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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

How do I do different facial expressions and not look like I’m acting by Cancerkillme  •  last post Aug 23rd

I just seem stiff and doing the same face over and over. I know I’m not like Oscar winning actress. I just started but I want to be great.

Joining Spotlight by heliolaleh  •  last post Aug 23rd

Hi! So I emailed an agency last week regarding representation, and they asked to have my Spotlight pin. However, I’m not on Spotlight and I asked the agency if it is not the case that any actor with an agent can then get a spotlight profile. They replied that agents have no power to help actors with their Spotlight application. So is the only way to get a Spotlight profile, to have four professional credits? Thanks

Would a Psych degree be useful for becoming an actor? by 3llth3cat  •  last post Aug 23rd

Acting has been my passion for as long as I can remember, but I'm honestly terrified of majoring in it. I'm fully aware that it's a difficult field to succeed in, and I don't want to be left with a useless degree (I thought about teaching but that's not really something I'd want to do). So, I was thinking that Psychology is a fascinating subject and it feels like a really useful subject for an actor to be knowledgeable in. I figure that if I study that and then I just find some acting classes nearby, I could still learn what I need without the nagging doubt. But I'm not entirely certain and Google isn't helping, so what do you think Reddit?

Are they? by Naomiwithasilentp  •  last post Aug 23rd

Do you think actors will be replaced by CGI?

Actor is requesting footage for reel. The film is not done by candidiva  •  last post Aug 23rd

So I filmed a short film last year June. Due to various circumstances (traveling, consumed with work) the film is still in Post Production. I have actually been aggressively editing it the past few weeks but the film still has to go through sound production which may take a while. It’s been time consuming doing all the VFX effects I have two actors who have requested footage for their reel which I understand but the film isn’t don’t yet and I don’t want any clips posted online especially since the audio is still RAW it’s not in the most flattering light. They have already signed release forms. Should I just make them sign another contract not allowing them to post publicly because I understand how they would want footage for their reel, they worked for free and it’s been a year Another side of me doesn’t want any of the of the footage seen because the film is just not done. Most likely will be don’t within the next 2 months Am i an asshole for not sending???

I’m an actor with trichotillomania, will this affect my chances of getting auditions? by LaserPanda06  •  last post Aug 23rd

I have trichotillomania (a hair-pulling disorder) that causes me to pull out my eyebrows and eyelashes. Will my weird-looking face decrease my chances of ever getting casted? I’m starting to tape monologues to submit to casting calls, and I want to know if I should overcome the disorder before trying.

When should you build your website? by jess091319  •  last post Aug 23rd

I've been scouring for the answer to this all over the internet. Is there a "right" time to build your actor website? The only recommendations I've found are for people about to graduate from theatre/acting programs to make their websites around the time of their showcase or as part of their coursework. I don't fall under that category so I'd like some suggestions from the "nontraditional" crowd. tia!

To what extent does 'cinematic' acting work in voice acting? by MisterJose  •  last post Aug 23rd

If I take the audio from a good cinematic performance, and use it in a voice acting performance in, say, a video game, to what extent does it still work? To what extent does it not? I'm sure it varies pretty extensively, but I'm curious about that what and the why of it, and wondering if someone here can educate me. If we take Daniel Day Lewis, and use the audio from his method-y acting in a video game, is there not enough emotion expressed through the voice alone for it to work? Does it need to be a larger, more melodramatic performance for voice? Or does it need to be different in a way I'm not conscious of? Or let's take a character about Michael Parks as Esteban Vihaio in Kill Bill Volume 2. Great, enjoyable performance. But you can barely understand what he's saying half of the time. It's also a more subtle character, including in the voice, than you might imagine for a video game or animation. Does it not work for voice acting? Or, is the subtlety of the performance just the mark of a really great actor who's work would be high-class anywhere? Is it even, on some level, *too* good for the current sophistication level of something like video game performances? I've always been fascinated by how good film actors can sometimes suck on Broadway, or great Broadway talents just don't translate to the screen. Sometimes it's obvious to me that actors from another world are just going too broad and unrealistic when they try to do film, or that it just seems too formal and 'trained'. Other times I'm not 100% sure what the disconnect is. Someone recently suggested to me that actors who do things like anime or video games or what not are doing that because they're not 'good enough' to act in film, and I questioned whether cinema was actually 'harder', or simply 'different'. But I really have no idea, so I'm curious to hear thoughts from the people here. Supplemental question: Video games have come a long way in recent years. What was acceptable in a game, even a major one, in 2004, might not be up to snuff now. How has this affected actors in the field? Are there those who were doing fine for that early work, who don't have the same chops for more modern games? Also, the opposite : Are there voice actors who are a fit for more modern, cinematic games that wouldn't have found success in earlier days?

How do I get over the acting blues by iovoko  •  last post Aug 22nd

I’m fourteen and have wanted to act for three years, getting seriously dedicated in the last 1.5 years. Progress is painstakingly slow. There are few options where I live, and the best theatre near me (The Straz, in case anyone is wondering) is an hour away, which isn’t convenient for classes and such. I read about acting constantly and study those I admire, and am starting my third class in a couple of months. The problem is, my days feel like a waste when I’m not acting. I will have no instruction until January. My life revolves around learning and getting better so I can achieve my dream, which is to be a successful actor, but I often feel like my dream is impossible to achieve and I’m not doing enough. What do I do, if anything? I hate feeling like this.

Looking for a young female voice ACTRESS to work with for years. by Darkbahamuth  •  last post Aug 22nd

Hello people! The most important things first, so you can decide if you want to keep reading the wall of text that is coming: \-Budget: $10 to $30 bucks tops per episode (depends how many words will you say). It will be one episode per month, more or less, with a duration of 20-30 minutes, between 50 to 500 words approximately. \-I'm not an enterprise, not a studio none of that. I'm just a person with a dream project that I will be doing for years, yeah, years! \-I need live sessions so we can avoid all the time wasted in "Here's the script - Oh, here are the audios - Oh I didn't like these lines, do it again - Ok, how about next week? - ok..." \-Long time commitment, I'm serious about the years duration. ​ So, are you still interested? Good! Let's talk about the project itself! It's a fan-made series, aka machinima, on youtube. It's focused on mmorpgs mostly, here's the general plot: ​ A group of 3 people (Protagonist, his wife and a female friend) are playing a game and notice weird things happening, npcs talk to them as they were alive, the "bosses" in the game are different etc. At the same time there's a mysterious woman following them and waiting for the right time to meet them and offer them the journey of their lives. ​ That is the plot of the season 1, it's already done and up on my youtube channel (11 episodes). I used a game that is not very popular because the season 1 was focused on learning how to edit, how to make better dialogue etc. I was testing and learning a lot of things. I didn't use voice over, I used text bubbles. ​ But now, for season 2 I'm very confident on my editing skills and writing and it's time to make the jump for a better production, including voice acting. Watch this trailer I'm working on for season 2, so you get a better idea. ​ [\_GGH/view?usp=sharing]( ​ So, I need you to make the voice of the female friend (redhead), a 20 years old girl who likes games (not in a obsessively way) she's the classic character that is reckless, wants to prove she can do everything, always pick the class that makes more damage in the games oh and likes pizza! ​ I would love to work with someone that believes and loves the project and really wants to give her voice to the character for many episodes. I think I have write a lot so if you want to know more or are completely sure that you are the one then send me a DM or reply here. I'll contact you to chat and solve any doubts you may have. ​ Thanks for your time!

Do non-rich people ever actually become succesful actors? by ChaosLordSamNiell  •  last post Aug 22nd

Not an actor here, just interested in your perspective. Give the completely lack of social mobility in the US, my parents always taught me that "pursuing your dreams" was a dumb concept. Acting, writing, every fine art etc. seems to be exactly what you're not supposed to do for that reason. So how exactly does a non rich actor ever possibly succeed?

Canada Work by donuttrouble  •  last post Aug 22nd

Any American actors working in Canada as well? Do you have 2 agents? What’s the visa process like?

How common is last min auditions? by jengalenga  •  last post Aug 22nd

Do CDs usually notify actors hours before an audition? Like your audition is the same day they notify you that you have to come in for an audition.

Any tips for a wannabe actress? by Naomiwithasilentp  •  last post Aug 22nd

Hello! I’ve always wanted to be an actress but now on my eleventh BdayI’ve decided to take it seriously. Any tips about how to get better or whatevah would be very much appreciated! Also, I’d also super duper appreciate it if you go on my post history and have some feedback but only if you want to/have the time. Ok thank you

Possibly pursuing acting by filmmaker8000  •  last post Aug 22nd

Hello. I'm currently doing freelance video work and never had any interest in acting but recently I've been considering it. Ever since I started college people have been urging me to get into acting claiming I have a "look" and constantly mistaking me for an actor or model, asking what I've been in. I always shrugged it off because I've just never thought about it and just couldn't ever imagine myself in front of the camera. I was also extremely shy growing up so that didn't help my confidence but I've opened up more recently. I'd need classes no doubt as I've never really acted before. I happen to live in LA along with the rest of my family and could take some at SMC but not sure how that would work with covid. Online doesn't exactly seem like the best way to study it as I wouldn't get used to the sense of being watched by people in person. Also the lack of real interaction seems like a big hindrance to one's learning. Maybe I'm anyone doing this who can shed some light? I'm well aware how hard and disappointing the acting industry can be and coming from a directing background I've always had a great respect for those going through it, especially now. However this isn't a dream of mine so I don't really have anything to lose other than wondering later if I may have missed my calling. So I guess I'm looking for some advice on whether this would be a good time to try it out or wait for this pandemic to end...or if I should even pursue it at all. If so where should I start?