I've been in 2 small projects before in my life. One I was a small actor, the other I just helped carry equipment. The first short film was riddled with people who were seemingly obsessed with "roles". Not so much in terms of who they played - but TITLES. Who they were. God forbid someone touched a light by mistake or an actor suggested "Could we try it this way" - just total fucking warfare. "Oh, I didn't know you were in charge of this!". Granted - I was not the one saying suggestions, it was more experienced actors. The other film where I had helped set up equipment... Oh my god. Take the most stereotypical art student - add a valley girl accent to him and give him attitude. It was that. Simply intolerable. A little piece of shit short film that this guy thought was the next Saving Private Ryan. It wasn't being disciplined, motivated, or "Tough love" - the dude was just a nasty son of a bitch. I'm not the first one to say this either and I wonder why it is. What is with the blinding arrogance that some of these true nobodies possess? At the time I was doing Youtube and had over 90,000 subs with around 30 million total video views. I never spoke of this once. My "work" had more views than anything they'd ever done but I was sitting back watching them treat these unpaid actors who were doing it for fun like shit. Why the egos, why the entitlement, why the constant addressing of the titles? No one knows who you are! Stop being a dick! ​ Normally you'd think that these are just passionate people, right? Well the first film took 2 years to edit and looked like shit. I mean just horrible. They had amazing cameras, lighting, microphones. They didn't care editing it or anything. The abrasive attitudes weren't there to inch closer to perfection, they were just assholes. ​ I am so horribly fearful of applying to stuff on actors access because as a person - I'm very self-conscious and shy. I don't have that go getter mentality like most of these other people do. Perhaps my experiences have just been bad. Acting seems like such a fun thing to do, now I question following it.
Hey everyone! Me and my friends made a podcast discussing movies! One of us is a director, one is an editor, and one (me) is an actor. We have a silly conversation about movies, and our first 2 episodes are now up! We would appreciate it if you listen to it and follow us on social media which is linked in the description of the podcast episodes! Everyone involved is excited to share this with you! New episodes on Mondays! [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnUMfcYCwpi2ZzR3TNmh2lrrVbayAOVk2](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnUMfcYCwpi2ZzR3TNmh2lrrVbayAOVk2)
I recently had a great meeting with the head of talent for a reputable talent agency based out of NY. The head of talent met with me (he’s been in the business 30 years) and we really hit it off. He seemed super helpful and very friendly. I scored a meeting with him through my Mother Agent for modeling. I may edit this portion of questions later when my lawyer friend gets back to me with more concerns. Questions about Talent Agency: 1. It’s a 3 year contract with no way of getting out listed in the contract. Is this standard? 2. It says they act solely as a booking agent, what does this wording mean exactly? 3. Can you tell me anything else I should look for? Questions about check release and actor’s agreement: 1. When I first signed with my MA the contract was for modeling and acting. I had my lawyer change that to just modeling and he was fine with it so I signed. He did get me this interview with the talent agency so I was curious if these two things were standard? 2. The actor’s agreement would have me paying my MA and the Talent agency a percent which seems odd. 3. I am really curious what these two documents are and why I would ever sign them if the talent agency is already interested in me for acting. Hope any of this makes sense. Thanks ahead of time.
Intro to Acting would have games, exercises, short partnered scenes, a monologue, and is intended for non majors. "Voice and Movement" focuses on strength and flexibility, coordination and alignment, flexibility and mobility of the actor. Both are taught by great professors who's done acting work in the past. What would you choose, and why?
If you watch a movie or something you've starred in, can you get into the movie? Or does the fact that you're in it make it less amusing, idk I always wondered if a hero or villain of a movie would enjoy it given that they probably won't be able to get their mind off the fact that it's them and they might already know what happens. Thoughts?
Hi everyone! My name is Carina and I am an actress and singer in the Los Angeles Area. I’m new to Stage 32 but I’m excited to connect with other industry professionals!
I want to take a class through save my audition to get in front of Rachel from Telsey. Is it worth it or has anyone taken her class?
Like the title says. I'm heading out on my first us national tour. Would love some advice from veteran touring actors. I'm sure there's plenty of great logistical stuff about what to bring with me and how to pass the time etc. Do's and donts. also, any insights on dealing with stress and anxiety when you're performing to 3500+ people every night! Never performed to more than a few hundred before and this will be by far my biggest professional role.
I guess it does work, and what precedence does it set?
I can speak English, Spanish and Catalan. I'm 27, I can look between 20-30, depending on facial hair. ​ I live in Barcelona, where there are almost no auditions for TV or Movies, just commercials. It's so rare to get a Movie or TV Audition, once a year maximum. ​ And I'm considering moving to another city. I have two options: ​ **Madrid**: Netflix just opened the first production centre of europe in Madrid. There's also productions for Movistar + (a spanish cable tv network with some productions) and all the local TV. It would be for roles in spanish, so I would be competing with all the rest of spanish actors. I have some friends there, they told me there are much more auditions than in Barcelona ​ ​ **London**: It's the most important city in europe for Movies and TV Shows. It would be for roles as a spanish or spaniard, where I speak english with spanish accent, or maybe some small roles in spanish. I would be competing with less actors, as there are not that much spanish actors with a good level of spoken english. I should go there before Brexit. ​ ​ What do you think? ​ ​ Thank you very much for your advice.
*The Auditions are still open.* Hello there fellow voice actors! Whether you're new to this industry or old, here's your chance to do 2-3 small voicelines for a local restaurant. Since its a video for a **restaurant**, you can make your portfolio weigh more just because of it. Its not some international fast food chain, but still a restaurant though :P Anyhow, I'll try to be straight forward. * **Lines to be said:** 1. "Glow." 2. "Spoil yourself." (The "spoil" part should be said as "spoooil".) 3. "Now delivering with the Deliveroo App." ​ * **Requirement:** There is no special requirements for the voice actor. However, the way the lines are to be said should be in a happy manner. Also there is no specific gender we're looking for, so anyone can join. Also like I said above, this is an opportunity for everyone, so it doesn't matter if you're experienced or a fresh voice actor. You may use your creativity in the way you say it if you want. ​ * **Procedure:** 1. Record the lines mentioned above. If possible, record more than 1 takes. 2. Add your watermark or beeps to the recorded voicelines. This is an optional step, but its recommended, since it will later assure a secure transaction. 3. Send the voice files to [awarajk@gmail.com](mailto:awarajk@gmail.com). Please try to send the voicefile in .mp3, however, its not a must to send in that filetype. 4. If you're selected, you will receive a reply. 5. After we've paid you, please remove the watermark and beeps from the recording and send us the recording. ​ **OR** ​ 1. Send your random voicelines, or fiverr gig to [awarajk@gmail.com](mailto:awarajk@gmail.com). 2. If we like your work, we'll reply to you. 3. And we'll then follow a similar way of transaction as mentioned above. ​ * **Payment:** We'll be paying 5$ for the selected person's voice for the above mentioned voice lines. We'll be paying you via Paypal or Fiverr. **Thanks!** *-Brookie (www.youtube.com/user/WarriorAjk)*
Im a huge fan of podcasts, and im looking for me. I specifically love the ones where established entertainers discuss their life journey, and what its like being a professional actor. I love... -Armchair Expert -Awards chatter -In the envelope -3 questions with Andy Richter -The Empire Film Podcast -Off camera with Sam Jones. Any other ones? Id also love podcasts dedicated to professionals in the film industry in general.
So. You've decided you want to be a voice actor. You get the equipment you need, do endless hours of research. Get everything set up for a home studio but you really have no acting experience or any special skills in the area yet. What do you do? How can you practice or improve without spending $500+ on a class/ coach you can't afford yet. Do you just start auditioning for random things? I really wanna do this, so BAD. But starting to feel overwhelmed with WHERE TO START.
Spoilers for Season 3 Stranger Things. ​ "It must have been a pretty emotional scene to act out, and most actors would have prepped for a while to get all the nuances worked out. But as [*Gizmodo*](https://io9.gizmodo.com/millie-bobby-brown-explains-how-she-filmed-her-most-emo-1836167345) reports, Millie Bobby Brown says that there was no prep involved at all. The actress told [*Entertainment Weekly*](https://ew.com/tv/2019/07/06/stranger-things-3-millie-bobby-brown/) that she actually didn't rehearse the scene, and her emotions were all real: >"They had prerecorded David \[Harbour\] and they played it out loud. I didn't want to read that speech. I didn’t want to hear about it. I didn't want to rehearse it. I just immediately wanted to put a camera on me and find the way I react and the way I reacted was pure devastation and sadness, and a distraught child that just lost her father or so she thinks. So it was definitely a raw emotion, especially because David Harbour and I are really close. He is just one of the greatest men. I think something I admire about David is he respects girls and women so much. It felt so … I’m so gutted and I was like, 'Oh, my God, this is horrible.' So the emotions were raw in that scene for sure." I'd like to know what you all think about this way of working? I'm a layman when it comes to acting, it's just curiosity. If it's wrong to post here, delete it.
Hello fellow actors, I'm an aspiring actress and moving to the UK, Brighton specifically, for more acting, audition, casting, representation opportunities. I have struggled finding a good acting school, because problem is I want to do training in professional screen "Film & TV" and Musical Theater as I am an not sure which one I want to do as a job yet. By the way I'm 16 so most things like LAMDA and ISSA isn't suitable as it is 18 and above (and in London). I just want to really branch out and do as much training and acting professionally before I apply for universities, I know I only have two years left so I want to make the most out of it as I hope to attend Julliard in the future (or something like that, I'll see). **PS:** I'm moving for A levels, so I don't mean an acting school as in full time Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, but something like Tuesdays and Thursdays (and weekends) 5pm to 9:30. If you have any other smarter/better suggestions (like online courses, skype, youtube, websites you know of) please leave them down below. I'm already on backstage, Casting Frontier, Seatfillersandmore, and Project casting. Or if you know something that could be a week long, so I could attend during half term breaks. Point is, I'll do whatever it takes to train as much as I can and fill up that damn resume. I just need a little push as to where to start. I am open to answering any questions about my theatrical background, experience, resume, budget etc..
My dream is to become an actor. I like to think of myself as a good actor. My friends have even told me I am a good actor. I test my acting skills daily and they always turn out great. But I can't cry on command. Will this affect any chances of being hired as an actor or will I have to learn to cry on command first.
This one really hurts. Throwaway because this is super embarrassing. I just finished a 2 week intensive with a well-known CD that I was really looking forward to meeting. Week one went amazingly. I did my go-to scene and nailed it, and he didn't even have to give me notes because he loved it as-is. I was so proud of myself because I struggle with being hard on myself and even I knew I did really well. But then week two came today, and the complete opposite happened. I was under a big time crunch to learn the material, the scene involved more complex elements (at least for me) in terms of what I needed to do with my body, and I was totally uncomfortable and nervous and I just completely, totally bombed. I did it the first time and he had only critical things to say, nothing good (which I deserved) and then I did it again but not much better. Last week I got one of the best receptions in the class, but today I was hands-down the absolute worst of the group. It was humiliating. This clearly said to the CD that I can't perform under typical audition deadlines, and I'm only good when I've done the scene a hundred times before and am totally comfortable with the material because I picked it myself. I came off as completely amateur and there's no way he will call me in after this, which means I basically wasted my time and money. He said that today's class is like how the "real world" is for an actor. I've shown my true colors about how I can perform in the "real world," then. This was a huge blow to my self-confidence as an actor, as it pretty much confirmed all my deepest doubts about myself and my ability. I don't know how to just bounce back from this.
I found an ad in CL for a voice actress needed for some podcast episodes and gave it a shot. They seemed to like my reading but would like a demo reading of their script. The script includes two characters, but I don’t know which character I’m reading for. How do I go about sending my demo? What should I include? Should I read both characters lines? Just one? Read everything off the script?
So, today it was confirmed that I’d been hired for an episode of Chicago Fire as a background actor. This is my first time on a tv set (I’ve only filmed movies before, I’m more of a stage actor anyway) and my first paid position. I realize it’s not as big of a deal as most of the things people post about on here, but I figured it was smart to ask before I go to set next Wednesday. Is there anything I should be aware of beforehand, or any tips anyone has for making good use of the opportunity? (I’ve also heard about the possibility of getting an equity card, if anyone can elaborate on that situation?)