Hey! I’m 14 and I really want to get into acting, no like seriously, one of my ‘goals’ is to become a movie/TV actor, what are some general good starts? I feel I’m too young and my city is small as hell, so like only 1-2 Drama Schools, but even those I don’t know if they work with teens. I live in Brazil if that’s any help.
*Hello* *We have a few new seats available for the xxxx Workshop on hhhvbbb* *She is about to begin casting for the many episodes of the many TV shows she is casting and is looking for actors of all ages and all sizes and shapes. This would be an amazing opportunity for you to spend the day with her to remind her who you are and to show her your talent. In the past, she has engaged many many our agency's actors in her shows.* *This is a workshop not an audition but she will collect your headshot and updated xxxxr resume and she will keep these on file for future consideration.* Here is a second pne: *Hello!* *XXCCCC has requested a workshop with our actors. She is actually looking for actors who she knows from workshops to bring in for roles in her episodic. XXXX is just about to wrap the big Union featured series XXXX and is getting started on her next two huge non union series, as well as her usual TV Shows. She only picks actors that she knows to come in for auditions because she knows what they look like in person and also how they could handle a role. She only brings in about 6 or 7 actors per role so she is very specific. If she does not know you she usually will not pick you. This is your opportunity to get in front of her. If you have never taken a workshop with xxxx I would strongly suggest this one. If you have been in a workshop with xxxxx I would strongly suggest you register for this one. She is about to start casting for her new Multi Episodic productions and will need many actors to fill the many roles. In the past, she has used our actors in almost every episode she casts. She has asked me already about a couple of actors she remembered from workshops attended in the past.* *This would be your chance to show her what you have. If you can make it out to this workshop you will have a great day with her, getting to know her and getting her to know you. In the past actors who have participated in her Pre Casting workshops have been quite successful Remember, this is a workshop NOT an audition. * It's not an audition but it seems a bit playing into people's hopes.... thoughts? They email me this like every week. These are legit CDs though. I just get annoyed because I feel like they are busy promoting these things like all the time.
Hey wassup guys. I have recently started a podcast and it’s really mainly focused towards actors and just chasing your dreams. About 3 to 4 times a week I have actors on my show and we just discuss everything there is to know in the industry. I am also an actor myself I just thought it would be super interesting to just discuss how they deal with auditions, working a 9 to 5 while doing it, rejection, social media.. everything. My ig is @ZacKlassen and you can download and find episodes on my site www.zacklassen.com feel free to check them out
So i’m going to start looking for work soon for my day job. I’m just going through a legal name change so i don’t really want to start working until it’s done. But, i wanted to get an idea of what day jobs other actors have. If you’ve had multiple, what were your favorite and least favorite jobs? Why? Thanks in advance!
Hello. I am looking for a acting agent who doesn't need Spotlight.https://m.imdb.com/name/nm7030140/. I have tried asking on Facebook but everyone on their are so up themselves and always trying to put me down. Can anyone suggest anyone who doesn't require Spotlight??
Lol. Ok I’m thinking this isn’t legitimate but just humor me lol. There’s this group on Facebook called “talent managers for actors” and they say casting directors/ agents are in the group and every Sunday you can post your headshot / resume and people apparently get signed every Monday. It’s ran by a women named Wendy Alane Wright and she says she’s an agent? I am pretty skeptic about this as the agency’s i see people getting signed to don’t appear to be on google. Anyone heard of this?
I've been trying to look for community theaters in Los Angeles, and it has been extremely difficult to find some near where I live. I tried Google, but there would be alot of professional theater groups/troupes or playhouses in the searches. I live near downtown LA & don't have a car, so I have to rely on public transit. Are any community theater groups in LA that y'all can recommend for me to look into? As a beginner actor, I just want to try to practice acting in a real, more professional setting.
Hi i'm 15 years old and i'm an aspiring actor but i am to shy to go to any place that can help me practice it like a theater or a drama school or something similar i dont want to avoid them i really want to do it but all i have ever known is that my ``friends`` say that drama is for weirdos and theater is a girly thing and i have been to much of a wimp to go and im really looking for any help possible!
I'm working on a project and I'd love your input. If there was a resource (book, course, etc.) that covered the business aspects of being an actor, what questions would you want/need/like to see in there?
Hello everyone,new user here. I have a question about self taped auditions. I have been invited to send in a self tape for a movie being filmed in my area. I have been directed to get the sid s from Shadowfax. Th nstructions specified that in order to get the...
When I signed my contract with my agent, she explicitly stated that I was NOT allowed to submit myself for things anymore on actors access or sites similar (except for small student films). However, I still occasionally check to see what new breakdowns there are and I found a role that I’m very interested in. Obviously I can’t submit myself, so how can I go about asking my agent to submit me? I’ve only just recently signed with her so I don’t want to annoy her by asking her to submit me when I’m sure she already is doing the best she can to get me in the room.
So I'm currently in a play in a community theater. Tldr, director is majorly critical of my interpretation of a character in front of the entire cast. Then proceeds to ask for a number of results. Then stamps my character with a ridiculous and exceptionally particular voice. I feel like a marionette, not an actor. And now my throat is killing me from the (imo poor creative decisions he's forcing on me). He's trying to control intonation, timing of lines, the way I speak, pitch of my voice, energy, etc. I went up to him and asked him for a "seed not a tree" to grow the tree he wants. He gave me nothing other than a list of other actors to imitate. What do?
Use this thread to post your headshots for feedback, get info on your age range/type, find good headshot photographers, ask any questions you may have about headshots. If you are posting a DIY headshot for feedback, and not just a snapshot in order to get feedback on your age range/type/etc, it is advised that you do at least some basic research on what actor headshots look like--composition, framing, lighting. You will find a Google Image search for "actor headshots" to be very helpful for this. For what it's worth, the branding workshop at SAG-AFTRA recommends a five-year age range. That's inclusive, so for example 19-23, 25-29, 34-38, etc.
This is something I've been curious about for a while. Personally, I've been a big fan of Jung for a bit now. When I learned about the connections between psychoanalysis and dianetics something in my mind clicked. Like, the whole Scientology thing is very weird. And I like understanding things in all their nuance. So the question of the prominence of Scientology in Hollywood actually fascinates me. Is it incidental to acting or is there something more to it? Jungian psychoanalysis at least is a highly complex and imaginative symbolic process. It makes sense to me that there would be highly complex and imaginative mental processes underlying the cognition of highly complex and imaginative people versed in semiotics. Implying that for highly talented actors with different internal characteristics of this type driving their talent, wellness may be reliant on entirely symbolic processes. Explaining the rise of Hollywood Scientology as a flawed approximation of the medicine that actors need in a world without meaning or dreams. But psychoanalytical techniques are totally rad. Maybe not so much the Freudian ones where all you ever seem to talk about is sleeping with your parents. But the imaginative Jungian ones are super cool. So, my question to you is, do you use anything Jungian (Ex. Archetypes) in your acting?
I've seen a few really positive references to Jeff Seymour's "Real Life Acting" podcast and book, and I'm four or five episodes into the podcast and I'm not getting it. I certainly get his premise that many acting techniques can overly complicate things for the actor and distance us from the material rather than involve us in it, but he has yet to really say what his approach is in comparison and most of his attacks on established acting classes/techniques are either straw men or he's putting down a class he's heard about that is just obviously a terrible acting class. I'm sure I should read his book if I really want to understand what he teaches, but there are a couple of other books on my list that I really need to get to first. I was just hoping that since people have seemed to respond really strongly to him here, someone could help point me to what his actual process is, or an episode of the podcast that might be more constructive than what I've heard so far.
In your opinion or observation... I would say based on what I've seen, average isn't all that great. Certainly some actors are amazing. But even the average working actor doesn't seem to be too remarkable. What do you think?
I had an audition today around 7:15 PM, and it's currently 11 PM where I live. Callbacks are tomorrow evening. I am a beginning actor, so it's killing me wondering if I should have been notified by now. When is a good time to assume I haven't been called back?
I have been offered an audition for a lead in an American Tv show. Highly acclaimed network. I’m not American nor do I have a visa. I’m sure that wouldn’t be a problem otherwise the Casting Director and my agent wouldn’t offer me an audition. However I don’t at all expect to get it, even if my audition is AMAZING, because I imagine they would already be in talks with already famous or up and coming actors to play this part. I’m from Australia, have no representation in America and my rep here isn’t one of the best either. I love her, and I book commercials and sometimes guest roles in my home country, but I always imagine the bigger agencies throwing their clients before me. Am I right?