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We have found 19,373 posts across 4 actor forums:

Step 2 of Make a Living Acting anywhere from Home! by ChrissyBartels  •  last post Mar 28th

For those of you who appreciate a step by step approach in small doses on how to make a living acting anywhere and (now more than ever) from home, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel! I could really use the support and I really believe the information is super helpful to young and aspiring actors all the way up to those who have had to put their acting careers on the back burner. Share it with whoever you think might benefit from a systematic, daily checklist, and send me a message with your questions so I can get them answered for you asap! As a matter of fact, I will create videos directly to you to answer your questions. How fun is that?! You can also find me on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram by clicking on those preferred Social Channels listed! Don’t forget to Subscribe, Hit the Bell for Notifications, Like and Share any content on any of the Social Media Outlets you prefer. Until next time, stay safe and #stayhome as you #makealivingactinganywhere by learning to #makealivingactingathome. [](

Emotions by tcme529  •  last post Mar 28th

I’ve been acting for 11 years, I’ve focused on singing for the past 4 years but now I want to fully dive back into acting. I’m a really good actor but I have a lot of trouble reaching my emotions , I can be dramatic and everything but for scenes when I need to cry, or other emotional things etc. it’s extremely hard. Help?

i think i'm way over my head here, any advice? by Txbi89  •  last post Mar 28th

so a few months ago, i joined a group small group of people who all lived in my general area because we wanted to make a movie. I was doing music and acting but now, we can't meet up so my role has been sized down to a phone call (as in my character and lines are still the same but i just need to record my voice) and i thought that was fine but now i'm having second thoughts. i don't have an actual microphone, only the built in one on my phone and after doing a few takes, my voice sounds flat, like i bored of reading the script. voice acting and 'on camera' acting are two very different things and i like to think i'm a good actress but i cannot voice act for the life of me. my skills on camera come when i'm moving around and with other people on a set but you can't do that with voice acting. i don't want to let the people in my team down so does anyone have any advice on how to voice act well? sorry if this is a dumb question

How do Canadian actors work on American films? And how can American actors work on Canadian films? by coolforehand  •  last post Mar 28th

I've tried researching this and have had mixed, mostly incomplete results. I know about the O Visa for entertainers, athletes, renowned specialists, etc. But, there seems to be so many Canadian actors who got their start in Hollywood it doesn't seem possible they all won an O Visa at the beginning. Ryan Reynolds for example says one day he left university, drove to Los Angeles and began working. As far as I can tell, he wasn't yet an American citizen at that time. This is but one example, but we all know the plethora of Canadian actors in Hollywood. How do they work legally on sets and all that comes with that (taxes, union fees, etc)? Flipside of the question, what's the best way an American can do this in the Canadian film market? My research has led me to resources that state visas can be obtained if you're producing the project and it's cleared by a certain government organization who issues permits for these things (forgetting the exact name right now) or if you're asked to be a part of a production which is Canadian or has already obtained clearance from the org. I just mentioned. Nothing about those paths suggest it's possible to just drive up to Toronto or Vancouver and begin working as Reynolds and others claim they did in the USA.

Blacklisting Voice Actors by ThatOneMothBoi  •  last post Mar 28th

I recall a friend of mine mentioning how fandubs and abridged for shows will get you blacklisted from many agents and companies. However, what else does it apply to? Will doing comic dubs get you into the same trouble as fandubs and abridged series?

World Monologue Games by nonchalantpony  •  last post Mar 28th

I'm gonna take a punt in these COVID days that this is okay to post given its an opportunity. I am not associated with it in any way and I will not be participating. Just posting entirety from other social media for interest. Mods please delete if not okay. Registrations are open for **World Monologue Games**! This event welcomes participants from every country in the world with a wide range of categories to compete in: pro/am, age groups, country, duration of monologue etc. **CASH prizes will be given to winners**! We want to pay as many artists as possible during this troubling time. No matter what your circumstances are, we welcome you with open arms. Lockdown friendly event - you only need a camera and an internet connection. Register now as an actor, fan, donor, volunteer or an expert judge. **Free training and content for any registrant and EVERYONE gets a free entry.** **The Monologue Project** is incredibly excited to have you join us for this event. Keep busy, entertain your fellow earthlings and be in it to win it!More info will be sent to registrants over the coming days.[](

Actors wanting to run lines or build some sort of zoom/skype community during this? by ji1288  •  last post Mar 28th

Are there any resources like this right now? Would love to just run lines or act out some plays/monologues together and give feedback during this COVID-19.

Acting as a career or a hobby by Bloody_Khan_Man  •  last post Mar 28th

Hi, I'm a 25-year-old South Asian male in the US who is at a crossroads currently in determining my future. To give some context I've been an engineering student for the past 7 years but in the last 2 years, I have been gaining knowledge and reignited my passion for filmmaking. In high school, I acted in school plays and loved every second of it. In my freshman year of college (back in 2014) I got a small role in the college play but sadly dropped out because of my schedule which I regret to this day. Acting has always been in the back of my mind but never had the guts to truly pursue it again until recently. I'm (hopefully) graduating with my B.S. this semester but am getting severe anxiety and stress on what to do. One part of me wants to dive straight into filmmaking and acting again and make it a career even though I know the risk factors that come with it. On the other side is job security and financial stability for my future family but I'm afraid I'll be sucked back into my depression and increased mental health issues due to me doing the same mistake as I did years ago. Let's just say I didn't make wise decisions for my mental health. I've heard people do acting on the side but knowing myself I can't really multitask well. It's either one or the other. Sometimes I feel I already set my life in stone even though I'm only 25 but I see people only a few years younger than me and think "they made the right decision" where I'm way behind in my acting skills even though I know I have them deep down somewhere inside me. I'm just generally curious and seeking advice on actors who do this as a hobby and have a full-time job and actors who do this as a full-time job with maybe a part-time job to pay the bills. Right now my main focus is graduating but I can't come to terms on my further plan of action.

Sense memory by actordownunder  •  last post Mar 28th

Hey guys, I recently came across a stream of videos on YouTube that are on this topic of sense memory. Now before I watched these videos I was under the impression sense memory would be some form of the minds eye where you visualise an emotional event that could trigger your emotions (Meisner) such as seeing your (fake) daughter for the last time as they take you into prison or whatever. However after watching these videos I’ve found it’s something completely different yet it still seems so alien after the hour or so of research I’ve put in. My understanding is that you clear your mind and focus on a SPECIFIC sense (1) that relates to the emotion you are trying to convey in the scene, such as the feeling of rain on your face that day you didn’t get into Juilliard to show sadness. Furthermore, you are meant to do this prior to going on stage or filming the scene by cleaning your mind and spending 10-20 minutes using sense memory to get in the “mood”. I’ve also read that actors like to do this throughout their every day life. Now my questions are this, 1) am I able to use more then 1 sense in these memories 2) should I use this before every scene 3) how long per day and what are the benefits of practicing sense memory every day. Thank you for reading.

Paid voiceover opportunity- seeking actor from Swindon. by makebelieveguy  •  last post Mar 28th

Hi humans of reddit! I figured I’d reach out here before turning to backstage etc. Seeking an actor (or ‘real person,’ but I’d rather employ a pro if possible) from Swindon, if not Swindon, at least from Wiltshire county. Male, age 20-35. Short text to be read. No professional setup required. More info and payment details available upon request by serious enquirer. Thanks!

on camera training? by redalienbaby  •  last post Mar 27th

anybody here feel like sharing some of the basics they learned when training to become an actor? im trying to research where some of the greats trained or studied.. trouble is i cant afford it!

Any actors here in recovery for an eating disorder? by windowsofthislove  •  last post Mar 27th

TW: Talk about my body Hey all! So I'm 30 & I've done some professional acting work. This past year I made it a goal to commit to taking the plunge into acting with hopes to eventually gain full-time work. I really enjoy acting as an art form — it makes me so incredibly happy. My soul feels absolutely connected to the artistry of it. However, I have some worries. A conversation I keep having with my therapist is: do I really want to pursue a full-time career that focuses on my body constantly? We're still talking through this. The more auditions I go on, and the more gigs I book, the more focused on my body I become. I try my best to reframe negative thoughts & I haven't acted on any eating disorder behaviors or anything, but... I'm 5 years in recovery for an eating disorder & I guess my worry is that, can I pursue acting & keep a healthy mind in eating disorder recovery? Can acting be recovery focused? I also happen to be an overweight actor, which I think plays into my body awareness too. I workout & I'm very strong, but I have some really bad hormone issues that I'm currently dealing with (my past eating disorder probably didn't help them), but all-in-all, I know I carry my weight well... which is lucky. Granted, I'm very tall, which probably helps. I actually began weightlifting to feel better with my acting choices, etc. As my body becomes stronger and stronger, my muscles become more defined, and I feel more confident. I also notice I'm physically capable of doing more performance-wise if I keep a solid workout routine, as well as keep my body nourished. Wellness is what I try to think about when it comes to the physicality of acting. So are any of you in eating disorder recovery & how do you deal with the pressure of acting? Anyone wanna start a support group? Hahaha Oh, my other worry is that the older I get, the more focused I'll become on my looks... since... well... being a woman in acting. How do I define the boundary between what's an alright action to take vs. what's treading ED territory. Like, is a little Botox a slippery slope or standard & something I'm just going to need to accept? Stuff like that, I would like to hear others' experiences

Actors in LA (or CA in general) who are filing for unemployment? by iluye1  •  last post Mar 27th

This might be a weird question to ask here.... but someone might have the answer. So as you know, our whole industry and pretty much every other one has been stunted due to Covid-19. I filed unemployment awhile ago... I have a kind of complicated wage history. I was working a serving job to supplement acting until around dec of last year, and there were was favoritism by the manager who only started scheduling me wednesday morning shifts, and then eventually took me off the schedule to force me to quit essentially. I ended up having to quit. I got paid for an acting job I booked in late january, but other than that my dad has been paying my rent, due to me also losing a family member several weeks ago. I had to attend that funeral and I come back to LA with no food on the shelves, and no way to even work. I applied to unemployment, and only got offered $50 a week...... I know it's crazy busy at the unemployment offices, too busy to have the phone interviews they used to have or to fact check correctly. But obviously I can't live on that. I triple checked all of my wages from acting before sending them in, and checked "work ended" for them, but there's clearly months where I made nothing, and I didn't get shifts at my serving job through no fault of my own. I can't get ahold of anyone through the phone, they're being bombarded with calls. Do any actors have experience with this sort of thing or are going through it right now? Also if there are some better reddits for me to post this in, i would love the redirects! Thank you!

Looking for actors looking to expand their reel by thomasmwatt  •  last post Mar 27th

I'm creating an online web series about a man searching for his abducted wife. Production budget and crew is bare bones. Likely a 1 day shoot (5 minute episodes). The film location is in the riverside county area, California. Direct message me if you're interested.

What is the average budget and salary for an off-off-broadway production, an off-broadway production, and a broadway production? by figure_skating_bagel  •  last post Mar 26th

Hello all! I'm just curious about the budgets for these types of productions and the type of compensation actors can get (I participated in a casting call for one of these productions a while back, I didn't make it in but I saw that their salary was around $300/week) Thanks!

Do Actors Qualify for Unemployment in NY? by generictypo  •  last post Mar 26th

Hello all, Just wondering if anyone here from NY have applied for unemployment and have qualified. Nothing is filming right now. And there's a pandemic. Thank you. ______________ EDIT: Non-union, to be exact.

Voice Acting Troupe!(for supporting small voice actors!) by AriKatDraws  •  last post Mar 26th

Hello! Me and a couple friends are putting together a voice acting troupe! The troupes specific purpose is to bring together voice actors that haven't quite found their place in the business yet and give them something to work together on! This is a completely free and open support group for anyone that wants to work together on a voice acting project! The only qualifications for joining are 1. having a discord! And thats about it! Amateur or professional! Serious or hobbyist! This group is for anyone with a passion for the art that wants to have a little fun working with everyone! For anyone interested, feel free to message my discord CherryLimeade#1039 for a link to the discord!

I need your help/opinion about dropping highschool. by Seizum  •  last post Mar 26th

NOTE: I think I ended up talking about things that are relevant to the reason of this post, but weren't needed. I just felt so refreshed writing this. NOTE #2: I'm Colombian and my native language is Spanish, so I might have made some mistakes, but I think the text is clear and understandable. Hey, so I'm really considering dropping high school and start more seriously in the acting business. I'm from Colombia and I'm 18 (Here I'm already a legal adult), in my Country we do Primary, middle and high school (some times kindergarden too) in the same place, and we divide it in 15 years. I'm halfway through my 14th year (we finish school in december and start again in january-february. I guess I'm in what North Americans would call highschool sophomore year?). So 2 years ago (I was 16) I discovered I really liked acting, and since then I've been in love with this form of art, I've been reading books and watching videos about acting techniques and characters and I made a few short films with a friend that wants to be a director. I'm now at the point where everyone in the school, including the teachers and principal, know that I'm the guy that acts, and I'm always asked by my classmates, friends from other classes and grades, and also the drama teacher (I have like a 2 hour class a week with her), to help them in the projects that require acting, and I love it. Every time I act I feel like a rush of adrenaline, a wierd energy going through my body whenever I do a scene, analuzing the scripts is also very interesting, how you can view the story in different ways depending from which character's perdpectives you are reading, how the story evolves and changes the characters and also you as a person... I just could go on and on about what I like about acting. Acting just gives these energizing but also refreshing goosebumps. In the other hand we have going to school... Since I discovered that as an actor you will never need grades to be accepted for a casting or an acting workshop, I've started to feel that going to school means nothing to my life. Yes, I learn things like: making a chemical compound, do calculus and find the force of a moving object... But what is THAT going to do for my life? Every time I go to school I feel like my mind just goes blank, my mood becomes crappy and I suddenly feel sleepy. Up to this point I'm really worried to fall into depression again. My family has a tendency to have depression, I have a cousin that was hospitalized for a few months in a mental hospital because of falling in depression while pregnant, her hormones went crazy, and now, a year after, she is still taking drugs that makes her be like a zombie; my mom and her siblings take antidepresasants, my paternal aunt takes them too, etc.. And I was depressed too (for a good 4 years) and I was able to get out of that without taking pills (I was medicated, but they made my mind very foggy and also made me sleepy), so I'm not going to throw myself into a depression for the next year and a half. I started feeling like this when classes started (january), and I was doing my best, I talked with my homeroom teacher and a good, trustworthy friend, but they both said something like: "We are almost finishing, don't give up now", which is also what the school Psychologist said before I changed schools (I was in another school where I was bullied and had no friends, that was the reason for my 4 year depression, I changed schools when I was 12, the depression finished with me feeling worthless for losing my 11th year in school and realising there was something wrong with me, I was 14, and my 15 y/o me starting a self-improvement life that would end up making a pretty confident 18 y/o; I'm happy I didn't listen to my suicidal thoughts that have now disappeared). Going to school has made it pretty hard for me to do my hobbies and to work in my acting, so when quarantine started I thought: "Finally, a few weeks for myself". But no, now the teachers are sending homework and documents every day through Google Classroom for us to do, and now I don't have energy to work in my acting or anything, I just want to lay in bed, watching videos and maybe pick up my guitar and play an easy song, nothing that needs brain power. I'm also going back to videogames (I was addicted to videogames, but I quitted a year ago). And it is a shame, becouse I just discovered r/actingclass and I was pretty excited about it, but I don't really feel like reading the articles and doing the monologues (don't get me wrong, I was going to do that, but I just get really stressed after finishing the school work). When there wasn't quarantine I didn't had time too, I have basketball practice 3 days a week, I also go to the gym 3 times a week and I have singing classes once a week, if we add that the homework and my daily guitar practice routine, I don't really have time for my acting. So now the main question is, do I stop doing the school work and use the quarantine in improving my acting, my music and have free time for reading books and, when the quarantine stops, drop out school? My plan would be this: Drop out school, then enter an acting academy (I already know which one, the teacher is pretty good), after I finish the classes, start doing auditions, wait for my european passport (I still don't have it, but it is almost sure that it will arrive in a year or two; al the paperwork is already done), go to madrid, spain, do acting classes and start doing auditions there. If I don't get the passport, then continue acting here (the film industry, and the arts in general, is very small and also not very good) or find a way to move to LA. I know things never go as planned and the way I put things might be a bit unrealistic, but I'm 100% sure that I want to pursue acting. I've always been an artist, I wanted to be a painter when I was 11, then I wanted to be a writer at 14, now I want to be an actor and I've recently (half a year ago) started music. My two biggest fears are not being succesful at what I love and work in an office, doesen't matter if I'm the boss or if it's my personal office. I didn't had anyone to share this to, I can't see my friend because of quarantine and my parents and sister are very closed minded and conservative, my dad is the kind of person that says: "The only two things that matter in life are the health and the studies", he was also top of the class in highschool and university (he's a doctor), my sister is a female copy of my dad (graduated as top of the class and is now top of her class in university, she is studying psychology) and my mom that is also like that. My parents wont understand that there is future for someone without a highschool or college diploma (a friend of mine dropped highschool and they saw that as a tragedy. I mean, he isn't interested in getting any kind of training, he is just working as a delivery man, which I see as a tragedy myself). So in the end I ended up sharing this with you, redditors. What do you think? Do you have any comments or suggestions for me?

Looking for actors / writers to start a web show ! by itzshort  •  last post Mar 26th

Hey guys I am 20 years old and I am looking for actors writers and all to start a independent web show. Thus Is for people who want to do something similar!This will be strictly ours and we will be posting on YouTube and will try to work on small films ! It will be a comedy/satire/sketch show! If you are maybe interested or want to know more pm me ! I live near LA so close by!

Good acting schools/workshops in Toronto or a great YouTube channel for first time actors looking to get into the business but want training? by tynalt  •  last post Mar 26th

I’m fairly new to acting and took a couple of classes but never really felt that intrigued by what was being taught. It never stuck with me, I’m looking for a hands on acting workshop/school that is on going for a year or two to get into the business. I’m located in Toronto. If you can recommend great YouTube channels to expand my mind within this industry that would also be great. Since we are all stuck it isolation this is great time to hone our skills in our craft. I’m wishing you all a safe and health quarantine and thank you in advance for the help!