I’m 15 in high school so spare me the title please because everything about college still kind of confuses me. But, I’m looking for a college that has good theatre or film majors in Los Angeles or New York that’ll teach me a lot and allow me to grow as an actress. I already know about LMU and I’m so in love with this college that I know it’ll be soul crushing if I get denied which is why I want to find some other colleges that I might possibly fall in love with so the rejection won’t hurt as much (if i get rejected). Not sure if this is bias but also any colleges that are similar to LMU that you guys could tell me about would be great!!
I’ve just been reading Sidney Lumet’s book “Making Movies” (it’s fantastic by the way) and in it he talks about his time working with Brando on the film The Fugitive Kind. Lumet says that Brando would test directors on his first day by giving them a ‘fake’ take and a ‘real’ take of the same shot. Supposedly if the director printed the fake one, he wouldnt bother putting any effort in for the rest of the picture as clearly the director couldn’t tell so why should he waste his efforts, basically. As an aspiring filmmaker myself, I wonder how I would tell the difference from a fake and real performance from an actor? It’s unlikely to ever happen, but Brando supposedly said they’d be almost identical but in one he was actually using his emotions and in one he wasn’t. If they were so identical that even the director could tell them apart, does it really matter? How would you be able to tell the real one from the fake? Is it the glint in the eye or something similarly subtle? Edit: spelling
I feel like this is a dumb question being as though there are a lot of prestigious actors/actresses who’ve started off in theatre. But I just wanted to ask anyway. I’ve studied film and have been apart of numerous projects but I’m relatively new to studying acting as I’ve never really put energy and focus in this specific aspect of filmmaking before until recently.
In October I went to an open casting call for a local project. Jan 22nd the producer messaged me to say that we'd be shooting the segment I'm in, in the third week of Feb and on day one it was seemingly decided that Saturdays would be shooting days. Yesterday, Saturday and the third week of Feb, the director posted about their shoot. I'm not sure if I got cut and wasn't made aware or if they're just behind. But there's only supposed to he three segments and they shot segment 3 yesterday. I messaged the producer and I'm waiting to hear back. I'm pretty disappointed. This was going to be my first ever role in anything. Some of the actors were brilliant and obviously have experience and some, like myself, are newer so it felt like a great place to start. I didn't feel like I was going to be the weakest link or under pressure to have an Oscar level performance. I've been nervous as hell and now that it was supposed to have been the time, I feel pretty let down. I know that I'm going to have countless rejections and let downs in front of me..so..I guess this is a milestone? Lol I was just so ready to start, you know? I imagine I have at least ten years before a breakout if I ever even get to that point so I was just so ready to start the countdown. Maybe it's for the best? Everything happens for a reason, right? I'm talking to a photographer about headshots and trying to fill out anyhow. Was hoping to get to add a project to my resume soon but this summer I have a chance. Wish me luck.
I am not an actor but I enjoy going to plays. However, there is one thing I see in plays that is like nails on a chalkboard. That is where a woman or 2 women walk around in circles screeching at one another. I know they need to project their voices, but they sound like they are about to break windows. Why is that?
Hello, We are at *Titanforged Entertainment* working on a **3D Multiplayer Tabletop RPG Game** that will be released on Steam later this year. You can think of it as ordinary board games but instead of boards we have environments. Instead of pieces/pawns we have characters. Here is a video and a screenshot to give you a better idea. We try not to spoil everything just yet :-) ​ **Video of Lobby Menu (With WoW music as a filler):** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9P8GYSoyXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9P8GYSoyXo) ​ **Chess environment:** [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524286425693421582/540226946383216661/HighresScreenshot00003.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524286425693421582/540226946383216661/HighresScreenshot00003.png) ​ **One of the characters:** [https://i.imgur.com/8lLx9Z6.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/8lLx9Z6.jpg) ​ We are currently looking for 4 male voice actors for 4 characters. We are also looking for 1 male and 1 female voice for the announcer's voice in the game. ***Your task will be to voice act the various quotes written for each of the character***. To give you a better idea, you can think of it as quotes for League of Legends characters. ​ **Please provide a portfolio when you contact me in Private message. Because of many applications, I'm not sure if I can answer you within the same hour.** # Character #1 - Announcer's Voice **Sex:** Male & Female **Age:** 45 years (MALE). 35 years (FEMALE) **Description:** This is the announcer of the game which is a background voice. He can be heard in-game after queuing up for a board game. He could say something like: "An ally has fallen!" or if it's the intro to the chess game "The enemy has breached the gate. Defeat them quickly!". You get the idea. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #2 - Knight **Sex:** Male **Age:** 40 years old **Description:** Humanoid knight. He is the symbol of justice and light. No evil shall stand in his way and he is ready to give his life for his kingdom. The last thing he would see is evil taking over and his kingdom falling. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #3 - Werewolf **Sex:** Male **Age:** 35 years old (Manly/deep Wolfish voice) **Description:** He was once good but is now corrupted by evil powers. The werewolf can not only speak to humanoids/demons but also animals. He hungers for food and eats anyone he sees crossing the Woods of Whispers. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #4 - Undead Bishop **Sex:** Male **Age:** 55 years old **Description:** He has lost hope in good and justice and believes that doing good doesn’t matter. It won’t make anything better. He is now with the evil force. Living in the Corrupted Grounds. A land between the living and the dead. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #5 - Skeleton King **Sex:** Male **Age:** 60 years old (possibly a hoarse voice sounding like death) **Description:** He was the previous king of the Righteous Kingdom. He got corrupted by too much wealth and power. So much that he made enemies within his own walls. He got executed by an ally at night in his sleep. Now he is the king of the Death Realm. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal.
Hello friends! I would be grateful if you could review my practice routine: ​ 1-I pronounce phonemes, one by one, while looking at a mirror to work on my lip shape and tongue position. 2-I read a short story out loud. I switch voice depending on whether I'm narrating or reading dialogue. I give each one of the characters a different voice based on context that I feel would fit them. 3-I shadow/mimic a professional voice actor for around a minute. I'm currently doing this with Ray Porter, since I love his style and voices. ​ This usually takes around thirty minutes. I've been following this routine every day for a while and I did notice a huge improvement. However, I have a feeling that I might be able to skip the first step. Should I do it? Also, knowing other people's routines might help me too, so feel free to share yours! :)
I don't live in LA, Toronto OR London. I live in the Middle East and I am from there. ​ Have been a theater kid pretty much all my life. I'm absolutely obsessed with acting — problem is, our acting communities here are very shit. You have to act in Arabic (which I progressively got worse at as I preferred English), and your religious views will come in the line of work always as you're living in a muslim country. ​ I wish to travel abroad and actually pursue acting, but have no idea how to make matters work. I'm not in a rush or anything, but I do wish to set my foot in the door. I see a lot of series here and they're pretty shit, honestly speaking — directors are not hardworking, but they do work, and they do make money, good money... It's just that I'm not attracted to the mediocre work, and I think a lot of people aren't either, but it's just the nature of horrendous acting that they've been accustomed to. ​ TL;DR: I don't live in LA, Toronto or London. What moves should I make to get into acting and work my way up? I live in the Middle East currently. I am still 16 at the moment but I really wish to do this... Any suggestions?
I’m a movie guy and it’s easy for other movie people to talk about this performance or that performance, but I’m interested to hear an actual actor’s opinion. I’m interested to see if we movie people are right when we talk about the performances in films like There Will Be Blood and Taxi Driver, or if we’re missing something you guys know about. So what is the best film performance or who is the best screen actor in your opinion, and why?
Hey all, I have an audition coming up for an indie that states it’s a union film, but is allowing non union actors to audition. I know not all union contracts allow for actors to join with a Taft-Hartley, but I’m having trouble finding a list of which contracts do, and which do not. The audition is a long bus ride away, so I just want to make sure it’s going to be worth my time.
So I am in this production and I play the character who is a love interest of the main character. There's two things that I feel are limiting my performance. One, he is a very bold character. He says pretty much whatever comes to his mind, without caring or thinking about how other will take it. He's become accustomed to this type of manner because he usually gets what he wants from it. My problem is that I'm not nearly as bold as he is, so it's hard to find a common connection between the two of us. Two, the actress that portrays my love interest is amazing! I'm pretty sure I'm crushing on her, but I find myself in an position. I like her but when we do our scenes together I just feel odd. I think it maybe because I like but she has a boyfriend so I can't really do anything with my feelings except bottle them up. I feel like like it might effect my performance, is there any tips you can give?
All this mystery and hype around his TDK role but it never says he attended any schools or trained anywhere specific. Acting doesn't just come out of thin air. It was said he did Alexander and I watched a script to screen of that movie where they show the actors and the actual lines themselves from the script underneath. He improved majority of them. ​ Any aussie actors know anything I'm curious because he got good real quick after seeing him in 10 things I things I hate about you.
I wanted to get your opinions on this. I work for a company at the moment as my day job which pays me relatively well, and allows flexibility for auditions whilst doing interesting work. However, I've just been offered a promotion within that same company. The promotion would mean a move into an office, more work, a lot more responsibility (hitting certain targets, part-managing 60 people, doubling within the next 6 months). The company are still offering me flexibility for auditions and acting work, in some ways more flexible than before because instead of having to fulfil (and get covered) certain shifts, the vast majority of the job is how I choose to organise things. The potential downside is that there will be a lot more work, and when I take time to work on auditions, I'll likely just need to make up that work in my own time. In theory that would be ok, except the person doing it before me was overworked, and part of the challenge is going to be not falling into the same traps that he did, and communicating when my workload is getting too much. The upside is that I will be earning significantly more money, and was already fairly comfortable on what I was already earning. As well as just being more financially stable, this allows me to potentially invest more money into training, skills, and projects that relate to and further my acting career. My big worry is that I already haven't been working as an actor even close to as much I wanted when I moved to this territory. It's very easy to put work first and keep putting off the things in my acting career that need to get done. Having said that, I am in class, I have been auditioning, and I'm currently producing a short film, too. My experience may well be very different from the person who came before me, and I'll only know once I dive in (and the job is something I want and will stimulate me - it's interesting). I guess I'm just looking for advice about how to not let this start a process of slowly sidelining my career, which, whilst I am doing things, is not even close to as busy as I would like. Any thoughts?
Hey guys I've wanted to be a actor for a while now but don't know where to look for auditions. If you can give me places too look I would very much appreciate it. Thanks
I started listening to Audrey helps actors. But the first few episodes were all related to the American industry. As someone from another country, I didn't really connect much and stopped listening. Are all episodes the same or does it change later? Also what are some podcasts/ videos for acting in general?
I’m an aspiring Japanese actress. There’s not a lot of opportunity here in Japan to audition/shoot for foreign movies so I want to make the big move but was just wondering approximately how much I should be realistically saving before making that move? And which areas in LA do you recommend? (VISA is also an issue but I am working on that separately)
I’m doing a scene right now for my college, and I play a guy who is trying to figure out the best way to propose to his girlfriend. I know the girl who’s playing my girlfriend, and she seems pretty cool. Since we’re supposed to be dating, there’s a lot of touching and acting romantic, but nothing sexual or too intimate. I don’t have a ton of acting experience where I’ve had to pretend to be in a relationship, so it’s been making me kind of awkward and uncomfortable. I usually end up laughing a ton or being really wooden because I can’t focus. Any tips on keeping my cool and not acting like a fool at rehearsals?
I apologize for the vent on a throwaway, I just needed to let this out. I guess let me preface this by saying that acting is the one thing I've ever consistently wanted to do with my life. It's been a life goal for me since I was a kid, but I was too scared and shy and nervous to pursue it professionally until I graduated college a couple of years ago. I'm still scared and shy and nervous but I want this more than anything in the world and my life would feel very empty without acting in it. That being said, I have just realized that I will never meet this life goal. Not to be famous, but to be a working actor at the network/film level. I've been training for a year with wonderful coaches with whom I have an excellent relationship. I've booked some things, I recently got a lovely regional agent, and get 1 to a few auditions a week most of the time. I've slowly but surely been meeting my smaller goals. I decided to try my hand at a small showcase in NYC with a small-ish group of actors and mid/top tier agents that I've been eyeing. But the thing is, I have cripplingly bad anxiety, which kills me in the room. I've only ever booked off-tape. I can perform in class, I can perform in a self-tape, I can perform on set (which is ironically the only time I have little to no anxiety!!) but as soon as any kind of in-person showcase opportunity comes up, my anticipatory anxiety goes into overdrive, and no amount of medicine and therapy has been able to help it. It only goes away while I'm in the scene, but it's already taken its toll on my performance by then. So the showcase turned out to be a terrible waste of time and money. I couldn't sleep the night before because I was so nervous. I spent good money to take a train to NYC, and was exhausted from the lack of sleep. Couldn't eat anything all day. But still, I get to the showcase early with everything prepared, anxiety medicine taken, doing the best I can not to freak out. They tell me to go in, talk about myself for a minute, and read to the reader in the corner next to the table of agents. So I go in, say hello, and then they say they're ready when I'm ready. So no talking about myself then. Then I do my scene to the reader, like I was told, matching the volume of the reader. This was the feedback I got: Agent #1: You headshot doesn't really reflect how you are more "cute and quirky" in person. You had some really nice, subtle instincts that would look great on camera, but could you cheat out and give "more" so the agents at the end of the table can see you better? (Not an invitation to do the scene again.) Agent #2: Nothing Agent #3: Due to the subtlety of your performance, I couldn't hear you down here. Agent #4: What was that last line you said? (I repeat it). Oh, okay. Agent #5: I agree with my colleagues. Then I go to leave and agent #2 finally chimes in and says "don't be nervous!" in a pitying tone. That honestly hurt the worst. I know he didn't mean anything by it, but it's not as simple as just "not being nervous." If I could just not be nervous my life would be 100% better. My anxiety killed my chances at impressing a top agent, and if I can't deliver in a showcase, how can they think I'll ever book anything in the room? How can I think that? If I can't book the room, there's no chance I'll ever be a working actor. People can't just assume I'll be fine on set. If I can't meet my ultimate goal, why bother continuing and staying stagnant? Honestly, this showcase was a wakeup call for me. I'm just so pissed at myself that I tried to make it seem like anxiety wouldn't prevent me from doing the thing I love the most. I've wasted my time, and so, so much money trying to pursue this. The ironic thing is, I have another trip to NYC scheduled tomorrow for a manager open call. Now I know how that will go. Another $200 wasted on a train trip I won't take now. For those who've read this far, thanks for reading my vent. I don't need any encouragement. This business clearly is not the right fit for people like me. I wish I'd known that sooner. Now I don't really see any kind of future for myself, so I don't know where to go from here. But I'll have to figure it out I guess. **TL;DR**: Bombing a possibly career changing showcase gave me the wakeup call I needed to know that acting is not for me, even if it is my dream.