Background: I am an actor. I re-entered this profession a few years ago after a layoff. I decided I needed a change and wanted to go back to doing what I REALLY loved doing. Acting. I've been married for a little over 25 years. We have two kids. One is an adult and the other is 17. The marriage has always been a bit rocky. My wife and I are really quite different from one another. We once even had a marriage counselor wonder aloud how we even stayed together long enough to get married much less have children. Things have really come to a head in the last 2 years. Currently, acting is my only thing. I do not have a day job (my wife and I talked about this when I went back into acting and she was okay with that. She wanted me to be able to put my full focus into it). At this time, I do not book enough to support myself. We have reached a point in our relationship where the rubber band has been stretched so tightly, divorce may well be the only resolution we can get. As a result, should we go down that road, I will have to shift my priorities in a major way. Obviously, I will have to find some kind of full time employment. The problem there is that I am a represented actor (non-union at this time). My concern is how these changes in my life are likely going to affect my relationship with my agent. Full time job may well mean a lack of availability at times and it just burns me up to have to give up what I have worked so hard to build up the past few years- but I want to be happy too.So, I'm just curious-Has anyone here gone through a similar scenario to what I have described? What effect did it have on your career as an actor? How did your agent respond? Did it ultimately work out for you?I might have other questions later. Extra info: I'm the USA; I live and work in a South Central market (in other words NOT LA, NYC or ATL)
(Female, 20, Asian American) I’m in the process of preparing my materials to submit to managers and agents. I have some commercial credits with big brands and training from well-regarded studios but no real TV or film credit. I have one more year left of college where I’m studying Business Administration and minoring in Theater, but was planning to submit this month to managers/agents because I’m 20 now and graduating university in a year. Im attending school in the Bay Area and will not be in LA, but am willing to fly in as an LA local hire considering most auditions will be self tapes for the first round. (Is this ridiculous?) Submitting to agents at 21 after graduation seems like it’ll be much harder to get an offer without experience than it is now when I just turned 20 and diversity is at the forefront of a lot of these agent’s rosters. What do you think? Should I submit now? Also, I wanted to add that I’m graduating a year early so that I can start pursuing acting full time as soon as possible, but I realize I’m still behind considering most teen/young adult range actors don’t even go to college.
I'm a beginner actor, I am in theater school and I make my own movies, but I am annoyed by the fact that I never really feel like I'm in character. I try to prepare for when I'm acting (why my character says certain things for example) but it just always feels like it's me, acting, instead of it feeling like I'm really that character. Most of the time I can feel the emotion, but it still feels like it's me doing it. For example, last week I did a play at school, and I had a scene with my "daughter" and we had an argument. Now, I did get upset because of the argument, but it didn't feel like she was really my daughter. It just felt like my classmate and I instead of a daughter and het father. Do you experience this too? And do you have any tips?
Hey Peeps! Hope your week is going well, today we are talking about what? Of course its voice acting but more specifically its some tips for intermediate voice actors, as the things i cover may seem simple because they really are. But head knowledge is different then practise. Alot of good voice actors make these mistakes and the end result is less than stellar performance. Hope these videos help you! [](
Hello! I'm a 25(F) in Los Angeles and I'm Native American. I have long hair right now because I think it will help me get cast easier. I would really like to style my hair differently because I think it will make me happy but idk how it will affect my casting! I have long length hair, no bangs but I want curtain bangs and a shag cut, almost Joan Jett layers but keep my length. Do you think it would ruin my casting ability or should I be fine? Here is a more current photo( I'm in the green shirt and red fence background) vs the hair style ideas I have: Please help! I've been wanting this haircut for months now but I don't want to ruin my casting chances
Hi, I want to become an actor (preferably on film and television), full time. Obviously it’s very very difficult to peruse, so I’m not saying it’s easy. However I would like someone to give me some tips on how to do it. I have this app named Backstage, which shows auditions all over the world. I was thinking the best option was to start with local productions and build my resume and go towards like that. I know this isn’t the best option for a full time career so I’m obviously going to need an agent. Anyways, what would be the best option for me at the moment during COVID restrictions. I live in the UK. Thanks all.
Check out the new subreddit r/ActingStories so hear about funny, crazy, on set or audition stories from actors trying to make it in the business.
I was thinking about doing it at university but feel like I’m too late help
I’ve been wanting to post kind of showy pictures like this or this or this on my Instagram. I’m a firm believer in women being allowed to show their bodies and it’s a form of confidence for me. Currently the only people who follow me are people from college and who went to high school with me. However, I feel like that might make a bad impression if I’m trying to pursue acting and someone in the industry looks at my page. I should also mention that I’m 18. My acting age range can be around 13-22 or something (I’m 4’11 and can look younger or older depending on what I wear. I’ve had people mistake me for being in 6th grade but also people mistake me for being 21 when I was 15) I see a lot of professional actors post them, like the people I linked above. But they are already successful actors and celebrities not to mention they are like 25 & 28. What do you guys think? Is it ok for me to have posting freedom and be myself or should I try and keep it “family friendly?”
I'm an actor with a couple locally-filmed TV credits to my name [(IMDB)]( To make a long story short, I'm about to finally move out of my parents house and in with a friend nearby, and I might be starting a full time job at a warehouse. Basically, my goal right now is to get some experience living on my own while I save my money before I finally head out to LA (ideally by next year), and I just wanted to know any other steps I should take first. I'm sure there's a lot of similar threads, and I have been reading plenty of advice online, but I just wanted some feedback that's more specific to my situation. I'm trying to do things as carefully and responsibly as possible. \- About how much money should I save up? I have a decent amount saved up, but probably not enough. \- Is it possible to get an LA-based agent without living there? I know that used to not be the case, but maybe things are different now with COVID? I unfortunately do NOT have a real agent now. There's only two in my area; one isn't taking on new talent, and the other has turned me down several times over the years (I've also tried agents in neighboring states to no success). \- I'd like to pursue more gigs here, but I am worried about balancing them with a full time job, although I don't realistically expect to book much, if anything. Is there any advice on that? Hell, where can I find gigs outside ActorsAccess (which has few opportunities with no agent) and Backstage? Also, none of my filmmaker friends are filming short films or anything now due to COVID. \- Would I be better served by going to Atlanta for a while? A reputable casting director did suggest doing so, but most of the roles cast there are bit parts and nothing outside the area, and I feel like I've wasted enough time already (it took many years just to get to this point), and would prefer to be auditioning for at least somewhat bigger roles. \- I know I should continue to take classes, and I'm okay with virtual ones, as long as they're not expensive. Any suggestions are welcome. \- Is there a way to make meaningful connections before I head out there? \- If there's anything else I should know (and I know there is), please let me know. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to respond. \- For the record, [here's my reel.]( I know it's very far from perfect, but this was indeed the best footage I had.
As someone from England i feel as if there are less opportunities than if you were from America where it feels most of the best roles have been and will be. I wondered if anyone knew about how successful British actors got there break and got to America. Did they all live there in the first place or did it stem from successful British roles that got them noticed?
My last seizure was on Sunday, April 11th, 2021. I've had PLENTY of seizures this year, and I've been thinking about becoming an actor. What happens if an actor has a seizure while acting in a TV show/movie? I wonder because I heard that "seizures are unpredictable".
So I've been recently reading and learning about the ActingClass subreddit and saw that it's claimed to be a free class for all actors. However, since actors post their dialogue or self tapes and get actual feedback from the teacher, does this mean that it's enough to put as a class on a resume? Or does it have to be a paid one on one class in order to count as actual experience?
Hi all, If you’re not aware, Georgia’s recent legislative action to restrict voting access has caused quite a stir. One of the most well known consequences is Major League Baseball moving their All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver. Most recently Will Smith’s movie Emancipation has pulled out of the state ( I know Atlanta has been growing as a film/TV hub over the past decade, but will this all be reversed by the political climate? How are you feeling Atlanta actors?
Is there anyone in the casting community that can speak to this? I'm noticing this trend only snowballing. It is rare I see a US actor going overseas and getting parts but I am noticing the opposite is very much true. Do you have any intel as to why this is happening? I know (especially from the reels I have seen) it is not solely based on talent but whom your agent is. And also there is just something 'less threatening' about a black actor from London v. US? It's concerning to me as someone that has been born here bc despite how many roles I've booked and gotten praise for performances I'm trying to figure out what to do to make sure I can still work. Harriet Tubman was an awful movie but the actress was great - but I couldn't help thinking of how many other actresses (US) could've done just as strong of a job if not better. Please advise.
I’m an American Actor with an agent in NYC. I was offered management rep in LA. I’m 24, and I have a few guest star credits.. but I definitely want to build more credits/a better reel before heading out to LA. It’s a city saturated with actors. There’s a ton of work in Vancouver and Toronto. I also LOVE Canada. Has any American actor ever successfully transitioned into the Canadian market? What is the process of obtaining a visa like?
Im curious, as i today was in an acting class type thing, and i didnt actually talk but was preparing to talk because i believed i was. We ran out of time though, regardless, at first i was really shaking, this is what happens when the anxiety hits for me. I start really shaking and hearing my heart and not knowing where to put my hands. So i just decided to try affirmations for once, combined with box breathing and im shocked to say it really did work, my anxiety went down significantly, to the point where it was barely there and was probably just nerves at that point. It made me feel very normal. I was just thinking ‘i’m confident’, ‘i have to do this to move further in my career’, ‘this isnt embarrassing’, and i visualised myself being confident speaking. Who wouldve though such basic advice would work? But regardless, my question is, do actors further down the line have to do this too? I understand they’re more experienced, but is it normal for actors to have to do these 3 things before an audition? Because if not then do i really have a chance of being a professional when ive got such anxiety issues? I believe its my calling honestly, its the only career i can see myself absolutely loving. Please help me guys, and if you have any more confidence tips id really appreciate it! Anxiety sucks, but i can learn to deal with it especially with you guys’s help, thank you so much!!
Is there a difference in how they’re perceived by the industry in terms of talent level, professionalism. I ask because I’ve heard various views this from industry pros, CDs, etc. I personally think LA actors are challenged a bit more as far as competition, and have heard it’s easier for them to adjust to the southeast market vs southeast actors adjusting to the LA market. I think Atlanta has a great selection as well as far as quality but would love to hear more views on this.