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We have found 19,367 posts across 4 actor forums:

Voice Acting with Anxiety? by pansexualdwarf  •  last post Nov 4th

**Hello - and apologies in advance for the newbie post.** **I've (25, f) been interested in voice acting ever since I was a teenager. I grew up poor so there weren’t many opportunities for me to pursue my interests.** **My dad did try to turn me into a child star at one point so I was forced to take acting classes as a kid, but my social anxiety was really bad at the time and I became very jaded in the sense that I felt I’d never be good enough. He is a really abusive person and didn’t make it a positive experience for me, either.** **My social anxiety is more manageable now, and I want to pursue my interests without the pressure of becoming a ‘star’. I don’t even think I’d want to make a career out of it – I just want to have fun.** **Anyways – I guess I’d like to hear some encouragement from voice actors who have anxiety. How did you get started? Was it hard at first, but easier over time?** **I think hearing stories from others might help me take a crack at this!** **Thank you**

Voice Acting in Anime by KanernMeadow  •  last post Nov 4th

So my BIG DREAM is to be a voice actor in anime dubs or animation, although I just love voice acting in general. However, I could really use some advice from people with experience on how to get into the industry. I am only 17 and i am currently arranging a time to record a demo reel. Any advice, tips and warnings would be really helpful! Thank you!

Industry Professionals Being Awful for No Reason by mutedfae  •  last post Nov 4th

I am completely floored lately by how incredibly rude and disrespectful people in this industry are behaving. I understand how busy agents and managers are so they can come off a bit gruff, but the people I'm talking about are the one's trying to market audition classes and workshops, moderators for acting/agent/manager forums, lower level agents, and working actors, albeit no star names. I am an experienced film actress looking to build network television credits and, in my opinion am asking valid questions in the proper forums about representation, pricing and legitimacy of classes, next steps for career development, etc. But I am time and time again met with nastiness, ego, and people just wanting to talk down to each other. They're convinced that they know the RIGHT way of doing things and that you're some sort of embarrassment if you're doing it any other way. (In my experience, everyone has a different way of operating and formatting (to some extent), and there is no definitive RIGHT answer.) People almost seem to get off on negging you or, if you've found a modicum of success, want to use you as a poster child to sell themselves, their product, or brand. It is downright disheartening when people treat you like an unintelligent, piece of garbage day in and day out, especially when you're just looking for advice! This goes beyond role rejection (obviously a part of the job) and, in my opinion speaks to the level of professionalism in the industry. Does this only ever change when you become a name actor? How are you supposed to push through all the bullshit and get any sort of valid advice if everyone is so determined to tear you down?

Helpful Advice by HelpingHand  •  last post Nov 3rd

Thought this would be some helpful advice for new or veteran actors.

Need a male actor (30-40s) who can do a voice over conversation on a phone with wife. Needs to be light, fun, bantering and affectionate. Will get IMDB credit by ReCKoNeR_  •  last post Nov 3rd

Hi! Just directed a horror short film and looking for a male actor in his 30-40s who can do a voice over for a phone call with some lines that helps the audience connect to the character and is affectionate, fun, and light hearted with his wife. I've been trying for voice over actors and it's been a struggle, so I decided to test the waters with actors. Let me know if you are possibly interested! I am repped by Paradigm and you will be an IMDb credit!

First interview with an agency. What should I expect? by 35364461a  •  last post Nov 3rd

I have my first agency interview in a couple weeks, and I want to be prepared. The only things they told me were to dress to impress, and that I do *not* have to perform a monologue. What kind of questions will they ask? Should I bring a headshot? Should I even sign with an agency if I’m just starting out, or get more experience from Backstage/Actors Access first? What are agencies’ general criteria for signing people on? Is it looks/talent/experience? I don’t even have a demo reel, since I’ve been in a grand total of 3 productions, and only one of them has been released yet. I live in a good-sized city, but it’s certainly not a hotspot for films. I just feel so inexperienced and wide-eyed, and I don’t know if I’m right to be doubting if I should sign with them, when I would totally understand their reluctance. I mean, people don’t decide to be an actor and immediately search for agencies to sign with, right? I’m probably overthinking this, but I don’t know what to do or what they’ll say.

Anyone looking for a female voice actor? by itsurgirlYssa  •  last post Nov 3rd

Im kinda wanting to try voice acting cuz it seems so interesting so im wondering if anyone is interested,i wanna try to practice haha.

Transformers Armadabridged Casting Call by Cringeivore  •  last post Nov 3rd

Hey fellow voice actors, I am part of an abridged series called Transformers Armadabridged. Two of our voice actors have had to step down from the project and need to be replaced ASAP. Here is the casting call if anyone is interested: []( And here is our latest episode to give you a better idea of what the two characters sounded like: [](

Don’t Give Up by Mark-St-Cyr  •  last post Nov 3rd

15 years ago, I dreamed of being an actor on a major TV show. I sat in a hospital after surgery and watched soap operas to pass the time. I studied the actors on screen and mouthed their lines after they said them. I Imitated their facial expressions. When I got back in school, I was inspired by a thespian girl to join my local Arts Academy. After doing high school theater for two years I decided to study acting at Elon University because when I visited, it felt like a place that believes in dreams. On the drive to college for freshman year, I would tell any and every adult who asked me what I was going to school for that I was going to be a professional actor. I was claiming it, even though I had no proof yet. This weekend felt like “proof” has arrived in major form. We premiered the first two episodes of “High School Musical: The Musical: The Series” at the Walt Disney studios. On November 8th, y’all finally get to see the first episode on Disney Channel, Freeform, and ABC. On November 12th the show launches with the new streaming platform, Disney Plus. There’s no such thing as “overnight success.” The 16 year old version of me didn’t think it would take this long. I considered quitting several times over the last 15 years. I literally called my Mom and talked about quitting the week before I sent in my self tape for High School Musical. But instead I sent in a self tape, presumably into a void never to hear anything again. Except this time, I did hear back. Now a year from sending in that tape, we’re airing the first episode of the show. Don’t give up on your dreams my friends

Any fellow actors sick of hearing this from exes or current people you’re dating/in a relationship with? by gypsyloveletter  •  last post Nov 3rd

So when I disappoint someone I’m with, break up with someone I’m with, the person I’m with is being irrationally jealous or possessive whatever what have you blah blah blah. Do you get the or have you gotten the “wow, you really are a good actress.” (Or actor) Simply because they don’t believe you or because you’ve ended the relationship or whatever? I get they’re angry. But I’ve legit had 3 serious exes use that term and my current BF just said it last night because he was convinced I have a crush on his friend and I don’t. And I told him exactly why I don’t. Please tell me I’m not the only person who gets this? Like hey, please don’t use my profession as a weapon against me just because you’re angry or irrational or jealous or whatever? Not cool. So all actors are full of shi* and never to be trusted? Sure, I’ve used acting to get out of a ticket or two. When I was little to maybe get my way with my parents, like being 7 and wanting candy or attention. But never with friends or people I’m dating or family. People I love. I don’t “act” my way into or out of things. It’s just offensive. And I’m sick of that line they seem to think is so clever and original.

[PAID JOB] Amature Voice Actors Needed by iAmRickOrange  •  last post Nov 3rd

First! This job is for a 10 minute pilot episode pitch. Offering $200 per actor for roughly 2-3 pages of dialog per character. 5 characters need voicing. 2 Male Characters. 3 Female Characters. More details are available if you are interested. Just message me with your demo reel or voice sample.

Sorry if this question is dumb, how do I make a post on LA CASTING to look for talent for my next shortfilm? by tommyknockers26  •  last post Nov 3rd

I'm looking to hire an actress for my next short film. I'm already on La Casting as an actor, I'm mostly looking for a way I can make a post actors can submit to for my next short film.

I have a "good" problem but not sure what to do. by silkk8  •  last post Nov 2nd

So I just received some reel footage, and I was stoked because I could finally follow up with some of the managers I've met at seminars and others who allow online submissions. There's one manager that I had been emailing back and forth with sporadically but she hadn't gotten back to me in a long while. But I sent her a follow up email with my reel anyway. Literally the next day she contacted me and offered me a contract to sign! She gave me a copy to read over before signing, but I'm under the impression that she would like to get things started pretty soon. Which is awesome, but I had just submitted/followed up with several managers the previous day (no other responses yet). I don't want to keep this manager waiting since she's already expressed interest, but would that be jumping the gun too early? For what it's worth, I know she is legit, as she has signed clients on the co-star level up to series regular level, which I've verified on IMDB. Not asking for any upfront money or any major red flags like that. I would say some of the other managers I've contacted may be "bigger" names but I'm happy to sign with someone who wants to take a chance on a less seasoned actor (I have training and credits, but no major network bookings yet). The contract is for 2 years. I told her I'd read it asap and get back to her, but should I wait this out?

Getting into acting by Headchogg  •  last post Nov 2nd

So I've been thinking about getting into acting for a long time now, but I just don't know how. I've had no experience acting and I'm only 15 but I want to make it to the big screen. I don't know how auditions work, or much about anything to do with becoming an actor so help is very much appreciated.

TAPNYC is not a SCAM. The Actor's Project NYC is a successful showcase company. by talentmanagernyc  •  last post Nov 2nd

TAPNYC showcases are a lot of fun and feature a lot of talented actors 15+ times a year. Agents and Managers in film, tv, theatre, etc. are at every showcase and there are many success stories (check out The Actor's Project NYC website). Yes, there is a one-time membership fee to join and be in the company, but once you are a member you are a member for life and never have to pay the dues again. Many actors in TAPNYC showcases have representation and perform with the company on a regular basis. **If you are not sure, go to one of the free talent rep workshops offered 2 or 3 times a month where actors meet the directors and an agent or manager who goes to The Actor's Project NYC showcases.** The word "scam" is thrown around a lot on acting sites. One person can write the word "scam" and get their "review" to the top of google search results. I have seen agencies called scams, casting sites called scams, casting directors called scams, acting schools called scams, etc. , but usually it comes down to someone who just doesn't understand the contract they signed with a company which is supposed to protect all involved. Companies that offer actors exposure like The Actors Project, Actors Connection, The Network, One-on-One, etc. are often targeted and called "scam", but they are 100% not scams. You are paying for their service and usually those services come with policies you must both follow. If you have a bad experience it might be the companies fault and you should give them a chance to correct the issue, but bashing them on the internet doesn't solve the problem. Please take a moment, contact someone at the company and although you might not always receive a refund because most companies like this have a no-refund policy, most companies also have a policy to help their clients resolve issues.

17 years old teen by Pesetas000  •  last post Nov 2nd

I'm teen 17 years old from algeria it's situated in africa I looove acting i want to start an actor career but i can't make auditions and casting in usa because i can travel there (i don't have money) , do you guys know a way to make online auditions or casting like with a video call (skype) or sending a video playing a caracter I have a talent in acting and i can make any role + i am a comedian (specially political comedian lol and life criticism) Plz help me guys

How do I get an agent or manager? by talentmanagernyc  •  last post Nov 2nd

At some point in your acting career you will need representation. There are many companies in NYC that offer you exposure to agents and managers. Check them out. They might seem the same, but often they have very unique approaches to how they get you in front of industry. See which company you best fit with, because you have a lot of choices. Maybe you don't put all your eggs in one basket and try a few companies. Don't break the bank, but you should invest in getting in front of agents and managers at some point in your career. Also, actor fiends who are represented might refer your to their agent or manager. Referrals are a great way to get representation. When you meet agents and mangers, be ready with an amazing headshot and resume . Also, go ahead and join the casting sites and start building your pages with photos, clips, and a great slate shot. Agents and Managers love it when they ask for a link to Actors Access Page and you send it full of updated, competitive materials. I am asked this question a lot, so I hope my answer is helpful. Break-A-Leg!