I’m already keeping my expectations low for this one. I’m the biggest Marvel fan ever and have the exact same age as the character of Kate Bishop. Last month marvel announced that they’re making a Hawkeye tv series and Kate Bishop will be a huge character in it. They did not announce which actress will be portraying her because either they want to keep it a secret OR because they haven’t cast anyone yet. I come from a country that has no business with Hollywood and I don’t have an agent or agency. I’m currently finishing my theatre degree and my biggest dream is to be an actor and if I dare to fantasise too much I can picture myself auditioning for this character. I have already seen other actresses being cast as characters that I love without me so much as having had the chance of auditioning, and many of you will agree that it hurts. Do you guys know if there’s anything I can do? Any casting director or agent I can contact? Anything at all someone in my situation can do? Sorry for dumb but specific question.
This post is semi-cathartic, but I'm also just very curious about how other people cope with such a feeling. So recently, a big company has revealed casting for a new character. This is a character I've dreamed about playing for over a decade, and may be one of the founding reasons to become an actor, along with enjoyment, passion of the craft, happiness. Having a couple dream roles always helps that motivation factor. Recently it was announced that that character, one whom I thought I easily would've had another 5-6 years to build myself up a name to be eligible for, just got cast, and to a very worthy and credible actor too. Naturally, I'm gutted. I had laws of attraction in affect and made this character my home screen phone background, as well as had a sketch stuck to the wall in my office. This character would've been "I'm living a dream" if I'd gotten this role. Point is, in the wake of this announcement, I am sitting here truly hurt by it. Like missing a bus, being too slow/late, like that chance of a lifetime is gone forever. It's really got me down, because I've never felt this before. I've never had this happen. Not only am I shocked by the announcement itself, but I didn't expect the film for at least another half-decade or longer. Has anyone else here experienced this? How do you handle the lingering feels of demotivation and depression? I just feel like planting my face into my pillow and laying down all day. Worst part is I'm not even being melodramatic lol. Totally wanting to hear other's experiences akin to this and how to keep on trucking.
I'm new to acting and am barely getting into it, but I've been doing a lot of research and listening to people's advice. I heard that nowadays if you really want to get noticed, you should put yourself on social media and try to connect to people who are in the industry online. I also heard that it especially helps if you have a lot of followers. I've even heard famous actors talk about it. What do you think? I'm asking because I'm personally just not a big fan of social media and think it can be pretty toxic. I know as an actor you obviously have to put yourself out there, but is displaying myself on places like Instagram necessary? I feel like for a lot of things nowadays, a lot of people who either are some kind of artist, have a business, etc. put themselves on Instagram to try and connect or get more noticed... but it's personally not my thing. I mean I doubt it really is necessary, but I'm curious.
Hello, I am 16 years old and live in Germany,Hamburg. Short rundown on what "acting" I have done in the past The first time I ever something to do with "acting" was just try out as an extra in a kids movie about 10 months ago. 3-4 months later I joined a youth theatre group and we actually had our first play about 2 months ago. I have also got myself in an extra agency.And got 1 role as a featured extra in a commercial and one in a popuplar kids series but also just as an extra. I have also joined the school theatre this year. So as of now I am standing with 1 theatre play in my youth group 1 commercial as a featured extra 1 series as an extra 1 film as an extra So how do I progress further. I have been looking on like the german casting call sites that are [https://jobwrk.com/mitglieder/profil/](https://jobwrk.com/mitglieder/profil/) and [https://www.casting-network.de/Offener-Bereich/Offene\_Castings/Casting\_Angebote/](https://www.casting-network.de/Offener-Bereich/Offene_Castings/Casting_Angebote/) have been getting mixed succes. I actually did like an E-casting for an coming an age of series and they liked the selftape I send but in the end I did not get it since the budget did not allow for me toget an accomodation in Munich since their budget was tight. I have also picked up stanislavskis "an actor prepares" but have been struggling with the book a bit since the English vocabulary used in the book is on quite a high level. I had an consistent 1- or 2+ in English but this book is more than challenging for me. So on progressing further - Me and my agent have quite a good connection.She also connects extras,small part actors and actors. So my point is should I ask her if she could take me as a small part time actor or something else. Or would this be a big no no with my references? ​ One last [question.Do](https://question.Do) you think it is worth it to get a premium subcription for these casting sites like the one I linked above?(jobwrk) It is about 50€ a year and it's like actors acces,backstage etc but just for germans.
Someone need a female voice or a cute happy child-like male/ female? You can contact me: **gabyboavv@gmail.com** (I reply everyone) Don't worry so much about cash :)
So acting's something I've always wanted to try. I'm in college now (studying something else) but I've been taking some classes in my free time. The thing is, I'm total shit. Even compared to other beginners in my classes I'm really, really bad. I think it might be a combination of anxiety and low self esteem, but I can barely even get my words out audibly, and my body is stiff as a board. I'm pretty sure actors are supposed to be very social and confident and charismatic, so I sometimes wonder if the money and time I'm putting into this is going to waste. Is this something that can change over time? Or are some people just not meant to act?
I have a voicee that is suitable for voice overs, but when I record myself I find I sound stilted and unnatural. Does anyone have any tips on how I can train myself to sound more natural? I have a good home recording studio but have always used this for music. It's perfect for voice recording, alas, I am not.
I’m doing a course on branding and marketing for Actors and part of that means finding your own personal “Brand”. Below is a link to a super quick and easy survey that will help me figure that out! It would be AMAZING if you could take 2 minutes to watch the quick intro video and then answer a couple of questions that follow. The more responses I can get the better and the more strangers that take the time to do it the better so if you have a spare minute... Thank you thank you.
I can speak English, Spanish and Catalan. I'm 27, I can look between 20-30, depending on facial hair. I live in Barcelona, where there are almost no auditions for TV or Movies, just commercials. It's so rare to get a Movie or TV Audition, once a year maximum. And I'm considering moving to another city. I have two options: **Madrid**: Netflix just opened the first production centre of europe in Madrid. There's also productions for Movistar + (a spanish cable tv network with some productions) and all the local TV. It would be for roles in spanish, so I would be competing with all the rest of spanish actors. I have some friends there, they told me there are much more auditions than in Barcelona **London**: It's the most important city in europe for Movies and TV Shows. It would be for roles as a spanish or spaniard, where I speak english with spanish accent, or maybe some small roles in spanish. I would be competing with less actors, as there are not that much spanish actors with a good level of spoken english. I should go there before Brexit. **USA** (L.A): Not possible because I can't get a VISA. I'm applying every year for the DV Lottery, but it's just a dream What do you think? Thank you very much for your advice.
Hello, I am 16 years old and live in Germany,Hamburg. Short rundown on what "acting" I have done in the past The first time I ever something to do with "acting" was just try out as an extra in a kids movie about 10 months ago. 3-4 months later I joined a youth theatre group and we actually had our first play about 2 months ago. I have also got myself in an extra agency.And got 1 role as a featured extra in a commercial and one in a popuplar kids series but also just as an extra. I have also joined the school theatre this year. So as of now I am standing with 1 theatre play in my youth group 1 commercial as a featured extra 1 series as an extra 1 film as an extra So how do I progress further. I have been looking on like the german casting call sites that are [https://jobwrk.com/mitglieder/profil/](https://jobwrk.com/mitglieder/profil/) and [https://www.casting-network.de/Offener-Bereich/Offene\_Castings/Casting\_Angebote/](https://www.casting-network.de/Offener-Bereich/Offene_Castings/Casting_Angebote/) have been getting mixed succes. I actually did like an E-casting for an coming an age of series and they liked the selftape I send but in the end I did not get it since the budget did not allow for me toget an accomodation in Munich since their budget was tight. I have also picked up stanislavskis "an actor prepares" but have been struggling with the book a bit since the English vocabulary used in the book is on quite a high level. I had an consistent 1- or 2+ in English but this book is more than challenging for me. So on progressing further - Me and my agent have quite a good connection.She also connects extras,small part actors and actors. So my point is should I ask her if she could take me as a small part time actor or something else. Or would this be a big no no with my references? One last question.Do you think it is worth it to get a premium subcription for these casting sites like the one I linked above?(jobwrk) It is about 50€ a year and it's like actors acces,backstage etc but just for germans.
This is my first post here. I have always wanted to be an actor since from the time I was very little. I used to be very extroverted, and each time I saw people I'd love to put on a show for them. Ever since I developed a stutter in 5th grade however, my extrovertedness turned into shyness and introversion. I'm 17 right now, and I have really thought about what I want to do when I get out of highschool. I still want desperately to be in the acting business one way or another. I don't have any real acting experience outside of theatre camps I attended in my youth. I am very aware that acting is a very hard profession to be successful in. I am well aware that it is extremely competitive, and that a lot of it is not what you know, but rather who you know. However, I am an extremely stubborn person. If I want something bad enough, I make sure I get it one way or another. It is very hard for me to admit defeat I'm at a point in my life where I am willing to push through my insecurities to accomplish what I truly want. I'm wondering what the best route is for someone like me to get into acting. Snt replies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hey guys! My name is Ethan! Or Mr EMC as I’m known around the internet. I’m here to post this! A project I’ve been working on for a couple months now! A comic dub based off of the graphic novel Kick-Ass, specifically the first issue. It’s a little different style wise than most comic dubs but that’s mostly because I used iMovie to edit this. I definitely plan to make more episodes with other issues regardless of public opinion but I still would very much appreciate it if you would share this among people you know and who you think would might enjoy this. It would really help me a lot and make me so incredibly happy. Each of the voice actors have put so much effort into this amazing video and it would mean a lot to them and to me if you took the time to watch this. Thank you so much! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzj4hN5z9TY&t=1s
I was offered a role by a indie production company (no pay). It was any actor's dream come true. I got offered the lead after I applied for the supporting. I told them I couldn't make the supporting role audition because I was unable to attend that date (conflict with a paid gig audition -national commercial). I didn't hear from them so I thought whatever. Fast forward 3 days later to today, and I saw I had received two messages from them. I didn't bother opening it because I thought it was gonna be a reply to my first email.... I didn't bother opening it until 12 hours later. I find that they were fine with that but instead they offered me the role of lead and needed me to reply before afternoon (which was 6 hours ago). I replied just 2 hours ago, and received a message now saying the role has been filled..... The team tend to create very good work... not paying but still would been nice.... they didn't even need an audition for lead. Script was also well written.
If you are looking for the [**Weekend Acting Classes in Chennai**](https://zeft.in/weekend-acting-classes-in-chennai/)**.** ZEFT is the good platform to become an actor. We give the practical training. We trained the students in a different style. For further info refer here [Weekend Acting Classes in Chennai](https://zeft.in/weekend-acting-classes-in-chennai/).
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
I am a young female actress with a long background in theatre and tv acting. I am attending college on a full ride for theatre and play Elizabeth Moriarty in an audio drama. I wanted to branch out a bit and wanted to see if I could get some work, paid or not, in voice acting! I can sent you some lines from the script I did if you’re interested! Thank you in advance!
Hey, I am an aspiring screenwriter who likes to write for actors and I have been trying to understand the craft of acting for a couple of years now. I am wondering what are some best practices for actors in memorizing their lines? Do you all prefer certain types of scripts written in a certain way? What methods do you personally use to memorize your lines? I'll be reading your responses with interest. And if you found this post helpful, feel free to upvote it.
When talking with some folks, I get the sense that people get stuck at "I want to be a good actor." It's understandable. It's nice to be good at something. But you could be good at any number of things. So why acting? I'm curious about what you find meaningful about being an actor. In your opinion, what's the step after "being good at it"?