I have seen a few articles about mentors in acting and the importance of them but I don't know how necessary it really is. This forum seems to talk about networking a lot so is finding a mentor the same as networking? Do you have to be at a certain point of your career to gain one? Do you think that mentors are outdated? I have found a few actors that I admire that work in my market and are signed to reputable agencies. Should I try networking with them or should I wait till I have something to show?
Morning all. Could any of you help me out by pointing me in the direction of a practitioner who discusses how to deal with characters you play? Further example, how to deal with a character's traits which have integrated into your day-to-day life - as well as how the ego acts in this industry
I spent the last two years in drama school and decided not to return because I found the conversion to online training due to Covid to be a waste of time and money. My plan is to take audition classes that might actually be useful and move to Los Angeles as soon as a vaccine becomes available and the industry reopens. I just turned 20 and can definitely still play teens so my question is if it would be acceptable or even a good idea to leave that training off my resume and just put whatever class I take along with the arts high school I attended on it with the implication being that I am two years younger than I really am. I am not all that active on social media so it would be easy to wipe anything to the contrary from the internet. And then just never mention it in person? Pros? Cons? Big name actors lie about that kind of thing all the time.
Hello! I was wondering how others found other actors in the area. I'm hoping to meet up with some people who also share this passion so we can work together and help each other out, with appropriate COVID safety precautions of course, but I'm having a hard time finding people. There's not a facebook group, and my town doesn't really have a community theatre. Thank you!
I am 14 and very passionate about becoming an actor. I’ve put a lot of research in and the odds are just totally stacked against me. What are the chances, realistically, of becoming a successful actor
[The Actors Academy](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4usaktVRWJNqKgkgGtbD2A) Does anyone know if this is good? Has anyone used this to learn or improve? He has a bunch of free videos and a $25 ten hour course. I hear good things about the course, and I'm sure that there's good stuff to be gained, but the complete lack of info on the teacher is iffy.
I’m a late bloomer when it comes to acting. I never joined Drama club, I was only in one play way back in grade school, and I never took acting or performance classes because my parents didn’t support that kind of thing growing up. Now that I’m 23 years old I’m finally taking acting classes and doing freelance voice acting. But I can’t help feeling like I’m running out of time because there are actors my age already winning awards and playing their dream roles, meanwhile I’m over here just starting. I guess I’m just ranting hoping someone feels the same way...
Ok so I'd say that generally I'm a pretty good actor. When I'm alone at home, I can easily get into character and the emotions etc just come naturally. But whenever I'm trying to record myself or perform in front of my friends, I feel like everything I do (speech, facial expressions, etc) is forced and unnatural. It's really disappointing and I don't know how to avoid this.
[video](https://twitter.com/kelsienick0531/status/1297915495857786883?s=19) So some of Adelaide Kane's videos on Tik Tok have been going viral because she said her estimated net worth of $4 million is false and that she's actually in debt. She then made a video breaking down her finances (which is the video I linked). She mentions having an agent and two managers. Is this the norm for working actors? She also mentioned stuff about paying publicists, stylists, lawyers, social media teams, etc. and I was wondering if all of these things are also usually taken from an actors own pocket? Is she just spending an excess amount of money for unnecessary things? I don't know much about the business side of acting so let me know what you know or think!
I’m about to do a second round of auditioning for a film in NYC/Phil. The first round was two monologues, the sides. I self taped it and months later I’m getting a callback. But they want me to only reference one of the previous sides/monologues, then prepare an entirely different monologue of my choice to “show your range”. They didn’t specify length, period, style, comedic/dramatic...its a big ass question mark. It’s frustrating to say the least, because I don’t do a lot stage plays anymore, so having a monologue in my back pocket isn’t a focus anymore. Is this normal? Do film actors need to have a monologue ready to go at all times for film auditions? This seems excessive. If they want to see range, write a scene that would show range...or look at my reel? I dunno...little flustered today...
Just wanted to give my fellow voice actors a horror story of working with Complete Iso Booths, Custom Vocal Booth Guys, QC Acoustics, QC Designz, QC Productionz, or any of the other business names they attempt to go under to hide their shady business dealings. [http://www.customvocalbooth.com/](http://www.customvocalbooth.com/) I ordered a customer vocal booth from this company and spent over $4500. Upon receiving the few pieces of plywood wrapped in felt that they considered a vocal booth, I attempted to construct it. The instructions were missing so I sent my initial email to the company to attempt to get this taken care of. That is when things went downhill. Upon reply they did not apologize for not including the instructions, they just sent multiple different emails over the span of a few hours with written and video instructions, all of which pertained to different booths than the one I purchased. I purchased multiple additional extras which were not included in the shipment as well, along with not including basic mounting hardware for the ventilation system. I finally was able to get the owner on the phone to ask about my issues and he was immediately defensive and rude. He blamed all the issues I had documented on the freight company. Claiming that they had probably unpacked the pallet and lost pieces, which if you know anything about freight companies, does not happen. After going back and forth with him on the phone and him continuing to blame the freight company, Keith at the warehouse, and anyone else he could pass the blame to I got heated. I used an unkind word and he immediately hung up on me. Upon calling him back he informed me that the call was being recorded, and that the previous call was as well. Which is not legal at all in his state of Nevada. I told him that I would like to return the booth and he refused. I asked what his company was going to do about remedying this situation and he said he would file an insurance claim with the freight company and sent me a partial refund agreement for $300 which is nowhere close to what I was charged for these custom pieces, and completely ignoring half of the things wrong with the booth delivered. This refund agreement he wanted me to sign also included strategic legal jargon prohibiting me from filing anymore refund claims or from any sort of legal action against them. At this point I had my lawyer look it over and he assured me NOT to sign any document like this ever because it gives the company complete immunity. Even if the things they send you aren't received or correct. After refusing this joke of a refund and filing a claim with my credit card company, only then was I informed that I could return the booth. The owner also threatened that if I didn't reverse the claim with my bank that I would be charged with "possession of stolen goods", that I would receive jail time, and that they would contact my employer. The owner then proceeded to attack me personally on a professional, personal, moral, social, and spiritual level which I have all in writing in an email from him. I posted a review on yelp, as you do when things like this happen from a business and I was contacted by multiple other voice actors having similar issues with this company. This company has changed names and domains numerous times avoiding other negative reviews from places like Yelp and Better Business Bureau. I just wanted to post my experience so that other voice talent doesn't have to go through the few month ordeal that I've had to. Be wary, do not work with them.
A certain voice actress is now 90 and I decided to write. On an impulse I googled her and found out that since people have been watching more movies lately she has been overwhelmed with letters. :( I’m sad
Howdy there!
I have a project I want to work on, and I’m planning on admitting it soon, what do you think is a reasonable price for voice actors for a pilot
I (14f) am planning on applying to every high-quality drama school (with an emphasis on Yale) I possibly can when I graduate highschool. Until then, I have plenty of time to get better and grow as both an actor and a person. My questions are: must you be exceptionally talented to get in, or do the admissions folk look at potential? What is the audition process like for such a school? Are they (Yale/Juilliard/etc) open to answering questions from people or not? Thanks
I'm a regular Redditor, but this is my first time posting to this subreddit. This is not an advertisement, so please do not contact me about hirings for this project. I truly am just seeking some advice. I run a small company that creates educational graphic novels to help students acquire Spanish. We want to make audio recordings of all of the dialogue in these graphic novels, not only to help students to develop an ear for Spanish, but also to make the graphic novels more accessible to blind students. As a result, we need to find Spanish-speakers who have generally neutral accents, who can read a little slower than normal in order to accommodate novice Spanish learners. Lastly, they need to be real actors who can portray the characters in these stories. It's a massive, but insanely cool project. We have quite a few graphic novels, and every line of Spanish dialogue is written at different levels, so readers can choose the level of Spanish that's appropriate to their own reading ability. And, of course, there are lots of characters that we have to hire for, from teenagers to adults. To be honest, I'm not 100% sure where to start looking for talent. I was a professional actor in Chicago for 20+ years, and while I'm aware of agencies like Voice123 and Thevoicerealm, my instinct is to want to talk to the actors themselves to get real advice. Should I just be using one of the services that I mentioned above? Or is there a better way of finding talent? And of course we are ready to pay for the talent. Thanks in advance for your time.
hello i am 16 years old and have no acting experience other than taking high school drama classes. it is my dream to become an actress as i am so inspired by others in the business. i am having trouble figuring out how to get more experience or contact famous actors especially with the pandemic. also, i am unsure whether i should double major in university with a theatre/ film course ( and which american or canadian colleges do u reccomend) along with something else like law or business (so i will be sure to have a backup). and should i move to los angeles if i get into the college there or stay here in canada? (i am a citizen of both places) since i thought LA is popular for aspiring actors but Toronto and Vancouver could also have opportunities since its not as densely populated. any tips or advice would be great thanks :) ps. any reccomendations of plays or scripts would be great as i am sure i would need to start reading some in case i need to audition for an acting program for the future.