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I want to start being a voice actor! by G59YungLudo666  •  last post Aug 25th

So I just did a voice over for a friend and I really liked it, I’m just trying to find people that needs a deep voice for a role (video games, cartoons, etc ) I speak English, Spanish and French. I’m not going to charge nobody I just want to have some experience and have some fun. Thanks for reading.

Zoom Table Reads Group for Teen Actors by lilacblue23  •  last post Aug 24th

Hey! I am trying to make like a group chat of teen actors who are looking to get some extra practice. We would just act out scripts together and give each other suggestions and advice. Let me know if you are interested & dm me!!

Do I need to get a nose job to do well in this industry? by throwaway74917373  •  last post Aug 24th

I’m black (19), but I kinda look mixed. But I’m reading and hearing that a lot of successful black actors have had nose jobs. I don’t have that wide of a nose, it’s somewhat wide and kinda slopes up but still has a round, bulbous tip. But, I’ve been really wanting to get a nose job since I was a kid. People use to make fun of me in school and tell me my nose and lips were too big. I’ve grown to love my lips, but I’m not really satisfied with my nose and I don’t know how well it will be perceived in the industry when going out for auditions and stuff. Thoughts?

Next steps for mid-30s actor ... NYC vs Atlanta vs MFA? by tatharlin  •  last post Aug 24th

TL;DR: I am looking for advice on a few possible paths I am considering within the next year or so. (1) Move to NYC with a somewhat dusty acting resume and try to get into a conservatory program like Stella Adler or Esper in order to gain structured acting training from a reputable school, build networking connections, and then later move down to Atlanta or some other smaller market where there is a growing theater and film scene. (2) Move directly to Atlanta where my lack of recent experience might not count against me as much, take some classes at local theaters, work on building up my stage and film experience and networking connections, maybe find an agent, and use that to leverage into larger markets. (3) Try for some of the UK conservatories as an international student (this feels like a long shot with COVID travel restrictions right now, though it would be a dream to train there). (4) Try for a funded MFA (I realize the competition is crazy steep) in an area that incorporates my love of acting with my knowledge and 10+ years of experience with healthcare, mental health, and social justice work. (5) Something else ...? The long version: I am a 36 yo white woman, looks more like late 20s, early 30s, small build, attractive but no model, has good presence, some natural ability and decent instincts on the stage. Scene study, digging into text, vulnerability, and truth-telling on stage are my happy places. Currently live in Indianapolis and work as a nurse. Theatre and literature were my lifelines during an abusive childhood and it is in my bones. Did theatre all through high school and college (non-major at a small school) landed supporting and leading roles and did some directing and design. No film or camera experience, though I have always wanted to learn but haven't had good places to learn it locally. I grew up poor so had to choose a "real" career to keep from starving; I picked nursing and made a promise to myself that once I payed off all my school bills I could go back to school to study theatre. By 24 I was able to do that and I got accepted to Butler University's BFA theatre program in Indianapolis. I did well, but then the recession hit as well as the beginning of some significant health issues that wiped out all of my energy. I dropped out of Butler with one year left intending to return, but life and finances had other plans. I continued to do student shows, Fringe festivals, took up improv, and did two years of Meisner training with a professor at Indiana University. Then I discovered I had thyroid cancer and had to put everything on hold for several years until I could sort out my health, job, and relationships. Fast-forward to now: Got my life shit sorted, physically and mentally healthier than ever before, but I haven't performed in five years. I miss it every day. Finances are decent, little debt, not a whole lot of savings, but I think I could have $5000 put away for a move by next year. My apartment lease is up in May, 2021. I have a day job as a nurse that can allow me to get work in most parts of the country, though the hours are often long and mentally taxing especially with COVID. I will also soon be licensed to do massage therapy on the side (though I wouldn't be able to practice in NYC because their licensing laws would require me to get more training hours than I currently have). I've looked at housing options in NYC and if I did a cheap sublease or rented a room, I could probably get by with working part-time while studying. If I did Atlanta, I would have a lot more options for housing that I could afford; however, I'm not seeing a whole lot of acting conservatory programs in Atlanta. Theatre is my first love and the film actors I respect most almost all have their grounding in theatre training. While I want to get into film work, I would want to have rooted in good stage training. I know that the conventional advice is to stay where you are and get more experience in your local community; sadly, there aren't a lot of plays or classes being held in Indianapolis right now because of COVID, so my options are limited over the next 6-9 months. I also have already lived in Indianapolis many years longer than anticipated and I am very ready for my next chapter. However, most conservatories and MFA programs ask for letters of recommendation from previous teachers and directors; I don't currently have those after five years out of the field. Even if I was to ask my old teachers for a letter, I know for a fact that I am an even more grounded human and capable—though slightly rusty—performer than the one they knew several years ago. If I have learned anything from working in healthcare with the sick and dying, it is that life is incredibly short and that regrets over paths not taken weigh heavy. I know that time has basically run out for starting an acting career at my age and with my gender, and I have no illusions about fame or fortune. However, I do know in my heart and from the feedback I have gotten from others that, with the right training, I have the potential to be a decent actor who can do vulnerable work and create powerful things with others. After years of selling myself short, I want to take one last shot at getting good at what I love. What say you all?

Can I apply to an agency in a city where I don’t live? 21F by toast_kun  •  last post Aug 24th

So I’m in the Bay Area, previously was going to school in Boston, but now doing asynchronous online school back here in CA. I know that right now, work is slow and that most auditions are via self-tape. I’m been taping for stuff here at home and will be continuing to do so throughout the fall, but there’s really nothing happening here (most of my tapes are for things shooting in other states or online theatre/workshops). Is there any reason why I shouldn’t submit for representation in LA? If they need me for an in-person meeting, it’s not a very long drive and I can work as a local since I have housing down there. There are only a few agencies here and most of them aren’t accepting submissions at all at this time, and those that are already have a lot of actors on their roster that look like me. I’m going to relocate fulltime to LA either in the spring or summer, so are there any reasons I shouldn’t be trying to get a head start on representation now rather than submitting once I’m living there? I know the usual answer is only to submit to where you live, but these are weird times we’re living in. Thanks in advance, hope everyone’s doing well :)

Does Atlanta Have Good Opportunities for an Up and Coming Actor? by quietbutdeadly81  •  last post Aug 24th

I’m moving to ATL next year and wanna build my film/tv acting resume. Would you say Atlanta is a good place to do so? I’ve heard it’s becoming the next Hollywood, but I’m not sure.

How do YOU define a great Actor? by AlenACNL  •  last post Aug 24th

Hey guys, Alen here . To lighten up the mood of a Monday (Best day in the week...Not) I would like you to comment under this post what your definition of a great actor is. Whenever I think about the wonderful ways that some people can bring this art to life, it just fills me with motivation and inspiration to strive towards those ideals. Well, might just be me of course but still, I would love to hear some opinions! Anyways, here is my definition: A great actor is someone who has the ability to portray the inner life and context of a character in a way that it will make you believe that you are seeing a real life and a real person in front of you. A great actor will make the character so alive and believable that you want to know where his journey goes, ends, began, was 5 years prior and 10 years later in relation to the events. A great actor believes. And a great actor is someone who can make you believe and accept the illusion that this is really happening. A great actor accepts the illusion, fully. A great Actor is believable. And a great Actor can make you believe. A great Actor can have an inner life build so well, that a single shot of his eyes can say more than 1000 words of exposition ever could. A great actor never acts. You will never see him acting. He is just being. He isnt even there. Its just the character. Just the illusion. And nothing else. A great actor will evoke emotions inside you in a way that only art can. A great actor allows you taste the truth and richness of emotions that society wont let us expirience. Short: A great actor is a manifestation of life and emotion. ________________________________ I'm probably forgetting a 100 things because there is just so much to add to this topic like being respectful towards your peers and co-workers, being good at listening, etc. but that's why I love threads like this. Let's all share, collect and reemphasize why some actors can put a spell on us :)

Does anyone know if Mexico has something similar to Backstage or Actor's Access for auditions? by RandomUsernameeeee  •  last post Aug 24th

I can't seem to find absolutely any resources similar to Backstage in Mexico.

Early development Indie project - proof of concept by voiceguru  •  last post Aug 24th

The idea if that we are looking for a non-corporeal voice one which interacts with the scene and creates an automatic interest to the audience. No rate for the role but we think this could be an interesting character to stretch out. The idea of the unknown creating a thriller aspect but the shift mid way through to find a female character that is living a different life to what the online persona does. A female voice actor is being sought for a role in an indie project. Aiming to get proof of concept to producers. Interest in the job can be DM to me where lines of audition will be provided. Background: young UK woman from upper society leaves UK for new life in America. Through lonliness she develops a new persona in her new environment - New York. A dominatrix who takes control on social media platforms where she meets men who are as lost in their existance fighting against their societal upbringing. She will communicate in voice messages and the audience is not aware throughout the movie who the woman is or if she is a woman with the first act showing how these men interact with the dominant woman they find themselves attracted to. The characters she interacts with are still undergoing some development. Towards the end the reveal is that the girl is someone that found her original lonliness as her chance to recreate herself and in doing so she encourgaed the men she dominated to do the same.

This may be a dumb question, but what does "e-learning" mean in VO? by butterbeancd  •  last post Aug 24th

I see references all the time to voice actors working in e-learning, but I don't actually know what that means. When I try to research it online, I see lots of blog posts with people saying how to book more e-learning work, but nothing about what e-learning work actually is. So what does "e-learning" actually mean? Is it stuff like training videos for businesses? I want to work in as many different sectors of VO as possible, but I'm just not sure what kind of work e-learning entails.

Too ugly to take acting classes ? by KobeKastle  •  last post Aug 24th

Ok to start voice acting is my absolute dreammmm. I’d rather not be alive than not be a skilled voice actor. I know that to be a successful voice actor you have to have acting experience, however I’m not too easy on the eyes and I’m worried about being judged for being unattractive if I do sign up for an acting class. Is this something I should worry about, or is it not that big a deal when it comes to this stuff? Also I have an extra question I don’t smoke but I get a lot of second hand smoke exposure unfortunately and I feel like this might ruin my vocal clarity and range to the point of crushing my chances of being a well rounded voice actor does it have that much of an effect on the voice? As you can tell I’m so paranoid when it comes to this stuff because it’s LIT ER ALLY the most important thing in the world to me, I don’t care about the money, I just want to be apart of great projects and bring characters to life and express myself within the characters the best that I can.

DECISION MAKING HELP NEEDED! by Louhichew  •  last post Aug 23rd

Hey guys! So I am applying to college this fall, and I just really need some advice from fellow actors and actresses. Basically, I have gone to the biggest performing arts high school in my city for drama (having drama class for four hours every day during the school year) and it is essentially a miniature Juilliard. My issue is that I don’t know which to major in college- acting and fashion. Which do you think I should major in? There are two sides to my thoughts- if I go for acting I can become the best actress I can be and be extremely prepared for the industry. I already have an agent and have been signed with them since November, and she told me not to major in acting but to minor in it so she can send me out on auditions. However, if I went to school for fashion and minored in business- I could expand my creativity in another way and learn something I haven’t been doing for the past several years. Also, I’d have a degree in something I could get a job in. Additionally, minoring in business is great for learning how to market yourself, reading contracts, etc. I’d be constantly auditioning while going to school (in both cases). What do you guys think? I’d appreciate any/ all advice. Thanks!

What's a time a character had their voice actor replaced and the replacement just wasn't as good? by DiamondTheHedgehog  •  last post Aug 23rd

Title. An example would be Chie Satonaka from Persona 4. Erin Fitzgerald isn't bad, but Tracey Rooney's voice just fit her so well.

TEEN ACTRESS IN NEED OF ADVICE! by Louhichew  •  last post Aug 23rd

Hey guys! So I’ve been hearing a lot about networking, and I would really love if someone could elaborate on it more and how exactly to do it. I’m a 17 year old actress from NYC, and I have an agent already. I’ve been signed with them since November, and I’ve received approximately 25 auditions (mostly voice overs and commercials, only a few actual acting auditions) and got shortlisted for a commercial callback but didn’t end up getting the callback. What can I be doing during all of this quarantine to make sure that when I turn 18 next spring that I can come onto the scene and be the best I can be? Also, getting consistent auditions for shows and/or movies? This is since the age of 17 is considered the “dead zone” for acting (because the legal age of 18 can easily play my age without legal issues). Thanks guys, and I’d appreciate any/ all advice!

How do I do different facial expressions and not look like I’m acting by Cancerkillme  •  last post Aug 23rd

I just seem stiff and doing the same face over and over. I know I’m not like Oscar winning actress. I just started but I want to be great.

Joining Spotlight by heliolaleh  •  last post Aug 23rd

Hi! So I emailed an agency last week regarding representation, and they asked to have my Spotlight pin. However, I’m not on Spotlight and I asked the agency if it is not the case that any actor with an agent can then get a spotlight profile. They replied that agents have no power to help actors with their Spotlight application. So is the only way to get a Spotlight profile, to have four professional credits? Thanks

Would a Psych degree be useful for becoming an actor? by 3llth3cat  •  last post Aug 23rd

Acting has been my passion for as long as I can remember, but I'm honestly terrified of majoring in it. I'm fully aware that it's a difficult field to succeed in, and I don't want to be left with a useless degree (I thought about teaching but that's not really something I'd want to do). So, I was thinking that Psychology is a fascinating subject and it feels like a really useful subject for an actor to be knowledgeable in. I figure that if I study that and then I just find some acting classes nearby, I could still learn what I need without the nagging doubt. But I'm not entirely certain and Google isn't helping, so what do you think Reddit?