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Headshot-Age Range-Character Type Post - Aug 29 by AutoModerator  •  last post Aug 29th

Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.

Is this a worthwhile opportunity? Opinions needed :) by torschlussspanik  •  last post Aug 29th

So an international actor, who is from my country, is currently directing their own film in my city. They have asked volunteers to be on set and to be extras as well (not paid). It is a small production team as well. Now I was happy to do it as most days were a couple of hours. I applied to multiple sessions and of course the one I got is an 11 hour day. I have nothing to do that day so it's not like I'm missing out on work, but it seems incredibly worrisome that I'd be out from 2pm till 1am without any payment! Should I be picky and ask for a shorter day? The reason I'm considering it is because it's an excellent networking opportunity (I assume, as I'll be able to chat with cast and crew) which is even more important in our tiny market. Meals will also be taken care of. They have sold it as 'seeing how a film crew works and seeing yourself on the big screen' but I am already familiar with this (degree in film). And then it comes down to if it's going to be worth even having extra work when acting is what I want to do. So far my experience is plenty of classes and student short films with a few more coming up in the next few months. Opinions wanted and thanks!

Any Type 1 Diabetic Voice Actors here? by LiveFromFLORIDA  •  last post Aug 29th

Looking to hire (and pay of course) a voice actor who has Type 1 Diabetes. I am a Type 1 Diabetic, 20 years in November. I'm working on a project about the insulin prices in America vs. the rest of the world. The culmination of this project will be my trip to Canada to buy that cheap insulin. Only need a few lines recorded: "(LiveFromFlorida)'s Insulin Project" "You're listening to (LiveFromFlorida)'s Insulin Project" "On this episode of (LiveFromFlorida)'s Insulin Project" "This episode of (LiveFromFlorida)'s Insulin Project is brought to you by"

Acting resources by finnegan7  •  last post Aug 29th

Are there any good books for creating stakes and building objectives as an actor? Or any good resource for helping that process of stakes, wants and objectives? Sometimes I struggle to think of a good word to describe my characters objective

GOT AN AGENT :) + THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING! by convictedheart  •  last post Aug 29th

Just got the email last night at 8pm that an agent is super super interested in working with me :) She sent me a client packet today, and a reality keeps dawning on me that God is so good. I have recently been very convicted this summer by God to foster a fiery passion for acting. Now, don't get me wrong, I did do a little acting here and there, but those were in my early teens..and I did it for the wrong reasons (e.g. wanting lots of $$ and wanting to be famous). I just wanted to write on here to give encouragement to my actors (especially my LA ACTORS YUSSS!) and to thank God for everything. WE GOT THIS YA'LL!

New free services for actors by Samantha Ford  •  last post Aug 28th

Hi everyone. We've been producing a lot of new services for actors, many of them are free to use, you can find a full list at: - but we're always open to ideas? How does it work? Some actor asked us for a list of acting podcasts, and boom: is born. So if you have any ideas, just reply to the comment or send me a message.

My latest podcast talks about how you can lose a movie role, emotional vocal work, & getting your mind right by Jennifer Lynn Warren  •  last post Aug 28th

Find the podcast here: you can lose a movie role

"The mind is everything. What you think, you become" -Buddha

Come from a place of an emotional, vocal point of view

Get the book on Amazon at

Hosted by Jennifer Lynn Warren

For the show, go to

Email me at

VA Required: Urban Fantasy Project by Ryinth  •  last post Aug 28th

We're a geeky urban fantasy series (think...Men in Black, but for magic stuff) - we relaunched our serial last year with a podcast, but our regular VA has had to take a break due to some personal issues, so I'm looking to supplement our output by getting a different voice actor for our short story/novella content. We're ideally looking for a female VA with a neutral US/UK accent - this project is basically recording audiobook chapters, so there's multiple characters involved. Our site is here: []( Our existing podcast episodes are here: []( The short story/novella content is usually between 8,000 - 20,000 words, and we tend to work on a per-chapter basis. (Ie, pay for the recording of one chapter at a time - as we're a low-budget operation, this helps us keep within our monthly operating costs). It's important to know we have a lot of queer characters and content, and I unfortunately know that's a deal breaker for some VAs. We also have a degree of sexual content (well, will do in the future, none of the ready-to-be-recorded shorts have much beyond a kiss or two). The rate is negotiable - I generally look to pay at the range of $70-120USD per finished hour (final invoicing is paid per minute).  Ideally, you will also be able to do some minor audio engineering work (placing music under certain pieces of dialogue, etc). Any questions, please let me know!

So I just joined an acting conservatory in New York. It’s my second day here and I get second thoughts sometimes. Any advice? by Imnachobear3  •  last post Aug 28th

So I just moved to New York last week and it’s been great going out and exploring my neighborhood. It’s only my second day of classes and I think maybe I should give it a month and asses how I feel. I miss my home a little but I’m getting the hang of nyc. I just enrolled for my 1st year at an acting conservatory and so far it’s been kind of boring and a little uncomfortable doing the exercises but I still participate no problem. The 2nd years keep saying they love it so much and they’ve changed drastically since being here as actors and people. The 2nd year kids do more camerawork and it looks so cool but I’m here doing basic acting exercises and games and movement/Suzuki classes I’m not that interested in. I sometimes question myself as to if this is the right move And if I should just train privately on my own and audition or not but I also keep having the attitude that I just gotta get through the small stuff first then I’ll be doing the fun camera work. Any advice ?

I'm so tired of the bitterness, negative egotistical attitude and DISCOURAGEMENT of "working actors" on this sub. If you can't offer any practical advice to people, how about you don't say anything at all? by aperfectcircle870  •  last post Aug 28th

just because a certain school / strategy / idea didnt work for YOU, doesn't mean it won't be a good thing for somebody else. I know from personal experience. There was a thing in NYC that everybody bashed on this sub, guess what? it got me a GREAT manager at the time. because this isn't a one-size-fits all thing. so stop discouraging people from having OPTIMISM about things that might actually work for THEM, just because it didn't work for you. instead, how about sharing what DID work for you? if you don't, its probably because you come from a negative place, and you want to "keep it for yourself", instead of realizing the path to success is working with EVERYBODY and anybody, and lifting each other up, all of us, because we are not competition, everybody brings something different to the table. you think just becuase you have been grinding for years makes you better than other people, it doesn't, it probably just makes you bitter. everybody bring something different to the table. what works for one person might not for another. etc. i'm realizing that people with the best attitudes, that have NO EGO, and don't think they are "better" than anybody else, are the ones that succeed. so that's what i'm focusing on. peace.

How hard is it to become a TV actor? Is it worth it? by Gavyn8  •  last post Aug 27th

Is it worth trying to pursue this full time? I have an interest in acting however I’ve been informed that it would be better to do something where there are more opportunities as acting is a real niche and most people never make it. I am specifically interested in acting in television shows.

Is anybody else a "non-tv/film" person? by focusedfairy  •  last post Aug 27th

I grew up without cable television and as a result, I typically get pretty bored with watching TV/movies (I do enjoy watching them every once in a while, but it is by no means my go-to activity of choice). That being said, I've started acting improv and learning the Meisner technique and I LOVE it - does this resonate with anyone else? I feel like I'm the only actress in the room who couldn't care less about who was in the recent fill-in-the-blank film.

26F looking for a change and always wanted to get into acting. by neonsouls_  •  last post Aug 27th

Pretty much as the title! I live in NZ and ever since I was a kid I’ve wanted to be an actor, but I never let myself take it seriously and thought I was setting myself up for failure. I’ve reached a point now where I can continue the career I’m in but I won’t be satisfied, and I feel like it’s now or never if I want to give acting a shot. Any tips for a mid twenties woman with no experience? What types of classes to focus on and how I can branch from there to get roles? My biggest fear is that I’ve left it too late, honestly.

Overcoming the fear of acting by TheUsernamechosem3  •  last post Aug 27th

Hello, My childhood goal was always to become a succesful actor. As I was getting older, I was starting to "look up" on the statstics and that it would/will be extremely hard to keep yourself up while pursuing that dream. Lately I've become depressed about that idea and the thought that I will never make it anyways. Now I'm in this state of fear that I don't know how to continue anymore. Should I still pursue my dream or just leave it behind with the knowledge that my chances are zero anyways.

How was your experience when you first auditioned? by vicky2045  •  last post Aug 27th

I'm 20. I always wanted to be an actor but I was scared of how my parents would react and what other people will think of me. When I finally told my parents they weren't mad about it and they were supportive. I recently auditioned for a theatre but failed miserably. I know it was my first time auditioning but I would like to hear about experiences of people who dream to be an actor just like me. And some tips regarding auditions will be really helpful.

Voice Actor Needed - young male, neutral American accent with a Japanese background for audiobook by tom_mish  •  last post Aug 27th

Hi all, I've got an audiobook coming up (approximately 9.25 finished hours), and I'm looking to properly represent the characters. Looking for a young male voice (teens to 20's) with a neutral American accent, but with some understanding of Japanese so as to nail the pronunciations and inflections. NYC-based is preferred, but that's not a deal breaker. Rate is $250 per finished hour (+ the usual SAG-AFTRA contributions if you're union). PM with your reel/sample/anything and your email address - all the best!

Is Actors Acces worth it if I live in Europe? by Mahlisya  •  last post Aug 27th

I'm starting to act professionally but I have immense difficulty finding auditions in my country (The Netherlands) or surrounding countries (English and Dutch are my first languages and I am also fluent in French and German and can do various accents, so I am open to auditions in any country really). On this website actors acces and backstage are highly recommended, but do they only feature auditions in the States? And are some of the roles open to self-tape auditions first? Does anyone else have any other tips how I can audition as much as possible? I just want to gain lots of experience auditioning so that when I finally do go to LA I will have experience already and won't be scared to audition or something.

Acting for No Pay by easypename  •  last post Aug 27th

I'm a beginning actor (24 yo, non-union) that's been in a few indie/student short films and school plays, but still working towards getting a decent reel. As I apply to roles on Actors Access, I've been wondering... When should you apply for roles that don't pay? Of course, I want to act because I love it. But I have travel expenses that won't be reimbursed, days I'd have to take off work, etc... If I take on free roles, I would end up paying to work. Is the possibility of a finished film worth it? Where do you personally draw the line? Want to hear your thoughts!

movie scene remake for purchase by Boston328  •  last post Aug 27th

Any actors/actresses out there that could make a fan film for me? Acting out a scene from a movie for purchase? I’d pay for the scene. It’s from Batman and Robin movie. Just a “cover” of the scene. Would only be for me. And doesn’t have to have props or stunts etc lol