If someone can answer this I’ll give them a million dollars in 200 years.
I want to leave my agent. What should be my first move? What should I ensure before I move on. Would you recommend leaving without representation if youre getting nothing from them anyway? (London based actor. Recently graduated drama school)
I’m starting to get more into personal branding, and it got me thinking about my brand as an actor. I have a fairly common name, and even though there aren’t any famous celebrities with my name, there are plenty of IMDB profiles. I really don’t want to completely change my first or last name, but I will if I have no other options. I’m currently leaning towards having a letter in the middle to distinguish myself, like John A. Doe. Is that a common practice for actors or does it seem off-putting? Have you had to change your name because somebody else had the same name? How did you make your decision?
Contracts are signed, then an actor gets hurt right before filming. Can they be replaced? Or are they not allowed to participate in anything that may result to injury before a shoot altogether?
Hey guys! As many of you are non-eq/emc hustling actors, you probably have your morning routines down before heading into an audition. Can you walk me through what that looks like? I’d love to know the specifics like when you workout, vocally warm up, put your makeup on, center your...
When you are freelancing with a commercial agent, how long does it take to start getting frequent auditions?
So I am super passionate about theatre but I am also passionate about teaching. I know a lot of actors work in schools in some capacity or another (at least where I live). Some people say that doing both theatre and working as a teacher just doesn't work out and others find that there is quite a good balance. If any one here is/was a teacher, I would love to know your story and whether or not you find that you are able to per-sue a career in theatre while you work in education. Thank you :)
How do you find auditions without having to pay for backstage and stuff. And I mean legit auditions. I’m not talking about crazy big things but just little background stuff in shows or movies or commercials, maybe main roles if it fits. Writing a story about an actor and just need the basic how to
Our production company has an office at AFM for the first time this year! We're featuring our most recent project, "Kecksburg," as well as several others. Just wondering who else will be there. Hope to see you in November!
What are your thoughts on him?
I know we all keep working on our craft. I have no trouble keep doing that. But I wonder what everyone do as business side of acting ? Especially as a beginner actor ?
Hey So I'm studying User Experience Design and as I'm an amateur actor, I want to combine the two and program a casting and networking app for actors (initially for people in switzerland, which is where I live). My idea could be described as LinkedIn for actors, producers and other people involved in the acting business. I was wondering whether there are any apps that fill that role already, as I can't really find anything out there. Also, if you chose to use such an app, what features would you like to see, besides finding gigs/participiants for your projects? Things I'd like to implement so far: -Customizable profile pages (Info,skills,previous experience,showreel,links to website, maybe connection to other online communities like backstage) -Filter function -Guides for new actors -Another idea I had, even though I'm not sure whether I actually like it, would be the possibility to rate people you've worked with, so others could see it. Is an app like this something you would personally use? Cheers T
When it comes to creating a new voice, what's your inspiration? I usually like to pull from emotions or personalities from video game or cartoon characters. Right now, I'm looking to the Neverwinter Nights voice sets as well as those from Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I'd say both games offer some interesting bits of personality in all their characters. Granted, there were only around 30 voice actors on Oblivion so characters do begin to blend together at times, but I digress.
Hey! If you are an actor in the union, would you label yourself an Actor or SAG-AFTRA Actor on your bio on say a social media channel like Twitter? Curious what y'all chosen to do.
I have been wondering about these questions. Do people apply them for every page of a script or is it every act? How often do you apply these questions? I'm just wondering because anywhere I look it is never specified. Any help is very appreciated. Thank you [https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor](https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2009/may/09/character-building-great-actor)
I feel like the union should really be keeping tabs on this. As an actor, commercial residuals make up a large part of my income. Also, if SAG is going to charge members extra dues for the commercial income they make, I feel like SAG should be keeping track of these things. I've heard of so many instances where commercial agencies run old commercials without paying the actors residuals. SAG should be protecting it's members on this issue. Why isn't there more support in this area?
Do you guys still submit for roles with no reel? If so, do you guys get an audition or mostly hear nothing back?
Hello everyone! I am in desperate need of volunteer actors, shoot me a msg for details.
actors of reddit, you're my last hope. i've been trying to find this doco either online to watch or as a dvd to purchase. every link i find is dead end. does anyone here have any leads at all? happy to pay for a copy. cheers!
I just need to vent. I'm in actual awe with how bad some actors agents are. Rude, making life incredibly difficult, copious demands - this is coming from myself, a filmmaker at an indie level that's paying his actors and crew. ​ Here's where I'm coming from; I'm a freelance filmmaker/video editor in my day-to-day, I have my own agent/recruiter and I'm used to working with noted talent. I'm shooting in less than a month and now I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to recast my female lead - not the biggest issue, because there are a bunch of fantastic female actresses wanting to do the role, but I'm stumped. An agent willfully losing their client a role (they want), it's mind-blowing. ​ Some agents have been great. Quick to communicate, quick to ask for specific things to suit their client - easy to find a healthy, happy middle-ground with. Then there are agents that are uncreative, judging a style of work they aren't interested in (without being asked to beforehand), wanting me to move heaven and earth. ​ I'm just disappointed in my experiences.