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"The Burger King" (Unfairly downgraded?) by micaiahwalker  •  last post Sep 5th

I got cast as the King in Burger King commercial at a set rate. This was my first job as a actor so everything is new to me. I did well in the suit and mascot helmet so the guy whom was in charge of the BK suit recommended me to his boss for another commercial shot that was the following week. This second commercial shoot was through SAG. My agents pumped me up big about it being a SAG commercial, telling me I could potentially make north of 10k on usage. I mainly wanted to know what was the lowest amount I could make if nothing aired but I couldn't a clear answer so I hesitantly moved forward. My main concern/issue was that the helmet is incredibly hot and heavy and it doesn't sit well on shoulders, after doing the first shoot my shoulders and upper back hurt pretty bad for a few days. That being said, I also felt blessed for the opportunity even it was in a mascot type role. The shoot started at 4pm and was grueling, all outside in the Texas summer heat, and we didn't finish until after 1am. Then after it ("$1 Taco" commercial) started airing I received a downgrade notice because my actual face isn't showing because of the King mascot head. I totally get that this is a rule that you can be downgraded if your face isn't showing, however this would've been a known thing before I signed my contract so to me it seems shady for my contract to have potential for usage when they already knew that it was not possible. Very Misleading. Thoughts? here is a link to watch the commercial:

i honestly have no idea how any of you people make money from this, i've been pursuing this a few years and I still feel totally lost with how to be productive with my time by aperfectcircle870  •  last post Sep 5th

like, i wake up every day feeling lost, like i have no idea what i'm actually supposed to do, and i don't like feeling like that. i spend a lot of time emailing people. probably the majority of what i do. i just saw a business coach for the first time, was disappointing because i already know all this stuff, take targeted workshops, follow up, develop relationships, self produce, etc. i know my brand. i have a good reel for where I'm at. but i can't seem to make actual money off of this for the life of me. I also can't seem to form any kind of "team" with people, everybody i meet "on my level" is literally just all about themselves and what they can GET from me, and are incredibly flakey to deal with in general. it's very frustrating. i don't feel like i'm meeting the right people, which leads me to think, where ARE the right people? i have low level reps. i very rarely get auditions. i'm still "developmental". i have better reps respond to me and say "not at this time, or come back with network credits, or check me in a few weeks/months", so i know i must be doing SOMETHING right here. but i hate feeling so lost. i hate being a lone wolf chasing this. i really want to be a part of a team, like a company of actors or something, people that care about each other's success and moving forward together. i don't know. i'd really like to wake up each day feeling confident that I actually know what I'm doing and am best utilizing my time. i wish i was auditioning every day and working on sets every day but apparently i have more years of struggling before I break into that, which honestly fucking sucks, but i'm willing to push through, i just don't know what steps to take anymore to get to that point. blah. i'm in LA. does anybody a few rungs above me have any advice? point me in the right direction to find some kind of community? paint a picture of what my day to day should look like?

I’ve always wanted to be a voice actor by Tinogood54  •  last post Sep 5th

This is something I’ve been passionate about for years, I can do silly voices and act out emotions! I just don’t know how to start and I would love anything I can get (just about anything lol). All help is appreciated!

Voice actor by Akasina07  •  last post Sep 5th

Hi everyone, I am a voice actor looking for employment. I am fluent in English and Swahili. I have an American, Spanish and English accent. I am versatile and dynamic. I can change with the requirements of the project.

What are some things to look for and study while watching other actors? by Eddy_Valentine  •  last post Sep 5th

I do more voice acting and I’ve recently started to do more on-camera acting and am pretty close to getting an agent in a larger city near me. I was wondering what things i should key in on while watching other actors, whether it’s in a movie, play, or even a commercial. I know for a fact one thing that I’ve got to work on is my body language since I’m not normally worried about what my body looks like while I’m doing VO work. Thanks in advance!

A New Voice Actor Looking For Work! (Will work cheap) by reversejack  •  last post Sep 5th

Just wanting experience! I have many years as a theatre performer and have an extensive resume, looking to expand my voice acting while making a little extra cash!

Some great ideas for marketing from the CA people by D13_Ghost  •  last post Sep 5th

Casting About has been a really awesome resource for me and after helping me with an unrelated issue I asked their customer service for tips on using their info (they have info on projects casting and casting directors) and they answered with some cool stuff which I’m sharing here in case it’s helpful to anyone! Well, as you probably already noticed, unlike our sister company Actors Access, we're definitely not a submissions service. We view CastingAbout as a CD directory and marketing tool for actors looking to market their business — themselves — to the casting community. We've found that many actors believe that "the roles" are the most important thing for an actor to know about in order to be considered for a project. However, rather than just thinking about "the roles," we tell our members to get "ahead of the curve" by thinking about building relationships first, and the roles will follow. While we're not a submissions service, there are a lot of different things you can do with CastingAbout, depending on what you're seeking in order to build your marketing plan: * Some people use CastingAbout to create labels for a mailing. This is the most basic ability of CastingAbout. One of the things that makes CastingAbout different from the pre-printed mailing labels is that you can choose which people to make labels for. Given this, we recommend a "targeted mailing" (vs. just sending something to everybody). This target list might be all the CDs who cast shows that use your type more often than others; or, if you're trying to introduce yourself to an office, maybe just the associates for those shows. (Reaching out to the associate is a great way to meet a casting office for the first time, as they are often in charge of casting the smaller roles.) Knowing your brand and searching for projects that match your type will help you to create a more specific mailing list of CDs. * Other people like to search and sort the grid to create a target list of people to meet in casting workshops/seminars. For example, if you are good with comedy, you might want to sort the grid to show only "1/2 hr shows" that are "Casting." Next, note the names in the Associates column — again, these are the people you want to look for on workshop calendars. CastingAbout allows you to sort projects by casting status, by project name, by names of casting personnel and by project type, providing multiple options for you to learn about what's currently casting in town. * Many actors use our info for research. Too often actors go to an audition not knowing anything about the project, the casting director's past and current projects, or even who will be running the audition session. It's important to do your research beforehand and to familiarize yourself with the names of everyone in the office. That way, you can introduce yourself to the assistant or associate when you first walk in, and be familiar with their names and the projects they are working on. Speaking of which... when you meet a casting director, it's always a good idea to be familiar with their other projects (especially if they've picked up a recent pilot). Offering a quick "Congratulations on your new [pilot/series/film]" to a casting director not only makes you look like a true professional who knows what's going on in town, it's also a great way to get that person thinking of you for other things they are working on. CastingAbout allows you to get the upper hand as an educated actor by giving you all the info you need before you enter the room. * The "Notes" section allows you to create your own personal notes about a person or project on your target list (e.g. "Wore my lucky red shirt to 1st call" or "Met Lauren at Starbucks. Told me to send her my headshot."). This space can help you to keep track of information important to you, and can only be seen by you (It is NOT a direct message portal to CDs). After you enter your note, it will be saved, date-stamped and highlighted on the grid for easy access. These are just a few suggested uses for CastingAbout; however, I'm sure you'll find other ways of using our service. As for tutorials, you might want to watch our video series MARKETING FOR THE PRO ACTOR here on Facebook. They're a little old, but they offer practical, no nonsense tips on how to market yourself as an actor. They also outline the ultimate goal of CastingAbout: to help actors build real, working, long-term relationships with casting directors so that they think of you right away, even before they turn out a breakdown.

Should I keep my audition a secret from my friends? by M-E-M-E-L-O-R-D  •  last post Sep 5th

Should I tell my friends about an open audition? I want to be a supportive person and try and let other people know about a good opportunity but at the same time I want to keep it a secret to create less competition. Should I tell anyone? Only actor friends?

Looking to follow more people in the industry on Instagram by drink_vaderade  •  last post Sep 5th

I just started an acting Instagram and would love to follow other actors/filmmakers! I would especially love to make connections in the mid-Atlantic area. Leave your Instagram handle and I will follow you!

Need voice actors by Minnow93  •  last post Sep 5th

Hi there! It's the podcast girl again. Currently have 3 distinct podcasts. A talk show, a CYA (still in the writing phase), and one about scripted mini stories. The third one is why I'm here today. For the next episode I need a man with an older sounding voice. Someone who sounds old enough to be a father or a grandfather And a woman's voice. This episode will be about parent/child relationships. If interested please send a CHAT message not a PM. I will respond with the first episode so you can get a feel for it as well as the script. If that goes well we can set up a time to record. You just need a quiet environment, good WiFi speed, and a phone headset with a mic at minimum!

Director promised $200 for 4 shows and then added 8 shows. What can my friend do? by pylio  •  last post Sep 5th

Posting this for an actress friend who doesn't have reddit. She recently joined a production for an interactive theater show that has had a lot of professional etiquette problems to say the least. The biggest ones are that they didnt give out the script until 2 weeks til the tech run and then are not having any rehearsals for a week and then the show starts. They also keep changing lines without highlighting them in the new scripts so that the actors have to go try and find the differences on their own. The final thing is that they also promised $200 for 4 shows but now they tripled the amount of shows and are doing 3 shows per day now (3 shows for 4 days). What can my friend do? She really wants to quit but knows that would be a bad idea. I do classical music and if anyone tripled the amount of shows, I would demand triple the pay or else I would just play only the originally agreed upon shows. Can she do this? She nor I are quite sure of the etiquette in this situation or if she just has to suck it up and never work with these people again (either way it seems like that is going to happen). Thanks!

Does one bad self tape ruin relatiomship with agent? by isohendrix  •  last post Sep 5th

I had an agent send me for an auditioN tape. I finished and uploaded it. I regret this very much since there two takes I nailed it down to. I couldn't decide so I gave her the take that in hindsight was unnatural. This was actually in regards to my comedy audition question previously. I didn't read the coments until after the audition was done. The other take... the one that I should have sent in was much more natural and grounded. My self tapes are often good, and that is how I signed up with my current agent. I just feel this one particular audition left a bad impression. Our relationship is new and this is my second audition with her. So I just feel like I am making a bad impression. The tape I sent wasn't horrible. It just wasn't ideal imo. I know every actor will at some point bomb an audition, so I feel like it should be fine. I am just really unhappy that I had two takes, and decided to send in the worst one

I saw a post on reddit earlier today about some deep faked CEO’s voice used to scam the company out of money and that reminded me of google voice, or whatever it’s called, that could convincingly make phone calls for you and book stuff on its own. My ques by ubiqwitus  •  last post Sep 4th

How do you think this technology will affect the voice acting industry in years to come? There’s a very real chance that computers will get so good at imitating natural sounding human voices that they will be able to read scripts flawlessly and most voice actors will no longer be needed.

If I can't book anything what should I do? by StrobeRogers  •  last post Sep 4th

Guys, I never book anything. Not even theatre. I was thinking about creating my own work. The problem with that is I have before, and it never works out. I've made two shorts and they turned out entirely unusable. There was no structure and no real short. I was thinking I should try grad school, and maybe some local classes. What should i do to understand myself as an actor and work more? Thanks

Has anyone heard of CDawgVA? I’m curious about his voice acting experience. by XanaxHentai  •  last post Sep 4th

I recently came across a YouTuber by the name CDawgVA a few months ago and found some enjoyment in his Fiverr and voice acting review videos. After awhile, I was curious what projects/characters he’s been involved with since a lot of his videos prominently mention him as a professional voice actor. I’ll admit I haven’t seen all of his videos and my research was a brief search on google, but all I could really find were fan-made series and skits under his credits. Nothing against the man, his content is usually funny and engaging. It just seems that he’s more of a YouTuber that markets himself as a voice actor. He does have nearly a million subscribers though, so I feel like I might be missing a big role he’s done.

Help someone and it will come back to you! by Comerade_Olive_Oil  •  last post Sep 4th

Today my gay, Aboriginal drama teacher was having an awful day being teased by his family, so I sat down with him and taught him some magic tricks, and called his partner to come urgently, we talked for a couple of hours after school, and the next week he introduced me to his kids who are my age, have the same Hobbies, and were actors, together we play music on the streets, and make characters and we become them for the day. Please help anyone in need, and it will come back to you, and you will make someone's day!

What can actors deduct from taxes? by Polartec239  •  last post Sep 4th

Title says it all

Meisner-trained actor from NYC new to LA and looking to meet other actors / friends & build a network by aperfectcircle870  •  last post Sep 4th

31, sag, repped in multiple markets, done a bunch of theater, shorts / student films, go out for major tv film every now and then, starting classes out here next month, etc. i'd really like to meet other actors out here, i'm down to write and shoot things as well. I want to build a network of people and make some actual friends. im in koreatown. hit me up if you're interested and we can exchange websites / imdbs or whatever

Where do game developers hire voice actors? by WeaponLord  •  last post Sep 4th

I've always been curious where they find them - some of these people are amazing and devs seem to never really answer that question when you ask them on twitter, lol. It's sort of a hidden secret but is there some sort of website they go too or an agent?

15$ for a male voice actor that can recite very short poem by stripedpixel  •  last post Sep 3rd

I will need a fast and slow recording. Please pm demos. Payments will be made by Venmo only.