I'm halfway through my degree in education, but I've always thought acting would be cool. How does someone with very little experience get into acting? Anytime I watch a TV show or movie I just think how fun it must be to be involved in creating something like that.
I'm a NYC based actor heading to London for a workshop for 6 weeks. The workshop itself is only 2 days out of the week. I am really, really excited but also lost on some of the basics, as I've never spent more than a few days in London before. A few things I would love tips on: ​ 1. Where to stay in London? The workshop is in Southwark and I don't mind a commute up to 45 minutes. I'm not really sure where to look for a short term rental. 2. Any studios I can take drop in classes, and continue to work on my craft? 3. This is a long shot, but any agencies that might be open to representing a NY based actor? Thank you!
Hello, So I'm not someone who has any big experience in acting outside of a few school plays and sketches in church, growing up, but I've been rather fortunate to just film and do a photoshoot for a nationally advertised campaign for a social media site. I'll be appearing in two adverts over the next few months for them which obviously means exposure. As I said, im not an actor by any means in my day job, however I've discovered that I really rather enjoyed the experience of being in front of camera and doing a bit of acting during the course of my 1 day (and very intense) shoot. As part of the campaign, i've now done some acting a voiceover and a photoshoot, which is starting to appear all over my city's public transport and will shortly be broadcasted all over the country, with me (as one of the extras put it) as the 'hero'. So at at this point I guess the question is, what should I do next? Is it a case of getting headshots and try and get work as an extra and build up? What would you do in my position? Any advice would be greatly received as its a position I wasn't really expecting to be in a few months ago! Please forgive my ignorance if it really is a case of jumping the gun somewhat, I'm just excited at the thought of finding and feeding a new passion!
I often hear people say that the best actors have done a lot of theatre before, but who are some great actors who haven't?
Hey guys. I'm the producer of the popular MMA YouTube channel [It's Not Cagefighting](www.youtube.com/itsnotcagefighting). We're currently looking to increase the output of videos on the channel, but as it stands the availability of our current narrators limits our ability to do so. We're looking to get our next video out before Halloween, and were hoping is someone here would be available to take the project. A knowledge of MMA is preferable but not required. Reply to the discussion topic or PM me if you're interested, and I'll send over a copy of the script. Thanks in advance.
I've had it for a year now and i have yet to book anything. I get a good vit of self tape auditions bit it doesnt go beyond that
I always see unpaid, non-union background roles on Actor’s Access and wonder if they’re worth submitting for. One just popped up today that’s for an overnight shoot. Do these productions actually get actors to sign up? And if so, are there any benefits to it other than networking? EDIT: I also specifically am wondering about unpaid background roles as opposed to paid ones, especially in big cities where there’s always something going on.
For a very long time now i have always been intrested in acting, when i was around 15 i remember taking a theatre acting class but it wasnt for me, since atleast not at that place focused alot on the idea of evoking emotion. I have always felt that i am good impersonating/evoking emotion, but there isn't really anyway for me to tell, other than i have felt the urge to act many times. So the question is... how do i know if im a good actor?
I have been thinking if asking this for a while, to see if anyone's experience is similar to mine. My Satellite city is the [3rd largest movie/TV making hub in North America](https://www.vancouvereconomic.com/film-television/) , and generally makes " 65+ movies and 55+ TV series annually, as well as hundreds of other filming days for commercials, TV pilots and other features " per year. And I'm not working. I returned to the Biz in 2014 and for the 1st 3 years did all I could to build a resume. Approximately 2/3 broadcast credits and 2 Theatre credits per year. In 2017 I found out that I had worked in 2 Union gigs that year without my Agent informing me ( He knew of my interest prior to this.), then booked a 3rd within a matter of weeks. I had enough credits to 'become Pro', and joined the union, because I would much rather earn $1000 per day, than $100. Since then I have had 1 single-day filming. Last week I went to my 6th audition of 2019. 6 !! The answer from my Agent (One of the biggest in town) is that there just isn't that much work around for union actors. I have found out from my union meetings that the Biz, here, works like this: All major acting jobs are auditioned in L.A. If there are day player opps., then they go to local actors and - if the production can afford it - Union actors are seen first. Commercials are ALL non-union, and Casting Directors and Agents make their best money from these, so there is pressure to remain non union, to make these professionals busier. If an actor cannot work, then there may be 'last minute' auditions, here, to fill that gap if a replacement cannot be found in the Production's 'home office' - usually the Sates. Agents don't negotiate, casting directors simply make tapes and forward them to Hollywood for a Director's OK - very rarely is a Director/Producer 'in the room'. Everyone is far happier simply to have these productions in town, rather than 'rock the boat' in any way. I either had a massive downgrade in talent following 2017, or there just isn't the paid work, here - hard to believe with this amount of work in town. Behind-the-scenes professionals work full time and, frequently, Movies cannot find the right match of locations and behind-the-camera talent when they need them because the city is too busy. Given that 95% of all actors are unemployed at any one time, our current Union membership numbers mean that around 250 actors are working, but not me. Perhaps I'm in the wrong demographic, but I'm always turning down non-union and theatre work, because I can't work them anymore. I can earn my agent a bigger cut of earnings, so I can't think of a reason why I'm 'black balled' from getting work. there are only a handful of Casting Directors in town and I have a good relationship with them all, so I'm not a 'difficult' actor. I would love to hear if anyone else's 'satellite' works like this, or from Casting Directors and Agents from here in case I have misunderstood the market. I'm getting close to calling it quits: This summer I received great notices for two theatre roles I took 'under the table' because I couldn't resist the challenge, and would have earned more money from 1 day coughing in the background of 1 scene, no lines on a TV episode than I did for 6 weeks of "live" work. Agents and Casting Directors don;t go to theatre, here, because there's enough non-union talent to keep them busy without looking for any established actors. That's a fact of professional acting, but to never even get in the room for an audition that pays enough to pay the bills makes me think that 'it's me'. Thoughts?
Hello, my company is looking to hire a voice actor who sounds like the "Wendy's Girl", Morgan Smith Goodwin. Here are a couple of links to example videos: https://www.ispot.tv/ad/7ah_/wendys-salads-wedding https://www.ispot.tv/ad/AVnG/wendys-more-for-four We'll need the voice actor to say basic phrases and food names that are typically associated with taking food orders. No audio editing required (we'll do this on our side). If interested, please DM me and submit a sample with the following script: "I have added one bacon burrito to your order. I have one bacon burrito, one large pepsi, and an order of wild spuds. Your total is thirteen dollars and forty-six cents, thank you." Please also provide your quote and timeline for delivering the total script (around 2000 words) should you be hired. Feel free to DM me with any questions and I'll be happy to clarify further. Thanks!
I’ve been doing some soul searching lately and trying to decide if acting is something I can continue to pursue as a career. I haven’t booked in a year. I haven’t even had a callback this year, and I’ve been getting less than stellar feedback at auditions. I’m just so confused, I’m training, I usually get private coaching for every audition I have and it just feels (and sounds) like I’m becoming a worse actor.
I'd like to create an IMDBPro account for my daughter who does a small amount of acting work in film and TV (not carded). I can't see a way to do this, only create a profile for myself? Thanks
I'm not trying to become a professional voice actor or anything, but I try to practice a bit of fun stuff for DMing my DnD campaign. Recently I've begun to record my sessions and I've found out that even though the voices that I thought were high or low, actually sounded like my normal voice with a *slightly* higher/lower pitch. It sounds a lot more drastic in my head when I say it, but it seems that the result does not match what my ears hear in person. ​ I don't know what kind of advice, answer, or general tidbit I could get but I thought it'd be worth trying and asking. Is there something I should do or practice to make the change a bit better?
i started pursuing acting at 28. i'm now 32 and I live in NYC. i've done a bunch of shorts, improv shows, and student films and have been training for years. I've never pursued theater because I wait tables and, despite what you may have heard, i don't find these jobs flexible at all. if I booked a show, my manager would just fire me and hire somebody else. because its 2019 and the economy is cut throat for even shitty low wage waiter jobs. i've finally tried to audition for some theater, and i'm having a hard time wrapping my head around how anybody actually does this. people have said "well you should have done regional theater when you were 19 and gotten your equity card before moving to new york". well that's great but not everybody has that option and you can't turn back time. so far I've gone to 8 open calls and I have not been seen even once! so that's 8 days of my life completely wasted. giving up shifts and work for absolutely nothing. how is anybody supposed to even try this? why is this industry so closed off to "new" people? everything seems like a chicken or the egg situation, and for the life of me, i have no idea what to do. am I supposed to keep attending these open calls at 6am and sitting around all day praying to get seen? i feel like this is why people stop pursuing acting... because they are literally not even given a single opportunity to TRY and pursue it! they are cock blocked by how everything is set up! doesn't casting want to discover new talent? wouldn't actually giving non-equity actors a chance to audition be the way to actually find new people? i'm really having a hard time understanding this, and i'm losing steam. it's hard enough trying to get an agent for film / tv when you're not sag, it's hard enough being an adult working for free on student films and all that stuff..... when you're not even able to make money from this... my only conclusion is that this pursuit is simply for rich people only. working class people are just completely disqualified because of these ridiculous barriers and having to work for free for so long. what am I missing here? how do you people even do this? i'm only 32, i'm not even that old! this is really frustrating and so far nobody I ask has any answers. not even having the ability to audition really makes me question if this is even worth wasting my life chasing anymore, because thats what this feels like, a waste of time. i can spend money in acting classes til the cows come home but if I can't even get an agent or even the opportunity to audition for anything that actually pays you... then i'm just spinning in circles accomplishing literally nothing. i don't get it
Hi, guys. So, I recently signed up for an acting agency here in London and have landed a teeny-tiny minor role. Now, of course, nothing humongous.. more like an independent film...but it still has a fairly decent budget, it will still be available to watch on Amazon for free, I’ll get paid for it, et cetera. I’m sure you all know how it works, I doubt I’ll be a Hollywood actor anytime shortly. However. My manager didn’t tell me I had to, but suggested I change my name to a stage name, as my real name, “David Huggins” doesn’t have much of a ring to it, or whatever? And told me to think about it and come up with a couple of ideas, I sent over to him NINETEEN different stage names I’d happy stick with. He then narrowed his favourites down to only three. Those three being: • Damian O’Reilly • Kitt Ramsay and Jacob Cunningham Now, obviously I like all three of them, as they were my ideas. However, I’ve been struggling to narrow them down to just one. I’m wondering if you guys could comment below which one you think is best, hopefully helping me finally decide on one. I have until Friday. So, plenty of time
So i don't have a lot of footage to work with. I was going to include a clip from a short i did and also a clip of a taped monologue I did. The monologue was filmed against a plain wall with good lighting and camera. Is it not ok...
Any tips would be helpful. Also, do I include info such as my height/weight/eye color/hair color as well and any profile links (like aa, lacasting, etc?) here is a PDF of how it currently looks: file:///home/chronos/u-e99e9f3d522e806c7e8235979cb0b9719704f48d/MyFiles/Downloads/Noah%20Ayden%20Khan%20Resume.pdf
Hey there folks. We recently wrapped a horror short film that’s centered around a guy listening to an audiobook when it starts describing the night he’ll be murdered. We have a low budget I’m willing to pay for your time and work, we can chat rates :) I need a male reader with a medium to low voice. The audiobook carries a lot of the short since the entire film is one take, so it’s important to find someone cool and keen to play around. If you’re interested comment or DM me your reel and your rates, let’s talk! If you want to see some of my previous work: http://christiangrobbelaar.com/projects