He's pretty honest. Some good insight here for those working in commercials. [http://www.actinginchicago.com/advice-for-actors/how-to-get-a-voice-over-job-according-to-an-ad-agency-copywriter/](http://www.actinginchicago.com/advice-for-actors/how-to-get-a-voice-over-job-according-to-an-ad-agency-copywriter/)
I see a lot of people asking about the beginning's of a Voice Over demo so I decided to try and help out! ​ **Beginnings of a VO Demo** Voice over demos are an ever evolving vital piece of every VO artist's repertoire. The most important thing to remember when thinking of what to put on your demo is **YOUR PERSONALITY**. That's right, as I said before, you don't need the most amazing, perfect voice to be a voice actor... casting directors and producers want to hear what **you** have to bring to the table.**You are enough.** You have worked your butt off to get where you are... and your voice will fit in somewhere. No need to over produce or add on crazy effects... that isn't what this is about. **---Demo Types.** We went over the majority of voice over styles (Part 1A). You already know these, and these styles should be included in your demos. ***Do not make a compilation of different styles*** *(Animation, commercial, audio books, etc)***.** No one wants to hear your diaper commercial, followed by your bugs bunny impression, followed by your excerpt from Hamlet. Narrow down your demos to one focused area and leave it at that. Although having many demos in different categories is wonderful.. **everyone should start with a commercial demo first.** Commercial VO acting will offer you the most opportunities for work when you are first starting out. **---The Facts.** The people who matter, that are listening to your demos will likely only listen to about 10 seconds. If they don't like those 10 seconds... "Next." That may seem hard to hear but consider this... Imagine you are a successful agency. Hundreds of people send in demos, even more so, terrible demos for consideration. Your inbox will be flooded daily with hours of things to listen to... and this isn't even your job. An agent's job requires so much more than finding new talent, they need to work for the talent they have. So you aren't high on their priority list. If your demo is not well done... nobody will care about it. Professionally recording your demo is important. VOICE123 and VOICES.COM have nice guides on creating a good demo. I recommend finding professionals that produce demos in your area and comparing their prices. I also highly recommend if you have your own microphone to start practicing and deciding on the exact copy you want to perform for your demo. If you don't have a mic yet... use your phone or something to record yourself so you can listen to it before going in. Check out those guides and get a demo done. ### VO Artist Deb Munro's list of ### Demo DOs and DON’Ts: * **DO use original material only or actual work that is amazingly directed and produced.** * **DON’T use local spots (agents don’t want to hear local)** * **You can use company names – but there are risks in doing this. I personally use company names but only national and only on original copy!** * **TALENT should NOT produce or direct the demo** * **DO keep it short. All demos have different time requirements but you should have a one-minute version for easy internet use (for most demos).** * **DON’T produce a compilation (mixing genres) demo.** * **DO hire a top-notch production team that does not use old music libraries/sfx etc.** * **DO showcase your personality (not your director’s)** * **DO show variety but, you must also entertain the decision makers, agents and producers**. *\*\*You can produce your own demo, however 90% of the industry suggests that you don't.* ***I did make my own demos.*** *However, I have had six years of practice editing, recording, cutting, splicing, adding sfx, among many other things. If you want to make your own demo, put in the practice hours before submitting a sub-par demo. A plus side to creating your own demo is learning about every single part of your industry. An important piece of this puzzle is being well rounded enough to take care of yourself, and make your business profitable. Work won't always be there so.. learn to create it... If you do want to do this it is very possible! It saves a lot of money.. but takes a lot more time, coffee, patience and energy to learn how to get quality demos produced. Either way... you will need a demo. Keep in mind that once you have your demo and you begin submitting for agents or online projects... you will need some form of an in home studio to begin submitting auditions. High quality demo... mixed with low quality audio delivered to your clients is the quickest way to form bad impressions with clients. So while you wait to make your demo... keep up that research, reading, studying, and practice. If you want to talk about this with me come chat on [twitch.tv/acebox](https://twitch.tv/acebox) or on [instagram.com/arussellactor](https://instagram.com/arussellactor) I will try to help you out!
My name is Andrew I am a Professional Voice Actor in Los Angeles. I have voices in several animes, video games, commercials.. so on and so on.. ​ I am here because I like to share, I'm always surfing the web mainly on reddit or streaming my games on twitch so I may as well be active in a community here!! If there's any questions I can answer about getting started or whatever I will be glad to!! I just wanted to drop in and say hello.. introducing myself :) See you all in the subbreddit!
Disclaimer: Not an actor! Just an amateur writer with an amateur interest in film. Had a curiosity and didn't know a better subreddit to ask. I was just reading a comic and envisioning a live action adaptation. And I've had this thought before, which is that despite the dialogue being good, it's somewhat straightforward as well. And IMHO knowing the lines in advance makes it trickier, to an extent, to pull off the conversation and reactions naturally--*as naturally* as otherwise, at least. Of course, acting is literally to act, but immersion brings out higher potential in some (all?) actors (e.g. even though they couldn't show anything like a death star exploding in the original Star Wars, before it was edited, they drew it on paper and ripped it in half during the filming for that event--I think on Carrie Fischer's request, just to have SOMETHING that can assist her). So my specific thought was, some lines of the back-and-forth dialogue being cut? Are there examples of where scripts do this, or is done at the director's or even the actor's request? E.g. the script is something like: >A: "What are you doing? You look like you're looking for something?" >B: "I saw it on TV." >A: "What... what'd you see?" And give actor A the following script, >A: "What are you doing? You look like you're looking for something?" >B: [Line] >A: [Respond] Why? Well, it seems to me like this could just be one of things that can help and give people those natural "microexpressions" at best, or just helps make it easier to act well at worst. I hope this makes sense, I'm just interested if this sort of thing happens, what examples there are, and if so, the purpose behind it. Or if it's been talked about and usually or never is a thing. Or if just anyone has a good resource that hits at these things that I can read about! But I realize this would be a one-shot thing... once you know the line, you know the line. So I don't know. Not worth it? Why not? Time, budget? Or just not a big deal in the first place? Only other example that comes to mind is a scene in Haunting of Hill House, where at one point they didn't tell the actors when specifically something was going to happen--so that when it did at random, they appear genuinely surprised. But I think that's a bit different from my specific example of that script dialogue. Thanks much for any input!
I just wanted to share my excitement with my fellow actors. I'm so happy!
My agent submits me to about everything. 2 days ago, I submitted a tape audition to a request he had sent to me, but the role was SAG, and I am not union. I was wondering, would I even have a chance at this role as a non-union person? The most I understand about the rules on this is, in Georgia, a right to work state, it would not matter, but I can't help but think that the CD will likely pick only from union actors first. It's gotten immensely competitive in Atlanta, and I know of out of state actors that are willing to come to Georgia from out of state, on their own dime, to perform when they are cast.
Long story short, joined a discord I found here and it had many people in it but it wasn't active and upon talking to the Owner he/she had left it to die more or less. SO I took it upon myself to create one that will have scheduled practice days for those interested, have resources and links, demo-reel help and a wide variety of other things. If anybody would like to join up great! If there are some who would like to help out and offer their knowledge for the newer voice actors also amazing! This is the Server link. (redacted) I look forward to meeting all of you! Edit: removed the link to avoid to much excessive influx of members now that a base group has been established. We will be running practice groups and general help days. If your interested message me and I'll see about getting you in. This is to just make sure those joining are interested and active. Thanks for everyone who's joined so far and helped with the resources and all!
I'm an aspiring actor, I'm 17 years old African-American male and have an agent in San Francisco. I've done some commercial work with some pretty big names and some short films. I want to pursue a career in acting, so I recently auditioned for a few drama schools (NYU, Fordham, UCLA, Pace) and I'm sitting around going through the auditions over and over in my head and trying to figure out what they thought of me. **I guess my question is, what exactly are these schools looking for??** I also have a pretty stacked resume with lots of proffesional work like commercials (Disney, Apple, GMC, Lego, etc..) + some short films and lots of theatre. Do they take this type of stuff into account during the admissions process? I don't understand how they can weed out hundreds of applicants into a class of less than 30 people. Wish me luck :)
Hey all! I made a [post a few weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceActing/comments/apgn7f/working_on_a_script_for_a_parodyabridged_video_of/) looking for voice actors for a video project of mine, revolving around abridging an animated show called *'Megaman NT Warrior'*. I know some of you may have already submitted your demo, but with so many interested, it's hard to keep track of who's demo is whose. For those that haven't, if you're interested in being a voice actor for my project, [sign up on this handy form!](https://bvrr.typeform.com/to/yT4Swk) Simply submit your info, and i'll be reaching out to everyone as soon as I have enough to go on, shouldn't be more than a week or two at most. ##Bear in mind, I plan on making this a long-term project. If you are chosen for a role, It would be expected that you would *stay* voicing that character. ^bear ^in ^mind ^i ^will ^be ^moving ^out ^of ^my ^current ^place ^into ^a ^new ^one ^during ^this ^time ^as ^well ^lol. **As far as compensation goes, it will be on a scene-by-scene basis, trying to stay between $20-30 each per scene, depending how long the scenes are. Thanks again guys! Hope to hear from you all soon!**
Hi! I’m a SAG-AFTRA actress who is also a single parent and I’m looking for working actor/parent groups in NYC. I searched on Facebook but haven’t found anything. Any suggestions? Thanks!
If you're making your own material what is the easiest (proven) way to get SAG? I understand that for most people you shouldn't get into SAG until you're ready. But I'm curious what the easiest quickest way is to get into SAG with your own work? I remember before, people found some loop hole and turned any poop-quality YouTube skit, and turned that into SAG. But I know for a few years SAG caught on and changed that.
I’m 15 in high school so spare me the title please because everything about college still kind of confuses me. But, I’m looking for a college that has good theatre or film majors in Los Angeles or New York that’ll teach me a lot and allow me to grow as an actress. I already know about LMU and I’m so in love with this college that I know it’ll be soul crushing if I get denied which is why I want to find some other colleges that I might possibly fall in love with so the rejection won’t hurt as much (if i get rejected). Not sure if this is bias but also any colleges that are similar to LMU that you guys could tell me about would be great!!
I’ve just been reading Sidney Lumet’s book “Making Movies” (it’s fantastic by the way) and in it he talks about his time working with Brando on the film The Fugitive Kind. Lumet says that Brando would test directors on his first day by giving them a ‘fake’ take and a ‘real’ take of the same shot. Supposedly if the director printed the fake one, he wouldnt bother putting any effort in for the rest of the picture as clearly the director couldn’t tell so why should he waste his efforts, basically. As an aspiring filmmaker myself, I wonder how I would tell the difference from a fake and real performance from an actor? It’s unlikely to ever happen, but Brando supposedly said they’d be almost identical but in one he was actually using his emotions and in one he wasn’t. If they were so identical that even the director could tell them apart, does it really matter? How would you be able to tell the real one from the fake? Is it the glint in the eye or something similarly subtle? Edit: spelling
I feel like this is a dumb question being as though there are a lot of prestigious actors/actresses who’ve started off in theatre. But I just wanted to ask anyway. I’ve studied film and have been apart of numerous projects but I’m relatively new to studying acting as I’ve never really put energy and focus in this specific aspect of filmmaking before until recently.
In October I went to an open casting call for a local project. Jan 22nd the producer messaged me to say that we'd be shooting the segment I'm in, in the third week of Feb and on day one it was seemingly decided that Saturdays would be shooting days. Yesterday, Saturday and the third week of Feb, the director posted about their shoot. I'm not sure if I got cut and wasn't made aware or if they're just behind. But there's only supposed to he three segments and they shot segment 3 yesterday. I messaged the producer and I'm waiting to hear back. I'm pretty disappointed. This was going to be my first ever role in anything. Some of the actors were brilliant and obviously have experience and some, like myself, are newer so it felt like a great place to start. I didn't feel like I was going to be the weakest link or under pressure to have an Oscar level performance. I've been nervous as hell and now that it was supposed to have been the time, I feel pretty let down. I know that I'm going to have countless rejections and let downs in front of me..so..I guess this is a milestone? Lol I was just so ready to start, you know? I imagine I have at least ten years before a breakout if I ever even get to that point so I was just so ready to start the countdown. Maybe it's for the best? Everything happens for a reason, right? I'm talking to a photographer about headshots and trying to fill out anyhow. Was hoping to get to add a project to my resume soon but this summer I have a chance. Wish me luck.
I am not an actor but I enjoy going to plays. However, there is one thing I see in plays that is like nails on a chalkboard. That is where a woman or 2 women walk around in circles screeching at one another. I know they need to project their voices, but they sound like they are about to break windows. Why is that?
Hello, We are at *Titanforged Entertainment* working on a **3D Multiplayer Tabletop RPG Game** that will be released on Steam later this year. You can think of it as ordinary board games but instead of boards we have environments. Instead of pieces/pawns we have characters. Here is a video and a screenshot to give you a better idea. We try not to spoil everything just yet :-) ​ **Video of Lobby Menu (With WoW music as a filler):** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9P8GYSoyXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9P8GYSoyXo) ​ **Chess environment:** [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524286425693421582/540226946383216661/HighresScreenshot00003.png](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524286425693421582/540226946383216661/HighresScreenshot00003.png) ​ **One of the characters:** [https://i.imgur.com/8lLx9Z6.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/8lLx9Z6.jpg) ​ We are currently looking for 4 male voice actors for 4 characters. We are also looking for 1 male and 1 female voice for the announcer's voice in the game. ***Your task will be to voice act the various quotes written for each of the character***. To give you a better idea, you can think of it as quotes for League of Legends characters. ​ **Please provide a portfolio when you contact me in Private message. Because of many applications, I'm not sure if I can answer you within the same hour.** # Character #1 - Announcer's Voice **Sex:** Male & Female **Age:** 45 years (MALE). 35 years (FEMALE) **Description:** This is the announcer of the game which is a background voice. He can be heard in-game after queuing up for a board game. He could say something like: "An ally has fallen!" or if it's the intro to the chess game "The enemy has breached the gate. Defeat them quickly!". You get the idea. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #2 - Knight **Sex:** Male **Age:** 40 years old **Description:** Humanoid knight. He is the symbol of justice and light. No evil shall stand in his way and he is ready to give his life for his kingdom. The last thing he would see is evil taking over and his kingdom falling. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #3 - Werewolf **Sex:** Male **Age:** 35 years old (Manly/deep Wolfish voice) **Description:** He was once good but is now corrupted by evil powers. The werewolf can not only speak to humanoids/demons but also animals. He hungers for food and eats anyone he sees crossing the Woods of Whispers. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #4 - Undead Bishop **Sex:** Male **Age:** 55 years old **Description:** He has lost hope in good and justice and believes that doing good doesn’t matter. It won’t make anything better. He is now with the evil force. Living in the Corrupted Grounds. A land between the living and the dead. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal. # Character #5 - Skeleton King **Sex:** Male **Age:** 60 years old (possibly a hoarse voice sounding like death) **Description:** He was the previous king of the Righteous Kingdom. He got corrupted by too much wealth and power. So much that he made enemies within his own walls. He got executed by an ally at night in his sleep. Now he is the king of the Death Realm. **Payment:** $0.30 for each word. Paypal.
Hello friends! I would be grateful if you could review my practice routine: ​ 1-I pronounce phonemes, one by one, while looking at a mirror to work on my lip shape and tongue position. 2-I read a short story out loud. I switch voice depending on whether I'm narrating or reading dialogue. I give each one of the characters a different voice based on context that I feel would fit them. 3-I shadow/mimic a professional voice actor for around a minute. I'm currently doing this with Ray Porter, since I love his style and voices. ​ This usually takes around thirty minutes. I've been following this routine every day for a while and I did notice a huge improvement. However, I have a feeling that I might be able to skip the first step. Should I do it? Also, knowing other people's routines might help me too, so feel free to share yours! :)