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We have found 19,367 posts across 4 actor forums:

HELP!! by shamarbsimmons  •  last post Nov 1st

I am in need of desperate help to create my resume. Do you know of any wesbites that will create a profressional resume builder.

Mandy. Com by evergracelessone  •  last post Nov 1st

I’ve been seeing this ad lately on Instagram for Mandy dot com which is apparently for actors to find new jobs (similar to Backstage, Actors Access I suppose). Is it a scam? It’s a free site so I’m not terribly worried about it but I also want to be safe and ya know, not waste my time lol. Does anyone know? Edit: Apparently to do anything useful at all you have to upgrade to Premium. It’s also got awful reviews. I think I’ll pass.

Feeling Inadequate / Hate Watching Myself / Impostor Syndrome by KarratKake  •  last post Nov 1st

I'm up and coming in my local community theater scene, I have a lot of people who tell me what a great job I do, and my recent audition results definitely reflect that. However, I still can't get over feelings that I'm amateurish, or that there are gaping holes in my technique, or that I'm really doing a just okay job and I can't really understand where all the praise is coming from. I also see photos or videos of myself and think that I look and sound absolutely ridiculous, and wonder how anyone at all takes me seriously as an actor. Are these feelings common? Am I fooling myself into thinking I'm worse than I am? Or do they reflect that my standards for myself are just impossibly higher than my peer's standards for me? Is this a good thing? Would love some reflections

LA actors - your thoughts on AB5? by SalesToMarketing  •  last post Nov 1st

Apparently it’s going to make it practically illegal to be an independent contractor. It’s meant to stop people from being abused as full time contractors, but it effects many other industries. For example, I write marketing emails for companies. Under this law, I may not be able to work as an IC in California. As I write more than 35 emails per year per client. Many other actors support themselves doing things like freelance writing, brand ambassador work, etc. I’m worried this law will wipe out 95 percent of actor survival jobs in California.

Joining SAG by BadCapitalist  •  last post Nov 1st

Does joining SAG make acting for a living easier? For example would I have access to more roles beyond what posted on backstage and Actors Access?

Tips on finding auditions? by DerMetJungen  •  last post Nov 1st

So I'm an amateur actor (student theatre) who would very much like to have a try at some auditions but I live in Finland which isn't really a big movie making country. So my question is do you guys know how to find auditions in Finland (or the other nordic countries) or is there a way to somehow audition for international companies through video? This is probably a dumb question but I'm grateful for all answers!

Acting approach - Suggestions by TORM3NTO  •  last post Nov 1st

Hello everyone! I'm an aspiring filmmaker and have a few projects in my portfolio. A friend and I buddied up to produce super short films weekly to get better and better in different genres as opposed to committing to bigger projects. This means we are doing most of the acting ourselves as well. Now, I have experience behind the camera due to the fact that I used to do music and have been in tons of music videos but when it comes to acting for a short, I kind of have a few hiccups. I noticed that a lot of actors tend to keep their personalities even when portraying totally different roles. Now, I have a scene in which we are both supposed to be super happy and excited about something we accomplished. When I receive a gift or something nice happens to me in real-life situations, I tend to not exaggerate my emotions by being loud. How would you suggest I approach this scene? Thank you all in advance!

Can I still become an actor with scars? by pampkin-boi  •  last post Nov 1st

I know there is a section here about tattoos but do I still have a chance to become an actor with scars? I've been suffering from depression for many years (I don't want to get into details as I don't think it would be allowed here) and as a result I have some scars in visible places. I'm just really worried that now I'll never have a chance to even try, acting was always one of my biggest dreams. I just don't want to get my hopes up.

Looking for Actors for a Video Testimonial by piqueRowan  •  last post Nov 1st

Hi all! I am looking for a couple of actors for video testimonials I am filming. These are real customer testimonials that we want to portray on screen. It's only about 1.5 min of dialouge needed, please message me for details. Thanks!

looking to create a filmmaking group in NYC by creatingmyreality123  •  last post Nov 1st

i'm primarily an actor who is slowly weaseling my way into producing. I write shorts, have agents, in sag, etc. I'm looking to find some writing partners, directors with cameras, sound techs, editors, and get a crew going to start making cool projects. i have some pretty decent industry knowledge, a few good contacts, and most importantly passion, drive, and plenty of ideas. i want to meet more likeminded creatives who are on the same page and are hungry to make their own content . I'd like to start by making a high-quality unique short and get it into some short film festivals. Take things from there... I'm based in brooklyn. hit me up if your interested!

Get IMDb credit and more . by Keenan Johnston  •  last post Nov 1st

This new project is pretty exciting.. shoots in Nor Cal. Join in on the team!

Can a non-union actor work in an ACTRA New Media project? by BUSCEMIxCAGE  •  last post Oct 31st

I tried looking for answers on the ACTRA website, couldn’t find it. What exactly is new media?

Voice Actor for Mark Zuckerberg by firstqueenofthyself  •  last post Oct 31st

I am looking for someone to impersonate Mark Zuckerberg. I will provide you with a script and video to match the voice and tone. The video will be about 30-45 seconds long. Please DM me with a quote if you can provide these services. Thank you.

Lost my “spark” and confidence by LivinLaVidaBrooka  •  last post Oct 31st

I’ve always wanted to be an actor since I was young and am still in the process of manifesting my career and building my brand. However, I notice that as I get older I’m starting to lose that confidence and “spark”. I’m getting more in my head and a lot more nervous and my acting is suffering tremendously. I recently did a self tape for an audition and watching it back you can see how nervous and out of touch I was. My inner critique is getting louder and I’m noticing it even beyond my acting. At school, when it’s time to do presentations I get extremely nervous which never used to happen as much. It’s strange and disheartening. I used to be pretty confident in my acting and would always get told that I’m a really good actor. Now I question if those people were just trying to make me feel better. I know I have it in me and I know that spark is still there somewhere I just don’t know how to quiet my nerves and inner critic anymore. I don’t know how to not overthink things and just have fun with it. Life has gotten in the way of my acting. School, working, among other things have made me not act as much which only furthers my nerves. Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips or words of encouragement? I can’t just let my dreams go like this. (EDIT)TL;DR: I’m becoming more nervous and in my head as I get older. Can’t shut off my inner critic which makes me more nervous. Any suggestions?

Audio Fiction Network - Voice Actor, Writer and Producer Community by JohnGaines_SE  •  last post Oct 31st

Hello fellow Producers, Actors and Writers! Audio Fiction Network is a creator driven discord community of audio drama actors, writers, and producers getting together to chill, share our love of the medium, and have a reliable place to share work and get feedback. We have creative server events for our members such as Table Reads where we periodically have our actor members do cold reads and give direct feedback for the writers to help them improve their draft. We currently have over 700 members but we are currently looking for more smart people to join in on the workshopping! The more, the merrier. We've relaunched our creative hub and we'd like to extend an invite to folks here who may be interested in it as well and find it useful. All members are also invited to the discord's creative hub where we have over 360 produced audio drama scripts for any writer's viewing pleasure, outlines, templates, and a royalty free commercially useable sound library of over 200 GB+ for audio drama producers and sound designers to use whenever and however they want. **Link to our community:** []( **GIFS of our Creative Hub** **AFN Creative Hub: Scripts Library** []( **AFN Creative Hub: Sound Library** [](

Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Oct 31 by AutoModerator  •  last post Oct 31st

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

As performers, what questions would you ask a major star? by IndyO1975  •  last post Oct 31st

Hi. I'm moderating a Q & A with an Oscar/BAFTA/Golden Globe/SAG nominated actor on Monday in front of a room full of actors. I've tried to come up with questions about the craft (starting out, auditioning, creating a character, doing accents, etc.) but I am not an actor so I was wondering... as actors, *what would you want to ask someone in this person's position*? This person has been a friend for years so I'm not worried about it, i'd just like the questions to be interesting to that specific audience and prompt interesting responses. All suggestions welcome! Thank you in advance for your replies.

Looking for squidward voice actors by memes_boi  •  last post Oct 31st

Hey I'm looking for a squidward voice actor to do a meme voiceover. I've searched fiverr and asked my viewers and so far i haven't had any success. Thanks. You can also contact me on ig: @memes\_b0i

Finding a writer to script an idea I want to shoot. by Spydertek242  •  last post Oct 31st

So I’m an actor and I built my own studio at home. I’ve been self shooting several short scenes from existing scripts and screenplays. However, now I have a few ideas for short scripts of my own. I am not a writer. I don’t want to be a writer. I want to act. So... any idea how I might meet a writer who would take my idea and turn around a script for me? I don’t want to just blast the idea out there for fear of it being “stolen.” However compensation for writing it for me would be for full credit and / or to let them direct it as well. Are there resources for this type of connection in NYC? Or even an appropriate Reddit channel?