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The cost of living & pursuing acting in NYC & LA simply does NOT equate. It’s all fucking stacked agains you and I’m drowning no matter what I do. by asdgkjbaslkgjb  •  last post Mar 14th

I’ve been trying this for going on 4 years now, having tried both cities. Each year I make less and less waiting tables and bartending. Now it seems like every job is 25,000 a year MAX. Please, tell me how you survive in NYC or LA on 25,000 a year. Show me the room that’s actually affordable not 2 hours away, let alone one that can be adequate to film a professional self tape. Show me where to grocery shop. Show me which acting classes are affordable. Show me what workshops are affordable. What headshots or ANYTHING acting related I would be able to afford. Not only that but now, restaurant managers seem to want complete open availability or they won’t hire you, so how do you even hold ANY kind of commitment outside of that job? Then, they refuse to give you full time, and refuse to be flexible with scheduling so you can work a 2nd job. So it’s juat a trap. But then, no other survival jobs pay enough to as restaurants do! But then full time jobs, as if they are so easy to get in the first place (these days they are not, becuase plenty of people are competing for them that ARENT actors), don’t give you flexibility for classes, or auditions, or shoots. I mean, I’m at my wits end here. I’ve already lost reps I worked so so hard to get becuae I didn’t have enough money saved to make it work. I want to cry. I want to beat my head against a wall. I truly, truly don’t know how to do this anymore. Literally, the math does not compute, and it’s only getting more expensive and I make less money. How in gods name do any of you do this? I’m just going backwards further and further with no escape or chance to rebuild, I’m drowning. It’s just insane and not doable. How does anybody do this? Please, help me here with advice or suggestions. I can’t move “home” as I don’t have a “home”. Something has to give here, it really does.

East Coast Auditions by Blueberry  •  last post Mar 13th

Hi everyone I just recently moved back to the east coast from L.A. and I‘m trying to find the best casting sites out here to submit for Auditions. What’s the equivalent to Actors Access, Backstage, and LA Casting but on the east coast? I know each of those sites have...

Are film actors required to do press junkets? by cousindiego  •  last post Mar 13th

Is it a required part of the job to go on TV shows, interviews, magazines, etc to promote their show?

Actors needed by ashalam14  •  last post Mar 13th

We are casting for our short film ‘From the Ashes’ which is about the loss of romantic love and overcoming the triggered mental health issues. Filming will take place in East London and surrounding areas from 26th of March for two weeks, which will include about 2 whole days of filming and possible reshoots. The main character is Ryley (female, 20s) who is troubled, heartbroken and numb. The role will include some scenes of intoxication (alcohol, cigarettes, no drugs) and very short sexual scenes with both males and females (no nudity). We are also looking for the main character’s love interest Rene (female, 20s). This role involves limited dialogue and scenes of intimacy (cuddling, kissing) with the main character, Ryley. Casting call PUT THIS EVERYWHERE EV E R V <> Wed 07/03/2018 12:48 Show all 4 recipients To: Zak Osbon <>; Emma Whittaker <>;... We are casting for our short film ‘From the Ashes’ which is about the loss of romantic love and overcoming the triggered mental health issues. Filming will take place in East London and surrounding areas from 26th of March for two weeks, which will include about 2 whole days of filming and possible reshoots. The main character is Ryley (female, 20s) who is troubled, heartbroken and numb. The role will include some scenes of intoxication (alcohol, cigarettes, no drugs) and very short sexual scenes with both males and females (no nudity). We are also looking for the main character’s love interest Rene (female, 20s). This role involves limited dialogue and scenes of intimacy (cuddling, kissing) with the main character, Ryley. Other roles include: Brian – voiceover (short phone call) and appearance at a party scene. Male and female extras for a party scene - having fun at a house party, some scenes of intoxication. Tyler – very short sexual scene with a female character, one line of dialogue. Male extras for a bedroom scene - to be involved in very short sexual scenes with a female character. None of the scenes require nudity and extra’s faces in the bedroom scenes will not be shown. This is a student film, so the roles are not paid, however transport cost and food on set will be provided. If you are interested in any of the roles, or have any questions please contact Zak Osbon at or Emma Whittaker at

New theater podcast... Community Theater Heroes! by PodcastTheater  •  last post Mar 13th

Hey Reddit Actors and Theater Artists, I just started a new podcast called Community Theater Heroes. On this podcast we are interviewing theater artists around the nation to offer our listeners advice on auditioning, running their own theater companies, marketing themselves and their shows, and so many other useful tips and tricks of the trade. We are based in Portland, OR and have started by interviewing companies in the Portland area, but, we are starting to book theater companies in other states. We want this podcast to be a platform for theater artists worldwide to share their stories, triumphs, and failures to help build one another up. Currently you can listen to our show on iTunes, Buzzsprout, and YouTube. We have never done a podcast before, so we are learning as we go. Our production value will get better and better as we grow. (In case you are wondering we are currently recording with a Blue Yeti Microphone and editing on GarageBand.) Please support our podcast by listening, subscribing, sharing with your friends, and giving us a positive rating/review if you do like the content we are providing. Thank you so much! Community Theater Heroes

Start or end of open auditions by Rochelle P  •  last post Mar 12th

Do you think it makes a difference if you show up at the start or end of an open audition (assuming you have a great audition and could be a great fit for the part)?

I feel like on the one hand, if you go at the start and you do really well, its possible they could make their decision early on....on the other hand, if they weren't ready to make a decision, they could easily forget about you by the end of the day with so many other people to see.
Or if you go in at the end of the call - they could have already made their selection about someone else that was perfect for the part and continue on as a courtesy....or if they didn't make their decision - and you do really well - you could be fresh in their mind for consideration vs the person they saw first thing at 8am who did equally well.

(yes, I also posted in "anything goes" because I want to get as much feedback as possible!)

How do I limit getting type-cast as a child actor who's 6 feet tall? by TheMrGeeky  •  last post Mar 12th

I'm 16 and beginning my trek into the world of acting. My biggest worry, that has already partially been confirmed, is that I'll be type-cast. I'm fairly thin and just over 6 feet tall, and my worry is that I'll get cast based purely on my height. Many child actors at my age are almost a foot shorter than me, letting them play more versatile roles (younger or older characters, act in the same film with actors of different ages and heights). For me, I'm worried I'll only get cast as either a lanky nerd or stoner who's either older or as old as me. On a few casting sites, the main things that have been suggested for me are stoner college kids. My worries were almost confirmed when I went to my first proper audition, and one of the directors approached me and said "I didn't want to use a kid for this role, but you've got the right physicality." So, to smash this problem before it becomes a real issue, are there any tips for breaking type-casting?

How important is script memorizing in this day and age?? by wbissell  •  last post Mar 12th

I’m not a actor by any means and have never been on this sub before(hi) and I’m sure this has been asked before on here so please yell at me if obliged. Obviously an actor/actress needs to know the lines of a film/show, plus implement the feeling and emotion of the words that are the paper. But cmon, there had to be actors back in the day(or now) who couldnt memorize for shit, and had to have cue cards or some other approach. How important is memorizing the script, or is not(is it hard?) specific examples would be wonderful

I love to act, rehearsing lines, and research. by iownadonkey  •  last post Mar 12th

My career as an actor started about ten years ago - for my mother's business. She was a great director and we brought in around 500-2500 people, depending in the theatre. As an eight year old boy, you'd expect me to be nervous in front of these people. Actually, it was just the opposite. About six years ago, the acting ceased. We moved to a new place, got a farm, and I stopped acting. It was okay at first, but I really miss the city and especially the theatre and studio. I live in a city that has the population of 7000, and as a 17 year old, I like hobbies, just as any would. There isn't a theatre in 50 miles from my location, or a class. Nothing! What can I do to get started again?

Actor Anxiety? Is that a thing? by SpiderTurtleBat4  •  last post Mar 12th

So right now I’m starting to feel....anxious. I want to cry almost. I go on set and I feel out of place. Like people are looking at me and not in the good way. I feel like I’m being judged. I know I’m making it all up.... but god I feel so inadequate and I don’t know why. It’s like I’m afraid and shy and embarrassed and guilty all at once and all I did was take a few pictures. I can’t wait to get home because I know I’m going to cry. That’s not the issue. I just wish I knew why? I feel like once filming actually begins people are going to judge me. Maybe I’m not a talented actor like I thought. I know, I know, I got the part. I’ve come this far. No way I should be feeling this but I do.

HB studios or The Barrow group, Which is better for training as a beginner? by throwaway11125487  •  last post Mar 12th

I'm planning to go to either HB studios or The barrow group. Which one is better for training as an actor? I want to take an acting 1 at either places. I have no technique at all. I'm brand new to this.

Theatrical Manager Question by Akindofcuriouscat  •  last post Mar 11th

Hi guys, I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions for me. -LA based actor who signed with a manager about 6 months ago from a showcase. -No real credits outside of a couple of USC films -I was surprised that the company signed me because they take on very experienced actors My company told me that they won't be bothered by sending me out for co-star auditions, which I was initially okay with, but then thought to myself don't I need these as a starting point? Do I need the experience? Or should I just shut my mouth, suck it up, and swim with the big boys? To me, it seems little daunting that be competing with very experienced actors. And I don't like the idea of burning bridges with casting offices based upon being green. Does that make any sense? A part of me doesn't want to bring this up to them because I don't want to be dropped. Would love your input. Thanks everyone.

Can you still respect an Actor if they are a Horrible person? by whm1971  •  last post Mar 11th

Recently I was watching Casino and James Woods ... It made me think that while he is a very very good actor... The person James Woods is, judging by his interviews and Twitter, is quite possibly an asshole. It made me recall a number of actors I've worked with who, either on stage or on screen, were really good but they are just assholes off stage/screen. So my question... Can we like/respect an actor for the work they do even if they are an asshole? Might be a dumb question... But I'm curious. Peace.

How do you feel about Union actors that take non-union jobs? by Patabell  •  last post Mar 10th

I was just curious about how the community views this? I'm non-union and have run into several union actors that have been open about the fact they take a lot of non-union jobs on the side. But I've also heard this sorta low key debated when it comes up, since SAG/AFTRA aren't actually supposed to take non-union jobs. I'm no snitch, and I can understand why it happens, but what are your thoughts? Edit:spelling

anyone know a cool 70+ actress in LA? looking to hire ASAP by lastinghours  •  last post Mar 10th

We are directing a fictional documentary set in the future and need an older actress who can memorize 10 minutes of script. The final product will be extremely high quality, and the vibe of the film is rooted in the sci-fi stories of William Gibson. We are looking to create an emotional atmosphere in the documentary/interview style as this character reflects on and describes her experience in this fictional setting. The actress should be 70+ years of age. Alternate appearance is preferred – perhaps someone with a shaved head, or tattoos (not necessary, but these are exemplary elements that would put that vibe forward). Preference toward non-caucasian actresses. Images/videos/leads/recommendations appreciated!

How do you all prepare for cold reading at an audition? by Aarontylertv  •  last post Mar 10th

Hey fellow actors. I have an audition coming up and we will be cold reading. I am nervous because I really want to get the role but I feel like the whole situation is out of my hands. What would you all do?

Advice on submitting to an agency by zombielordd  •  last post Mar 10th

Ive been talking with a fairly accomplished actor in my area, and he's recommended me a few agencies. Before I made any steps towards any of this, I wanted to look to the team for some advice. Anyone have some sage words on submissions?

Dallas, Texas actors? by baryll  •  last post Mar 9th

Thought I would make a post drawing in all the actors in Dallas - we can obviously keep a facade on here to make things not look ‘obvious’ or leading just in case you want anonymity (like me). I am signed here, mostly go out for print.

is this self-tape quality okay? part 2 by musicalhippoes  •  last post Mar 9th

I took some of the comments made by the previous users. Right now, I am about to buy me a lighting kit. I don't think I can get any better footage. Do you guys think this is okay? This is all such a mess. Before I had my other camera, it worked wonders, but now I am worried it's gonna look too unprofessional. There is less grain in this one, but I don't know if it's still okay. There is a bit of shadow there, but I can get rid of it, once my new lighting kit arrives in a few days. I'm gonna have to wait for next audition when all my equipment arrives. I've seen some auditions from known actors, and it wasn't superbly lit, but then again they are well known in the industry already, so I think they can get away with it. How is this? This is just a screen cap of what might be in the tape.

Age range to play? by Rochelle P  •  last post Mar 8th

Hi Everyone! Ok, so here's the deal.  I've been out of acting for a few years (things got really busy elsewhere in my life).  I am really wanting to jump back in again now.  It's been probably about 4 years and back then I knew what ages I could pull off easily.  Everyone has always told me I look much younger than I am, but lately I feel like there are days where I look OLDER than I am (what a difference a bit of time can make). 

There are a few really interesting roles I'd like audition for, but I am a bit unsure if I can swing the age range of one of them.  I wanted to get an objective opinion from you guys to get a better idea of what age range you think I could successfully audition for now (as in not laughed out the door for thinking I could play a certain age range) .

(also, yes I am aware these pictures will not suffice as headshots - I haven't made that investment yet - just a few quick pics for reference, some straight hair, some curly since those things can play a part) Also included short video - it might help since voice etc can also effect range.

I appreciate your feedback!