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We have found 19,367 posts across 4 actor forums:

HOW TO ACT by camibergamaschiok  •  last post Oct 29th

Do you need yo act for a class project or school play? Or do you have dreams of being an actor on the silver screen? If so, you'll need to master the basics of acting. Swipe for some tips on how to take command of any stage. PART I -PINPOINTING CHARACTER TRAITS 1) Come up with a background for your character. A lot of actors tell you to come up with a secret thay only you know that drives your character. This is a completely legitimate technique and it's worth trying. But in addition to a secret, know your character inside and out. Make them a real person, not just a name on a page. 2) Ask yourself why. Knowing what is driving your character will make everything fall into place. Analyze the work as a whole, but get a motivation down scene by scene, part by part. Does your character have a motivation that arches through the entire show? How about for each interaction? The answer is YES, so what is it? 3)Study your lines. In order to be confident when you're acting and to be able to concentrate on your character, you will have to know your part as well as you can. When you're nervous, it can often be easy to forget your lines or struggle with them. To avoid being tongue-tied on stage, learn your lines so well you can practically do them in your sleep. 4) Write in your script. Though you may think of it as just a lot of time spent erasing later, writing notes in your script will help you immensely. Develop your own system of annotations that only you can understand. PART II -DEVELOPING MOVEMENT AND VOICE 1) Relax. Take a deep breath. It helps a lot of people if they tense up their entire body and keep it that way for a few seconds. Then, just relax all your muscles. Box breathing is also a good method. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and then breathe out for 4 seconds. The overall effect will calm you down 2) Be aware of your body. There are entire techniques and classes dedicated to movement for performers and for good reason. They'll help you utilize your space to the best of your ability and take command of the stage. 3) Project. Talk louder than you usually would so everyone can hear upu and the camera can catch the sound. There's nothing more irritating than being in the audience and catching every third word 4) Enunciate. When you are on stage or in front of the camera, you have to say your words clearly and make sure all the sounds are well defined. This is especially important at the ends of words, which are easy to swallow and lose acoustically 5) Talk like your character. Even if your character doesn't have an accent, there are still other aspects of their idiolect to consider that may not be in the script. Consider their age, race, social status, beliefs, and income. PART III- PERFORMING 1) Emote. This really should go without saying. As an actor, you have to portray certain emotions and make sure that the audience can see what you're feeling, whether you're on stage or on camera 2) Roll with the punches. Never give away that you've messed up. Don't let the audience know. If you don't let them know, guess what? They won't. 3) Get in the moment. From the moment you step on stage, you are not dealing with romantic issues, money problems, or a general fit of fatigue. All that stuff is left off stage. 4) Don't break character. If you forget everything else, just remember that you have to be your character and not slip up and become your normal self. 5) Keep a positive attitude. Sometimes, worrying about messing up or other people's reactions can ruin your state of mind. 6) Release your inhibitions. Practice relaxation exercises, get into character and stop worrying about how others will perceive you. Follow me,

Learning the Business Side of Acting by Heylahoo  •  last post Oct 29th

Hey Redditors! Just wanted to share some stuff for those who aren't familiar with the business side of acting, or don't know where and how to start. On YouTube, watch videos from Wendy Alane Wright!! She has tons of videos breaking down nearly everything about acting, mostly beginner tips which are immensely helpful! I also highly recommend getting her book "How to Be a Star Right Where You Are". (I promise I'm not trying to advertise). That book has a million things an actor needs t know to get started. She has specific steps written down fo you to be on track, a dozen links to amazing resources, guides and "timelines" for you to follow to get started, what to do to market yourself better, a Facebook group you can join to get connected with hundreds of other actors and coaches and mentors and a place for you to post any questions you have, etc.... Her videos and book are priceless, especially if you were like me and had absolutely no idea how or where to start. I hope this helps!! Good luck!!

Demo reel by k3v1ngg253  •  last post Oct 28th

what should a demo reel have, should you make a footage by your self or take videos from previous projects, ill be really tankful because im thinks of what a demo reel should have, by the way Matt newton helped a lot, thank you.

I’m starting to realize my actor friends that became full-time producers instead couldn’t hack it as actors... by CuspChaser111  •  last post Oct 28th

Am I wrong here? They were the people in class that gave it 80% at most instead of 110% - hey look they get business and that’s great but something I’ve noticed.

Why do many TV actors after a hit show... by BGLAVI22  •  last post Oct 28th

Especially the TV dramas of 80's. Many faded into obscurity. Why? I assume being branded as your TV character hurts your film career. I assume other TV roles offered are retreads of their old character. I also know TV is long hours. Do many go and pursue theatre?

[REQUEST-PAID] Need Voice Actors (Female) For Anime Animatic by OfficialTobster  •  last post Oct 28th

Me and a group of people are making an animatic based on the anime "Bakugan Battle Brawlers" Roles that need filling: Marucho Marukura (Marucho is a young boy, I need a female voice actor that can do this) Billy Gilbert (Billy is a boy who is also voiced by a female, but he is a teenager) Skyress (a deep voiced female) Fabia Sheen (a very high pitched enthusiastic teenage girl voice) Runo Misaki (a loud \[almost obnoxious\] teenage tomboy girl voice) If you are interested, leave your thoughts or questions in the comments.

Is it wrong that I don't have a "passion for acting?" by Mave0193  •  last post Oct 28th

All I hear is "I have a passion for ACTING" or "you need yo have a PASSION for ACTING" to make it in this business. And honestly, I don't know, well more like I don't think I have a passion for the art-form of acting. I don't care about plays as I've never seen one...What I do care about is movies. I fell in love with all types of movies. Growing up I was watching and understanding movies that I shouldnt have. I fell in love with all types of movies. I love everything from indies, to Marvel movies to Martin Scorsese movies. Years later, around after a year after of HS gradation and I didn't know what to do, I decided I wanted to be an actor. 10 years later, I have been the lead in an award-winning feature, principal in a national commercial, handful of commercials, one TV credit, and I feel I'm just getting started. I have one semi decent meeting, and possible game changing meeting in the works coming up that I pray to God doesn't fall through. Half of me feels I am not so different because usually half of Hollywood is models who turned to acting. Even the "I'm too good to stay in Hollywood movies" well, they still turned to Hollywood. I don't know if I will ever move from my city as I'm in a big market, but maybe I would if my agent told me I had to. I am in this for the long run. I will not give up. Every move I make, I think about my acting career first. I will not give up on this.. Just wanted to get this off my chest.

Need VAs for animated series[request-unpaid] by Nuxtakujr  •  last post Oct 28th There's the info on the project

Do I Have a Double-Dipping Problem with My Agent? (Non-Union Actor with SAG-Franchised Agency) by swan_princesss  •  last post Oct 28th

Hi Everyone! So, I'm a non-union actor and I've been acting (seriously) for a little over a year now. I just signed with my agency this past January (2019), so I'm kind of one of their newer talents. I've booked two commercials through my agency so far, and I'm very grateful to my agents for getting me so many opportunities to audition. My agency is SAG-Franchised and pretty reputable for my state (Texas). Most people know of them, and I've never heard other actors within my agency say anything bad about our agents. They've always been a great agency from what I've heard and through my own personal experience. But... are they double-dipping...? Now, my agency's commission is pretty high at 20%. Yes, 20%. I don't mind this too much because, honestly, our market is relatively small, so I imagine that's why commissions are bigger here (most other agents here charge 15% for commercials). So, the kicker for me is that my last commercial stated they would pay, "+15% agency on top of rates stated." So, I thought that I would get my full rate, minus the 5% difference. I was surprised to see that my agent took out their full 20% from my check when I thought production already paid them most of their commission on my behalf. The moment I got my check, I emailed my agents and told them that I thought they were only supposed to take out 5% since production paid them 15%. My agency's response was, "The 15% **Agency Fee** is totally separate from your payment – that is a fee that we get paid from for all our work that we do for the CD – your 20% **agency commission** is taken from your rate and is what you pay us to find you work, etc…. Two *very separate* things. We work for you and we work for them – both of you pay us for services... +15% agency on top of rates stated- On top of means not a part  of your payment- but separate for us." From what I've read, what they're doing isn't technically illegal nor necessarily uncommon, but that it can be considered morally wrong. And this practice seems to be dependent on the agent- it's not standard practice. I'm a little stumped on this. On one hand, I do feel like my agents work very hard and I get a lot of auditions because of their work; however, I feel like they are double-dipping. But then, what do I do if they are? Sure, I can go to another agency, but reputable agencies are few and far in-between in my market. And I already met with eight agents before I signed with my current one. And I get so many auditions through them, that maybe I need to suck it up? Idk... maybe I'm just being greedy or nit-picky. What would you guys do in this situation?

I’ve decided to follow my dream of becoming an actor by moving to LA from San Diego, getting a job as a waiter while I take acting classes and more. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for the move/ getting seen by big directors? by arabactor99  •  last post Oct 28th

Currently as the title explains most I’m 23 years old and even though my mind is set on becoming a well known successful actor I find a lot of people in my life including my parents keep telling me it’s to late to start acting and it’s all about who you know, it’s making me discouraged to make this move and pursue acting. Any advice would be very much helpful. I did post a few days ago but the post got deleted for some reason. Thank you!

Voice actors who are unexpectedly good singers? by rachieandthewaves  •  last post Oct 27th

I’ve recently been watching a lot of anime English dubs and one of the voice actors had to sing in it and their voice was unreal. Just wanted to know if there are any voice actors out there with under-appreciated singing voices?

3rd party InuYasha project in need of voice actors. (BTVA) by salemkillskittens  •  last post Oct 27th

[InuYasha Project](

What should I do during my co-actor's monologue/soliloquy? by insecurenicorn0618  •  last post Oct 27th

Whenever my co-actor says her long lines and I am behind, sitting and doing nothing, I feel awkward. Like, I feel like a statue. And there is a limited prop---a pillow and a photo. What stage business should I do while sitting and looking at her say her sad lines?

Advice for a disabled actor by frustratedfemme007  •  last post Oct 27th

Hi all, I graduate college this May and feel so defeated. I'm an actor living with a physical disability (it causes me to walk with a limp) and have only been cast in one small role during my time in college. I've got callbacks for smaller roles and one supporting role but never a lead. I see the same students get cast again, these same students get the department awards year after year. No matter where I go I'm usually rejected. And my friends book show after show. I just think about all the opportunities for growth I missed out on due to not being given as much time on stage as my peers. I don't only want to play roles specifically for disabled actors. What is some advice for overcoming this?

Should I put my business degree on my resume? by 247Existentialist  •  last post Oct 27th

I’ve seen actor resumes with and without it, so I wanted to get this sub’s opinion. It’s a BBA with a Marketing concentration, if that makes any difference. Thanks!

What youtubers or influencers inspire you guys when it comes to acting? (Notice i didnt ask which actors) by gerd_archer  •  last post Oct 26th

Just a personal interest, for me it's markiplier

A little help with major life choices by CorneliusMoon  •  last post Oct 26th

I've had passion for acting since I was a middle schooler and was part of all theatre groups in all the institutions I've been in and wanted to pursue a career in it. But my parents forced me into becoming a mechanical engineer saying that kids living in India have to work through a long way so as to become an actor in Hollywood. I'm going to finish my technology degree with a good grade in the next year(19 y/o) but I don't want to work as an engineer. I'm seriously thinking of intentionally doing bad in my upcoming exams so they might let me move to LA and try for acting gigs. I'd be happy if I get any kind of advice.

Hiring male VA for animatic/animation by timothylobster  •  last post Oct 26th

Hello again :) Looking for a male voice actor who can do a voice SIMILAR to Glenn Quagmire's from Family Guy. It's for a small animatic/animation, I only need 1 or 2 lines. May ask for future lines from you if I can afford your price! Please send your auditions to before October 30th. Hoping to find someone before then. I usually pay per line (as I do with my other VAs) so I'm looking for someone who will accept somewhere around or under $10 per voiceline. The cheaper, the more lines I will be able to purchase and use for future projects Here is a random sample line for your audition. "Hey hey hey Cheri! You're looking nice today...." If it helps, the character is a 40 year or so clown guy, and he's just gross and sleazy. I imagine he sounds kind of like Quagmire, so try to work with that if you can. Thanks! Only good picture I have of him right now is an old sloppy watercolor test, sorry!

What are the chances of doing well in your very first audition (for a really good acting school) with absolutely zero experience in acting? by thrownaway_story9  •  last post Oct 26th

And top of that not very nice grades history? I have so many doubts.. one of still having a little accent, the other is for being 23 and having zero acting experience (I mean zero, the most I’ve done was being in charge of 2 or 3 little plays in high school). I know next to nothing. I was going to give more details about my life, motives and challenges, but frankly I don’t think most people care (but if this is needed I’ll add). Am I shooting for something that will very likely not work at all? I’m a small and kind of underaged-looking, introverted and often soft spoken woman. I don’t even know how I’d fit most roles (as I am also racially ambiguous). I know actors don’t need to be the life if the party to act, but still.. Am I delusional? Edit: my SAT date is coming up and I’m currently writing applications.