Hey! Random question... Do people who have a high amount of followers or are already famous singers/actors/etc have a better chance at getting into certain drama schools? If two people had the same experience and skill level, but one had a large social media following, would they be more likely to get in?
He’s a relatively popular actor from Wales, but most people don’t know his name. Played Elton John in Rocketman and starred as Eggsy in the Kingsman franchise, among other things. I think he’s an incredible actor, as well as an amazing singer, and I’m surprised he isn’t more famous. I’m curious to know what everyone else thinks of him?
I'm an actor who transitioned from stage to film about four years ago. I've landed a good amount of gigs, had small parts in some Lifetime originals, a featured extra in a few SAG films filmed locally here in Western New York - as well as a ton of indie stuff. My problem is, I have some very good bits of footage - but I don't think I have anything to display the skills I've picked up through training these last few years. I am looking to submit to local casting directors and try to find an agent. ​ Would it be a good idea to write a monologue and film it (with professional equipment) in order to submit to casting directors and agents, or should I stick with my cobbled together 30 second bits of footage?
Just curious if anyone has gotten an agent that way! Or their experience with Talent Link
Hey everyone I'm a 1/2 white 1/2 Mexican individual who looks super racially/ethnically ambiguous and am in college, I plan to move to either LA or NYC after graduating (I've got time) but am concerned about Latino representation in the industry. Latinos make up barely 3-4% of both I front and behind camera positions in filmed productions (not sure about the stage but it's still not much) and I'm kind of concerned that when I do move that I will be misrepresented and stereotyped for roles. I'm aware that types are an important part of roles that I could potentially be cast in but still I feel like I will be at a disadvantage against white actors. I'm confused and frustrated and concerned for my future career simply based off of the color of my skin and where I come from. I don't know what to think but all I know is that I've got to go and do what I need to do. I have to learn and grow a lot more as an actor before I leave college but am asking for advice.
There's this guy named Actors Academy on youtube is he legit? I can't find his name to see if he's played in anything but gives lots of acting advice like he's a pro should I be listening to this guy? https://preview.redd.it/blr66c8xwtm51.jpg?width=246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a0cdf66a9afbae5504490accf86c76eda4494d6
I've just come into possession of a Blue Ice Snowball microphone and have a pleasant sounding neutral British accent and am looking to offer voice overs/narration through Fiverr and am wondering what to include in the sample recording and any advice you have for recording good voice over work from my living room. I was thinking I'd record a few sample advertising, instructional and technical scripts and and a recording of a a more dramatic piece like a sample of Lord Of The Rings or War of the Words. Ill be recording using Audacity and am relatively inexperienced with voice editing but have done a decent amount of video editing. Here's 2 samples I just recorded its rough and I am aware I fluffed a word or two and that the intonation and flow could do with some work. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vaGajL8izU3mZKT7OHx6vCZEeQoDq9L5/view?usp=drivesdk https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SheSg3-jIOtd7O_XId1heiAOK1SQNR9W/view?usp=drivesdk Edit: I feel like I should clarify that I'm not exactly looking to be a professional voice actor but due to covid I'm currently out of work hence why I'm using Fiverr to pay my bills, whilst in the future I'd be more than interested in turning pro as it were for now my focus is to do a good enough job and paying my bills.
Hi everyone! My name is Kristina and I am an actress offering virtual self tape reading services on [WeAudition.com](https://weaudition.com/). Feel free to contact me on the site or shoot me a message on here! Here are my rates. I accept PayPal as payment. 15 mins + feedback: $5.00 30 mins + feedback: $15.00 60 mins + feedback: $20.00. Here is my link: [https://www.weaudition.com/kristinademora](https://www.weaudition.com/kristinademora)
Listen, I’m only a teenager so I’m not worrying too much but still id like to get a jumpstart on things. I’ve known that I want to be an actor for sometime now. I really just don’t know where to start. I live in the 25th worst county in the world and don’t really know how to crawl out of here. There’s nothing to really help me get a jumpstart on acting. I really just need some help I don’t know what to do, I’m desperate.
Hey guys im from a small town texas and have nothing. My dream is to be an actor. Can anyone tell me how to start ? Id love to pursue my dream and prove my family wrong
Hi everyone! If you have to chose one thing an actor MUST have to be a great actor, what would you chose? Why? And how do you get it (is it natural talent, is it experience, is it great training...?) Let's hear your opinion!
On a plane home from Italy a few years ago, I finally sat down and watched The Florida Project. As always, Dafoe impressed. Detail-oriented, believable, grounded - and playing 'the good guy' I was smiling every moment the man was on screen (and taking notes.) The main actress. however, caused the opposite reaction in me. It seemed as if in a few scenes Dafoe seemed genuinely frustrated with her acting. When I looked up said actress, I found she had been 'discovered' off Instagram by the director. I think there are many other actresses in her age range, essence, and look that would've killed her role. The director has every right to choose whom they choose, but why would they choose an actress from IG v. one with actually strong credits is beyond me. Maybe he couldn't get Margot Robbie who kind of kills just, well, everything. ;) I am not a social media person. Today I noticed a TikTok celeb whom a few friends 'love' (oh how we LOVE to use that word in America!) booked a role in a major upcoming film. I didn't want to pre-judge (look I am sure there is major talent on TikTok) and so I visited her work, and it's just - what the hell is this? This is not acting. This is not good work. What the fuck is this? Where is the work? It seems like anyone attractive could do this. How is this girl making millions of dollars and getting cast? It's not going to work, but if I could I would urge people that 'following' and 'liking' these people to stop. Don't support work unless it's solid work. What is happening to our society? My assumption is that because she has many followers, producers are thinking it will translate to money. Newsflash, that theory doesn't always work. Shame on us with what we're doing to society and shame on casting these people. Jesus. Look for actual fucking talent, people.
Hi All, check out my NASA themed Shorts - " Lift Off " & " Homo Sapiens in Space " on Prime Video today. Free to view with your Amazon Prime Membership. Enjoy, Onwards and Upwards ...
My dream is to get into a prestigious, well known, acting school such as RADA, LAMDA, RWCMD, Guildhall. I'm 17 yrs old with extremely little acting experience as I wanted to get a Computer Science qualification in college to fall back on if acting didn't work out. Due to my area not having many school or classes for adult or teen actors, I am planning on waiting until I am 18 (just a few months away) and then signing up for a beginner acting workshop over 4 Saturdays in Cardiff which is about a 40 minute drive from me. This will just be to get some real acting training and have professionals critique me. After that, I will likely do the more advanced classes there and perhaps get some stage work if they are offering auditions. I will continue this until I finish my Computer Science course (around June next year) and then apply to some prestigious acting schools in London or Cardiff. Hopefully I would get accepted. What do you guys think of this plan?
Hey there, hope you're all enjoying your weekend so far. I've been an actor for over 10 years, and worked professionally for sometime and am SAG eligible. I took a hiatus starting at the end of 2018 to focus on getting married and life, and recently moved back to Chicago. I'm looking to get back into acting and specifically am interested in voice acting. Having no background in this technique and this side of the industry, I am looking for some guidance and also have some questions. What are some resources that are good to use? What is some beginning equipment to invest in? Does anyone know of some good online resources for training, or any coaching and training options in Chicago?? How do people usually get going? Are headshots as important as your demo? When should I invest in a demo? When do you know it's time to seek representation? What channels are available to audition independently? How important is social media to voice-over and voice acting? What are some easy beginning projects to practice on? Any advice I might want to know starting off? Thank you for any and all input. This seems like an awesome community so once again thanks for your time. Good luck, and have a great weekend
My question is pretty much just that. What, in your professional opinions, do you think every new or aspiring actor should know/understand?
Hi everyone! My name is Kristina and I am an actress offering virtual self tape reading services on [WeAudition.com](https://WeAudition.com). Feel free to contact me on the site or shoot me a message on here! Here are my rates. I accept PayPal as payment. 15 mins + feedback: $5.00 30 mins + feedback: $15.00 60 mins + feedback: $20.00.