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For anyone that missed the free Zoom class I'll be doing another one Tomorrow @ 5pm PST!! by theLAactor  •  last post Mar 20th

Just finished my first zoom and decided to do another one tomorrow at 5pm for anyone that missed it. It's on the dos and donts of Hollywood. **This is a free 40 minute coaching for anyone who wants it**. I will try and give a crash course on everything that has and has not worked for me. If this interests you I will attach the zoom link tomorrow around 30 minutes before. Bare with me as coaching online is new to me. A little about myself: I’ve been an actor in LA for 12 years now. I've taken more classes and workshops than I can list. I've had good and bad reps and I've booked and worked on some amazing, and some not so amazing films and TV shows. I've had or have rep in New Mexico, Atlanta, and Charlotte, for those interested in local hire work. I've spent far too much time and money on things that didn't help me as an actor hopefully so you don't have to. I'll be discussing: Vision, headshots, classes, workshops, out of state local hire, getting rep, self taping, and auditioning. If I can pass even a few lessons on to you that will help, sweet. Hope to see you tomorrow! =) -H

Any software developers/programmers that pursue acting also? by leafOnTheRiver  •  last post Mar 20th

I've been acting for a number of years now, and recently(3 years ago) started working as an android developer. I have found that working as a developer means to actively suppressing my emotions and impulses in order to be productive. This is the opposite of what is needed to be a good actor. As an actor, I need to be in tune with my impulses and not actively suppress emotions and reactivity. I've noticed that the longer I work as a programmer, the harder it is to access my impulses and be reactive. My acting career has started to take a huge hit in the last few years, and I was wondering if there are any fellow programmers here that have solved this particular problem. Or anyone working in a technical field that requires the active suppression of impulses and emotions. What tips and tricks have you been able to find that allows you to access your impulses and emotions when needed? I've talked with a few other developer/actors that I know (n=4) and there seems to be a consensus that our vocation forces us to practice soft skills that are (at least) somewhat hurtful to our acting pursuits. I just wanted to reach out and see if anyone else has this problem. Thanks in advance!

Heated self-tape debate w/fellow actor... thoughts? by CuspChaser111  •  last post Mar 20th

Actors* & Casting Directors: A friend and I got into a heated debate / argument about booking off tape: 1. My friend says he never learns the lines anymore and books more that way. That when he’d learn lines word perfect before he never booked. That character is everything. While I agree character is very ( obviously) important... 2. The way I was trained was to not only capture the character but also honor the words - I learn the words so I don’t offend writers. Yes I know the words will change once you book pilot - but they’re also trying to see how good you are with writer’s words. What do you think? He says the way he books more is after he started paraphrasing lines his way. I come from a purely improv background, then Meisner training in Nyc, and while I’d love to do this I feel it’s not very professional. Also he’s a good-looking dude and I am a WOC and I think it’s harder on those that are not super-specific types. Like if you’re looking for a tatted up motorcycle redhead woman you’re not going to be looking for word perfect. I have booked a major guest star on a marvel series and that was word for word in a casting office. But I don’t tend to do so well. Look I’d love to put my own spin on the words with the improv training. Seriously. I’m curious about your experience(s) because in my early days when I tried the improv paraphrase thing I’d get called on it in casting offices and they’d ask for word perfect. I’m curious what your thoughts are. Most importantly: your results. Thanks! Stay safe during this time! * particularly those that book off tape very often.

Financial collapse by Themessenger900  •  last post Mar 19th

What kind of effects would a financial collapse have on an actors life in the industry?! Also for those of you doing it since 2008 how did that effect your lives?

Complacency by ApprehensiveRecord0  •  last post Mar 19th

Those who have been doing this for a long time... Have you noticed your circle of actor friends you might have started this journey with has either completely changed or only 1-2 people you still talk to? I ask because I’m realizing the more I take this seriously and the more my career kicks off. I am able to differentiate between who “wants” to be an actor and who is going to be a working actor. I love everyone I have met along the way so far but I have to seriously love most of them from a distance the more I grow. It’s kind of sad/shocking to me. I assumed we pursue an industry like this because we craved different and would want to escape routine or complacency. Idk just a rant I’ve been thinking of lately. Would love to hear some words of wisdom or anyone else’s opinion. P.s. I’m ok with people having different goals. I’m talking about unhealthy actors complaining about day jobs, not getting auditions, oh what more can I do, same class every year, moaning/waiting to get “lucky” or “make it”

Actor based HIIT workout plan, need something while quarantined? by DirectivePodcast  •  last post Mar 19th

Hi friends, I posted a long time ago looking for insight on this actor centric workout plan I made for my MFA Thesis in 2018/2019 that could be done in a small space, required no equipment, and was only 30 minutes a workout. My own local gym closed so I've switched back to at-home workouts and thought maybe other people might be looking for something similar right now. It's all in this google drive that explains everything, there are videos to show you the exercises and modifiers, a written breakdown, and instruction on how to download a free circuit timer app that will let you know when to change moves and runs under all media players so you can listen or watch things still. It's not super polished in presentation but a lot of research went into this and it's free. Hope it helps! [](

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Mar 19 by AutoModerator  •  last post Mar 19th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Does anybody know these actors who booked pilots? by WinonaPortman  •  last post Mar 19th

I didn't think I was going to have time to complete my annual survey on the backgrounds of young adult actors who booked leads and series regulars in pilots and straight-to-series orders this year, but as events have turned, I have more time for it than I'd like. Much more. And while it's questionable as to whether a lot of the pilots will actually end up shooting, there were already more actors cast in the 23-33 age range than in previous years when everything ground to a halt. So it's on and I'll post the results in a few days and then follow that up with another post giving the three-year totals along with some takeaways to complete the study.   As usual, there are a few actors about whom I can't find much information, so please let me know if you know any of them and the details about their training and educational backgrounds. DMs with accurate information are welcome:   Joey Brooks - Untitled Lakers Project - Joe Brooks the British singer/songwriter? Halle Bush - The Power - First credit. Possibly younger than the 23-33 age range. Sarunas J. Jackson - Games People Play - Played basketball at Post University with an **undisclosed major ???** and then in an international professional league. Agneeta Thacker - Dash & Lily - 2015 Northwestern graduate. Can't tell major. Possibly Journalism. LaToya Tonodeo - Power Book II: Ghost - First bit credits in 2009 followed by a six year gap. Possibly out of 22-33 age range. Zainne Saleh - Maverick - Can't tell much of anything.

Does shirt hair on women make it difficult to book jobs? by foxofthestorybooks  •  last post Mar 19th

I’m asking this because I know a girl who completely rocked a pixie to the point that most people felt it improved her look. But she got extensions because she felt like she wouldn’t be able to get roles as an actress. How true is this? I there are more casting calls for women with long hair, but I’ve also always heard that having something to set you apart really helps you in the industry and at the end of the day you can wear a wig. But maybe style choices like that are reserved for people like Scarlet Johansson who’ve already made it big so people will cast them no matter what?

A-List and Private Acting Coaches? (Scene Partners) by AmazingChickenX  •  last post Mar 19th

Do A-List actors ever have scene partners in their private coaching? I always hear them say that they get privately coached, but I thought that a private coach would only work on monologues, etc. Do they ever work with scene partners or do they run lines with the coach? Referring to actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis, etc, when they work with coaches like Chubbuck, Nancy Banks, Larry Moss, etc.

Quarantine Solution by cryoncue  •  last post Mar 19th

Attn: actors- you Really CAN go to acting class...Even if you're in quarantine. I'm teaching a FREE interactive online acting class tonight 6:00 pm PST/ 7:00 pm MST/ 8:00 pm CST/ 9:00 EST The class is called... LINES TO LIFE And there are 3 reasons you don't want to miss is it. \#1: You'll learn the FIVE questions you MUST answer about your character if you ever hope to connect with your character or avoid getting stuck in your head because of self doubt ( Don’t worry! They’re fun to answer and will open your eyes and imagination so you know exactly how to build and create your character \#2: A simple and easy technique that helps you connect with your material and scene partner. It doesn’t matter if you're doing ( commercials, auditions, Shakespeare, sitcoms...doesn’t matter) this technique will get you into character and in the moment. \#3: The Single most important element in great acting! Get good at this and it’s like being can bring any character ALIVE! ( IGNORE this and you'll be one those actors that takes a loooong time to get into character.) You can come with prepared work or you can be a fly on wall and observe if your prefer. You can get more info on the Cry On Cue Now fb page.

Actor and - ? by SarahTchil  •  last post Mar 18th

So I want to know about actors who also work other part-time or full time jobs. Are there any of you who work and study at the same time? I'm talking about jobs like : engineer, architect, nurse, etc.. jobs that require full focus and can't provide the opportunity to "switch shift" or study and practice on acting at the same time while at work. Is it effective or is it much better to just focus on learning acting for the best possible result ? Thanks

Having Trouble Being Off Book For Self Tapes by theWhite_Falcon  •  last post Mar 18th

Hi my acting brethren. Needless to say, because of world events, many of us we are all auditioning via Skype of self tape. I have two this week and I'm really having trouble with the memorization. I've always needed more time than others to get the words to stick. I do employ the tricks I have learned on Youtube , but I only have a few days with the sides and I'm still struggling to be off book in time. I've heard other actors talk about getting pages of sides and being off book in a day. How do you do it????? Thank you for your thoughts and any help.

Is getting an agent a big deal? (a big accomplishment) by kreamykthesecond  •  last post Mar 18th

I don't want to diminish anyone else's accomplishments or struggles obviously. Everyone's journey is different. ​ I'm an 11th grader in high school and 4 of my friends are actors who actually get jobs and they all have agents (i go to an arts school). So back in November I decided, if they're doing it so young, I can too. So I went on the ACTRA website (the actors union where I am) and I emailed every ACTRA agent in Toronto asking them to consider me. A few replied. They all died out after a week. ​ Then, a few days ago I randomly got a reply from one of them, months later. We had a meeting yesterday, and she agreed to represent me. She was an actor for 15 years and seems to really know her stuff so I'm excited. ​ Is getting an agent a big step? How long does it usually take? ​ Also - in the email about the meeting before we met, she said there would also be an audition. Which makes sense. But then the actual meeting happened and there was no audition? Maybe it's because I'm a drama major at my school... not sure. She just agreed to take me on. ​ It's a smaller agency but it seems to be doing well. Apparently two of her clients are in that new Home Alone reboot. ​ idk. ​ this post was meant with nothing but love

Free 40 minute zoom coaching for Actors new to LA, or those looking to move here. Tomorrow, Thursday @ 5pm PST. by theLAactor  •  last post Mar 18th

Hey everybody, With everything going on I’ve decided to use my time to coach and mentor actors new to LA, or considering moving here the dos and donts of Hollywood. **This is a free 40 minute coaching for anyone who wants it**. I will try and give a crash course on everything that has and has not worked for me. If this interests you I will attach the zoom link tomorrow around 30 minutes before. Bare with me as coaching online is new to me. ​ A little about myself: I’ve been an actor in LA for 12 years now. I've taken more classes and workshops than I can list. I've been with both terrible and amazing reps. I've booked and worked on some amazing, and some not so amazing films and TV shows. I've had or have rep in New Mexico, Atlanta, and Charlotte, for those interested in local hire work. I've wasted far too much time and money on things that didn't not help me as an actor. If I can pass even a few lessons on to you that will help, sweet. Hope to see you tomorrow! \-H ​ **-Please download Zoom on your computer or mobile device.** **-Have pen and paper ready to take notes.** \-**Please feel free to post any questions you have here and I'll try to cover them as best as I can in the 40 minutes I have available. (if there is time at the end)**

What, if anything, is AEA doing to help out of work actors? by NoelCoward75  •  last post Mar 17th

Just wondering. I've been an EMC for 18 years and have been constantly at odds with the Union both as actor (for being denied job interviews) and producer (for their price gouging practices to hire union actors). I saw, recently, that the Union asked actors to write letters to their local and state legislators to request aid...but...isn't this the Union's job? The several people I know who work at the Union have disgusting salaries for what they supposedly "do", so I know the Union has money. So, Union Actors, what, if anything, is AEA doing to help "us" out? Do we even need their meddling?

Relatively New Actor by OpeBoi  •  last post Mar 17th

I’m kind of new to the whole acting scene, I’m 16 and I’ve been acting for a little over 2 years and I’ve only been in a couple musicals. I’ve never done any sort of filmed acting asides from my musicals being recorded and I don’t know much about the process of acting on screen. I’ve been asked by a director to do a table read for a pilot episode of a tv show. Does this mean I’m in the show? What steps should I take if I were to pursue acting on TV?

Improv by lastimosa24  •  last post Mar 17th

When I started my studies as an Actor (AAU SF). I took improv beginners class my first semester. I did a short Improv Musical for my finals. Of course, you have to pick a subject, maybe an object, theme ETC then create from there. I worked with a group of 3. Very talented folks. When it came to the performance everything went super well , we sang danced as seemed we choreographed it, we connected, listened , and it was funny. At the end, our Professor pulled us aside and told us to redo our Finals tommorow cause we "Organized it" and believed our performance was scripted and practiced. Note: we were paired that same day and wouldn't have came up with anything without the audiences suggestions. Confused, we told her that everything was genuine, everything was Improved. She never spoke to us again after that semester. Morale of story: You are all remarkably talented. We don't have to dumb it down for anyone.

looking to audition for a show- found one in my area, but unsure about the terminology used/how legitimate it is/basically everything by figure_skating_bagel  •  last post Mar 16th

Hello everyone! I'm a somewhat experienced actor, but not on the professional level. I've been in quite a few lower-level productions, but nothing like this one. How does this type of thing work? Can someone break down this webpage for me so I can understand what they're talking about? []( thanks!!