I have the grits to make it, but I need help. i want a team to work with. a mentor, somebody to see my value and hustle and talent that can perhaps help me out a little bit with advice, career guidance, etc. I wouldn't even mind "interning" or being an assistant to somebody that is established in the business, an opportunity to prove myself, to show my value, etc. i have agents but i get 0 auditions, while other people that don't even have reels or much experience have better reps and are going out for major paid auditions. i feel like i'm missing something. i'm in this for the long-haul but I need an opportunity to get my footing so I don't feel like a fish gasping for air out of water. if you can see the potential through these words, shoot me a PM, i'll send you a link to my website / reel / imdb / AA / la cast, etc. and maybe we can meet up and shit
Curious how people feel. A lot of in room auditions are just taped and sent to producers anyways but, I’m constantly travelling for work and finding a reader is a big problem. Most of the time I gotta use my phone and self read which has worked before. I just feel like there’s such a stigma of how professional people are trying to make their self tapes. It’s never been a big deal to me. What are some of your opinions?
Hey all! So I'll try and keep this brief. I've done theatre here and there throughout high school, college, and after college in community theatre & classes, but it's always just been a hobby I enjoyed. I've only had ensemble & small speaking roles. I genuinely love doing theatre, but I never saw it as a potential for a major/career. I felt like I didn't have "it" compared to the people who were really well versed in theatre. But still, my desire to act is something that never really went away. As I've gotten a bit older and more confident, I've started to think that maybe it is something I could actually do if I set my mind to it, so I've wanted to explore acting more. I decided to audition for a role at a community theatre in a small city I'm living in for a year. I figured a smaller theatre scene would be a great way to test the waters of my interest in acting after moving from a big city, but now I've been cast as Norman Reese in Out Of The Frying Pan by Francis Swann (a much meatier part than I anticipated getting). I'm really excited for the chance to really explore acting in greater depth and believe I have it in me. However, I've never been in this situation before and want to make sure I approach it the right way in terms of script/character analysis, memorizing lines, overall preparation, attitude, etc. I would be so appreciative of any advice, general acting tips or pitfalls to avoid from actors who have had major parts in live productions. Thanks for your time!
I’m open to Skype calls or watching an online master class I just don’t want to be scammed. Does anyone have a website or place where I can go for resources!???
One of the things I love about Reddit is that in a little over a month I’ve been able to meet and give guidance to actors all over the world...all in my free time on set between camera set ups. Some of them live in small towns in rural areas...some in the US, UK and as far as Turkey. They have this deep desire to act and just don’t have the access to classes or coaching...or any kind of community theater. What can they do? What can you do? The first thing I recommend is learning a monologue and then videoing it. You can’t possibly know if acting is for you until you try it. You’ll need to analyze the script, memorize it, imagine that you are really speaking to someone and see them reacting to you. If you are not sure how to do this, I have posted and commented quite a bit about it. Your goal is to look and feel as real as possible. If you need help finding a monologue...ask me. You should also immerse yourself in great acting performances. YouTube is a wonderful resource for watching films, masterclasses, interviews and advice videos. Start to notice what makes a great performance and what makes a bad one. Read books about acting. Read plays. Read screenplays. Since your goal as an actor is to be as real as you can possibly be, observing how you are in everyday life is a great teacher. Notice how different you are with different people and how your environment affects you. Your life is your resource. Actors are students of themselves and life in general. Observe the different personalities of the people in your everyday life, as well. Everyone is a character. What motivates them? How did they come to be the way they are? See if you can find at least one person who might be interested in acting with you...even if just for fun. Get the script for a play or screen play and do a scene together. Maybe start a group of people that get together to read plays...which might grow into a theater group. You may find there are quite a few people who are aching for an opportunity to try acting - and theater is a wonderful community building activity. And you will find that as a founder of the group you will have a bit more control of what it becomes than if it were already in existence. Here on Reddit I have created an opportunity to be in a virtual acting class. For as long as my schedule permits, I am donating my time to teach and give feedback to actors who are seeking guidance. I am a professional acting coach in Hollywood, so if you are interested, join me at r/Actingclass. I am a big believer that the desires of the heart and soul are never there by accident. Do not ignore them. If this is something you really want there IS a lot you can do to get started. Don’t just wish and dream. Act on it. ACT!
How do you balance school work/classes and making it to auditions and shoots? Do you have to take a lot of time off? Generally just wondering how the experience has been acting while also pursuing education! :)
If not, which schools are teaching something different? My place is behind the scenes, writing/directing/cinematography, but to be perfectly honest I do not like modern realist styles, which are all rooted in method acting and ultimately in Stanislavski’s theories. I really prefer the older styles of acting which did not hold onto the pretense of realism, you still see it in the theatre but in English language film it is quite rare.
Hi everyone! I need some advice on self-tapes. I've heard mixed reviews. Do you memorize your sides or do you use them as you would at an in-person cold read when you do self-tapes? Thanks!
A week ago I submitted myself online for a role of being a stand in/photo double after I saw I matched the physical description they were looking for. The only information on the submission was that the play was being produced by a well known actor. The submission listed the actor, however I want to omit that for privacy reasons. Yesterday I received a call from the casting director directly stating I looked perfect for the part and was offered the position. Originally, I was going to meet with the production team to confirm I am a fit, however later on he told me that wasn't necessary and that I should just call the second AD tomorrow. Is it unusual to not meet with the production team in person before working as a stand in? I understand I am not the most important person on set, however this seems a little strange to me. I have a full time job that I fully plan on taking a months absence on to pursue this project. I just wish I had more information on the scope of this project to make sure it's going to be fully worth the experience. From other people that have worked as stand ins, how valuable has this experience been in your acting career? Am I in a good position to build connections and network with other people or am I just viewed as a body to fill a space?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
Who do you guys think is the greatest actor of all time? Not in terms of popularity but in terms of actual acting (getting into character, conveying strong emotions, diverse body of work and roles). Past and present! I’m sure everyone will have different opinions which is great, so I look forward to seeing what you guys think! :)
We've all heard them.
Here's mine:
I just want to say that I wish to thank you Ms. Hiller for your contribution to the subreddit and to acting. I had a question also , please. Ms. Hiller you mentioned in one of your lovely posts (which I cannot find) that the character does not know what is going to happen (as in real life) and does not know precisely what they are going to say in an interaction a few lines down the dialogue. What techniques may we use if we wished to bring this to film ? meaning how do we create an environment on set (some industry giants use minimal equipment and crew and distractions) and what minimal process or motivations or information can we provide to the actor (some legends just provide the actors with motivations and hints and mild direction on the day of the shoot and encourage improvisation on set) in order to enable them to have the magic of the first take (the authenticity and genuine immediacy of it). p.s. I am asking the other readers to kindly avoid responding frivolously or unkindly (observe netiquette ) and permit Ms. Hiller or serious responses only p.p.s if you are a lurker who is downvoting this, explain why please. ( it is likely a moderator)
I need a copy of the handbook in order to prepare a presentation on some of the rules, but am unable to access a full copy anywhere unless I am already an equity member or a producer. Does anyone know where I could find it online, or if anyone has a copy they would be able to send to me. ​ Appreciate the help from the community!
As a Comedy based Youtuber, my main goal is to inspire, become an actor, and make people laugh. Im someone who likes to be creative and understands that Youtube is essentially one of the best free platforms to show off that creativity. My channel consists of Skits, Vlogs, Characters, and Challenges. If you're interested you can check out my channel and i would love some feedback.. Thank you! r/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfzydgQ5jOs
I’ve been having a really difficult fucking time finding agent I’m in the dmv area and every agency in the area is just a fucking scam and I need to find one soon