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We have found 19,365 posts across 4 actor forums:

Smart characters to study for reference by Elkku26  •  last post Sep 22nd

I'm a young beginner actor with a few small projects under my belt, and I have a role coming up where I need to act smart/calculative. Do you have any suggestions for characters to study to get an idea for what I should do? Preferably something that's easy to find.

DO METHOD ACTING OR DON’T DO METHOD ACTING?! by ChrisMilesShow  •  last post Sep 21st

In my opinion, I kinda don’t think it’s necessary as most the actors you see today are not method actors. Though we have some and though their roles are great, I’ve seen far more great roles with actors who do not take the method acting approach. What do you think. “To method or not to method?”

WHO ARE YOUR FAVORITE ACTORS??? by TheActorIan  •  last post Sep 21st

Man or woman who is your favorite? Also why? It seems to me like most actors have their favorites, but they don’t have a real reason why. Is it their believability, work ethic, transformation, or what? Lol. Why are they your favorites?

PR Agent looking for clients! by Hank Boone  •  last post Sep 21st

Are you an actor starving for publicity? Do you have a project but don't know how to bring it in front of the public eye? At Perfect Image we realize your potential and develop a better public image. If you need to bring your project before the people, Perfect Image can help. Want more fans? Perfect Image will be there for you! (424) 281-9942 You may also reach us through our new Facebook page:

Social media influencer vs. Film/Tv actor by tyler35855  •  last post Sep 21st

I was recently having a discussion with a fellow actor, and he brought up an interesting observation. He believes that there are less "wannabe" Film & Tv actors, and more people wanting to be Social Media "Influencers". He thinks that the current generation is more inclined to chase fame through social media. Less film & tv actors, potentially less competition. More competition through social media. Less appeal in film and tv. Im not sure if I believe this to be true, I just thought the observation is interesting. A good conversation starter.

Anyone with autism or limited emotional range grow into effective acting before? by SERPMarketing  •  last post Sep 21st

I am emotionally challenged, the doctors thought I had asp Berger’s when I was younger but I’ve grown into myself to be high functioning. I struggle with expressing emotion on my face. People often think I am cold and distant, but I actually have deep empathy and feel internally, but it just doesn’t manifest in my face and expression. I also want to be an actor. I did the high school plays, but now I am 30 and have enough disposable income that I can afford to take legit acting classes. I think acting could be a vehicle to breaking through my expression issues, but am curious if other have been in my situation and overcome? Or if I may be better off just being a fan of acting and find a different hobby.

Any actors in the Seattle area? Aside from your agent, where do you find good jobs? by Fassbenderr  •  last post Sep 21st

I’m currently using theatre puget sound, but honestly other sites have more professional looking castings, but they’re stuck behind paywalls. Anyone know good places that I can use? Thank you!

ADVICE: New(ish) to LA and always dreamed of acting. Obstacles galore. by courtneynarie  •  last post Sep 21st

All my life I've wanted to act, but I've been so afraid to admit it. I grew up in a smallish town outside of Atlanta where there weren't many acting opportunities. I started acting in plays and musicals in high school and was always placed in the chorus. I took this as a sign that I didnt have the talent and decided to shift my focus to writing in college. I'm a fair writer, but I'm too precious with my work and found it hard to get my ideas produced without self financing. And- I couldn't stay away from performance. I directed a show choir and got a degree in film. After college I moved to Atlanta. I bounced around in fringe industry day jobs and started doing improv. This is where I've felt comfortable and excited and talented. I felt so good about myself, I packed up and moved to LA last year with my boyfriend at 26 with the hope of becoming an improviser and actor out here. You guys know, LA ain't cheap. Neither is acting. Right now I work two jobs and babysit in nearly all of my off time just to make ends meet. I have no savings and I've filed for bankruptcy. LA also makes me feel really lonely. There's a cutthroat energy that kills me. And in the year I've been here I still feel like the only real friends I have are my boyfriend and my cat. My boyfriend and I have a podcast together, which I really enjoy doing but it doesnt quite scratch the performance itch. We've talked about moving out of LA within the next few years because neither of us really love it here and we dont see ourselves raising a family here. Basically, we dont love LA and we're cool to leave. But, it's not all bad. I actually like one of my day jobs managing productions of children's theatre. The shows you can see out here are inspiring and marvelous. And ofcourse, being in the city of the Industry, you meet people breifly every once in a while. The only thing missing for me is acting and performance. I cant afford acting classes or headshots or anything to get started. It's like theres a hole inside me that I cant fill because I'm too damn poor. I have no idea what direction to go in and I feel like I have to make a choice. Move to a new city again and seek financial stability while doing the podcast, improv andnsmaller scale local acting or stay broke and broken in LA to pursue acting for real? My boyfriend is supportive of whatever I want to do and thinks I have a ton of talent. I do too. But I'm scared to get started and I have no money so I feel very stuck. I want to be involved in comedy, theater and tv in LA but I cant make it happen financially or time wise. Do I try to stick it out in LA? I'm worried I will never be able to get on my feet financially. I'm also worried that if I dont give LA a "fair shot" I'll regret it my entire life. I know I'm young and theres time to come back if we need to move somewhere cheaper for now, but realistically would I, knowing what I know? TL,DR: I'm newish to LA and struggling with the vibe of the city and money. I work a lot and dont have time to act. I'm getting to a point where I need to make a choice between money and acting which would ultimately end up with a move away from LA. Do I give up on the dream? Or rather, alter my dream to fit my reality?

I'm fat and a noob, any advice to the questions wherein? by hopecountypreacher  •  last post Sep 21st

Hi all! I've always been a bit interested in acting, and throughout my life I've been told I'd probably be good at it. I love doing impressions, telling stories, playing out scenes in my mind, looking at behind the scenes sort of things for movies/TV to see how the actors really put themselves into the minds of their characters... I'm thinking about auditioning for a local production at some point. There's a few casual community theaters in my neck of the woods, so even if I don't get a part it'd be good experience. Do you have any advice for someone TOTALLY new to acting and advice for a first audition? Also, given that I am an overweight woman, do you think that would hurt my chance of roles? I'm not talking in Hollywood lol, I'm talking just casual community theater. I guess what I'm asking is, in your experience, are casual settings like that generally more lenient when it comes to looks, in your experience? I'm aware that it varies from place to place, just asking about your own thoughts and experience. Thanks!

ACTING FOR THE CAMERA CLASS by mfrediani  •  last post Sep 21st

# Survival On Set (SOS) A unique class for actors

Good Acting On Camera classes in The Bay Area by TiberiumRaider  •  last post Sep 20th

I am a new actor living in SF. I am looking for good recommendations for classes for Acting on Camera here in the Bay Area. What is the best bang for my buck?

Theatre and modeling by Aray__  •  last post Sep 20th

As an aspiring actor, is it a good idea to do theater (to improve my craft and money) and to model (for visibility)? Or is that too much?

I’m a beginner in acting, and need some advice. by SethShore  •  last post Sep 20th

So I really to want to get into acting. I’ve done a little bit of acting in the past, and I both enjoy it and one of my dreams is to be a professional/celebrity actor. I was wondering what my next step should be. I’m 15, if any of you are wondering, and I do go to a school that has theater but I cannot currently join it because I already have other classes. Thank you to anyone who can provide me some advice!

Inexperienced Model/Actor Looking To Connect by appleboy247  •  last post Sep 20th

Hi everyone, I just got booked my first big shoot (modeling, not acting) where I am getting paid to fly out to another city. I do not have a ton of modeling/acting experience, so I am looking to connect with people who do. I do not have an agent and I am nonunion. I don't want to be annoying and ask the producer a bunch of questions, but it would be nice to have some things clarified. For instance, under usage, what does 6 months exclusivity mean? Is there usually a per diem to take care of models' expenses or do productions just have you keep receipts of basic expenses such as travel and food? I'm getting paid for three days: 1st day is arrival/fitting, 2nd day is the shoot, 3rd day is departure How important is it to have an agent? Thanks all

Ethical question: In light of the various "Blackface" controversies around North America in the past few years, is it acceptable or unacceptable for a white actor to wear dark make up to play a character in a movie who is of a race where skin color would by Kowalczyk81038  •  last post Sep 20th

There have been white actors who have played Indian characters, Asian charters, and probably characters of African origin. Is this okay in the 21st century? Now, you might ask "why not just get an actor of the same race as the character?" Well, such an actor might not be easily found who fits the role. Maybe a director likes working with a given actor. I don't know. Is it okay to do this?

Breaking into Videogames and Animation by LordJanitor  •  last post Sep 20th

I've seen a few posts and videos about this, but I thought I would make a post to get some other opinions as well. I'm an actor who's recently moved to Los Angeles. It's been my goal for the past couple of years to develop a living as a VA, specifically in video games, animation, and anime dubs. I find that in voice over, I get to take on a greater variety of roles that would NEVER be offered to me theatrically---thus my passion for these specific divisions of the industry. I've begun the process of submitting my materials to agencies around town that I think could be a good fit. Obviously, having been a "regular" actor for the past couple of years, I understand that the majority of these will probably go unnoticed amidst a sea of other more experienced VAs. I'm also looking into taking class. It just comes down to a scheduling and money thing for me. What else can I be doing to further my career in this market? I really want to go after it and grind it out, but I'm feeling a bit lost in what my next steps should be.

BEST ACTING CHANNELS ON YOUTUBE??? by TheActorIan  •  last post Sep 20th

Hey ya’ll as I’m growing as an actor, I want to find other resources to further my training. Are there any YouTubers you can suggest to help me with my acting? Thanks you!!!

When's the best time to submit to talent agencies regarding representation? by Joshnee  •  last post Sep 20th

So long story short, I(18M) am doing 2 more acting at my university and was told that even when you just start the class, you can put it in your resume, so since I am sort of new to acting, I will have 2-3 acting classes under \*Training\* on my resume. I will also have hopefully been in more student films/productions and maybe gone to a workshop to just make a very good resume and OBVIOUSLY, become a better actor! Also, I am currently learning gymnastics(backflips and such) which is very fun and I bet also a very good "special skill" for acting (I know that helped Tom Holland book Spiderman big time) For these reasons, I am waiting till then. But I am also well aware that pilot season starts mid January , so I was wondering if I was to submit to a ton of casting agencies around January 13-20, would it be a bad idea given all the agents will be busy?

Do you need perfectly straight teeth to be an actor? by Joshnee  •  last post Sep 20th

I never got braces and my teeth aren't perfectly straight. I don't have huge gaps or anything in my mouth, but like 4 of my teeth in my mouth aren't super straight. I was always told you need perfect teeth (and really white) teeth to be an actor. Is this true?

Concerns with smoking a pipe for a role by Ulinskyy  •  last post Sep 19th

For a role I need my actor to smoke an old timey tobacco pipe, I need a plume of smoke. I intend to use ground up herbal cigarettes (just take off the packaging) Could this still pose a health risk? They are not a smoker.