doesn’t usually submit new actors for big parts like this but he really thinks i have a shot. The casting director is a well known one so this is essentially my first foray into the local scene, even if i don’t get cast i know how important first impressions are. Im excited for the opportunity but feeling a lot of pressure and am suffering from a fair bit of imposter syndrome. I feel like any second someone is going to find out i only started acting two months ago and i dread anyone asking about my acting background... I don’t think im some naturally gifted actor but i do have a unique look (im alternative/mixed race) and i think that may be whats getting me in the room. (I feel guilty about that too??) Tl;dr i got a big audition and am shitting my pants