Hey there actors. Pleasant Sunday :)
TL;DR - got cast in an unpaid role that is enormously different than what I expected with a community theatre that takes itself far too seriously. The long of it: I am primarily a stage actor. I don’t typically take unpaid roles at this point in my acting career. However, this show is featuring a director I’ve wanted to work with for a while. At the callback, one of the roles for which I was called (and eventually cast as) was described to me by the director as a supporting sidekick, the biggest thorn in the main character’s side. I figured it’d be perfect! So I go to the first meeting, and realize that this theatre company takes itself incredibly seriously. The team was very adamant about how once you join this theatre, they do not like you to participate with other community theatres (professional work they have no qualms about). They think it reflects poorly on their reputation when their UNPAID actors participate in other unpaid shows. The “production manager”, and I say this in quotes because I am genuinely unsure of what this man does, just talked and talked about how edgy and progressive the theatre is. The most recent show they did was Man of La Mancha, which I saw and enjoyed for the most part, but I wouldn’t call it progressive. Before that, they did Legally Blonde. Again...not edgy or progressive in this the year 2019. I have read the script and it is... pandering at best. It is not the show with which I was originally familiar. The most recent one I’ve seen clips of was in 2015, where my character has plenty of scenes, songs, dialogue. The script I have now was revised September of 2018. I have no lines and one song that I actually find offensive. I am not willing to dedicate the amount of time this theatre expects for this role at this point. My question is: since I do see some of these folks in the professional circuit as well, how can I respectfully quit this show without totally burning bridges or lying? Rehearsals have not yet begun. Thanks!!
I am curious because scarlett johansson is a runner up for both. I'm not saying she will be nominated for both categories but imagine if she wins both. Has it ever happened? And has it ever happened for an actor/actress to be nominated in both categories at least?
Here’s my story. I moved to NYC from the Midwest 3 years ago with a bachelors in theatre and a year of professional acting experience (SAG card and equity membership candidacy). I started out focusing on musical theatre while also continuing my film/tv training. I booked a national tour of a children’s musical 3 months after moving to nyc and stayed with that touring company doing different productions for all of 2017. Loved it, but it also helped me realize that musical theatre was not what I wanted my career to be. Fast forward to now, I have a “survival job” at an arts-focused tech start up that I love and have ended up focusing on that a lot, but I also have an agent, and have booked a few small projects - short films, some readings, etc, but nothing big. I stay in class consistently and I’m on actors access self-submitting every day, but man it just seems like nothing is happening. My agents submits me as well but my type just isn’t in demand right now. I’ve re-vamped my reel, gotten new headshots, etc. and it still honestly feels like I’m screaming into the void. What’s scaring me is that I’m turning 27 this month. I guess by this point I thought I would have either moved back to my hometown to do something else, or be working consistently in acting. Instead, I am sort of in this no mans land of not wanting to quit acting but also not wanting to do it anymore. Thoughts? Has anyone ever experienced this? How do you get out of a rut?
(also, the actor I'm doing this with is quite famous, so I can't really risk looking like a fool) So, I'm currently filming a TV show. And there's this one scene, where me (19male) and my co-star (23male) make out. The scene basically consists of him coming in behind me, grabbing me between his arms. He starts licking my jawline and we end up making out against the wall. Anyways, I'm gay, and he's extremely handsome. The kiss lasts for around 45 seconds, and I'm afraid I might've used A LOT of tongue, even if I wasn't asked to do so. While making the scene, he was grinding against me, and he definitely noticed my boner. I was wearing tight jeans, and it was pretty seeable. Once we finished the scene, and went to change clothes, he smirked and winked at me. Now I'm extremely confused. I don't know if he likes me, if I made it too obvious, if the director noticed my erection, or what. Anyways, that's it. Just wanted to share this.
i’ve just started out with acting so obviously i don’t expect to be cast in a film or tv show anytime soon BUT something i’ve noticed when reading actor’s biographies is how they were born in Los Angeles or moved there to peruse their career. i’ve also noticed how most of them started acting professionally at very young ages which is a bit discouraging since im 14 and live in a small town. i personally don’t like Los Angeles since it’s so hot and crowded; i’d rather move to new york or london to act but my parents hate big cities and want me to keep acting as a hobby. is it possible to pursue an acting career without living in a big city? (i’m very okay with traveling for a few months if i were cast in something, i just wouldn’t want to live there permanently.) i’ve been in local theatre plays and taken acting classes so i’m ready to start auditioning for small roles in things. more about my parents: they support me and my acting but want me to have a science job when i’m older since few actors “make it”. i know i’m 14 but i know i can’t see myself being happy with a job like that. i want to study acting and/or film studies when i’m in college and work on movie sets, behind or on camera. ps. this post is everywhere but i needed to rant a little.
In my third year at university and we are working on screen (not for the first time) and need to take in 3 character scenes. Got a few ideas, but thought I'd ask my fellow actors. Edit: I am a 24 year old female. Period dramas or dramatic scenes are more my style (which is the brief) but others are welcome.
Hi, I have a project that requires a voiceover, commercial work (online only, small market) and I'm trying to budget to present to client. I've hired local talent before, but I can't find the kind of talent I need for this one. Looking around online, it seems the price for a one minute of talent ranges from $5-unlimited. Can anyone suggest where to look, what a reasonable budget might be and what the process is like? Do I get one shot at direction and one read or would you typically read a part multiple times to give options and take revisions as necessary?
I'm more of a theatre based actor and I sing up to 7 hours a day. I get sore throats a lot and I was wondering if there was any preventative methods so I dont get them as often? (I know singing/speaking less is one but I dont have that option)
As actors we crave expression, connection and opportunities to work on our craft. We search for gigs, send out our headshots and fill our heads with theory and technique. And we wait. Soon we might feel a little discouraged, a little stagnant and a little fearful that our dream to be an actor is not going to happen. Do we give up? Convince ourselves it wasn’t meant to be? **Of course not.** We all know as actors our passion is what sustains us. So here are **five tips** for when you are feeling defeated or uninspired. 1. Write your thoughts down. Spill it out. The feelings have to go somewhere and paper feels no pain nor can it shout out some unsolicited opinion. It it glorious to free up some space in your head when you land some of your airborne, reckless thoughts on a page. **Need direction?** Answer this: What is it about acting that makes me long for it? What do I wish would happen this year in my career? What am I seeing standing in the way of my dream? Could I win if I challenged it to a dance-off? My vote is yes and you get the idea! 2. Ask yourself, **“What is ONE thing I can do today to stoke the coals of my creativity?”**. Go to a museum, ponder visual art, watch people, pay attention to their body language and facial expressions. Can you mirror them? Can you imagine what they might be feeling and create a backstory about them on the fly? Write a monologue. Write a one page scene. Practice it. How quickly can you get off-book? How many different ways can you read it? 3. Connect with your artist community. Is anyone looking to practice a scene or rehearse for an audition? Do you have a tip, a question, a scene or a story to share? 4. Do something kind for yourself. **Self care is key** and when you are feeling far from fabulous it is essential. Watch a comedy clip and gift yourself a laugh. Treat yourself to 10 minutes stretched out and listening to your favorite music. Eat something delicious. These are all triggers that we can use in our craft. The possibilities are endless. 5. Sign up for a coaching session, practice a short scene, send out some headshots and resumes, try a new medium or technique. **Keep throwing that hat of yours into the ring!** Now tuck these 5 tips safely in your passion arsenal and take another step on this path where your soul burns the brightest. Someone else might be looking for a light.
Hi. Me and a group of friends are working on an animation short film for a film jam. The short is a cyberpunk/sci-fi story with a serious/sad tone. It will be set in a dystopian, environment , and it will be about 3 to 4 minutes long. The short will be published online, and you will be credited. We’re looking for someone with good acting skills and have a good emotional range. The character goes through quite a few emotions sad, hopeful, proud, thoughtful, angry and breakdown. We have the storyboard and script done. We’re looking for someone who could do the voice over, to narrate the story through the main character’s monologue. The character is an adult woman ( in her 40’s). We don’t really have a budget since we are all doing this in our free time, but we are offering 20$ as a thank you . Please let me know if you’re interested, and I can tell you more about the project.
"Don't count the day, make the days count" -Muhammad Ali. There seems to be this shame actors carry around having survival jobs. I think it shows your strength and willingness to do whatever it takes.
I'll soon be getting out of the US Army, and I have decided to pursue my passions in acting. Does anyone here have any experience with using the Post 9/11 GI bill to attend acting school (either yourself or someone you know)? I know Lee Strasberg and the Art of Acting Studio accept the GI bill, but I don't know if it is a good idea jumping into a full time conservatory without any experience. Any opinions or suggestions will be much appreciated.
So basically, I am starting off as a new actor though I have been in one production like 9 years ago, and I am currently taking Acting 101 in college. Am I able to put the production on my resume despite it being so long ago, and could I put the class under \*TRAINING\* despite not having completed it (semester long class)?
Hi everyone! I hope you all are having a good day/night. So I have an agent and shes wonderful but I would like to be doing more. I went on “The Actor’s Handbook” and was just checking out casting agencies in my area and under each one it says something like “General Submission accepted via email” “Please submit headshot an demo reel via email” Now I realize that if my agent is any agent at all she’ll have submitted me to these CDs already, but my question is. Are general submissions for actors just to send their headshots/resumes in for consideration on any project?
I know someone who recently got signed to CAA(Creative Arts Agency) without an audition. He only started acting last year in school projects and it was this summer he started taking it seriously. Apparently, his high school theatre teacher knew a CAA talent agent and sent in an interview of him to the talent agent and he liked what he saw. AN INTERVIEW, NOT A SELF-TAPE OR ANYTHING. How is this possible that a top 3 agency in the world didn't require an audition? He also had a pretty empty acting resume. Like don't they have to see if you're good and not just see if you are a cool person. I mean, Referrals man.. Crazy. Anyways, apparently he is an insane actor cause he booked a Marvel TV show(can't say which one) and is currently shooting another film in Atlanta with literally only 1 year in acting. He's also getting tons of huge auditions in LA and shit because he's rep'd by CAA. Its so cool man, but also frustrating, I also started acting fairly recently but he had the insane luck. I am jealous, but still proud of him nonetheless! He has a good future ahead of him. I am just shocked that such a huge agency can pick up a 1 year, Non-Union actor who did not even have to audition for them. That isn't normal right?
Hey Voice Actors!!! ​ I make weird music online and I have a BUNCH of time to record today and tomorrow - I would LOVE to work with some of you!!! ​ Do you have any side characters I could do the voices for? I would love to do some fucked up abridged anime things. ​ Here's my work in case you were wondering - [https://www.instagram.com/yaboitherapper/](https://www.instagram.com/yaboitherapper/)
Hi everyone. I’m a 23 year old man the UK who hasn’t got any sort of acting experience but I’ve always been fond of it. I’ve always read about actors and watched documentaries on acting and have always been fascinated by it. Like a lot of people it’s a desire I didn’t act on and now I’m at an age where I don’t think I’ll be able to break into acting. I still have a belief though that I could shoot myself to the top because of my personality and belief in myself. Can someone from the UK please talk to me and give me advice on how to get into acting and give me some sort of leads and advice? I’m ready to fulfil my destiny!
Hello, ​ I am looking to help this community by making free websites for actors. This could be a website that could display your headshots, be a personal blog, have your resume, etc. Whatever you'd like I can make it. And yes it's completely free. I am looking to build my web design portfolio and figured this would be a good place to help some people out at.