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We have found 19,367 posts across 4 actor forums:

Sell out by shhitsfins  •  last post Oct 24th

Have you ever decided to take a big leap in your career because becoming struggling actor is tiring? Have you ever taken a big 9 to 5 job halfway through your acting career? Not your typical waitressing job, like a real corporate job, not admin either. I don't plan on quitting acting but I know this job will slow down my career quite a bit. If you have done this, did you ever feel like a sell out to your craft and career? I've only been seriously doing this for 3 years, and I feel like I'm giving up so easily but then the anxiety of not knowing whether I have enough money for gas next month scares me. Mind you, I'm acting in my hometown, where unions or organizations to protect the actors, don't exist. It's basically a cowboy town here.

Most accredited acting schools? by Gabby173748  •  last post Oct 24th

I’m currently a sophomore in high school and I know this will make me sound just like every other fifteen year old out there but I really want to be an actress and when I say really I mean I was telling my mother when I was four years old that I wanted to be an actress in movies more than anything in the entire world. And it’s still true I have like an ache in my heart every day because of it. Alright sorry for being dramatic but I’m having a crisis and am thinking what the hell I’ll just try to attend an acting school during the summer just for the heck of it just to know i did something about it. I’m currently looking at American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Lee Strasbourg academy, Stellar Adler Studio, and The Barrow Group theater. I know that some film schools in America are considered shady or a scam such as NYFA. So which one of the acting schools listed would be the smartest one to attend? (And yes I know that most of them require auditions). I actually used to do acting back in eighth grade and got a lead role in a short film for my ever first audition and got accepted into a showcase but I was an unprofessional immature idiot and flaked on both of them because my dad told me I’d never make it, but I’m saying that to give context on my past experiences related to acting and I also took about a year worth of classes. So if I were to go to one of those schools which one would be best? And I am planning on looking into what different techniques they teach to narrow down which ones would be a best fit for me but I’m still worried about which ones are accredited or a scam. Thanks.

How to find an agent? by beewho  •  last post Oct 24th

Hi, I am an actor in LA (just moved here). What's the best way to find an agent in LA? I am mainly seeking commercial and theatrical representation.

TOP 10 Things New Actors Don't Consider Video by westrideforward  •  last post Oct 24th

Actors Live-streaming and using social media by Scott Sheldon  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hello everyone! I work in Talent Development for a social app with monetized live-streaming. I believe that experienced performers would have a leg up when it comes to being entertaining and engaged with a live audience on our app, but I also find that some actors dismiss social media opportunities. I feel like any exposure can be good, particularly when it can help expand your social media presence and make you extra money. Any thoughts on how to phrase my pitch or reach the right performers who might be open to the world of live-streaming apps? 

Australian Actors Advice by asimplelizard  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hello everyone! First time posting here, I’ve always wanted to act but I’m not sure where to start! I’ve done some unpaid background work on student films before but I’m not sure what the next steps are. It seems that most professional actors have agents but I’m not sure how to get one of those?!

Agents of North America & Canada: What is your usual checklist when receiving submissions from international actors? by leeleeleelee1234  •  last post Oct 23rd

As the title states, what initially interests you in an international actor when they submit their package to you? I feel like I’ve got enough experience on screen and training to make the next step to an international agency, because I believe I have a great chance for the market in North America & Canada especially (My Aussie agent tells me the same). I’m Australian, 27, male, and living in Melbourne. My American accent is solid. Can also do New York and Southern. I’ve got plenty of training & experience under my belt of over 5 years, experience on a few TV shows, a supporting role in a feature due for release this year and am currently filming a feature film as the lead which is due for release around April 2020. I’ve got a nice reel that shows what I can do, a self tape reel that showcases what I can do audition wise and a nice set of headshots. Do you believe I’m ready for the international market? Would love any sort of tips going forward so I can make sure I’m putting my best foot forward.

Help moving on from a rough situation? by onesmallstepfordork  •  last post Oct 23rd

I was cast in a play a couple months ago. The director/writer was very unorthodox to put it simply. She often stepped over my boundaries as a person in ways that were extremely irrelevant to my character or the play as a whole. (I.e., she once gave me an exercise where I had to “sadly” confess that I was molested as a child. No character in this play is sexually assaulted. In the middle of me doing the exercise she made a buzzer noise and said I wasn’t being convincing enough.) Regardless, I made it my goal to toe the line of my own comfort to try and be professional and generous in the room. Several weeks in, the director had a talk with me about how I’m not fitting in. I tend to keep to myself and I don’t really hang out after rehearsal hours on principle (I have a bad habit of letting work get too personal) and when I tried to explain that I’m just a quiet person but I am present and contributing she said that wasn’t enough and implied she wanted me to drop out. I asked her if I was doing a good job with the character and she said absolutely, she’s very happy with what I’m doing. But it’s very important to her that there’s camaraderie between actors and it’s “up to me” (hint: it wasn’t) but she didn’t feel I was a fit. I walked into the next rehearsal and the director (also the writer) has changed the play. I don’t have any songs, my scenes are shorter. Out of frustration and embarrassment I came up with an excuse, dropped out, and blocked everyone. I’m frustrated and angry with how everything turned out. It’s been weeks since I dropped out but I can’t let it go. TL;DR: I’m a huge baby and I’m having a hard time letting go and growing from a work situation that ended badly. How can I move on?

How can i legally live in usa without needing to study acting? by elviano  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hi everyone. So the title looks like it doesn't belong here, lol, but i think it does. So I'm a 17 year old boy from a European country who wants to fullfill his dream of becoming an actor in usa. But i have decided unfortunately or not that i won't study(because i don't have the money) but I'll be taking acting classes and also acting workshops. My country is part of visa waiver program so i need only ESTA but ESTA allows me to stay in usa for 90 days only. There's a visa that is for people who want to imigrate to usa but one needs to have 1) a first degree relative. 2) invest 1 million. 3) study. 4) be accepted in a high place job and the employer must inform the giverment that you're not taking the job from an american... So how does it work? How can i stay in the usa for as long as i want without being illegal? How did some of you succeeded in staying there without any trouble? Is my only chance being illegal?

Roxie With A Broken Foot #TheSearchForRoxie by bethperformsstuff  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hey actor people! This is more theatrical- than film-related, but since I saw some theatre in here, I figured I'd give it a shot! I put together a video audition for the []( and Chicago contest to find their new Roxie Hart (**#TheSearchforRoxie**), and I'd love to share it with you. The first round is decided by their casting team, but I figure that showing them it gets good online traction can't hurt, right? Plus, I'm doing **Hot Honey Rag on a broken foot,** and that alone is something. Would you click the link and give me a look-see? Likes and comments on YouTube, plus shares on social media help a lot, too, if you feel so inclined. Thank you in advance for any help you can throw my way!! []( Mods, I read the rules and figured that this is okay, but please let me know if it ain't!

Recommending someone to an agent? by momthinksimpurdy  •  last post Oct 23rd

I worked on a short with an actor, who asked who my agent was. She wanted me to recommend her to my agent, but I don’t really want to recommend anyone whose work and background I’m not familiar with. She’s a new actor, with no training. And to be honest, not to knock her down, but I’m not believing what she’s doing/saying as the character. Her actions and dialogue’s so stiff and calculated. Maybe I can recommend her in a year or two, but not now maybe? My agent might think I’m a dumbass for recommending someone who’s not ready. She’s also expecting me to get back to her about my recommendation.

[$300]Looking for upgrade as I start practicing the craft more seriously by Polygeekism  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hey there voice actors. I am going to start pursuing VA/VO a little more seriously over the winter and am going to upgrade my blue snoball either myself or as a suggested Xmas or birthday present from my wife. I am looking for a setup around $300 including the mic and the audio interface for the PC. I will have the mounting equipment and pop filter and whatnot purchased separately from this budget. I know there is more that goes into it other than hardware, but I have already gotten what I want out of the snowball, and have always been annoyed by it's lack of sensitivity anyway. What are your suggestions for getting started at this next price point.

College Audition/Pre-Screening Advice by bgirlsdoitwell  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hello! It’s college audition season, which means that I get to spend my days having that slight actor paranoia of making sure I get every possible piece of advice to feel as prepared as I can be. Obviously, college auditions are different than regular auditions. They’re trying to get a feel for who you are as a person. Does anyone have any information about what the process is like after you perform your pieces? I know some schools like to talk with you afterwards, some don’t. What type of stuff will they ask/talk to you about? Secondly, pre-screening. Yikes. I’ve never done a self-tape before, but I’m fortunate enough that my photographer parents have a blue background and good lighting systems. What should I wear? Should I keep my outfits consistent throughout all the tapes? I’m a 17 year old female, if that’s any help. I’m applying for a BFA in Acting at Millikin University, Webster University, Northern Kentucky University, UT Austin, and the University of Cincinnati’s CCM. Thank you!

Adults Playing Children by NoOneLikesNicAtAll  •  last post Oct 23rd

Hello, I am currently producing an audio drama and the main characters are 8-14 year old children. I am looking for advice on the pitfalls of using adult voice actors to play children. Does anyone have any tips or tricks that might be helpful? Should I be looking for male actors with higher pitched voices? Does this take years of training to pull off believably? Any and all comments welcome. Thanks!

Ask A Freelance Voice Actor Whatever You Want by StepStuff  •  last post Oct 22nd

Losing passion for acting but you know you want to be an actor? by qu0na  •  last post Oct 22nd

So I KNOW that I wanna be a actress right, so I joined an acting class but it felt like a job and not something fun, so it kinda made me think well maybe I don’t want to do this anymore. But then I just get these random passions for acting but when I took my acting class it felt like a job and I don’t want it to feel that way, i want it to be something I enjoy because deep down I KNOW I want and HAVE to be an actress in my lifetime but I just lose passion for it sometimes all of sudden and it comes back, I’m gonna 16, graduating soon and people keep asking me “are you applying to colleges” and “what do you want to be” but I honestly can’t decide, does anyone else feel like this or know how to deal with this feeling?

Are most actors Introverts? by Lttscott  •  last post Oct 22nd

[UPDATE] Looking for Voice Actors for Youtube Series by roxthisworld  •  last post Oct 22nd

Hi everyone! So, I made a post in this sub about looking for voice actors for characters in a fantasy series for Youtube. I want to thank all of you who messaged me and you're all so talented. However, I still need TWO VOICE ACTRESSES. If you're a voice actress and want to give this a shot, DM me for more info about the series. It's still a paid job :D

Recommendations for showreel companies in NW England? by inthe0151  •  last post Oct 22nd

I'm based in Liverpool and currently have everything I need for an agent to look at me except for a great showreel I have Equity, Spotlight, headshots, a CV, and other actors willing to recommend me but I'm taking a lot of roles right now in stuff that isn't coming back looking worthy of a showreel or even coming back to me at all. Does anyone in northwest England have experience with those companies who specialise in shooting and editing a showreel? Who would you recommend and why? Is it even a good idea to do this, or would an agent make their decision about me based on whether my showreel was made up of clips from short films or crafted from scratch by a company? Thanks

How long do you think you should give an agent to start getting you auditions? by Ramoach  •  last post Oct 22nd

Hey there, I started pursuing acting a couple of years ago and three months ago I managed to get an agent. We clicked pretty well. Thing is, I've had no auditions from them apart from one for their own theatre production. Before signing, they stated that they have connections within netflix and amazon. My passion is screen acting and these are the kinds of gigs I'm looking for, so how long do you think is reasonable to wait until I start considering other representation? I'm playing with the idea of either another three months to give them chance to get me at least one tv/film audition or a further nine months to make it a whole year. For the record, I'm aware that the agent isn't supposed to get you all your roles and that an actor should be proactive and constantly sourcing work. However, I feel like I should have been put forward for at least something by now. Thanks for any input.