I'm looking for blogpost ideas and wondering what kinds of questions actors and/or aspiring actors have about the craft. The CRAFT of acting, not the business of it. For example, audition tips, emotional preparation, understanding material, different techniques, imagination work, etc - what specific questions do you have along those lines?
The last audition I had from my agent was the last week of September. I’ve only been auditioning for student and indie productions that I found on my own. Is it slow? Or is it just me?
I don't attend any of them. I have actors Access for 68 $ a year. I submitt everyday , I do about three in-person auditions per week. I get feedback on my performance from directors and cast directors. I learn from my mistakes and I get exposure as well.
What should be my first steps to getting my foot in the door .
So I was watching an interview with Elizabeth Olsen and she mentioned how she had severe social anxiety. Now she’s a great actor and she plays each of her characters well. I was wondering how that translates behind the scenes. Meaning would there be a specific type of class you would take besides normal acting classes to make yourself more comfortable with speaking and being on stage or in front of a camera or is it common enough that it’s just incorporated into an everyday class ?
I’ve been doing improv for a few years and decided that I would like to attend one of the big three schools (Groundlings, UCB, Second City). Out of these three, which one would you recommend if I’m trying to transfer the spontaneous energy of improv into acting? More simply put, which school would help me think less.
I just finished taking a great week long workshop with Larry Moss. For those who aren't aware, Larry is a top acting coach who has coached several actors into Oscar nominated/winning performances. Including Leonardo DiCaprio, Helen Hunt, Hilary Swank and others. I thought I'd share my core takeaways from the class with you guys in this video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddsoo\_m4xuc&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddsoo_m4xuc&feature=youtu.be)
What are some of the best websites or forums where actors discuss the industry in the similar open spirit as this reddit? Do any of you have other actor oriented sites you frequent?
I was wondering if you had any tips for voice-acting?
I'm new to theatre. So when there are callbacks, does that mean they've narrowed the search to those being called back (kind of like in sports and you've made the first cut)? Or does it mean the CD selected the actors he liked and the callbacks are ppl he wasn't sure about and needs to see read again, meaning he wasn't sold on u and is giving u another chance to wow him?
I’ve been in class 7 months now- the same studio, same teacher- 4 days a month, 3 hours a class. Class is great, my teacher is great, the studio is great but I feel like it’s not enough. I’m estimating that I only get 30 mins one-on-one with the teacher in this class. The remainder of the class, I’m observing other actors perform and being coached. I try to work on what I’ve learned throughout the week. But it doesn’t help much if you don’t have a partner. I’ve tried meeting up with my classmates to practice outside of class but either they are uninterested or too busy or just unreliable. I was thinking of taking an additional class at another studio to challenge myself and to learn more. I’m auditing a class next week. And if I like it, the plan is to take this class in addition to the other. I was talking to a classmate about this and they said I may be stretching myself too far. They said what happens if you have to memorize a script or a monologue for both classes? But isn’t that reflective of this industry? I’ve been auditioning and some auditions I have quite a bit of time to prepare for and others only hours or less. Also, after 7 months of training, I can memorize lines very quickly now- it’s kind of scary. I feel like I’m coasting in my current class. I just want that extra something to help me improve and get to the next level. I see the areas where I need to improve. There’s no such thing as perfect, but I just want to give my all in this. Has anyone ever enrolled in more than 1 class at the same time? Did you find yourself challenged in a good way or overwhelmed?
I got my first titular role/lead role recently as Peter Pan. I’m excited to play this role but I would like tips on playing a male character as someone who is biologically female. Thankfully I’m already pretty androgynous and people mistake me for a boy occasionally, (though I’m a 20 year old woman) and people tend to think I’m younger than I am, so maybe there’s less work that needs to be done than I think, but I do want to see if any more seasoned actors have tips. Thanks in advance!
What do actors typically do for a living? Because usually acting is on a gig by gig basis until you get a deal, so until then, what should I do for money? Also is acting school worth student loans?
Hello fellow voice actors, I am curious if anyone out here has an agent and what it took to get signed with an agent. I don’t live in any of the major hubs (LA or NY) and can’t seem to get any contact with agents or agencies. Any suggestions?
Compensation tbd. No level of experience needed. Mainly for people looking for exposure.
Hi All, I'm auditing a class at AMAW this week and would love to get some thoughts that have either audited/taken Anthony's courses. From what I hear, you either love it or hate it but being someone who is "green" in the industry (I've taken a few courses a few years back), I was curious what your thoughts are. ​ Also, what could you expect from an audit? Do you participate? Are you observing?
Hi all! I am a budding voice actress and in the middle of gathering samples for my demo reel to send to agents. I would love to know what I should improve on. Is the audio quality professional enough? Would you suggest some changes to the voice/read? If I could get some feedback I would VERY appreciate it! [https://soundcloud.com/g-findlay/voice-sample-v02](https://soundcloud.com/g-findlay/voice-sample-v02)
Or is it just me? Because I think the market for actors on LinkedIn doesn't not compare to other sites like Backstage and Actors Access. Plus, and I'm ready to take the hit, it comes across more as a hobby. What do you guys think?