I’m not an actor but I am fascinated with the craft and the world of acting. I'm thinking like a dance routine where the choreography is set before you, and you practice bits and pieces at a time, from beginning to end, or however you practice it, and then you put it all together. Are there acting practicing basics you should practice every day? For example, is it reading a script, internalizing character info, and feeling the character's emotions, and then act it out while filming yourself, and rewatching the footage?
Hey everybody. Just wanted to drop by and say thank you all for the support. Know that I have your back too! I want to see us all make it! Have an amazing week ahead! IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6885685/?ref_=nv_sr_1
I’m eligible to join SAG. I’m trying to get involved in more films and think having a SAG card would be beneficial but I’m also aware that SAG membership is expensive. Should I join SAG?
Probably a dumb question, but how do people without prior big roles, such as Katherine Langford (being from outside the US), apply for the lead role of a Netflix TV show? Are there many auditions for Netflix shows available to be completed online? Sorry if this has been answered already, just curious. Thanks in advance!
This fascinates me, this idea that there are actors out there who use coffee as part of their life's routine to get them in the mood to practice whatever they are working on, whether it's preparing for an audition, or is on set in their trailer preparing, drinking coffee. I guess what I'm asking is - are actors actively aware of what they put into their bodies because they know it'll affect their ability to use their working memory to work? Are there actors out there famously known to eat drink or take something in order to ... act.
(Sorry if this is hard to read, I was nervous and excited when writing this and couldn't really put my thoughts down on "paper") Heyo! WHO I AM: I am a 17 about to be 18 years old guy from Sweden looking to get into acting. I just have a couple of questions about school, classes and acting in general and also about my "plan". Currently I am not doing much about acting, I am watching movies, trying to read more books (currently reading Jenna Fischer's book "The Actor's Life: A Survival Guide" and I love it so far! I am on chapter 2) and looking into a class that I will be able to take at the start of next year. (need to be 18 to take it, something about being mature and not immature) Don't know if you care but I will list the reasons as to why I want to be an actor. The main reason is because I would like to travel to different times and to be different people and explore their stories and such. Another reason is because I LOVE movies, series and awesome stories and would love to be able to be a part of those things. MY PLAN: My so called "plan" was to take a break from school a whole year after finishing high school(?) to practice acting, taking classes, reading plays, learning monologues and so on. Maybe even audition for some student films or commercials, I don't know, I am totally new to this. And then after that year audition for an acting school because by then I will have more experience. THE QUESTIONS: Now onto the questions. The main question I have is, is it okay to start going to acting school (college) not directly after finishing the year I am in now? (Not sure what the year is called in america, sorry) The reason as to why I am not going to college directly after is because I don't have any experience of acting at all and I can't take a class until I am 18 and I won't learn everything from one class. So, won't just learning the basics take a year or so? Or is that something you learn in college? Do you need experience from before to go to an acting college? Do I need to know the basics before or do I learn that in college? THE END PART and SUMMARY: So I guess all of this really leads to just one question, do I need any experience when auditioning for an acting college, do I learn the basics there? I am so nervous getting into acting because I am not usually someone to take a lot of space around people but I find all of this very exciting, taking classes, auditioning, learning the craft and acting. //An aspiring actor! EDIT: Forgot to add some questions. What are some general tips about acting and how to practice it you can teach me, what are things I can do to practice acting? Any comments would really do it for me!
I'm new to Vancouver and also new to pursuing acting as a career. I have experience through school and community theater but I am not sure what my next step should be. I want to get a headshot but I am very overwhelmed with options. Everything seems to cost at least $300 and there are so many companies to sift through. How important is it for a beginner to drop that kind of money on a headshot? Or should I use it some other way?
I have a request to send "contrasting scenes" to an agent. One scene I chose is the "Maybe I'm not good enough" scene in La La Land (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSYQD1BBx7I), and the other that I'm looking at is the scene from "Good Night, and Good Luck." where George Clooney's character is confronting the two Colonels in his office. (For those who haven't seen it, I can't find the scene on YouTube, but it's page 14 from the screenplay - http://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/Good_Night_and_Good_Luck.pdf) For those familiar - would those two scenes be contrasting? For some reason, I have a hard time figuring that out.
I'm new to LA from NYC. I've made a few no-budget shorts and I'd like to take it to the next level with other actors, writers, directors, DPs, editors, etc. Really want to get a good group of people together, a solid crew of passionate people in this for life, to make shorts and eventually get budgets and funding (so we can make money off of this) and get some passion projects into festivals. I'm a pretty chill guy with infinite ideas and a pretty decent knowledge of the business. If you have any equipment that's a huge plus obviously, but mostly I'm looking for cool people to actually be friends with and make cool shit together. hit me up if you're interested!
Whether they are physically demanding, complex to decipher, were once portrayed to perfection by Marlon Brando and impossible to match. I'd just like to hear what you guys think.
as someone who is sort of ugly (not like rocky dennis but far from model quality) is trying to get representation through a modelling and acting agency a stupid idea? I'd like to be going on more auditions than I currently am and they obviously get the "inside" stuff. up until now i've only been going based on what I can find in facebook groups and googling hahah. I know someone who's currently got representation through them and he's been going out on quite a few auditions, but he started with them as a model so he's obviously pretty good looking. they have "open calls" every month or so and i'm considering going to check one out.
Hey y’all, There’s a very small community theatre company in my state producing The Who’s Tommy. They were in need of guys, so they asked my theatre program’s director for actors, and my director gave them my name. They have reached out to me, and I told them I would be interested if it would work out with my already insane schedule (2 other shows, on top of full class schedule and work). Would it be in bad taste to ask what roles are still available?
Hi, this is Winnie Hiller. I’m an acting coach in LA and have been posting lots of acting lessons here. Check them out if you wish. I just got a couple questions about monologues today in private messages, so I thought I should share about this interesting form of acting. Monologues can be an important tool for auditioning. They show up embedded in various lengths within every kind of script. But in reality they really don’t exist. You may think that a monologue is just one person talking. In fact, there is no such thing as a monologue. It is always a dialogue. You are speaking to someone for a reason. You are having a conversation. They have the opposite opinion of you. You want them to change their mind. Otherwise you wouldn’t be talking so much. But even when they are not speaking, they are giving you feedback. You never memorize speeches to give to people in real life (I hope). You speak to someone in reaction to something that has happened or has been said. You reply. You will then see a response in their face and body language. They nod or shake their head. You can almost guess what they are about to say and you respond before they do. Then, before they have a chance to say what you know they are going to say next, you have another reply. You may be dominating the conversation, but it is, nevertheless, a conversation. The other person is making you say what you are saying. When you see that a certain tactic isn’t working on them, you change to another one. They cause it all. The scene is really not about you. It’s about trying to get them to change. So monologue acting is just like acting anything else, with this big difference. You actually need to create two characters...the one you are playing and the one you are imagining is reacting to you...who you are, in turn, responding back to. Acting is always a tennis game. You are volleying back and forth your attempts to score with the person you are speaking to. In fact, there are no statements in acting...EVER. At least there shouldn’t be. You should always be responding. Acting is reacting. Statements isolate you from the action of the scene. If your monologue lacks life...passion...involvement...it is probably because you are acting alone and that is never interesting. You must never be stating your case. You must be persuading another person as they are opposing. Even if you are doing a soliloquy, alone on stage, you must also create another person to speak to. It is often another part of yourself, or God or an imaginary friend. Occasionally you will change points of view with them...going back and forth between perspectives, playing devils advocate in a discussion. But there is alway an argument...a focus for your intent. When you are preparing a monologue, always imagine the conversation leading up to your first line. Then continue to imagine it as a conversation. If the other person was speaking, what would they be saying? You can tell by what you answer in the next line. All of your lines are answers. ALL of them. When I see videos of monologues here, this is almost always the missing factor. Unless you are creating the impression of purpose and relationship in your performance, it will be ineffective. And that is what most agents are looking for when they watch you act alone, whether they know it or not. It is that connection that creates the impression of true interaction. It’s what you must strive for, no matter what you are acting...alone or not. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Winnie Hiller
I like to listen to podcasts during car rides. Recently it struck me that there are probably good podcasters in the acting space, so I took a look around on Pocket Casts. There are podcasters, but I'm not sure if any of them are good. Do you listen to any? Recommendations would be appreciated!
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s an important class but I just don’t like how it’s been taught to me and I’ve had 3 different teachers. Not a debate, I’m just curious since everyone one of my actor friends seem to like it so much for some reason.
You know, everyone always talks about how ruthless and cutthroat this industry is and how hard it is for new actors to get in but, on some fronts, I have to disagree. Today, I had a masterclass with Carrie McNulty (She's a former professional actor and now is an educator and director) and the one thing I have to give to the people in the acting world is that they don't lie to you. Everyone tells the complete truth, even if they do have a degree in pretending. Towards the end of the class, she asked us (A group of teen actors) what kind of opportunities we had where we are. After we all confirmed that there is close to nothing (A few shows a year and some dance classes) compared to any city of our size in the state, she was genuinely shocked. "You are young actors and I will treat you as no less. It is hard but the lack of opportunities for you all it disgusting and degrading, I will do everything in my power to help you guys, until then, come down to Grand Rapids, we will welcome you with open arms." I believe her wholeheartedly. So many other people i the industry are like this. While there may be competition and cruelness in the industry, everyone wants everyone to succeed, especially those new to the business. I just find it completely overwhelmingly joyful. That's it, really. Please tell your stories.
Hello all! Sorry if this is a naive or duplicate post, I’m really new to backstage and just need some pointers on how it works. I’m very new to acting and I’m trying to get small auditions for experience and practice (and who knows, maybe I’ll impress someone!) I submitted...