My brother said those words to me after I just told him that I wanted to be an actor. I was 18 years old. Those words hurt
I don't mean to be boasting about this, I wouldn't have ever noticed it if not for those multiple directors, DPs and casting agencies. And while that sounds like a cool thing, it really isn't. I'm acting and in an acting school currently myself, only on a much smaller scale - which might be because I was born in the wrong country, started to late, wasn't as lucky or I'm just not talented enough. (Mind you, this actor I'm talking about really is talented and has some serious set of skills.) And the thing occured to me: I will never be a well-known actor. There's already a guy with the same character, looks, voice is also very close, who is insane famous and brings instant success. So what am I doing here? And it just struck me like a lightning - so long I can do this I'll be happy with whatever roles/fame I have. Of course I'll keep fighting. But I won't let this whole self-crisis take me further from my goal. Yes, I was highly inspired by Positive Vibes 4 U, I will tag you mate in an edit, and I'm so glad you got over it as well. I guess so many of us has these kinds of 'oh I'll never be good enough' thoughts, and it's important to talk about getting over these, might help someone else as well. Edit: u/Positive_Vibes_For_U
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. Non-professional shots are fine for age/typecasting; please keep in mind that one picture is a difficult way to go about this. Video of you moving and speaking would be ideal, but understandably more difficult to post. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Hi there! I'm a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to acting. It was something I had a passion for without even realizing--When I was little, I always loved to memorize movie lines and recite them in front of the mirror, or grab a video camera/camcorder (tbt to the Flip Ultra HD) and film myself, but I never expressed any of this interest to my parents. Now I'm a 22 year old thinking "Oops, I should have spoken up". Anyway, I ended up on a pre-med track, and recently graduated with my BA in Psychology almost entirely disregarding my passion for acting, until I signed myself up for Backstage and showed up to my first audition, where I got two callbacks. That's when I thought, hey, maybe this is for me! So I took some acting electives at my university and got involved with the productions in their theater department. Unfortunately, Theater/ Acting wasn't offered as a major, so my training is severely limited. I did gain some experience on stage, however, and played a lead role in three productions during my time there. I'm very much aware that acting is not only about talent, but about skill, and I still have so much to learn. Though my experiences helped to instill a confidence in my ability, in my honest opinion I am no where near a good actor, and that's okay. The only thing I am certain of is that I can work hard to improve, and no matter my skill-set, my passion for acting isn't something that's going away. (I've tried to ignore it, lol) I'm getting mixed feedback about the best way to pursue further training. I'm lucky to be in NYC, where there are a lot of options, but I'm also entirely indecisive in nature and not sure which particular path to take. At this point, I'm considering an MFA program but any insight would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance! :)
I've been acting for only a few months, just some minor stuff from Backstage is all I've done thus far. I'm wondering, how do i find an agent who can find work for me? How do I contact them, how do I meet them? Would most agencies take on an actor with minimal credits to put on their resume? Do I need a video reel? Any advice is appreciated.
Hi Actors, I want to put out a question on the marathon aspect of acting as a career. I recently finished a four month production that was easily the highlight of my youngish career. It was paid, it was fun, it was hard work. I really loved it. However, I had a small part in it and throughout the process was hungry for opportunity to grow and learn as a performer. Now that the show is finished I feel like I'm at a crossroads. Should I immediately jump back into auditioning and another project or spend time reassessing my skillset and creative goals? Let me know if any of you have had a similar experience!
Hi! I am a digital media student and I have a video project idea that I have to get done by today (9/19)! So Im working on a super basic 10-30 second video about a girl named Janett obsessing over Isaac she goes to extremes to get his attention. I'm just looking for one take of you saying the lines in a very creepy and dramatic way! I dont need you to be physically here, I want it to be kind of a vlogging message to Isaac saying how much you miss him and all that good jazz. That is all! Simple and easy! Also if you can show your face that would be awesome! You can even put on a wig or change your appearance I dont care I just need that specific footage. I will pay you $15 through cash app, or pay pal. If your interested or have any question please I invite you to contact me! I will be happy to give you more details! Also please be 18+ Cheers!
What made you decide to pursue acting as a career? Lately I have been thinking about my own experience acting and why I have chosen this career path. I’m curious to hear from other actors.
So, I work a lot in indie film, as a cinematographer. I shoot small feature films / short films and something that I get nagged about constantly, is if I've done voice over work. It's usually other talent which remarks on that, so I thought I would actually put a real demo together. My interest is in Anime, so I thought about re-editing a few scenes of different anime and doing my own dub as a reel. As someone who knows nothing about the specific agencies which are used by Funimation and other voice over studios, which ones are the best? I know cold submissions are not going to be accepted, but at this point I know enough people in the industry that I could probably get a good referral. Through a quick search online, I've found Funimation has links to actors from Marry Collins agency. Any other good ones I should know about?
• Are they THAT important, and should you take them? • Can you actually NOT get in touch, or at least get in the room with a CD, if you don’t go to their workshops? • What are the benefit/s of going to those (especially to newer actors trying to actively pursue it)? • Will your agency drop you (or at least do something about it) if you don’t go to CD workshops they suggest you go to (especially if you’re a new actor, AND new to their roster)? *note: the agency is obviously NOT affiliated with those workshops, nor are they forcing the actors to go. They send out mass emails notifying actors of upcoming workshops they suggest you go to.*
So my friend and I are making a short film, we are far enough along in pre production to where we already did auditions and picked our actors. For each role we also picked a 2nd and 3rd choice in case our top choice drops out for whatever reason. I was wondering what (if anything) I tell my 2nd and 3rd choices? Do I just not email them anything, thus they will think they did not get the part and I will only email them if someone drops out and we need them? Or do i email them saying something like "Hey we really liked you but went with someone else for the part, however you are our 2nd choice and we would like to have you if someone drops out of the project"...? Also, another question for all the people who we did not pick for the role, do we email them telling them that we went with someone else for the part? Or do we just not email them anything and they will know that they didnt get the part? I am just wondering what normally happens after the audition process (We are new at this entire producing and casting thing) Thanks!
I've always had a kind of more theoretical/academic interest in how how actors practice their craft. In my family, there are a few screenwriters, but they are often too busy for an in-depth conversations on a craft they are only professionally-related to. So I thought I'd post this as an open question on this subreddit: **How do actors memorize their lines, and what are the strategies or methods most effective for you?** Disclaimer: **I always grew up hearing "actor" in a gender-neutral way, so I apologize if my use of it offends anyone. Please let me know if it does**.
I've seen this term thrown around on this sub and I haven't been able to completely nail what it means. I know what it means to be an emotionally intelligent *person*, but in my 22 years I haven't heard the term apply to actors before. Is it an actor that is able to apply and portray emotions genuinely? That's what I figured, but I thought I'd ask.
The only idea I have would be to create a Backpage account, but I feel that would never have casting calls for legitimate sized movies or series. Feel the company couldn't risk it with an outside talent. I've always wanted to play as the villian in movies because I'm a nice person in my everyday life. How does one even go about becoming an actor. Seems being born exceptionally good looking and being discovered. Kinda saddening to think that though, maybe just a beginner's false belief. Please help me with this one!
Hello, I found this sub by accident and I need help, please please please. I’m sixteen and I live in Quebec, Canada. I looked on Famestreet to find acting jobs in Ontario or such, and other sites, but I have problems. 1. I can’t afford subscriptions especially if I don’t know if it’s legit. 2. I would like to know if you guys have any idea about a show or movie or whatever that need an actor for a genderqueer role (non-binary or such). Not a big deal but still. I don’t care if it’s far away, unless I have to go overseas... 3. I have no experience! Does anyone have an answer to any of my questions? Thank you if you reply. Usually my posts get embarrassingly ignored so that’d be nice of you.
Hello! I’m a 22 year old female currently living in the state of Arkansas. I was wondering if there are good sites to for finding auditions for commercials for I can get some on screen experience. My goal is to be a movie or tv actor and I’m slowly working my way up. I only have theatre work under my belt right now and I know they can be totally different. I’m wondering if there is a way do safely find auditions in my state for local ads or something along those lines. Or is trying to do local ads a bad idea? I’m still learning the ins and outs of the business so sorry if I’m making you guys cringe!
I like to think of myself as a theater actor, but whenever I book a play, I tend to somehow weird theatre people out..and I never know why. I do everything theatre people do ( fawn over great performances, sing musical numbers with overwhelming glee-mostly badly unfortunately) but i never have any close friendships after snd everyone else usually does. If i do a short film or commercial, however, i usually end up with at least one buddy. Any help?
Hi there! I am a Canadian who has been working as an actor in Canada for about a year and a half. I've done primarily stage work, but I've done a few film, TV, and voice gigs to date. It seems that so many people on this sub suggest moving to LA to seriously pursue acting. I would like to know the proper ways to do this and if there's anybody here who's been in my situation and can tell me what they did.