I have a ton of fans I’ve built up in the nyc market that request me personally for improv etc. to my agents there and I’ve booked a lot of commercials in Nyc - my callback and booking ratios which I’ve measured on excel spreadsheets have only gone up through the years - made the move out of nyc to la and have not gotten called in nearly as much as I’ve liked in past 6 months - even new headshots are great and the two spots I got sent in I got a cb and then avail for - any advice on how to get called in more? In first cb CD told me I’m his new fave and I was in that CB for 40 min just me one on one . - please don’t tell me it’s going to be a long time to get called in more here commercially? Theatrically I am getting called in a ton with producers sessions etc but commercials are how I make my bread and butter - any advice would be great thanks!
Hi there, This is a question mostly for LA-based actors, but I'm happy to hear from anyone! Obviously the breakdowns are flooded with non-union jobs; it's just the reality we're living in at the moment. Have you ever applied to those non-union jobs as a union actor? I suppose there's no rule against it, but my fear would be pissing off casting directors who now think I don't know how to read. Am I being overly paranoid? I've heard it's possible to "flip" a job (if they like you enough for the part they might go SAG signatory), but I'm wondering if anyone on this subreddit has had success doing that. Opinions or insights from those behind the camera are especially welcome. Thank you!
Hi, I am an actor with a little bit of college and highschool theater experience from school, I didn’t do a lot of plays in college because I was focused more on film department work at my school. I did take a lot of acting classes including Shakespearean acting classes. I live in New York now and want to audition for more theater work, but I have more film acting work on my resume. Can I use my school training on my Resume? Am I fucked at ever getting any theater gigs because of my low theater experience on my resume? I have some experience but have more film acting experience. Thanks guys.
Interested in getting into voiceovers but never knew where to start? My name is Terry Daniel. I'm an experienced full time voice actor going on my 30th year in the business! I created a YouTube channel playlist for beginners who are serious about learning the craft and doing what it takes to become a professional voice actor. Check it out at [www.voiceoverbeginners.com.](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.voiceoverbeginners.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3ax8QTOQ1Kk1bDuzKS9E1xye7mBLfOzi7b3YSAjRRqmbtHoPQziTHl3BE&h=AT2UFu8DDo37da-SRXm3ODIVrmMEq4llkP9XzfzY6YrKHo_1UbgiFzjE0LcVF63n9p2oO7NVGGcOUmBPMpS2aWoMKv-4T8TN33uOdmKVdTXn2duRXX_CS0JykXNQS_I1_DBbOdbyicik1_UZNie-7prngeqzv_RHKoxNbiFJyKhn3tdXut1oq_-X5PkQ7_w-R1mX6cPA_BptlNscMRxQCKDLLhxcwDeHpQGnu28eIXcmSyz2_BHnOcpXFibTJ_uNEzj1wtFM4YvVeAQ8EuCPeOWdBdN7a6p-aMEzgp3y65XR9wvLhVZv4dYgkGESEtP0xuJoX2KOdZ7DjNbeEDtIvqbbQCem0Vsxj_rGT4z9A1hpg42c-wXBpHPWjPh14-4oolAoMI-R97d5iMooRte3viZ_uUr1lCMTlqRc5NHa-3lBYM1rYeisO-y1rIbeTtOCa1C5sym-PyTFQih03w0v06IPhHubnQKS6FeUZQuNHQmsa15dC1ePn8RUYC416eLsE3kvP9zfyJfq80kTqm15sSbB9tLOl4Ib-1ptBaxfNvIYRgF2ArkgTO80H9xG7Yk34pMsl-WKsEAnQf_Q63_ReIKkH66Rn0yON4JcRnE5HwRMK5QqT4uqwWd_-7hh_bnfKc977qTf9LbHpSJBnksKfQ6w)
I’m an actor who’s recently made the move to Los Angeles, and will be relocating to North Hollywood soon. With Hollywood studios right there I thought it could be a fun job to work in addition to being convenient location wise. I was wondering if anyone on here has worked as a performer at USH and if they could shed some light on some things? I’ve never been to either Universal location, so I’m a little in the dark as to what kind of opportunities are available for performers there. I know Hollywood Horror Nights is a big one for scare actors, but are there other opportunities for singers, dancers, and other acting opportunities? When do auditions typically take place so I can keep them on my radar? I went online and created a USH performer profile, but the only audition “alert” I’ve gotten was a puppeteer/voice audition for Snowball from Secret life of pets which I wasn’t right for at all lol. They also don’t have a ton of info on their auditions page compared to, say, Disneyauditions.com, so I would appreciate any insight y’all have to offer!
I'm sure most will respond with some version of "Only *you* can answer this question," and while I know that is technically true, I still would like input from those with perspectives that may be different from my own. ​ \*\* Jump to "fast forward to now" if you don't care about why/how I got into acting. ​ *Background/Context*: Despite being painfully shy, I wanted to be an actor when I was younger, so my parents took to me to casting calls & talent scouting things & whatnot. When I was about 5 or 6 I got to the final rounds of one of these talent things & was interviewing with some agent. He was trying to convince my parents to move us out to LA or NYC. They ended up deciding against it (I will never not regret this), but I did eventually end up signing with Wilhelmina models here. After signing, I did some modeling and acting classes but was so camera shy and had such bad anxiety that I thought maybe this wasn't for me. Once I got to high school I pretty much stopped pursuing it altogether. Fast forward to college, I gained some confidence, managed my anxiety better, and movies were filming in town. I decide to audition to be an extra & the movie bug has bitten me again. This then makes me decide to pursue acting again in the form of student films and local film projects etc. (I'm very proud of myself of mastering my stage-fright & insecurities the way I have!) ​ **Fast forward to now:** I am a mid-20s female currently living in the midwest US. I've been pursuing acting in one capacity or another for a little less than a year. I have not attempted to sign with an agency yet (although more than one has approached me at local film events) because I know the first thing they are going to say is to go get new headshots and likely take more acting classes or what have you. I was trying to build my confidence & gain experience in student films & shorts so that I could audition for the agency with my best foot forward (I also know that once I sign I will likely be busy with auditions, so I am biding my time a bit). Granted, while I have no formal acting training - outside of the acting and modeling classes I took when I was much younger -, I do have a decent amount of "performance" experience and "skills", but I'm not sure if that counts for anything ...? ​ I was a competitive gymnast at an elite Olympic gym for \~13 years, I have formal dance training and performed with a professional ballet company for multiple years (I was not a professional though), I was a nationally competitive equestrian (jumping), I was a figure skater, I played tennis, did some archery and shooting. I'm an artist, photographer, writer etc. (With this in mind, I wonder if this will help pad my resume where I am lacking formal acting training?) . (I also have an associates, BA, & BS in psychology & even have published research. Not sure if that matters either) ​ **Here's my dilemma***:* I have been doing decently within the local film scene here in terms of working on projects and making connections within the last year. I'm grateful for this, but my goal has always been to move, ideally to California, especially because I know I will only ever to be able to accomplish so much where I'm at. So, my close actor/filmmaker/writer friend is probably moving to Cali this summer and staying there for at least a year. **He asked if I wanted to go with him and split the costs. I'm wondering if I should go...?** If I went, it wouldn't mean I would have to stay for the entire year if it turned out to be going very poorly. I could come back and stay with my family if it went sour... And I know I'm not going to land in Cali as a nobody & get cast in some breakthrough role or anything. However, I feel like if I go, I never know who I could end up meeting and where that could lead, especially since I get along with people very well & have had great success with the "foot in the door" strategy - in all areas of my life. So I wonder if just getting out there and networking would be to my benefit? Even if nothing concrete happens acting wise? Especially since that is how I have gotten many of my opportunities here - through networking. I mean you can't get cast if people don't know you exist and it is difficult to meet anyone in California if you're on the other side of the country. ​ I'm not worried about moving and uprooting my life or anything like that, that actually sounds exciting, and comforting that someone I know would also be out there (plus I have some family in Vegas). I'd also be perfectly willing to downgrade my way of living as well. What I AM worried about is not having enough experience or money; however, I know I will feel like I never have enough money to go... I just feel like I am at a crossroads: either buckle down & get an agent here, or start putting my energy (& savings) towards preparing to move out there in the summer. I'm just worried that I'm not getting any younger and that if I don't jump at this opportunity while it is here I may never get out there :( I feel I have wasted enough time. There are always 1000 reasons not to do something and moving will always be an expense, but I feel like if I wait for the "right" time to come, I'll be waiting forever... I keep asking myself, "if not now, then when?" ​ Any advice?
I apologize if this is inappropriate, but I just need some advice. I'm an aspiring actor, just starting to dabble in indie projects. I'm looking for anything to build my portfolio. I currently live in the deep south, and I'm lucky to live by a city where indie projects are regularly in development. I was approached for a major part in this upcoming feature. I looked at the guy's previous work and he's pretty legit, has some decent work out. But its all heavily faith-based. I'm an atheist but I understand that not everyone is. I am respectful of other's beliefs. But I do worry about some clash of values at some point. I want to work on this project, as I feel like it would be good for my career. But would it be appropriate to accept it considering my opposing beliefs? Thank you.
Hi Everyone, Long time stalker, first-time poster in this sub. A little background so you know I'm serious: I've been doing consistent voice-over work for eLearning for corporations for a little over two years now and have decided to make the jump to pursue this full-time. I'm a professionally trained actor (received my BFA in acting years ago), and still do lessons regularly, go to auditions regularly, etc. ​ Anyway, I'm writing because I am trying to figure out how to put together my home studio. I have a walk-in closet that I'm turning into a studio. It has hardwood floors, one wall backs against a bathroom that is not used frequently, and tall ceilings (103 inches from the floor). When doing a sound test in the empty closet, everything sounded very flat. I have a DBX 286s, so the echos were handled well, but I lost all of the dynamic range being picked up through the mic with all of that empty space in there. Here are my questions: ​ 1. Do I need interlocking floor tiles or a large rug to address sound bouncing from the floor? 2. If I went with the acoustic foam tiles, is there a significant difference between the 1-inch and 2-inch density ones? 3. Should I be considering panels over the foam tiles? 4. Should I keep the closet lined with clothes on the two sides there are racks to help? Or would it be best to just treat the space as a whole? 5. Any recommendations on where to buy these items for a reasonable price? ​ Thanks in advance!
Hi, My grandfather lives in New York and is performing in a small show -- his first in about a decade. He is struggling to remember his lines and asked me to look up ways in which someone could discreetly feed him his lines. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips? Hoping that there is maybe a microphone he could wear that will pick up the voices of the other characters (it is a small show, 9 characters total) and then he could be wearing an earpiece in which he can be fed back his lines? I have zero experience in theater and acting so hoping someone can help! Thanks
Riddle #1: How does an actor pursue a career that does not come with a universal career path? Riddle #2: How does an actor live a stable life in a profession that is defined by its instability? Riddle #3: How does an actor maintain superhuman toughness while remaining extraordinarily vulnerable? Riddle #4: How does an actor remain passionate in an industry that perpetuates idleness? Riddle #5: How does an actor maintain a normal life while working in an abnormal career? Source: https://actingmagazine.com/2019/06/22/5-riddles-every-actor-must-solve/
i'm fairly new to the city, come from an acting background, improv, meisner, etc. also bartend to pay the bills. I'm trying to get into filmmaking more and meet people to work on stuff with. i'm based in bushwick / ridgewood right off the myrtle wyckoff L. anybody wanna grab a coffee or know of any cool filmmaker meetups in the city?
I'm getting another headshot later this month to add to my portfolio just was wondering if you guys had any advice on what to wear. Type i'm going for is like a non-chalant, cool, likeable, genuine young adult. my agent refers to me as a "latinx timoathee chalamet". Some other similar actors would be Ramy Youseff, Jordan Fischer, Tony Revalori, Andrew Garfield. Just trying to figure out how best to make these come across for this shoot. any advice would be super great
I'm part of a young actors community theatre group. How it's arranged is that the director picks a show and roles and the actors go in blind. Basically, you audition to get in the group, not for a particular role. I am the male with seniority in the group, I've acted there for four years. However, while I've had challenging and fun roles, I've never been the lead in any of the shows. The person who last had seniority was lead in almost every production he was in, and when he left I was excited to step into that role and start doing some bigger things. Since he left, I've had smaller and smaller roles and some of the new guys have been getting lead. (Of note: our director doesn't really put us in roles for physical looks.) We just got a new script today and I'm barely in it. I'm not the guy to make a public fuss about that kind of thing and I'm certainly not going to halfass my part. But I'm pretty upset about what's happening. Do you guys have any advice?
How do I know when I’m ready to move on. To record a demo reel and attempt to get an agent. I always hear “if you have to ask then you’re not.” But, I’m an overthinker and that sort of stuff doesn’t make sense to me. I have been going to voice acting classes but I don’t plan on going this year because I’m saving up money to try and take my career to the next level. I know there’s not a checklist per se. But to whoever is reading this, what got you thinking you were ready for a demo reel? What skills did you have before you did it. Signed voice actors still go to classes to practice, learn new skills, and network.
Johnny depp or Leonardo DiCaprio
​ The more projects I work on the more I notice this. It's the first big meeting of a group of actors, many of whom haven't met before, and the first time the script is being read aloud by the people playing the characters, presumably. Among the frantic energy and confusion about what should and shouldn't be read, someone reads someone else's line. This has less to do with acting but seems to be like a litmus test for someone's personality. Sometimes it's like, "My bad, go ahead." and sometimes it's like "WHOAAAAA?!?!? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?! TRYING TO STEAL MY LINE, BUDDY??? WAS THERE SOME REWRITE I MISSED?!?! HOO BOYYY!!!" Anyone else know that moment? It's very strangely unique and niche to the world of actors.
What has inspired you to pursue the path of acting and what motivates you to keep going? I've been thinking of visiting an acting class, just to see if it's something I'd like. I feel like I'm attracted to this path because good actors, movies and tv shows make me feel emotionally at home (it's a wonderful feeling I can't quite describe better) and would love to be able to awaken the same feeling for others. I'm not sure if this is a good enough reason to try it out though.
When I watch a movie with sex/nudity I often wonder about what that actor's parents would think. Now that I'll be in a sex scene I'm wondering if anyone has experiences acting in them. What have reactions friends/family been like? Do you try to tell people to stay away from watching? Do you not care about what they say? How have you felt after knowing people have seen that scene?