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Trying to get back into the game after 10+ years. Advice needed. by gonzolives369  •  last post Aug 30th

So I used to do ADR work for a popular ADR studio for some niche anime titles back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Incidental stuff, mainly, but it was fun. A side character here and here, the odd bad guy getting beat up or the background characters. You get the idea. I still have some audition scripts for characters I never got. My proudest is a character that lasted 2 episodes and was very featured in both. But I always loved it. Being from "the South", my Voice Director always told me that I had a fantastic Nebraskan accent for ADR/Voice Acting work (ie neutral accent), despite never stepping foot in that state. I have tried over the years to maintain as neutral an accent as possible, to the point of people swearing I am not from the state I am from. Back in the day (god I sound old), the "How do I become a voice actor" always boiled down to 1 major rule: live near a studio. I was fortunate to become very close friends with my voice directors and only living 45 mins away from it, so going in at 2 am (yes, I'm serious) for some final ADR redubs hours before a batch was due to be sent to the distro company was common at the time. New York, LA, Texas, Vancouver...those where the main destinations to relocate to if you wanted to make it big in the VA community. This is the kind of knowledge I learned early. Sadly, that studio I loved folded, restructured twice, and has since left us for studios in the areas mentioned above. So I've been out of the game. Short of the odd posting on Reddit, I haven't really done much in the way of VA/ADR work in over 10+ years. Recently, however, I invested in a new computer and a new mic (Blue Nano with a decent pop filter, shock grip, and arm) and have decided to jump back in. I auditioned for my first fan production Wednesday and am waiting to hear back. In recent years, doing work from home seems to be way easier than we ever thought it would be in the late 90s and early 2000s when I started just hanging around the studio. Are there any eggshell or wave foam setups that are recommended? I've used audacity for simplicity's sake, but is there anything that is recommended? When we did ADR work, it was always Protools, but I tried that on PC once and hated it. More importantly, what is recommended to get back into the game again? I have various video clips of work that I need to re-edit into some form of VA reel, but I am my own worst critic when it comes to my limited work and can hear the flaws in my voice, especially accents slipping. Should one be cut, can it be uploaded to have people check? I know, a billion questions, but I absolutely want to dive in again into an industry that I spent very little time in that I absolutely adored my time when I was fortunate to be in it. Edit: Voice Reel created and uploaded tonight: [\_48jAOvw](

Thoughts on Actors Access? by indietorch  •  last post Aug 30th

So I wasn't sure if this was more along the lines of like Backstage where it's mainly acting jobs vs voice acting. Wasn't sure if it was worth looking into

What drama school is best for me? by iovoko  •  last post Aug 30th

Obligatory disclaimer: I am fourteen and simply curious to hear the opinions of fellow Redditors. I fully intend on going to drama school when I finish highschool. I believe it’s what’s best for me and my situation, since I don’t live in a place with anything resembling an acting community and need to grow as an actor. I have done a fair bit of research on my own, but again, I want to hear from everyone else. My interest is on-screen acting, but I wouldn’t rule out theatre. I do well in all academic environments, so the stress level isn’t a concern for me. I prefer smaller classes where everyone knows each other and can work together to improve. I need to get better at all facets of acting, from scene study to movement, and prefer a school that creates versatile actors. If anyone has an idea of what I may be describing, I’d love to hear from you. Go raibh maith agat <3

Voice acting, stage acting, film acting by MisterJose  •  last post Aug 30th

I've recently gotten curious about this, so I was hoping someone here would educate me. My basic perception of stage acting in general is that it's supposed to be an elevated reality. Movements and acting larger than life. Also that it's more of a 'trained' technique than a naturalistic one. I'm sure there is some variation, but this is my general thought. Voice acting, for video games, anime, animation, etc. seems like it shares more in common with stage acting. Larger than life, trained dramatic flourishes, fit for an actor who would mechanically break down their lines and plan each moment than someone who would attempt to method it out, etc. Film acting seems like the thing apart. Most of the time, you have to be *real* and believable, first and foremost. Less is often more. I've resisted notions that one is harder than the other, but it is interesting seeing how successful (or unsuccessful) some actors can be going from one to the other. As someone untrained, it often perplexes me to see talented stage and voice actors sometimes do things that are so obviously wrong for the camera. It's like "Dude, you look like someone trying to be something, and not the actual thing. Of course that's not gonna work." And while these mistakes seem obvious here, these are people that, in other areas, I could not come close to doing what they do. I think about someone like Mark Hamill, who obviously had huge film success because of his iconic role as Luke Skywalker, but his appearance in that role was never the paragon of film acting, and he was never good in anything else. OTOH, his voice work as The Joker and other characters is just fantastic, and some of the best out there. What makes him so good at one, and weak at the other? So, those are my remedial insights, and I would love if someone could fill them out, correct them for me, and talk to me a bit more about the how and the why of different form of acting in this way. Thanks in advance.

Do established actors have to audition for acting parts and roles? by samuelhinchliffe91  •  last post Aug 30th

I was watching a Q&A of the actress Emily Watson at Oxford University and she said that she “doesn’t audition anymore” apart from screen testing for blockbusters produced by Hollywood. And said that she “didn’t really” have to audition for things after she received her Oscar nomination for Breaking the Waves. Is this a common thing that happens in the acting industry once someone is know or established?

Rest In Peace Chadwick Boseman by Polo-panda  •  last post Aug 29th

A wonderful actor who played multiple iconic roles, not just T’challa, but Jackie Robinson and Thurgood Marshall as well. He was 43 years old and apparently had been battling colon cancer for the past 4 years. He was great actor and he will absolutely be missed, Rest In Peace

questions about scripts / mechanics by natural_locality  •  last post Aug 29th

not an actor in the slightest, but i have recently been interested in others who do act/ the mechanics of it all. and that brings me on to scripts and things: -is each episode broken down into one script booklet (is there a proper term for this?) or are script booklets broken down by episode? -if they are broken down by episode, does an actor get 7 to 12 script booklets at one tkme? or do they send them in one by one by the time you will film said episode? -what would happen if you shown up at the said and they found out/you told them that you didn’t memorize your lines? -are you hand-given scripts? do they mail them? -what do actors do after they film their scene? -do actors watch their movie/show before it comes out? -what would happen if you lost a page/lost your script? would they give you another? would it cost you? -are scripts costomized for each actor, are their parts put in bold so they can jump right to where they need to memorize? -do extras in a episode/movie with small lines get the entire script book for the episode? do they just get told what to say and when? a sticky note? -assuming a script gets broken down by episode, what would a movie script look like? would it just be one thick book of script? -is there really no need to bring snacks/food on set because there will already be a table of food waiting? if so, is this only for bigger shows/movies?

What makes some actors just radiate funny? by OmnipresentIntrovert  •  last post Aug 29th

I mean it feels like some comedy actors can just make anything funny.

Acting with a Full Time Job by soahcthegod2012  •  last post Aug 29th

I know that a majority of actors work jobs to supplement their incomes during periods where they’re not on stage/film(especially now with a *certain* pandemic plaguing many a things). But my question is, would I be better off getting a full-time job or part-time job as I search for roles/shows to audition for, and why? Also, for any actors out there who have/had experiences with their careers and full time jobs intertwined, I wish to hear your thoughts as well.

Hiring for short horror piece by ronanconners  •  last post Aug 29th

Hello everyone! My name is Ronan Conners and I am a writer launching my site this October. As a way to help advertise the site, I am going to post a short reading from one of my stories. I am looking for someone with gravitas and a bit of editing skills. Enough so that they can deliver a clean sounding clip. This is paid work. I do not have a set price in mind as I have little experience hiring voice actors. I will say that this will be a very short clip. One bonus here is that this will likely lead to future work if you do a good enough job. Feel free to message me on here or at

start career as a Actor by OnlineFilmakngSchool  •  last post Aug 29th

Advice needed: I submitted to and received a self tape request for a small indie via Backstage. Decided to look into the director/writer and I found out that they are only 16 years old. More info below. by o8Eight8o  •  last post Aug 29th

I clicked the link to their backstage profile, which had a profile picture. I then googled them and found their IMDb page and one other film related site with the same profile picture. It was on that last website that I found their birthday. While I really don’t want to be ageist, I’m 29... so I have some concerns. I read the whole script before I knew their age and I had a couple opinions on the writing, but I tried to remain open minded. Now that I know they’re so young it kind of made sense why I felt things were a little off. It’s not a bad script and actually has a lot of potential to tell a beautiful story. I think that maybe the writer just doesn’t have quite enough life experience to write truthfully about the some of the content in the script. My thinking was that maybe this could be an opportunity to collaborate if they’re willing to hear my thoughts on it, given I’m nearly twice their age. I’ve never as an actor given my thoughts on a script, and obviously this would only be if I booked the role. I’m just trying to weigh whether it’s worth it. This is my first audition since April, so it feels great to have a piece to work on, and I would love the role. Lastly, I have concerns about professionalism. Especially given current times and the need for precautions and safety when returning to work. I’m just not sure I could trust a teenager to manage that responsibility. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!

can any working actors give me some feedback on my materials & gameplan? by thisbemyusername1234  •  last post Aug 29th

I lack a professional network and I've made a ton of life mistakes, I've been pretty much hustling by myself this entire time and have made some progress, but I lack knowledgable people that are familiar with my craft who can give me guidance, and unfortunately I have no mentors. It costs so much money to get somebody to care about you in this industry let alone give you legit honest feedback about yourself, what would make sense for you, etc. if anybody on here has minute, I'd really love to receive feedback from knowledgable people. it's tough operating in the dark, I dont want to waste time or money anymore doing the wrong things.

finally taking that leap! by jesssjo  •  last post Aug 28th

hey guys! i visit this subreddit almost every day and read a lot of your posts. they inspire me a lot and i thought i’d share my story hoping to inspire someone too. i’m almost 22, i was a theatre major at a performing arts high school. i loved it, the thrill of acting truly made me feel alive. i knew i wanted to be an actress since the age of 11. my theatre teachers believed in me and always encouraged me to follow my dreams. i had big plans for myself after high school. well i fell in love, had a baby, and lost sight of my dreams. this pandemic really made me realize that there’s nothing else i want to do with my life even though i tried settling for other career paths. i thought becoming a young mother ruined my chances of being an actress forever but that was because i was only seeing it in a negative light. now i want to do it even more for myself and also my child because i want them to grow up knowing you can do absolutely anything you set your heart to. i’m planning to move to atlanta next year early 2021. i lived in georgia before and have family there so i feel like it’ll be an easy move. my partner supports me and i would say i have an awesome support system behind me. i also believe in me which is the most important thing. i still look youthful thanks to my baby face and my body snapped back after my pregnancy. i really think i can do it even though i know it’ll be hard. i have big goals for myself and i know i can manifest whatever i want in this life as long as i put in the work. this is my biggest passion and if i make it one day, i want to show that you can still do anything even as a young mother. i’ve been researching atlanta for months and might even possibly already have a connection thanks to a friend. if you’ve read this far, thank you. i guess i just wanted to finally speak it into existence that i’m making that big jump. i don’t want to live the rest of my life in regret if i never put myself out there by trying. you can do anything you want, nothing in this world is unattainable

An auditioning app for actors by iyiol_a  •  last post Aug 28th

Hi guys, I'm Iyiola Owabumowa, Founder and CEO of Monologue, an auditioning app for actors. Sequel to my last post on this sub, there have been suggestion regarding the auditioning app my team and I are working on, and I'd love to use this opportunity to take questions you have about Monologue. What we do is that we provide a mobile app to help you land movie roles, get seen easily and effectively by CDs. We also understand that the market is saturated and most of the time drowns actors from getting noticed unless you go through a high quality agent (not guaranteed). We're positioning this app to provide solutions to these problems. But your observations, questions, suggestions, pains would be super useful in this development process. While we're at the discussion, [there's a waitlist you can join for the app launch.]( *Kindly let me know your questions, suggestions and even pain points to help us help you better* &#x200B; &#x200B;

CASTING CALL: looking for London-based actresses who have OR are able to use Discord by DRAGON_J246  •  last post Aug 28th

Hey all, I’m the showrunner of the horror drama anthology series the Edge of Midnight: We are looking for a lead actress for Ep3 of our series, they will have meet (at distance) an actor, but there is no romantic/relationship scenes. Preferably aging wise you need to be 15+ to audition for this role and obviously have Discord since that’s our virtual production hub for the series. Please send me a message if you are up for this. We aim to film in early September so sooner is better on this. Thank you all in advance.

A Website/Service for Actors (Idea) by mysterydarkblue  •  last post Aug 28th

Hey all, I’m looking to validate an idea I’ve had for a website for actors. The idea is to provide a way for actors to create a public profile with all the relevant information casting agents would need to know (i.e. headshots, age group etc.) I’m a designer so I’d put the focus on building a really nice UI so that actors could use their profile as a professional-looking portfolio website whilst also providing helpful features, such as a way for people to contact you straight through the platform so that you don’t have to post your contact details publicly. It would be a service that would provide you with an instant link to send to casting directors and talent agencies without any fuss of making your own site or having the clumsiness/outdated look of other sites out there. What are your thoughts? Would this be something you’re interested in or do you have any ideas for features that would make you want to use the site? Thanks.

Student Acting: Should I Take Roles My Freshman Year? by Accidental_Edge  •  last post Aug 28th

Hello all! I am a Freshman BFA Acting Student right now and I am admittedly a little overwhelmed at the moment! I was discussing headshots with my professor and he recommended that I get professional shots done if I want to do professional work this year (my freshman year). My question is whether or not I should be looking for work right now, especially during Covid-19 and with as little experience I have? Or should I work on building my skill as an Actor? Thank you!

Christopher Denham is great by NarcIndianManLover  •  last post Aug 28th

Not only is he perfect actor but Home Movie truly is great movie. Well directed. You are truly underrated Christopher. Go go go!