What if we tried to team up with r/Filmmaking? I mean, we're actors, they're film makers, so why aren't we all working together in a field we all love? I think we could truly help one another out. Any thoughts?
I'm finding that I'm consistently getting less V4Vs than I am giving out. It seems like that just ends up costing me Actions for the week as the counter resets every week. Kind of makes the exchange pointless.
So I was looking at ActorsAccess and I see that shows like 13 Reasons Why and Riverdale are listed as "SAG" on there, can non-unions send in auditions for the SAG movies? Could you get a recurring role on a SAG film despite not being SAG yourself? Would I just automatically apply for SAG right after being casted? Would they even give me a chance to audition despite being Non-Union? I'm just wondering the relationship from potentially auditioning as a Non-Union for huge SAG films/shows. I mean surely they cannot expect everyone to pay $3000 to be SAG BEFORE getting anything?
Hello everyone!! I am a casting assistant and actress and I make YouTube videos giving advice to aspiring actors and answering questions that we all have! I’ve been in the industry for over 10 years and I just really want to help others feel confident in their auditions and in their career choices. That said, what topics or questions would you like to address in upcoming videos regarding acting and the entertainment industry? I am taking video suggestions and really want to know what burning questions you have and what are the things you wish you had the answers to. Let me know in the comments and I’ll make the videos this week!
Do agencies like UTA, MGMT, WMA, CAA, Paradigm, MKS&D, AEFH, etc only sign actors who are SAG? Or do they recruit Non-Union actors and hope the casting directors they send them to audition for would "Taft-Hartley" you if you get the part? Would they sign Non-Union actors who are SAG-eligible but not SAG?
I'm looking for female voice acting for heavy crying. This will need to be 'real' heavy crying, with sobbing, wailing etc. I tried hiring off a website or two but ended with just badly acted whining so hoping to find real voice actors here. The person who could deliver would be someone with emotional ranges of real grief and serious pain and can make it real. Where can I find this kind of voice actor? please don't refer me to websites for corporate commercials etc. This is outside of what script readers or fake emotion can offer.
With the increase of self tapes in LA, I am hoping to start a thread for tips, wins, the best places to go with the best set up and readers, offer to trade as your reader (I have a full set up here and can also tape people for a fee or trade). This board seems a little lonely so hopefully this thread will get some love.
Hey, I have ADHD and I don’t take medication for it as my parents never let me as a kid and now the waiting list for getting reassessed and medicated is about two years lol. As a result I have very poor short term memory. Does anyone have any tips on memorizing texts? I’m so jealous of my friends who can just read something five times and have it learnt by heart so soon. It takes me a hundred attempts to learn something like that.
Hello, i would love to know what you all do when it comes to your routines that help you. Monologues, Scripts, Exercise.
Project Title: The Secret Treasure Contact: Message Me If Interested Deadline: 15th of September. Plot Summary: The Overworld is at threat, but when all hope seems lost, Noah and Violet find a book that might just turn it around. Character Name: Violet Character Description: Smart, good at building houses and is good at fighting. Vocal Qualities: Clean, Polished Girl Voice I guess. (Credit Will Be Given)
So I’ve recently joined SAG and I’m not fully sure I on how to pay off my dues or how it even works really. I mean, I guess it should be noted that got in SAG through work on sets and receiving a Taft Hartley. I could just google it but I wanted to hear from some fellow working up and coming actors. Does anyone know how the paying your dues process works for SAG? Like, can I set up a monthly payment plan or something? Does it work like that? Thanks in advance
Hi. I’m a cartoonist who wants to start working on their internet presence. I’m currently looking to recast the role of the male half of my mascot duo. This isn’t a role for just one project specifically, it’s a role for a multitude of projects that’ll feature the character. If you don’t think you can commit to returning to the role, sometimes months apart from one project to the next, than do not apply. These projects may range from innocuous animated shorts, to controversial mock interview/podcasts about political issues, to stories revolving around N.S.F.W. social issues. Although no project will ever be pornographic/lewd in nature, if these potential project types sound too risque for you to attach yourself to than do not apply.Keep in mind that this initially won’t be a paying role, due to these projects being released free to the public. However there is the potential for it to become a paying role if a big enough fan base forms. I’m recasting the role due to the last actor failing to ever reply to my attempts to contact him, not due to his poor performance, so at the bottom of this post I’ve provided an unfinished clip of a now scrapped project which features him and the female mascot character. I hope it helps to convey what I’m looking for in the voice for this role. Character name,description, and audition lines will also be at the bottom of this post. When recording for your audition submission, the format before starting your take on the character should be:1)Your name 2)”Tie audition” 3)”Scene number” 4)”Take number”.(if multiple takes are being recorded), all said in your normal speaking voice. If multiple takes are are being submitted, combine them into one file. Slight improvisation to help lines come out more naturally for you is allowed. Excepted file types are Mp3 and Wav, with your name or preferred online handle as the files name. Submissions with no background or white noise will be prioritized. If applicable, a copy of your character demo reel or a link to your previous work would be appreciated for future role consideration. Auditions and/or questions should be sent to [re\_am\_rez@yahoo.com](mailto:re_am_rez@yahoo.com) for the fastest response. Deadline is 10/09/19 12:00 am eastern daylight time. Name: Tie Sex: Male Accent: American Age: 18-25 Baseline Personality Type: Calm and reserved ​ * Scene 1 (Confused) I… don’t know ***What*** this is, (Sincere) but clearly you’re proud of it. (Pretending not to care) So I won’t trash it, or whatever the nice thing to do is. I don’t know. * Scene 2 Repeating (Confused and snappy surprised noises) (Irritated) Are you telling me he ***Didn’t*** do it like you said he did, and now ***We*** have to make up the difference...? (Relaxed) So when do you get started? Cause I am ***Not*** sticking my hands in there again…for you… *with them*… near her. * Scene 3 (Light hearted) (Chuckle) Ya know… I used to know him. Yeah… *used* to. Now he’s gone and grone up on us. (Playfully Menacing) Now let's see just how much. For old times sake. Am I right? Old scrapped project clip: [https://youtu.be/oX2kCkXVLNc](https://youtu.be/oX2kCkXVLNc)
A debate on acting that's been going around since Shakespeare's time.
I am 18 years old and acting but I have realized that when watching most movies, TV shows, or whatever, most actors aged like 17-21 have no arm hair for sure and none or almost no leg hair. Do directors make you shave it off since it looks better for the screen and because a lot of people don't see teenagers with hairy arms/legs? I have pretty hairy arms/legs at 18 and I am just wondering if that might effect my chances at getting casted because maybe I appear older than 18 because of it or something. Just thoughts, please leave your opinions.
hi hello I'm trying to become a voice actor its been my dream for a while any tips
i know my brand. i know my "target cds". im already trained. i've taken workshops. i have shitty shitty low level agents that get me handful of auditions a year. i have a reel. im in sag. i'm tired of sending emails. i'm tired of wasting money on workshops. im tired of wasting money on classes. i'm beyond tired of working for free. i'm beyond tired of self taping for bullshit student films. i'm tired of talking to actors on this sub and having them tell me the same basic business principles over and over again but not actually give specifics as to how THEY got their first co-star or created their first relationship with a CD, aka what worked for THEM. what do you do when you wake up in the morning? paint me a picture of your day. do you email people EVERY day? do you do physical mailings EVERY day? do you do workshops EVERY day? nothing i have done has yielded any results AT ALL, so how in god's name am I supposed to know what works? how many years of my life am I supposed to watch go by without feeling like i know what I"m doing, without making a PENNY, stuck waiting tables WAY more than I act, having all this free time and without ANYBODY actually helping me in any way shape or form? i want to be productive with my life. i want to be paid to do what i'm good at. if it is NOT in the cards for me to be a paid working actor, then i want to fucking move on with my life. i am so tired of feeling dread when i wake up, I am so tired of feeling lost every single day of my life and receiving no guidance. i do not get it.