We are looking for an american actor, age 35 to 45, ideally from L.A. Type: Flash Gordon (muscular) Union Gig Mail to: chreberle@gmail.com
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hello, So I've recently been submitting for new representation and submitted to a pretty large one (not the biggest dogs but probably just a step down as they represent both actors, writers and directors). I was very surprised to even hear back but was informed by the agent that he could not offer me acting representation at the moment in time but would love to meet to discuss commercial representation. I'm a recent drama grad so my professional credits aren't extensive so I'm shocked to have even heard back from them but would like to hear what others think. I am trying to leave my current agent as for a boutique they represent both minors and adults so I feel I may be falling to the wayside a bit (sometimes he does not respond to my emails, my submission report since march was around 35 submissions (2 actual auditions from him) and he is the sole agent at the agency (it is the agency counterpart to small drama school). I was also wondering if location of agents matrer as my current agent is located outside of London where as the potential new one is in the heart of it. Essentially is it worth leaving full representation from a small boutique agency outside of london for commercial representation from a large agency in the heart of London? If it was an offer of full representation I would have jumped immediately at the chance.
I am an Indian and I am trying to learn voice acting and almost everyone suggests saying the OM. Which is a part of their prayers. You have to say it for a prolonged period of time and it is also a form of praising few god's. And I really don't want to say that. Is there any alternative or anything which any voice actors or people who are training their voice use?
Atlanta working actors: What has been your experience with auditions during Covid up to now? Are things picking up dramatically? I decided not to return to drama school this year and had been planning to move to Los Angeles as soon as things opened up. However, I have some connections in ATL and interest from two of the good agencies. One has already offered to sign me and I could pick up and be there by next week. Is there really enough going on for it to be worth it to sign a year long lease on one of the many available apartments I see in nice neighborhoods and buy furniture or would I mostly be spending money to sit around like I would in LA? I could afford to do that, but I am at my Mom's house about four hours away and can crank out as many self tapes as needed right here. I also have relatives in Lilburn I could stay with overnight if necessary.
Not sure if this really exists as most actors don’t go into details about their process. But I’m looking for specifics. I know some actors have a coach and so they can develop and bounce their choices off of them, but I’m sure that isn’t everybody. In a world where actors often don’t rehearse, is the first time Gary Oldman, for example, speaks to someone in character when he gets on set? Has his whole character development been self-assessing and feeling it out?
Hello, I'm a Junior, who is interested in acting as a future profession. I was wondering if there is an actor who could participate in a short school project video interview. If someone is willing to participate please suggest a day and time that suits you.
I want to preface this by saying: I have absolutely ransacked the internet for years for this info and now that I'm actually trying to do it, I still can't find the information I'm looking for - hope you can help steer me in the right direction, reddit! My life goal is to live abroad (I'm American) and I'm looking into post-grad theatre and acting programs as a way to start towards residency in the EU - however, the bulk of programs I can find anything about are mostly UK and English-speaking countries. The UK schools aren't so hard to research, but holy crow is it difficult to find info about formal post-grad classes in other countries, even if they are in English. I may be able to find schools, but no information or way to gauge the programs (and they aren't cheap, so I really need to know more before I apply). Especially when it comes to France (I'm learning French, mais mon francais n'est pas assez bon pour le subreddit pour la France). None of the official French acting universities even seem to \*have\* post grad programs for people like me (I'm 33 and have a BFA already). I'm having a really hard time finding information about this, and the expat communities don't have enough experience with actors to not just give me well-intended but uninformed opinions about it. Does anyone on here hail from an EU country that could point me in the right direction? What is post-grad acting like in your country? I'm also 100% open to just getting a student visa for a language degree while I take acting classes, but it's even harder to find information on non-degree acting classes. If you have experience to share, I would be so appreciative of anything you can tell me!
I’m trying to develop a regular routine with self taping to get better and sharper for my next audition, unfortunately my “actor” friends don’t really care enough to do this stuff so, yeah, I need to meet new people. In Bushwick here, hit me up if you’re interested
I know with coronavirus some people are doing things remotely. I think table reads of scripts are especially interesting but I haven't done a whole lot of those since I last took classes. ​ Does anyone know of any facebook groups, websites, etc. where I might find some people looking for actors to do table reads?
Hi everyone, I am trying to get opportunity wherever I find. Expanding my resume, networking and getting more training is what I am focusing on... But sadly there is something off. I am on FB and many people post in groups for auditions or actors groups, etc. I found auditions where the director was some fake profile. Or I tried to join some of these actors groups and get to network and no luck... I don't even know how the creators of those actors groups choose actors without seeing a headshot/reel. I have a normal FB selfie picture and don't post anything. Makes me sad, the other day I was insulted by someone who created a group like that for readings and such just for asking how they choose actors for it without seeing any material. And I had Zoom auditions too, from FB, who didn't show up yet I prepared myself. Should I just focus on Actors Access, Backstage and LA Casting? I am trying to network and create material but I am having a hard time.
I’m writing a movie script where the main character is an aspiring actor. He gets a roll as a main character in a big movie. My question is: if an unestablished actor made a special request, such as wanting to bring on a consultant to help with a role. If the consultant wanted to be compensated, since it was the unestablished actors request. Would the studio cover the cost or would it be on actor? Thank you.
I've been getting caught back up on WTF lately and the Kieran Culkin and Billy Crudup episodes really get into some nuts and bolts of acting, moreso than some of the interviews Marc does. Culkin talks about meshing his own approach with differing approaches from other actors, which is a cool perspective I haven't really heard people talk much about. Crudup just loves talking about acting, his approach to his career has been pretty interesting. Thought I'd make sure folks knew about it. The podcast is great in general but I always like it when actors really dig in to things like this. http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast
How do I get an acting agent I know 16 and I would like an agent or manager?
Not saying become complacent. But recognize the progress you have made in your journey already as much as you recognize how far you still have to go. Success is not a straight line, it is a winding road that may never truly have an end. So keep going. Never forget why you started. Take the good advice, and let the bad fall away because as wonderful as this community is there are cynical, angry people who don’t want you to see you succeed. But that’s not for you to deal with. Just keep going. A personal note: I dipped my toe into VO work back in March (shoutout to my Blue Snowball for getting me through those first auditions). I’m a stage actor and singer by trade, but when COVID hit I was out of a job and a creative outlet. I have been blessed with some amazing opportunities, met some wonderful people, and found a new passion just in these few months. So thank you for that. Y’all are truly outstanding, all of you Sorry to get sappy on main, but maybe someone needed to hear something like this today. I know I did once or twice. Hope you have a good day. And stay hydrated to keep that voice in tip top shape.
Aka is he making bank from it or not. (Not actually a voice actor just thought this would be a good place to ask)
Hello! I recently wrote a screenplay for a short film, about 25 minutes, and I'm looking for some actors to do a zoom "table" read of the script. I will be recording it so that I can assess any changes that need to be made to the script, etc. It's a fun screenplay about a lonely young man who is transported to a music festival through a tent he finds in the woods. I need about 4-7 actors to read the parts (if I can't get enough, some people can read multiple parts). I don't care about gender. Please let me know if you're interested! \*Disclaimer, there's a lot of sex, drug use and violence in the script, so if you're uncomfortable with that this may not be for you. It may also offend people who are religious. Please comment or PM me if you're interested! Thanks!
Been studying my craft in legit schools, private lessons, and recommend reading. All appear to be training you to audition for / to experienced production people. “Make strong choices” “Don’t try to play to what you think the casting person wants, play to the character as you imagine it.” Etc Great advice if the person doing the casting has lost under there belt too. But is this really still good advice if you are auditioning before someone who’s never cast anyone before? Aren’t they just as likely to make the mirror side of the mistake and reject you because you don’t share their vision instead of because there was a better actor? Particularly in early stages of doing student films to build a reel and resume?