So a little backstory first. I met a producer who owns his own production company through a family friend. Initially it was to get help entering the industry to become a writer. We’ve got a pretty solid relationship so far in the last couple of months. I’ve been interning for him by doing coverages on scripts. He has recently offered to help get me producing experience by helping find funding for some of his movie packages. So I’ve always wanted to be an actor - my whole life. Would it be ok - and is he the right person to talk to - to ask him where I can find auditions for supporting/minor roles without having any representation/agent. I want to try something small first as I’ve only been in front of the camera as an extra or when me and my friends make our own videos.
Hi! So an amazing author I love is finally producing a TV-show based on her books. A role I know I would be perfect for is up for grabs, and coincidentally she’s my favourite character in the whole book series. I want to throw my hat in the ring and try to get myself an audition for the role. But how would I go about it? I have found the contact info to the assistants of the people involved in the production, but I’m unsure of how to formulate or even ask for a chance to audition. I know it’s not the conventional way to go about this, and that it might seem naive. But being a plus-size actress it gets kind of hard to find roles that actually will cast you. And now that I know a role for a plus-size character, with my looks and personality is vacant, I want to at least try to get it. So how do you formulate such an email that’ll even get past the assistants? What should I include in it? Do you guys have any other suggestions other than contacting them directly about this? I’m so grateful for any help I can get!
I'm thinking about joining a Skyrim modding project as a voice actor, but I don't know how to do a demonstration, because I've never done this before. What do I say? Is there some kind of format I follow? Thanks for reading this. I appreciate any response.
The quote in the title is taken directly from the "Rules" panel on Joe Zieja's (the voice of Claude from Fire Emblem: Three Houses) Twitch account. This statement leaves me with a couple questions. First, what does this actually mean? Can Joe not do a Claude impression on stream, or quote himself from the game? Is this strictly enforced? I can recall several times when VAs will do character impressions for fans at conventions, or will leave messages for fans via that Cameo site - are these loopholes, or something else entirely? Thanks in advance for the clarification - I think this is really interesting!
My local playhouse is doing a couple plays and I want to audition for one of them. No, I don't need help picking them, I need help with how the heck I'm gonna ask my parents. I'm currently 16, I've been into acting and theatre since I was 11, and figured out that I want to pursue acting at 14. Of course, I told my parents this. My stepmom has always been the most supportive, considering her oldest daughter is a theatre nut too. She's given me suggestions on what I could do to give professional acting a shot after I graduate, even if she is no expert. But my dad is a little weird. He didn't support it at first, he told me I should go for something better. Then, when I was 15, he went to the play I was in for my old high school (which I auditioned for without permission, but was still allowed to be in anyway, thank god). But he often tells me "most aspiring actors don't even make it." He calls it a reality check. A reality check that I'm terrifyingly aware of. I tell him that I know the reality of it and he doesn't need to keep telling me, but EVERY SINGLE TIME I bring up my passion and dream for acting, he hits me with the same phrase and gets mad at me when ask him to please stop telling me something I already know. He tells me he supports my dreams, but ever since I was little, he shot them down. I've had dreams similar to acting before. When I was way younger, specifically around ages 4-8 or so, I wanted to be a singer. In middle school, when I joined the marching band, I considered becoming a musician. When I wanted to be a vocalist, he said "that's not a real job." When I considered being a musician, he told me "most students in band barely go anywhere." Instead, he tried to push his dreams of an agricultural career when I was 14. I HATED my agriculture class in my freshman year of high school, it was such a waste. He didn't even let me be in band anymore. He let me join theatre last year, but not without complaint. On top of my dad confusing me on whether or not he actually supports me, there's my grades. For both my freshman and my sophomore year, I struggled. My grades and GPA were low. I missed out on the summer between those two years because of summer school. I now have to go to a continuation school, and it's my last hope. I've been trying to push past my personal issues to get better grades. Partially so I'll feel better about myself, and partially because good grades is a big part of whether or not my parents let me do anything, like any other parent. I understand this, but it stresses me out. I really wanna audition for one of the plays, and I admit my grades at the moment aren't the greatest, but I really am trying. My parents no longer believe me when I say that though. They just nod their heads and wait for a call saying I have bad grades. I still want to convince them that I CAN do this. I CAN bring up my grades while being active in my town's theatre scene. I want to convince them that I have a plan, and that I will try this time. But I don't know how to get them to listen. I haven't mentioned anything about the shows to them yet. If anyone has any advice on how I can convince my parents, especially my dad, of these things, please help me out. Theatre has been a new yet huge coping mechanism of mine, and it makes me the happiest ever.
I'm currently in a class for screen acting and I can't count the amount of times I came away from a scene with the feeling that I nailed down all the emotional beats only to watch myself on playback to see that I look awkward as hell and that my eyeballs are all over the place and such. But then, when the students and teacher have to critique my scene, their comments (positive or otherwise) are always sparse and vague (ex. "that was good") no matter how hard I press them for specifics. The teacher claims she doesn't believe in "telling an actor how to play a scene" so I have no idea what she thinks. This may be a classic case of Impostor Syndrome, but trust me I know an awkward actor when I see one! Or do I? Which brings me to my question. I realize that this business requires a strong sense of self-awareness, so how do I become more self-aware? How do I detect which part of a scene belongs in my reel? How do I know I suck? Thank you.
​ [casting call club page in description](
I want to be a good gf and I've never once been controlling or jealous when he hangs out with female friends. He has been in 1 play before. For his band's music video he must film a sex scene. They would make out, A LOT as well as get largely naked and touch each other and simulate sex, probably with a thrusting motion. Repeatedly. The music video will largely be sexual. However, this bothers me A LOT. This isn't a public stage kiss. This is probably several takes (over an hour, easily) of them rolling around, making out, humping. My bf is a huge horndog. Hes also attractive. Hes not gonna stay soft this while humping a petit actress in her little panties. I know he'll enjoy it on a primal level. He also has a kink for being watched. We're crazy about eachother. Ive never been controlling of him. He's incredibly kind and sweet. He says he wont do it if I don't want him to but this is their best idea for their next video he says. I'm incredibly devoted to him. Ive never considered cheating, we've gone long distance before. He took my virginity. I have nothing but trust and love for him. He says it's just acting and means nothing and that its not a big deal to him. But the idea of him repeatedly rubbing his barely clothed cock against an amateur college actresses panties makes me want to throw up. I also feel humiliated because everyone I know will see it. I feel hurt because he wants to do it in general. I would have ZERO problem with stage kisses, honestly most typical movie sex scenes would be fine with me. But this hurts me so much. I cant stand it Tldr: But what he wants to film seems more like soft core porn to me and it kills me inside. I want to be ok with it, I want to support him. Please help me
We are a group of web development students working on our capstone project. Our project is to build a centralized marketplace for voice talent and clients to connect with each other. It is called Voicer. Voicer will equally cater to all users. It will create an easy and helpful option to up-and-coming talent to start out in the industry as well as give experienced talent a great platform to continue their business on. Voicer aims to create an equal business ground for both clients and talents. This project is mainly for educational purposes, however could have the chance of becoming used by real people. The point for this survey is to obtain as much real-world information from potential users to help us design the app Here is the link to the [Research Survey](, if you have a few minutes please feel free to fill it out. We need all the help we can get! Thank you for your time!
Hey everyone. I'm in my 3rd year of university so we're focusing on the traits that make us more employable within the film industry. Now, my lecturer doesn't have anything to do with any drama courses so I'm waiting to see a different lecture of mine tomorrow to ask. He's clueless when it comes to acting since he's never actually needed to know how to make it as an actor before. We're being advised to clean up our social media and putting it on our resumes since we can use it as a form of self-advertisement. The only thing is, I haven't used social media other than LinkedIn for 5 or 6 years now, and I have no wishes to go back. I tidied mine up for work and just stopped using it, with the exception of Facebook to add people on messenger with anybody from my uni course. When it comes to me trying to get work for things like a video editor, it doesn't boost our chances but it doesn't hurt them either. We're also told to post all of our projects on them so friends can watch. I was the sort of guy that would have maybe one or two people interact with me online, so I really doubt that coming back to it will help me on that front.
Do the actors/actress just goof off whenever?
So I´m currently 22 and a college student (studying business/entrepreneurship). I still have like 2 years left of college but I'm honestly just studying to get a degree. This is not my passion, nor do I wish to have my own business or get an MBA, etc. I've always wanted to be an actor, and I was wondering if I should just drop out and apply for a BFA, or if I should just graduate from where I'm at and apply for an MFA. Which do you think is the best idea?
Hey, VA's. While doing some self-marketing the other day with a local agency, they informed me that (for larger projects - regional/national), usually they would gather talent from casting web-services. A couple they used were *actorsaccess* & *castingnetworks*. As a voice actor, would it be wise to invest in one or both of these services from personal experience? *Actorsaccess* lets you create an account, but you gotta pay to add your demo... and you gotta pay outright to join *castingnetworks.* Thanks!
I saw on project casting that there were background actor casting calls. I was wondering if the website gives real opportunities.
Are you a voice actor?We want some voice overs ,if you'r interested just send me your samples,plus:recently we want an old male's voice to record story ,high quality ,skillful is needed .ps: all based one line Email me :
So I wasn't sure the most appropriate place to post this. I am actually not an actor but a "expert" in my field of study and I've had a few roles on network TV shows where I provided my expert opinion. A production company has asked me if I'd be interested in exploring an idea for my own show and there's some buzz for developing a show for me. I haven't asked for any pay for these appearances because it was fun and I was interested in seeing the production process - even though I probably should have - this is not my industry so I'm a little clueless. At what point do I need an agent or someone else to guide me through this? Any advice would be much appreciated.
I have spent over a year (actually I think maybe even 2 years) obsessing over acting and doing all my research and finally soon I'm gonna start taking classes. I've struggled with social anxiety and low confidence for years now, and although I'm trying to overcome it, sometimes I wonder if I can really do this. In fact, one time I was asking somebody about something related to acting and I mentioned I have anxiety and they told me I could never be an actor if I have anxiety and made a list of things I would have trouble with, told me that even if I overcame my anxiety it would still be a part of me, and then added "so your question is irrelevant" at the end... At first I felt discouraged, but then I realized how shitty this person was being for telling me I could never pursue my dreams and become an actor because of my anxiety so I made a promise to myself to prove them wrong. They are right about how hard it's going to be though. There's nothing really I rather pursue though. I've never felt more passionate about anything else in a long time and I don't see myself doing anything else seriously. I feel like I have potential in it too, but my anxiety/low confidence is a problem and can affect it. For example, I get really uncomfortable in front of cameras or people... I tried filming a self-taped audition a month or 2 ago and it took me almost 10 takes before I could actually feel comfortable and get it right. When I practice with my friend, it's the same. It takes me several times before I'm not feeling nervous/uncomfortable anymore and can actually do a decent job. The thought of going to classes and auditions terrifies me, but of course it's also exciting... I know it's going to be hard, but it's not impossible. Any advice?
I read the FAQ, and couldn't find anything pertaining to this. I'm making a short YouTube documentary/film and need to find an actress. How do I go about finding one? Also, I'm on a low budget. What would a reasonable price be for an hour's worth of work? Thanks!
I am a young actress who is in early teenage-hood. I am in plays at my middle school and with do plays at my high-school, but I want to move into acting as a career in my adult life. What can I do to prepare myself or even get some experience while still attending school? I also live in a small town so there are very few casting calls.