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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Will creating content hurt me as an actor? by AzurePhoenix01  •  last post Aug 21st

So, I've been wanting to create YouTube content centered around media criticism. However, my fear is that if I were to show my face, potential directors and most importantly, companies I work with may see it. For example, if I were to want to work with Disney in some capacity, but I posted a piece on YouTube criticizing one of their films, would that hurt me if I were to audition for them? My workaround to this was to avoid using my real name and face in videos and use an animated avatar, but I wanted to know what other opinions of this might be.

Los Angeles Actors: Never go to one of Mark Saks’ “special weekend” casting sessions by selfdeficatinghumor  •  last post Aug 21st

Saks is a predator who will invite you to meet up for a “work session” on the weekend after your first audition. That’s when he makes his move. He does this with boys/men of ALL ages. I don’t know how he hasn’t been outed yet. But steer clear.

Requires nudity? Yes. Compensation? None. by WennesseeTilliams  •  last post Aug 21st

Mini Actress Rant: I was having a look through breakdowns and seriously, the amount of ones I've come across asking people for topless frontal and/or full rear nudity for literally $0.00 is astounding. Do they seriously not see a problem with this? You want me to stand there naked in front of a crew, on camera, for *nothing*? And I'm honestly sick of the amount of female roles requiring it. I'm not knocking people that partake in it, just to clarify, but I just feel like there shouldn't be so many people seemingly unable to write a female character without her taking her clothes off. The least they could do is *pay*, in any case.

Adler Technique and Mental Health by iamlatetothisbut  •  last post Aug 21st

Hi! New to this community. I've been having some odd problems with the form of method that made up the base of my training and I wonder if anyone has had similar experiences and have gotten through them. I worked in new york as an actor for about nine years (VO and off-broadway). I moved out of the city a few years back and took a break from acting in a traditional sense for personal reasons. The base of my training as an actor was Adlerian. I'm kind of a space cadet so the imagination side of things came easy. Having my imagination effect me emotionally was hard. Exercises like "house building" were especially hard. I was green, so I doubled down on the technique. At some point it clicked, I guess I kicked the door in instead of finding another way in. That's where my problems started. I always had a pretty wild imagination, but the ideas, scenarios and whatever that came to me didn't effect me emotionally. I was a really chill kid, also pretty emotionally disconnected before I started training in adler technique. What's happened since I finished my schooling is that these wild ideas began to really effect my emotions, I think it's dramatic to call them panic attacks but the symptoms fit. I'd call them light panic attacks. My imagination has always been "intrusive" (adhd) but it never made me sweat, shake, or get the fight or flight response. It was more of a tool to make things or play. It's not with every imaginative thought but when it hits it really hits. I'm starting down the road of therapy and such but I wanted to see if anyone in the industry has had similar problems and figured out a way to cope, make their imagination chill again, or choose when to allow the responses to hit.

Flexible jobs in LA for actors? by Kennerps  •  last post Aug 21st

Currently in LA getting my resume built and my training completed but i’m looking for a job to afford rent that can still be flexible with my ever changing schedule? Any recommendations? Thank you acting fam!

How Many Voice Actors Have Played the Pokédex? | The Voice Cast by TheVoiceCast  •  last post Aug 21st

You might not have thought about the 9 voice actors who have portrayed the Pokédex over the years, but that's the The Voice Cast is for! How do they stack up? Sit back and enjoy to find out! And please follow and share this with someone who you think would enjoy the show! \#voiceacting #pokedex #TheVoiceCast

Advice please! by validationcherish  •  last post Aug 21st

Not quite sure where to start with this but; I'm fourteen. When I was younger (say about nine or ten?) I dreamed of being a professional actor. I did summer camps, pantomimes, drama classes and main roles in school plays etc. I was convinced that this was what I wanted to do with my life, I adored it, and I made sure that everybody knew that. I remember my mum asking me once why I loved it so much, to which I replied 'It's easy really, because I don't have to worry about what people will think. It's the character talking, not me.' Now, let me get this straight, I've never been a naturally loud and outgoing person, but I wanted to do this so much that I just forced myself to block out the fear and nerves just to put on a confident face so I could enjoy myself - and I did. Looking back, I think it's the happiest I've ever been - nice group of friends, class clown, doing what I loved. But I guess it all comes back to the fact that this whole confidence thing was all an act, because deep down I was so irrationally insecure, even at just ten years old. The thing is, when people started complimenting my acting and suggesting courses etc for me to take part in, that little voice of self doubt would get louder and louder. I hate people thinking I'm good at stuff because I thought they'd think I was full of it/egotistical. Eventually, that little voice ate away at me and I just stopped. Like that. As if it had never been a thing anyway. That was almost five years ago and I've sort of buried away my stupid little dream of being an actress - because every little girl wants to go to Hollywood, right? This sounds incredibly cheesy so please bear with me but what with lockdown I didn't have the pressure of school weighing down on me and I was the happiest I've truly been in years. Since starting at secondary school four years ago, I've hidden myself away more and more and become what the people around me want to be, but not necessarily what I want to be, and I had the time to realise that. That stupid little dream of being an actress will always be there. But it's more than just a stupid little dream, I've really tried but I can't imagine myself being happy doing anything else. The idea of spending my entire life working a 9 to 5 job I don't really like and eventually retiring and looking back on my life with such big regrets absolutely terrifies me. And it always has. The thing is, I don't live in a very privileged area. It's a far cry from New York City or London, as it's very rural. I don't have the opportunities other people my age do, my school doesn't even offer drama as a subject choice. The worst thing of all is that I'm still so scared of what people would think if i suddenly declared that I still have a dream of being an actress. So I guess the long and short of it is that I'm scared I'll never have the courage to chase my dreams. And even if, say in a few years, I did, I know I'd never be able to get into a drama school, never able to get the part in an audition, I simply don't have the experience others would. The reason I'm posting this is because I'd really appreciate advice from anyone who has it or who's been in my situation before. I'd appreciate anything.

Hello /r/acting! by scottb9239  •  last post Aug 21st

Hello everyone, my name's Scott Butler, British actor in Los Angeles! I just wanted to share my latest demo reel with you, including my latest role on Lodge 49 from AMC (out on Hulu and Amazon Prime)! Many thanks for checking it out, new stuff being added soon! :) []( ​

Women on objectification in a tv show by iheartpizza12  •  last post Aug 21st

Hello y'all, writer here wanting an honest opinion, I've been developing a tv show I want to eventually pitch to HBO, Netflix, Hulu, etc surrounding a relationship between a regular dude and a porn star (think Boogie Nights meets You're the Worst or Netflix's Love). I can ask all the writers in the world for their opinion, but in the end it's the actors that will have to portray these characters on screen so that's why I'm posting in this sub. I take a neutral stance, as I believe in free female sexuality (my first roommate was in the adult industry before she met a guy and quit) while also examining the problems and misogyny in porn. From an actor's view, how best to approach this material without abusing the "male gaze" that has plagued an already overly male-centric Hollywood while still maintaining the, ahem, well integrity of having an adult audience. Of course I'd want to have a more female-focused writer's room and hire female directors, but ultimately the showrunner takes responsibility for the material. Again, I just wanted to hear from a woman's perspective who will be in front of the camera on how to be authentic while avoiding the problems that have hurt Hollywood for decades. TL;DR I'm writing a show about the adult film industry and want to hear from a woman's perspective on the best way to approach it organically while simultaneously respecting women and catering to an adult audience. I posted here because y'all will be the ones in front of the camera. Just curious, thanks.

Confirm union status? by lightskin_canadian  •  last post Aug 21st

Hey guys i recently signed with an angency and they made me sign up for casting network, casting workbook and actor access, I completed my profile and they emailed me back saying to zoom out on photos and confirm my union status. i’m un sure if they mean on the sites or just want me to confirm with them via email. for reference it’s film comm agency in toronto but i am unsure of my union status.

30 isn't too late to start! Right? by bringmethebucket  •  last post Aug 21st

I've been interested in theater my whole life. I was in plays in school. I was a star player in the improv troupe in college. I worked on film sets as a PA for about 3 years, so I have a good feel for what film life is like. Until Covid, I was a circus performer with a small clown troupe. I can juggle and walk on stilts now! So now I find myself unemployed, looking for a change. I turn 30 next month, and in a way I feel like my life is just beginning. I feel like I could do anything, and my life-long dream of being an actor is calling me. So where do I start? Do I try for a decent phone-camera head shot and send it to every agency in town? Do I need to take acting classes? Are acting classes even a thing anymore, because pandemic? Any advice or insight would be appreciated!

Three reasons why you can’t cry on cue by cryoncue  •  last post Aug 21st

Creating truthful emotions creates a lot of stress and confusion for a lot of actors. When you’re confused and stressed it’s damn near impossible to be open and available when you’re expected to deliver the emotional goods. But I’ve got good news! There are only 3 reasons why you are struggling with emotions . 1. Technique - you haven’t yet learned how to use the power of your imagination . You need a personal circumstance to turn on your emotional juices. 2. Lack of crafting - your choices are vague and you haven’t nailed down what the situation or moment means to YOU emotionally . To spark your emotional life you only need to find the emotional meaning ( keep it simple and specific ) 3. Emotional habits - We all have different emotional temperaments that are tougher to tap into. If you we’re raised like I was... “boys don’t cry” , you might struggle with showing your vulnerability . A simple mind hack I offer up to my students is to realize acting isn’t real life . So that means you have full permission to express whatever the circumstances demand . And understand that the truth you are creating in the imaginative world is different from the real world - it’s got to be more rich. Last thing: Suzanne Shepherd one of my former coaches would routinely say...”acting is more your life than real life!” And what she meant was ... a real actor will work like hell to ensure they don’t sell out the rich emotional truth of the character for the cheap payoff of hiding out in your comfort zone.

Quick question: how many months do you need to establish yourself in Los Angeles? by Rainingsun15  •  last post Aug 21st

I have a unique opportunity about a year from now (hopefully in a COVID free world) to spend some time in Los Angeles for extremely little rent. It’s such a good opportunity that even though there may still be some closures, I’m not gonna pass it up! So I would have roughly 1-5 months to feel it out and see if the city is for me. Now, I’m not talking about establishing myself in the industry but rather as an actor/person in Los Angeles. How long would I need to find a good class/make friends/establish my social circle/and know if the city is right for me? Any guidance would be so so great!

Where to look ? community theatre ontario by DazedBees  •  last post Aug 21st

Always mulled over the idea of being an actor, and now I've decided to give it a try-- not in the sense of trying to be a professional actor but just to participate in some plays or whatever small thing I can find that is creative and enjoyable, even if its only a line or something. Where and when and what is the process to begin to audition or participate in these kind of productions? one part of me thinks a community play should be easy to join and I could find some bit part easily, but maybe im naive and every small role is cut throat as hell?

SAG local and any confirmed limitations by Yeertski  •  last post Aug 21st

hello, i am apart of a SAG local. last year i asked if i was able to work on a non union film out of date that i was apart of before i got into the union. the representative said it was ok. I guess i should add that their are other sag actors working on this film so i guess its low budget sag. however i got a new agent recently who mentioned they cant look for jobs outside of my local because of rules, which makes sense. but now i am questioning the answer i got about being able to work on non union gigs outside the local, i am sure there is some sort of limitations. and honestly there is not enough resources for this type of situation to find online besides GLOBAL RULE 1, which the wording needs an update or something cuhz i see people doing youtube videos while apart of SAG and all this stuff. ​ any thoughts? maybe i just need to specify this in the upcoming contract eventually... hopefully lol

Can we talk about Drew Barrymore? by Ok-Director-1590  •  last post Aug 20th

She was just on the Youtube show "Hot Ones" with Sean Evans (if you've never seen it, he may be the best interviewer going btw. But just watching, I was blown away at this woman's career. * E.T. * Gave an E.T. doll to Princess Dianna * Was a guest on Johnny Carson at 7 seven years old * Was on SNL at 7 years old (hosted SNL 5 times) which is a rare achievement I am sure there is more, but they don't cover it. I am not saying she is the best actress, or by any means the most famous or anything; but I can't imagine another actor/actress alive and working who has had such a "Forrest Gump" type life.

Starting an Acting course and I’m terrified! by evenforyou  •  last post Aug 20th

Being in lockdown for so long finally made me realise that if I really want to be an actor, then I need to get up and pursue it. I was fired from my job and I’m so glad I was, if I hadn’t been fired I would’ve never started this acting course. I haven’t acted in over 2 years now, I feel very rusty and I’m lucky that because of Covid, auditions were not needed, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have got in. I worry what my parents/friends/family will think. My first class is next week, I’m so nervous, but I know it’s also probably the best thing that I could’ve done.

Watching the DNC & RNC Speeches as an Actor. by CuspChaser111  •  last post Aug 20th

First: This is not a political post. I'm not here to talk about politics. For me what this post is about is how very interesting with all the on-camera classes & theatre classes and on-camera work though the years the concept of watching these speeches this year in particular. Only film. Not in a crowd. On a set. Not in front of a live 'theatre' - yes we've had presidential addresses before but this - people that usually don't speak to camera - is a very different level to me. I'm watching the breaths, intonations, moment before, objective, tactics, everything. It's all the stuff we have to do in class and on set and there is so much pressure. It's all the technicalities too. The lighting. Voice work. It's so different without the audience around. I wonder about the coaching and if acting coaches step in to help out our speakers particularly for this moment in time? The sincerity has to be there but it can't be over-sincere, it can't be maudlin, their speech has to still achieve something. It's been such an interesting thing to watch for me as an actor.

Why do I cringe so hard when I'm trying to act or just see amateur actors act? by Anubex  •  last post Aug 20th

I've never been to acting school or any auditions. But I cringe so hard when I see amateurs act. I'm an amateur myself so I cringe when I'm acting aswell. Also I've never acted infront of other people in my life, I've only acted by myself for practice. This is a huge problem since I want to go to acting school. I just hope that it will go away after a few weeks at acting school but I honestly think that if it doesn't, I won't last. Can anyone help me out here please?