So this is an opinion of mine that may not be popular with some, but I figured I would see what you guys think.
You: "I haven't been booking as much as I would like to"
Person: "You could always make your own content!"
This is not bad advice at all, and for those who can create their own quality content, by all means can. But what about those who can't. Of course you are probably saying to yourself "You can always make your own content", but I am here to say I would want to make my own content that actually matters. Filming yourself doing a monologue with your phone in bad lighting is great and all, but it's not really going to grab those Youtube views or attention. What I am trying to say by "can't" order to make GOOD quality content, you need a good camera, lights, mic, boom, etc, etc, etc. All things that cost money. So...what if you don't have money to get your own equipment to make your own content? Of course! Look for other people who do have their own equipment and colab with them! To that I say...what if you are in an area that there truly are no people who either A.) Don't have that equipment or B.) Don't want to create with you. SO, now you are back at square money, and no quality content to create.
The advice of "If you are not getting bookings you should make your own content" is extremely poor in my opinion, because it is not that simple for some people. It's also extremely frustrating because you know shorts, webseries, films, PSAs, commercials, etc. are being filmed all the time and yet you are told to make your own content instead of getting advice on how to get booked on THOSE examples I just gave. I know you shouldn't compare yourself to already successful actors, but I don't remember seeing youtube shorts from Tom Holland, Chris Pine, or (Insert another actor who didn't have to make their "own content" to be successful).
Now I know there will be those that say "If you have the passion, you'll find a way to make it work" and that's great and all. But, it would be nice to receive some actual real advice. I hope this little rant doesn't offend anyone, and I thought it would be interesting to share. I know many people will disagree with this post. Thank you for reading!
For a website, where do actors usually go to do that? I don't know a whole lot about starting a website. I think I would definitely use "myname".com but do actors usually use go-daddy? And what are the approximate costs for starting one and maintaining it? I think I also have heard of Weebly? Let me know guys! Thanks
Acting class is a little microcosm of the real world of acting. There are lots of people there who say they want to be actors. They sign up, pay the fee and show up for class. They all have these things in common. But this is where the similarities end. From then on the teacher will begin to see the students in different groups. 1. There will be a few people who will always come to class on time. They listen attentively to what the teacher has to say and take notes. They will be prepared with the given assignment and will be anxious to be the first to get up in class to perform. They have something to perform in every single class. They WELCOME constructive criticism. They love to learn how to improve and never argue with the teacher’s opinion. They follow direction and work on implementing what the teacher suggests. They pay attention to the performances of the other students and take notes on the teacher’s comments to them. They realize that what the teacher says concerning the other students applies to them as well. They are supportive of the other students and enjoy working with others. They see every part of class as an opportunity to learn and grow. If they feel stuck or at a standstill, they seek a private coach to help them facilitate a breakthrough. These are the people who improve quickly and begin to get work the soonest, because they are always seeking and creating opportunities to perform. They love acting and will do whatever it takes to be on stage or in front of a camera...making their own acting companies and producing their own films. They are diligent about growing as an artist throughout their lives 2. The next group of acting students seems excited and committed at first. But they don’t really like getting critiqued by the teacher. They want to be perfect the first time and only want to hear positive feedback. In fact it makes them depressed and defeated to hear about what they are doing wrong. They don’t pay attention to the other students and are always impatient for their turn. They begin to slack off on assignments, waiting until everyone else performs first. They start to miss class because of conflicts (although they always have a great excuse). They are critical of other students and are not available to work with them. They are often jealous and bitter when they hear other actors are getting work. They feel life is against them and the world is unfair. They quit acting and spend the rest of their lives with regrets and resentment. 3. The last group of students are always in class. It’s almost enough for them to just be there. They work minimally to prepare and never attempt to put what they learn into practice. They lack confidence and drive. They enjoy calling themselves actors but they are afraid of being rejected. They’d rather play it safe and just study until they are “ready”. But they will never be ready, because they never take risks in class and never take risks in life. Before they know it, life has passed them by and they have never tried to put their skills to use in the professional world. ...always secretly longing for more. I hope everyone in my class will be in the first group. Those who are that kind of student are that kind of actor outside of class...and that kind of person in every aspect of their lives. And they succeed. Since we are an on online class, those of you who don’t participate will not even be known. Those who do not come back with a second try at following the teacher’s direction are not challenging themselves to grow and learn. It’s not the same as being in an in-person acting class. But there are lessons, assignments and the opportunity to get feedback from a professional. This is an chance for you to try something you haven’t thought of...push through the tendency to stay where you are. And if there are no classes where you can study elsewhere in your area, you can learn so much, right here. For now, I am available and giving you my time, free of charge. Be the kind of actor who puts being the best they can be, first...over ego, over fear, overcoming the odds. You are the only thing you have control over in this life. But there is so much YOU can it! Winnie Hiller r/Actingclass
I had an audition at 1pm, the guy rolls in at 1:30. I was gone already, becuase professionals don’t do shit like that. He sends me a deuchey text message. Seriously? I didn’t even respond. I’m so tired of this crap. How am I ever supposed to progress in this “industry” if this is how people behave? I refuse to audition for free work anymore, and I refuse to self tape for ULB stuff because it just feels so demeaning. I just want to work with professionals, people that have consideration and respect for others time and effort, and respect the fact that I’m a trained actor that cares about my craft. All I get are bullshit auditions from self submissions, my agents don’t even get me professional stuff. What is the point? This isn’t fun, I’m not progressing, it all just feels like a waste of time. I don’t even know what to do anymore.
I’m a filmmaker in pre-production for my first picture, not an actor, but obviously acting is somewhat integral to what I’m doing. In the context of my work, I do not like the more naturalistic Stanislavski influenced style, what I’m going for is the more representational acting that we see in old Hollywood, for instance. My problem is that I can’t find the words to express this, the best that I could come with is “you’re playing [character], not *being* [character]” but that can be easily misinterpreted to mean “be unconvincing” or that I’m going for a Brechtian distancing effect, which isn’t really what I want. So I’ve decided to just demonstrate what I mean by an example, but I am having a bit of difficulty separating my favorite examples of old Hollywood style acting from the best examples of what I’m talking about, so if you could name some I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you.
I'm thinking of United Talent or William Morris. I am not at all in a place to sign up with them. I want to know how the procedure works. A friend of a friend if a friend signed up with CAA. Her resume wasn't huge. She had a few principal or supporting role each year since 2017. Maybe 10 credits total. She is not American, so she must have been able to get an O-Visa somehow. I tried messaging her to ask her some questions, but she didn't respond. That is why I am posting on here. How did it happen to you or someone you know? Is emailing them directly with a good resume and demo reel enough? I want to keep this post broad and open ended, so comment anything that might be relevant. I am super curious about this.
Let everyone know what you're working on right now. Post links to webseries, plays, clips, anything you want. Promote your own work and see what everyone else is doing. Even if you just had a great audition, let us know about it.
I was wondering how actors trained for spontaneous reactions (laughing, crying, etc.), without making it appear forced. Or is it a quality some people have a better knack for than others?
I've read a lot of books on learning that say the way to get good at something is to use deliberate practice. My question is how do you apply this to a more objective skill like acting?
I have an idea about the "types" I can play/ want to highlight for my reel, but I want a complete stranger's opinion based on first look. I've heard SAG organizes some sessions where you can just stand quietly in front of other actors and they'll write down what type they see in you, so I thought I'd try it here. Thanks! (This is not my headshot; just a candid)
[]( I went to the Crisis Actors website to join the cast in 2013 and my application was accepted. After posting a few comments exposing the hoax I was suddenly banned. This video includes a telling scene where Robbie Parker is seen smiling and grinning to the audience immediately before he puts his actor skills in character to portray a father who's child was allegedly shot to death the previous day. Masonic symbolism in this scene is unmistakable. Sandy Hook - David Wheeler Exposed as Actor and Fake FBI Sniper []( FBI RECORDS SHOW NO DEATHS AT SANDY HOOK (Barry Soetoro) []( Social Security Records Reveal No Deaths at Sandy Hook []( Sandy Hook Update 2018: Jim Fetzer on Brian Ruhe Show []( This high resolution video provides fresh and expanded insight into a major capstone event and Psychological operation intended to deceive the American people on the need for gun control. These PsyOps too frequently play on the emotions of the public by using children as the target of staged shooting violence.
Hey guys! So last month I got an email that said I had been recommended for a role in a short film. I was really excited and I read the script and it was kinda weird but would be good for my reel. The footage is unlike anything else I have so I accepted the role without pay, which I haven't had go do in years. Apparently one of my friends from a few years back recommended me when the first actress dropped out. Tonight was a rehearsal with an updated script and ... the director asked us if we had any questions and a costar asked about a line that was odd and the director let slip that the only people who would see the "short" would be investors who had already read the feature length script... the short isn't even a short, it's a trailer... granted it's about 10 minutes long but it has so many plot holes and weirdness about it that now it's just so obvious. This is probably why the other actress dropped out and some of the other roles had dropped actors too. I feel cheated. No one is going to see it. It's on IMDb as a short film but so what? Were supposed to shoot this weekend... I feel like I'm just being used at this point. I dont know if this is just a rant or if I want advice but I'm a really good actress and I only run into scammers... Los Angeles is so lame. What should I do?
I was about 4 or 5. I would see my great uncle quite a lot and I remember he'd always turn on Shirley Temple movies for me. I loved them and would always sing along to the songs. I had curly hair like she did and one day, my uncle jokingly said, "You could be the new Shirley Temple!" This is the very first time I thought about being an actress. I was immediately enthralled with the idea and this fascination has stayed with me all the way into adulthood. What's your story?
Hey guys! Going back into my second year of graduate school on Saturday. Soon afterwards we'll have auditions for the Fall productions, which are Night of the Iguana and Cabaret. I'm a soprano with a good voice and a character actor. Roles I've played include The Mother in Machinal, M. Papillion in Rhinocerous and The Chorus of Marat/Sade and Hugo (a boy) in The Garden Party. I'm also a pretty good physical theater actor and do lots of devised theater. What do you think I should do for my audition? I'm a huge fan of Sondheim and other such composers. I'm going for one of the German Frau's in Cabaret and the butch voice teacher in Iguana.
Looking to hire actors for a web series filming in NYC. Can anyone suggest any free places to post??
This is from All my Sons by Arthur Miller. I've done some TV/Film but I'm mostly a stage actor, just hoping to get some feedback!