Hi hi hello! Some very lovely and helpful people suggested a couple of books to me the other day for help on getting back into acting. Books are a very helpful way for me to learn things personally I’m wondering if anyone else has any others to suggest? Ones focusing on techniques would be very much appreciated!! Thank you muchly! x Already suggested : Actor’s Life : A Survival Guide - Jenna Fischer Actor’s Art & Craft : William Esper Teaches the Meisner Technique Sanford Meisner on Acting Self Management for Actors - Bonnie Gillespie Different Every Night - Mike Alfreds
I’m 15 years old and I’ve been struggling to determine what I want to do with my life and I’ve narrowed it down to a few things: Acting, Making Music, or Making YouTube Videos. I’m interested in trying out acting because I’ve always been told that my voice carries out through a room and I have charisma and I’ve been called “a little dramatic, in a good way.” While doing class plays. *I know it’s a hard journey, but I’m willing to go for it. I’d like to start Acting and become an actor that is featured in Movies/TV-Shows. I’m currently a Freshman in High school and was wondering what I could do to become a better actor. Thanks, (and sorry if this wasn’t the right place to post this.)
Hey /r/Acting! About 10 months ago I [posted here](https://www.removeddit.com/r/acting/comments/b0fx63/im_30_and_i_dont_want_to_live_with_regret_for_the/) *(sorry for the removeddit link, original post got deleted)* about how my itch was getting the better of me and I needed to do something about it lest I regret it forever. I wanted to provide a ^small update, and also drum up a bit more discussion on what I can & should be working on this year. **So, what's new?** Well - I'm now recently 31. I spent most of 2019 diving back into class. I started with a basic technique class to warm things up last spring, and have been in ongoing scene study classes every month since. I've gotten to work on myself as an actor in scenes from True West, Death of a Salesmen, Proof, and more. **What about 2020 aspirations?** I'm still taking monthly scene study classes, while also hoping to try my hand at on camera studies once I build up my confidence a bit more. I'm only taking one class / month to keep costs from spiraling. I also still work a 9-5 office gig so much of my time is accounted for. I also would like to put myself out there a bit by 1) signing up for any and all online sources, 2) headshots, and 3) ideally even going on some auditions (maybe even booking a few 'entry level' non-union jobs to start building a reel). My ultimate goal, beyond 2020, is to be an on camera actor. In my original post I mentioned how I'm "in no rush" to get booked or get an agent, and while still true I do see the value in putting myself out there because, after all, stuff isn't just going to come to me - no matter how much better my technique gets. **Are you bored reading yet?** Hope not! I've got a few questions I was hoping to toss your guys' & gals' way to help get some direction. * Are backstage and actors access enough? * Should I focus any energy on agents? * When looking for non-union work, are there are unwritten rules for making sure I'm not setting myself up for failure / disaster? * This one is super subjective, but hoping it generates some decent discussion. How have you all known that it was "time" to jump into the next level with your training / work? Did you know, or was it something that just started shifting around you? Are there best practices (books, classes, trainings, w/e) that you want to or can share for others to check out? This is getting long, so I'll end it on this - thanks for your feedback in 2019! Wishing you all the best for this new year of adventure.
If you get rejected by a talent agent, it isn't Armageddon. It's part of being a voice actor. Don't crawl into a corner, feel sorry yourself and quit! You have to keep trying. While I currently have three agents, I still get rejected! It doesn't matter if you're new or have decades of experience. Keep in mind, you don't need a talent agent to be successful. 75% of my annual business is from working with clients direct as an independent contractor.
I wanted to run this by you all, since the rules are in place to make this a community that works well for everyone. Currently we just allow any posts from people looking to cast actors (unless they're flagrantly scammy or otherwise suspicious) but I was wondering if you'd want a rule banning posts seeking unpaid work on a for-profit project. Like if someone is making a commercial or a funded film or something that will otherwise make money, but they're not paying actors, we'd remove the post. If it's someone putting together a low/no budget thing for fun or to gain experience, we'd leave it. Thoughts?
I am an aspiring Voice over actor. I have a great voice and would be great if given the chance. If anyone is in need of one please send me a PM. Thanks
So i have never considered doing acting, I am not a creative person and all of the subjects that I chose to study represent that. I have A levels in physics, chemistry, biology and computer science and i am currently studying computer science at university (I have no experience in drama whatsoever). The only relevant subject that I have done is English literature, and I managed to achieve an A\*. I really do not want an office job and until recently i thought that is what I was destined for. The last few weeks I have been really interested in films and the actors involved, and it has occurred to me that it is something that I would like to pursue a career in. I have two questions, is it too late to get into acting provided that I did not choose acting related subjects? And how would I get into acting with absolutely zero experience? My personality is not the typical 'actor', i am very shy and can get rather nervous. Any advice is appreciated. thank you :)
Looking for a new dramatic style podcast to fill the void? Are you a fan of crime drama? Our upcoming original production of the audio drama, "Smothered," might just be what you're looking for! It's a gritty, nail-biting piece of fiction that depicts two detectives, as they delve deep in the psychological woes of a young, prime suspect. Please consider checking out the [crowdfunding link](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/smothered-an-r-cade-productions-original-podcast?create_edit=true#/) on Indiegogo. Everything we raise goes towards the production (actors, director, sound designer, gear, etc.) Beyond that, all remaining funds are promised to be donated towards CASA for Children. So please help us, give back, if you can! If you cannot comfortably contribute anything right now, that's all right. Money is often tight, but any funds, at all, would be sincerely appreciated. Spreading word about this campaign is another way you could always help out. Any consideration means a great deal, to which we are grateful.
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that LA Casting won’t do me much good over there, but is actors access still popular over there? Are there any other resources?
It was a “meet and greet” thing where there was a limit of 20 actors auditioning. This is a small local agent with just her and one assistant. Several of my daughter’s friends are repped by this agent and get pretty good bookings. My daughter auditioned with the assistant. At the end of the audition (which she crushed!) the assistant said “I’m not supposed to say anything official, but I really look forward to working with you. If you don’t hear from my by Wednesday, shoot me an email”. I didn’t hear anything by Wednesday, so Thursday afternoon I sent an email. I still haven’t heard back. Should I try to contact them again on Monday or just wait it out? I don’t want to be pushy I guess, but I also don’t want them to just “oops” forget about my daughter. ??
Anyone have experience with this place? Is it appropriate for a more seasoned actor with some training already under their belt, as a place to refine their technique?
I’m an 18 year old Canadian Hijabi. And all my life I’ve been into acting and being an actor. All throughout my life, my relatives, friends, and teachers have always expressed their interest in my acting skills. My teachers were also extremely shocked and impressed by every one of my acting presentations in class. I stood out from the rest of the classmates in my grade eight elementary acting class, and was begged by more then three teachers to join an art high school that specializes in acting. Because of my fear of not being accepted, I refused. Many have told me to try working with an agency, but I simply do not have the money or support for that. now regret that so much. I have tried finding open casting roles for a hijabi like me but it’s almost impossible. Majority of the casting roles in my area require non hijabis. It’s so frustrating as I love my hijab so much , and it’s become apart of me. I hate feeling like it’s getting in the way of my passions. I really wish there was more diversity in casting. What hurts more then being rejected from something because you’re not good enough, is being rejected because you do not fit a suitable race or image that casting directors expect you to have:(
Anyone know if those acting masterclass things with actors is actually useful? They have like Hellen mirren and Natalie Portman and it looks pretty good but dunno if it’s a scam or worth the money?
Hi guys, A quick heads up. If you're just starting a project and need a model/actor for your photoshoot/ad/film, you can easily search through our [platform](https://www.fastcast.me/) for a specific profile you had in mind. There's lot to choose from. Check us out
It was a “meet and greet” thing where there was a limit of 20 actors auditioning. This is a small local agent with just her and one assistant. Several of my daughter’s friends are repped by this agent and get pretty good bookings. My daughter auditioned with the assistant. At the end of the audition (which she crushed!) the assistant said “I’m not supposed to say anything official, but I really look forward to working with you. If you don’t hear from my by Wednesday, shoot me an email”. I didn’t hear anything by Wednesday, so Thursday afternoon I sent an email. I still haven’t heard back. Should I try to contact them again on Monday or just wait it out? I don’t want to be pushy I guess, but I also don’t want them to just “oops” forget about my daughter. ??
Anyone have any good actor friendly podcasts? Both advice (like Audrey Helps Actors i think it's really helpful) and good interviews with other actors (Off Camera with Sam Jones). Thanks!
When i say acting, I mean film acting, I know there isn't a guaranteed path to success in acting but I'm wondering if I should become serious or not. I'm 14 and I've taken acting classes and been in local plays and I want to start auditioning for projects. My plan is to be in short films/small parts in tv/film then audition for bigger things. (so much easier said than done, i know, that's what I'm worried about.) I love acting and film and I spend most of my time learning monologues and practicing because i genuinely love it but I'm wondering if it will be worth it or if 20 years from now it will flop and i'll be on the streets.. im not saying I want to be the biggest Hollywood star but i would like to know the percentage of me "making it" as an actress if that's possible. thank you
I'm an actor in NYC. I graduated from a good acting conservatory a couple years ago (Esper Studio) and taken all of the core UCB classes (loved em). I'm confident in my training but I know there is never really an end to training so I'll do a scene study class every few months at Esper to try to keep my skills sharp So now I'm in that weird in btween stage as an actor. Trained but not working. My Question is that I always hear people say that if you want a career you "need to grind and hustle". But I don't really know what that means so if someone could elaborate more that would be really helpful!! All of my materials are solid, good headshots. Between my training and student stuff I have a solid beginner resume. Have a website as well as a decent reel (can always use more/better). Profiles fully set up on Actors Access and Backstage. I have a manager who I got through my friend that will send me out every now and then but it's few and far inbetween. But no agent. Trynig to get one. So I'm trying to see what else should I be doing? Right now I have a list of Casting Directors that when they have a workshop at One on One I'll go so I can start to build some sort of relationship. I have a goal of doing one Casting Director workshop and one agent/manager workshop a month so it at least feels like I'm moving in the right direction. ​ Any advice? Email CDs? Agents?