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Who played Ms. Brewster in 'Big Little Lies'? by WonderNotEnvy  •  last post Feb 23rd

As I was putting together a Tumblr post (which includes a screen to script exercise) for [Season 1 Episode 3]( noticed that there wasn't a credit (on IMDB or in the episode itself). I would be happy to put in a correction to IMDB...but have no idea who the actor is (or a link to her IMDB page). :( Can you help? PS: Here's [a screenshot]( of the scene (Timestamp: 17:17).

I've had movies and theatre and its making of and behind the scenes as my biggest hobbies for years, and last week I had my first acting class ever by spincerss  •  last post Feb 23rd

It was fun, but jesus christ it gave me a whole new level of appreciation for yall. It's so great to see how people bloom when you give them the stage. I don't have any dreams of becoming an actor, but I hope you still feel some spark of the fun that I had.

Is it worth taking theatre arts in college? by _fbiagent  •  last post Feb 23rd

I’m currently a senior in high school that lives in LA, I know I want to be an actor but one thing I find myself questioning is it worth taking theatre arts in college. Any help is appreciated & thank you for taking the time to read this.

Voice Talent required for Short Film by airavatonline  •  last post Feb 23rd

Looking for an american male voice actor (20-40 yrs) to dub a young male (25 yrs) in a short film. About 60 words. Here is a link to some lines from the film: []( Please send me an email ([]( or message me with an audition of the lines in the video. Please try to say the lines in the same manner as the actor in the video. This is a paid gig. Thank you for your time!

do you have to live in a big city to act? by KylinoCS  •  last post Feb 23rd

i’m a young actor, but i live in Minnesota, far away from any major city’s. i want to act in Commercials for now. but since most agencies, auditions, ECT are in like New York or Los Angeles, i’m not able to go. can you still act in a small city/town for big jobs?

Casting Sites: Actors Access vs Backstage by GamedayDisaster  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hello, I'm an LA based actor. I've been using Actros Access for about a year and a half. In general, I feel that is a bit clunky. I've recently added LA Casting to the sites that I'm on and find it to be much more straightforward in terms of alerts and adding/altering my content (headshots, reels, etc.) Anyway, to my point, how does Backstage compare to Actors Access? Would it be worth swapping, or should I hold onto Actors Access and just add Backstage?

How extroverted must you be to be able to act good? by Nazon6  •  last post Feb 22nd

Basically the title, and yes, I know it's really a stupid question. But always see some of the best actors able to talk and talk just for the sake of talking, and I've never been able to do that. Every time I audition or get up on stage I'm not so much scared that I'm gonna mess up, but becoming more aware that there might be people judging me. I always try my best not to have that mindset. Any tips?

Order of Big Purchases for Next Career Moves by Only-Yak  •  last post Feb 22nd

Greetings community! I have a question I want lots of input in. I went to a voiceover consultation appointment to precede me making a professional demo. While I was there, the engineer/voice actor and I talked about current industry, and he mentioned that he finds a lot of well paying and high quality on voices123 ($400 annual membership fee) and that his agents have yielded a very small, if absent stream of work and even auditions. I showed him my home made demo and he said it was good for a home made one. (I know you aren’t supposed to do that, but it’s gotten me my initial work) My wife gave me an idea to ponder, and this is where I’m really debating: the equipment I use for day to day recording is nowhere near the tens of thousands in equipment I would use in the studio to make my demo. It’s a solid home setup, but not a $50,000 studio. Is it “false advertising” to win jobs using a demo with quality I can’t reproduce, even if it’s great? The current industry is becoming more and more individual, it seems, with many people, especially in commercial work, recording, editing, mastering, etc. all on their own. What a client hears in a great demo may be something that I can get close to, but not quite. At the moment, I have enough money put aside to choose one (the demo, around $800, and the membership, $400). After that, I’ll need to let my account build up again, which could take a while at my current rate. If I have the demo, I’d assume my current workflow would increase, but I really only use UpWork(and the fact that you have to pay to apply to jobs now is irksome anyways), and the rates for all the voiceover stuff I’m able to get are EXTREMELY under industry standard. If I’m able to get just a handful of contracts on voices123, I could potentially pay off the membership and keep working towards the demo. Would it be better to work hard on my end to make my own demo that reflects the best quality I can legitimately, individually deliver and use money I would have put towards the demo to get this website membership in the hopes of largely increasing profit margin?

Becoming an actor in UK by LT125  •  last post Feb 22nd

I always wanted to become an actor and I want to know if it would be possible to move to UK and go to drama school there. I’m from a small country and there’s very little to do in the indusrty because it’s very small. So, would it be possible for me to go to drama school in the UK (RADA for example, if I pass) and have a career there? I’m asking because I’m not a native English speaker so I don’t know if I even have a chance. What about finishinh drama school in my country and then moving to Britan? Would I get agent and a job there? If ansewer to both questions is yes, which option would be better? I think the first one: studying in the UK. Am I roght?

Booked a short film but never been on set - help! by LifePath1  •  last post Feb 22nd

I booked a role on a short film and I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve been taking acting classes for almost a year. I’ve been waiting to audition because there is still so much I don’t know about being on a film set- my plan was to do background work a couple of times to get a feeling. But I’ve yet to do that and filming starts next weekend. Anyway, I ended up booking this role without an audition. Someone visited my acting class and after seeing me perform they said they wanted me to read for a character in a short film they wrote. When they contacted me, they pretty much handed me the role. I accepted because I’ve never done anything before and I figured new actors have to start somewhere. Can anyone tell me what I need to know before I go on set? In my acting class, we don’t go over a lot of terminology. I plan to start a camera 1 class that will go over everything I need to know but that doesn’t start until April. This film is going to be submitted to a film festival- I feel like I’m going to be working with professionals and I’m going to come off as very green.

New voice actor looking for advice by Mr_Chiddy  •  last post Feb 22nd

So I'm keen to break into the industry. I've set up my own Fiverr page recently and had a few enquiries but nothing serious. Recently I had a guy get in touch asking for a reading of 59,000 words for an audio description. He's offering $350 for the project, but at Fiverr's rates that I've set up ($5 per 150 words) it'd add up to approximately $2000 minimum. It also seems to be a project relating to a national landmark and charity endeavour. I'm torn as to whether to accept it or not. The concept of being paid for my work is very attractive, but am I in over my head accepting a deal like this? Would you accept it, or is it way too low for its size?

Is there such a thing as a full acting course scholarship in England? by Ramoach  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hi there, I've been acting for almost two years now so it's still early days for me. I'd love to get on a course but simply can't afford it. Do any London or England based actors know of any scholarships or at least partial ones? Thanks

Hiring actor for a joke (M over 30) by throwaway_2222999ee  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hiring actor for a prank on friend. Located in Boston,MA. Around 5 pm on a weekday for 30 minutes, $30. Looking for male around middle aged to portray a priest. (priest robe will be provided)

Do you need headshots for student films? by randumbrando  •  last post Feb 22nd

Newbie actor here. Been considering auditioning for a few NYU student films. Anyone have any experience with auditioning for student films? Is a picture with a basic iPhone/camera ok for now? I’ll for sure get professional headshots in the future, but don’t feel like it’s worth it to spend hundreds of dollars on headshots for mostly unpaid student films.

Am I On Track? by evaaaaa12  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hello! Post HS theatre *mostly* lead actor/ITS Officer, looking to completely throw my safe and predictable life out the window because I’ve been told me whole life to professionally pursue acting, and singing in particular... Queue my Grandmothers story, whom I’m named after, and was a Polish Jewish singer/performer in the 1930s in Europe and was only allowed to escape the war after being held in an interment camp with her two children, one of which was my father, because she was an “artist” (from her immigration card which I found online LITERALLY yesterday) sorry just a little back story on why I have a passion for the performing arts... SO! Now I’ve landed myself 52 days into the new decade promising myself that everyday I will work on my craft. In route of getting myself back into the swing of things before getting myself “audition ready” and really starting to apply myself in all that that entails... Currently I have several books purchased from Half Price Books. Play anthologies, modern and contemporary monologues and scenes, scene study and analysis, and a rather recent college textbook that covers the basics on history, technique, terminology and several spokes of the tech theatre wheelhouse. On top of this, I *try* to keep myself current with all that is going on with new and resurgent productions on and off-broadway. I want to get myself into a local improv group within the next month or so. I have always had a strength for improv and enjoy it just for fun tbh... I do hold down a 25 hour a week position as an in home caretaker, which I feel lucky to have since it allows me to focus a considerable amount of time on these efforts. So my plan is to study, read, “play rehearsal” with myself (not sure if anyone else does this lol), interact with our community as much as possible and fashion my own way into the industry I am so very ready to be in... I frequent this sub (so I know what a lot of you are probably already going to tell me haha) and a few others to stay current on discussions but I would love any other feedback/ advice you may have to give on my specific situation. P.S. that is my real grandmothers story and I am in the very beginning stages of writing her narrative as a screenplay so any discussion on that would be appreciated as well! Thanks!

Acting opportunities in the Washington, DC area by sipsnspills  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hi! I’d love some advice from any DC-area actors. I’m an actor based in NYC. I have no desire to leave but my boyfriend’s career will likely pull him towards DC eventually and so I’m trying to get a sense of the scene there. My general sense is that there’s some theater but very little TV and film, and that what is there is largely either non-union stuff like IDTV or is largely cast out of New York and LA. What’s been your experience? Also interested in what ongoing training opportunities are there — any good scene study, on camera, voice teachers or studios you like? Thanks in advance!

Aspiring Voice actor help by blvckstarlord  •  last post Feb 22nd

Hey everyone, I hope all of you are having a great day! I just have one question what are some practice methods that you all use? I’m just starting off so I’m a little green

I live in Kuwait but am finding it hard to find ANY acting opportunity...PLS HELP by AWK2545  •  last post Feb 22nd

I am 15 and am an aspiring actor who has done school plays and parody commercials. I have done a lot of research and read monologues and am planning to move to LA or NY after finishing high school. But, as for now I really cannot find any projects that would help me gain experience. Anyone who lives in Kuwait who wants to work on a project with me or cast me in one of their projects, please DM me.