Did you have a job lined up? Did you move without a job and take whatever you got? How did this affect your apartment hunting? I have a good amount of money saved. I was thinking of maybe staying long term in an AirBNB for a month or two while I look for any job and then once I get the job, an apartment (by walking around the neighborhoods I want to live in). Just curious what other people did and if my idea is viable. (There’s a roommate involved btw)
Hi I'm new to this community I have big question: Should I be a native at English, if I want to become a voice actor? It's one of my biggest fears that maybe people want to work with native voice actors and I have 0 chance. For example this is [my reel post](https://www.reddit.com/r/VoiceActing/comments/mspmhb/video_game_shots_feedback/) and you can hear my accent. Thank you so much.
i’m not here to shit on anyone’s story but all over the news and media we only get the positive side of acting, the ones were people do one gig and they become stars. so as someone who is looking into getting into acting, this has been a question that has been at the top of my head lately. note : JUST BECAUSE YOU ARENT FAMOUS DOESNT MEAN YOUR A BAD ACTOR. there are so many famous actors that are literally shit, but get a pass because they are famous.
Hey there! So I recently moved to NYC to pursue acting. I have a couple of small film credits to my name, I feel like the next step for me is representation, but I'm just not sure where to even begin. So just wanted to poll the community on advice for a newb. I'm all over Backstage and Actor's Access, but I feel like I could be more proactive, I feel like I could be chasing it a little harder, just need some guidance. Any wisdom is appreciated!
Hi! This one is for actors repped by UK agents. **Backstory:** I reached out to a number of agents via email for representation last week, and immediately scored an interview with one of them the next day. However, nothing else has materialised - apart from a few rejections blamed on Covid struggles (though who knows if they're just letting me down 'kindly'!) **Question:** Did any interested agents get back to you after multiple days/weeks had passed, or were they all pretty quick off the mark? I'm not looking for advice, just interested to hear about your own quests to secure your first agent. Thanks!
Hiring erotic voice actors with a feminine voice. We are looking for a variety of voices for different short stories and role play scripts. Works range from role playing a female elf in a high fantasy setting to narrating a story about a female alien abducting a human male. The scripts are 2000 to 6000 words. We will pay $100 to $300 per work depending on length. Email us at [foxyficofficial@gmail.com](mailto:foxyficofficial@gmail.com) Looking forward to working with you!
As bass singer, I’m a big fan of this technique for sing superhumanly low notes that would otherwise be impossible. I watching an interview with Steve Blum the other day, and at certain points, it almost sounds like he speaks in that register. I know that’s unrealistic but I’m curious about how it can be utilized.
Hi all! So I want to become a chef, but I also am worried that that will force me to give up acting. From what I read, the resteraunt industry is very difficult; long hours, low wages, slow career advancements. I love cooking but I also love acting. I think the reason I'm picking cooking is because I'm better at cooking, I see more of a future in it, and honestly the self directedness of an acting career is terrifying. Some information about my experience acting: to be honest I haven't done a ton. I've done four musicals at my highschool (mostly ensemble parts, but they're always a big part of my year), some improve camps, and a play. But I really love it, and I always want it to be a part of my life. So I was wondering if there are any chef-actors here, or if anyone has any advice? thanks!
I’m mainly here to just sulk in a missed opportunity because none of my friends or family understand my sadness. When I heard Iman Vellani, a complete nobody was cast as Ms Marvel, I thought maybe that was my chance as well. I searched but I never knew where to find the marvel casting calls. I was then told that marvel doesn’t do open casting calls. But I read it on the news and everything so I tried to find it, but couldn’t. But her getting the role at least meant to me that a complete nobody could maybe get a big role. So then I started looking into smaller roles and acting classes and everything and it lead me to actor’s access. It was great to see so many different opportunities in my area of the Southeast region. A few months after this, I thought to search up the work “Pakistani” in the roles section since I’m a Pakistani person and maybe that’d helped me get a leg up. That’s when I was so disappointed. There was only like five opportunities in the past ten years. But the fact that there it was only one recent one, “Ms Marvel casting call for Pakistani Male 17-25 years old in the southeast region.” That really put me into a depressive state. I know there was a high probability that I wouldn’t have gotten accepted for the role, but what hurts me is that I never got the chance to even try and submit. Moreover, it made me realize that there may never be another important big role such as that for a Pakistani guy like me. Anyway who knows what the future holds but I just needed an outlet to let out my ultimate sadness.
I’ve been playing a few older PC games and I realized that almost every single line, even the short and seemingly pointless ones, are expressed in a way that sounds catchy. It sticks with you. But maybe it was just me. Maybe it’s playing an old game for the first time in years. Could be. Otherwise, is the dialogue in video games purposely said in a way to sound catchy? If it is, are the voice actors instructed to say their lines in an exact manner (like when pop music producers send a demo to a singer with the producers own voice-recording as guideline for the singer to imitate)? Or do voice actors make (what could be stale) dialogue catchy on their own?
I'm working on a video project and I was wondering if there are any good resources out there for finding actors to make a video. Like it can be done remotely and sent back to me.
First of all, I want to say that I do plan on getting classes eventually. As of now I'm still in school, but I plan on attempting to be a working actor in the future. Right now I am unable to get lessons/classes, but I understand it's an important part of the process to becoming more talented. Are there some other ways to help the process before I am able to learn professionally?
So a fellow actress in one of my classes shocked everyone today when she said she was 32. We all thought she was 21 and somebody else said she should just lie since she’d probably get away with it like Alexa Demie (lol). She’s mixed Asian by the way so that might be why? Which got me thinking. I’m mixed too and am in my later 20’s. I get asked if I’m in high school all the time. I see on this thread that women in their 30’s have a hard time competing with the 20 year olds. But if you lie about your age or you really look the part, will it matter that much? Or should I focus on looking my own age to play my age group. I have actually considered buccal fat removal because of how youthful I look...
Hello! I read an old post on here about Americans working in the UK. I have seen more actors work in the UK and a lot being produced there. I was wondering if the process for someone to do work in the UK from America is the same? The visa is awfully hard to get and only given out 1000 times a year? Everyone talks about getting an agent in different places. NYC,LA, London ,ATL etc. everyone talks about getting an agent in London as if its that easy and I honestly wonder if its easier now? If someone was to get signed to a bigger agency like UTA or WME would it be easier for them to do films in the UK ( I assume yes) Why is it easier for models to do fashion week in London and have agencies in London but not for acting? Has it changed at all? Please let me know!
I have wanted to join this studio for a long time. I read The Actor's Art and Craft and have started to save up money for the 2-year core program. But, because so many studios are switching online due to the pandemic, they now offer an Online Intensive Course! Has anyone taken this and have any advice or feedback on the course?
Hi, I am 15 and I love acting so much and really want to pursue it as a career. My parents aren't supportive of this and won't let me join the drama school I want to go to. There is local drama groups that I have been in but they are more focused on singing which I completely understand but I feel like I'm not making any progress in the drama groups. When I leave school which I know isn't for a few years but anyway I think I would prefer to focus on finding auditions rather than going to university but I'm worried that I won't have enough experience as I won't have gone to drama school. I do practice acting at home which has definitely helped me improve and I do perform in the school shows but I don't know if that's enough to land auditions. Do you have any advice?
Hello! I am a aspiring actor, I want to make it to Hollywood. The thing is, I can’t do any acting classes because of covid, I’m planning on going to them and theatre afterwards. The thing is, I need to prepare myself. Ofc I was browsing through YouTube and such but it’s so hard to know when to start when there’s so much, any tips?
I have many friends who are part of the community but they dont post about it online or share their partners. They are intentionally being vague out of worry they won't get roles. Friends and family know. But casting and agents do not But with more actors being open about their romantic relationships would you feel more comfortable? Do you think things are changing or do you think being open about sexuality is a privilege reserved for the Alist?