Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I make trailers as a hobby, and for my next project I'm looking for a voice actor who can pull off a 'trailer voice' for it. The project in question involves turning a current film into an 80s film through editing, and I really need a narrator to pull it off. The lines you will read are short, and will be provided to you through either one of 3 ways: If you DM me directly through Reddit If you reach me at my discord Mr Bamason#8759 If you email me at []( If you need a guide, use the narration in this video: []( If you're looking to be paid, I unfortunately cannot provide any since I make trailers for free. But if you're interested at all, contact me in either one of the 3 ways. Have a good day!
Sadly, due to the spread of COVID-19, our creative team has had to slow down and our voice actors have also had a hard time of being able to record their lines. So now after the release of Episode 6, there will be a mid-season break. I do not know how long this break will go on for, but hopefully not for too long. Episodes 5 and 6 will air as scheduled. Episode 5: Monday 3/30 Episode 6: Monday 4/13 Until then, you can still catch up on our audio drama as well! [Spotify]( | [Apple Podcasts]( | [Google Podcasts]( | [Pocket Casts]( Our story is also available on several more platforms. Support us on: [Patreon]( | [Facebook]( | [Twitter]( | [Instagram]( Supporting us on Patreon can get you perks to some great bonus content like sneak peeks and deleted scenes. Check us out and support us! We hope everyone out there is doing their part and staying healthy and safe! Thank you all for taking note of this announcement.
I’m curious to hear of other people’s run ins with lazy actors. Anyone care to share a story of working with or seeing a lazy actor at work?
An Actor Prepares by Stanislavski is just one great book available online for free. There is a wealth of information at the National Archives but An Actor Prepares is a must read. There is a ton of acting videos, Stella Adlers and Lee Strasbergs books as well, A lot to cover while quarantined. Much love to you all.
I’m a sophomore in high school, and am beginning to narrow my college choices. I really want to major as an actress (and double-major in education as my backup, of course) but I can’t find a lot of schools that offer good acting educations. Does anybody want to recommend their/a friend’s school to be added to my list?
I'm doing this animated teaser for a project and am looking for someone to play Bateman. Paid gig. Let me know
So I'm currently in the process of trying to find an agent. I know things are slow right now, but I want to use this time to make a list. I've read the advice on here about looking for agents that have clients who are on shows "that you'd be right for." But what does this mean, exactly? What should an actor be looking for to know if they are "right" for a show?
Was thinking of buying/splitting a membership but would like to hear other peoples' experience with the site/thoughts. They seem to have a lot of lessons with famous actors but are the classes worthwhile? I enjoy Michael Caine's acting for the camera masterclass and use that as a sort of frame of reference for other masterclssses. I'm always looking for some stimulating lessons/videos so if anyone has any other suggestions thatd be great too! Thanks guys!
I want to ask something that all aspiring actors today probably would want to know. What are some extra knowledge or skills that are wanted / needed today from actors??
most of my friends are not in the industry, they work normal jobs, make good money, it's a hard juxtaposition for me to live an artists life especially in my early 30s when most people i know are not. i have some actor friends but literally all of them are not really as "in it" the way I am, and i've been made to feel ashamed about the fact that i like talking about acting, i like talking about filmmaking, i want to be making things, i want to be getting the next level. thats what i want my life to be. and i've realized something recently. my actor "friends" all have negative relationships with it, they either don't work as hard, developed a bitter attitude towards it, decided to get a full time job and put it on the back burner, are "working on their website" for years and never want to do anything... like my one close friend told me on the phone when i was bitching recently that he was "always jealous" of me, of the fact that i was able to make things happen. this was jarring to me, because first of all I have nothing to be jealous of (yes i have made some breadcrumbs of progress over the years from hustling and sacrificing so much to chase this), but because this guy was supposed to be one of my closest friends, a guy who never wants to write, would rather do drugs than be creative, who doesn't really match my level of excitement when I get an audition, etc. no wonder why this person isn't able to match my level of engagement with this pursuit or can't be happy with me, they are too busy dealing with their own personal fucked up-ness about acting in their own head. my roommate is the exact same way, when i get a self tape I can see the pain in their eyes of not even wanting to read for me because they are so angry... like this sucks man why can't you guys just be positive and work with me and then maybe things will change for you and you can get auditions too and then be excited for yourself and then WANT to get excited for me? so it's like, i need to be surrounded by people who take this seriously, actual serious actors, people who are supportive and want to see their friends succeed, people that want to lift everyone up around them, people who are trained and GOOD, people who get up every day and think about the things they can do every single day to take their acting careers to the next level. but it sucks because to meet these people, to be around these people, you need to pay $500 a month to be in these expensive ass acting classes. there's just no way around it. blah i'm just venting. the "hardness" of this industry is insidious and not the things that I thought. finding the right people has been the most challenging aspect, wishing close friends could be more than what they are... just is what it is I guess.
I'm a 16-year-old female guessed it, I want to be an actor. I've read multiple websites and many threads on Reddit, but I'm still not sure how to get started. My ultimate goal is to act in well-made films and I'm not interested in acting just to get famous/rich. I will go to college next fall and major in something S.T.E.M related because that's where my secondary passions lie. In the time that I graduate HS, and eventually college, I want to try my best to break into film acting (or at least set up a base that would allow me to have everything in line to pursue film acting). I am trying to make my own short films right now and will be the only actor in them. Apart from this, I want to get more experience to prepare me for the film world and build my resume since I won't be studying acting at a school. I don't have the luxury of adding any special effects or going to unique set locations for my short films (I'm just starting out) and can't really hire or find peers to help me, but I can get around this issue and think it might be the easiest way for me to get more experience in acting since I can write my own roles and make them challenging. I'll probably join a community theater when I go to college. I'm not sure where I'll go to college, so I can't really rely on being in a location with loads of film opportunities. My dream is to have everything set in place to pursue a career in film acting by the time I graduate college (2025). With the presumably tight schedule I'll have in college, what should I do to reach that dream in the timeline I set for myself? I know that I should take acting classes to improve my skills, get headshots, etc., but I want to familiarize myself with acting behind a camera and learn the technicalities behind the business/audition side (jargon generally used on a set, what types of auditions are there and what are the formalities related to auditioning, how to network and meet other people, etc.). How important is networking and when should I worry about this? Also, would YouTube be the best place to publish my short films if I like them enough? I need to emphasize that my timeline is an ideal situation, but I still want to do everything I can to fulfill it. I would sincerely appreciate any advice you have to offer!
**First two zooms have went great and decided to do another one tomorrow at 5pm for anyone that missed it or you're welcome to stop in and check it out again.** It's on the dos and donts of Hollywood and what I would do if I were to start over, knowing what I know now. This is a free 40 minute coaching for anyone who wants it. I will try and give a crash course on everything that has and has not worked for me. If this interests you I will attach the zoom link tomorrow around 30 minutes before. Bare with me as coaching online is new to me. **A little about myself:** I’ve been an actor in LA for 12 years now. I've taken more classes and workshops than I can list. I've had good and bad reps and I've booked and worked on some amazing, and some not so amazing films and TV shows. I've had or have rep in New Mexico, Atlanta, and Charlotte, for those interested in local hire work. I've spent far too much time and money on things that didn't help me as an actor hopefully so you don't have to. **I'll be discussing:** Vision, headshots, classes, workshops, out of state local hire, getting rep, self taping, and auditioning. If I can pass even a few lessons on to you that will help, sweet. Hope to see you tomorrow! =) \-H **Also, If you have any specific questions you can ask them here and I'll answer them tomorrow!**
Hello, I know a great comedian who does great impressions who's a young dad. However, You can tell he could be a really great dramatic actor. However, he doesn't want to do drama at all. I know the right thing is to let him figure it out. I also know I'm so focused on him bc I can't get my stuff going. What should i do? Anyone else have the same experience?
Hi all, I have been lurking this subreddit for a few months, trying to soak in knowledge and experiences. Anyway, I took my first acting (for film) class in London this spring. Due to the coronavirus circumstances, it ended a little bit early, but regardless it was an amazing experience and my first time doing any sort of acting or anything related to arts for that matter. I got some decent feedback regarding my acting, and it was so much fun that I want to continue it and possibly pursue a career in the industry. So my question is: **What do I do next?** *Background...* Before I took the class I read online and a few books on the industry and acting techniques (including The Actor's Life by Jenna F., as suggested on this subreddit). I feel really "green" still. The class I took gave me some clips, but I feel they are rather short and incomplete for a showreel. I'm a white male, 24. I'm from Norway and currently here because of the virus, but I wouldn't have trouble establishing myself in London / take more classes there..? (Once this is all over) Potentially go to Oslo, the capital of Norway or the US? I have a college degree from the US and speak American English. Any tips, suggestions or whatever would be greatly appreciated. Stay healthy everyone and take care.