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Not sure if r/VoiceActing or r/VoiceWork would be the appropriate places to post this (and I apologize if it's not... yet I'm curious). by Positive_Branch  •  last post Jan 22nd

Voice Actors of Reddit, what was / is it like to be the English voice of a character from another country (especially when it came to portraying him/her for the first time)? Also, have you ever cosplayed as that character?

International Student by alexiis231  •  last post Jan 22nd

Uh, this is my first time posting something on reddit. Since i was 15 i wanted to become an actor and be on top of Hollywood and all that (too much drugs, i know). I was looking on internet and i saw a few schools and conservatories, the typical, NYFA, AMDA, Yale, AADA, Juilliard, Stella Adler, Lee Strasberg, and all of them are too expensive, which one you recommend me to choose or apply? I'm from México and it's kinda hard, but not impossible. I want to apply for any of those the next year, it would be of too much help if you guys can give any advice, international students who are in any acting school or conservatorie, people who are pushing into the bussines, anything!

Has anyone here done Pilot Season in LA? by TrueCrimeVirgo  •  last post Jan 22nd

Hey, Just wondering if anyone in here has done Pilot Season in LA or know someone who has? Can you explain how it works? Especially for someone who doesn't actually live in LA (I'm English and live in London). I can't seem to find that much about it online, and most of my actor friends (the ones im close with anyway) haven't ever been.

Do British actors succeed more in USA? by eyeoftheliger01  •  last post Jan 22nd

I'm passionate about becoming an actor. However, I'm a 2 hours drive from London (the only major city near me). I feel like being British in another country would make me stand out more with potential applications. I was wondering if others had experience with this?

background casting agencies in Toronto? by darcytoronto  •  last post Jan 22nd

I am in the Toronto area and looking to sign up with a background actor casting agency. I have an agent for commercial/film/TV productions but I would also like to get back to working as an extra and his focus is not on BG. Any suggestions from background actors in the Toronto area? Or do you recommend applying myself for jobs on a casting sites that post jobs, like Eboss Canada? Thank you.

Recommendations for acting on camera classes in LA or New York? by NimbusCloud1  •  last post Jan 22nd

 I'm only interested in classes that are set up like a set and constantly have you on camera,  providing you with your footage at the end of the class.  I'm an experienced actor and  most interested in finding a teacher that will help me to market myself, make my reel as best as it can be, find my ideal branding including type and age range etc. Open to commercial workshops as well.

One definition of artistry in performance is the sophistication with which an actor marks the space between art and the everyday. by thisisnotarealperson  •  last post Jan 22nd

This is a quote from a recent NY Times article on intimacy directors, which is a valuable read by itself: I have not heard the idea in the title put so clearly before but it really got my wheels turning and I thought it would be an interesting conversation starter. To boil it down to how I see it with regards to contemporary film & awards, it's a solid explanation for why we tend to reward actors who portray "ugly" as it were, or go through big exterior transformations for a part--losing/gaining weight, heavy prosthetics to look like a totally different person, etc. It's easier for the audience to see the jump the actor is making to the character. What does the title mean to you?

Michael Zanuck Agency (MZA) by berrymush  •  last post Jan 22nd

Hi. Just wondering if anyone has recently been in to meet or have signed with MZA. Very mixed reviews on the agency and not a lot of updated info. A friend who is a working actor says she has regularly seen his clients on the casting sheet so im curious. Wondering id after the bad press he has changed his tactics

Meeting with a new agent by danikabananika  •  last post Jan 21st

What are your thoughts with signing with a big agency vs boutique agency? Big roster vs small roster? Established agent vs new agent? I’ve heard all sides of the argument (big agency has big name, boutique has more drive, big roster means agent connections, small roster means more focus on you and your career, established agent having lots of working actors etc) and I’m curious what your thoughts are. I’ve been with a big well known agency for almost three years and they’ve frankly done nothing for me. Since signing with them, I’ve had 5 auditions that I wouldn’t have been able to get on my own, 2 for non speaking roles. I have credits and I’m in class regularly. I have a meeting with a pretty big agency on Friday, but a brand new agent (assistant who’s moved up the ranks). I’m curious what your thoughts are in moving on from my current agency who has some big names. I’m on a roster of 75 actors (many of whom are working) with at least 9 other people in my category, in an agency of ~1400 actors between 2 cities.

If someone looked like Young Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio, would they instantly become a famous actor by JasonTaylorArtist  •  last post Jan 21st

Like if they moved to a big city, would they be snapped up. Isnt that how they made it

Just got cast in my first stage play in 15 years - by accident?? by voixxy  •  last post Jan 21st

I’m a singer, primarily opera and musical theatre. I’ve done some plays, mostly Shakespeare comedies, but those were about 15 years ago. So I got a text this afternoon from an acquaintance with whom I recently did a read/sing through of Newsies (just for fun, with other like-minded fun-loving musicians, nothing serious, just a bunch of really organized nerds). He asked if I was also an actress, and I responded that I have been, but that I do mostly opera and musical theatre these days. He tells me one of our local community theatres needs someone to participate in a table read tonight for a character he thinks is right up my alley, and it sounds interesting, so I went. After the read, the director says my read was “amazing” and asks if I want to join the cast. I’m thrilled and excited but terrified. I haven’t done a straight up play in over a decade, and this play, while incredible, is so far removed from anything I’ve ever done. I agree that the character suits me really well, but now I’m shaken because I need to have act 1 off book by feb 10 and frankly, I don’t remember how to do this without music. So my questions: * how do I go about learning my lines? In MT and opera the music helps me immensely, it’s basically just a bunch of songs with connective tissue. How do I do it without the music?? * it’s been so long since I’ve been in the theatre world. Is there theatre-specific etiquette I need to be aware of? I assume some of it overlaps (nothing but water with you, always be prepared, respect other performers’ boundaries, basic entertainment industry professionalism and courtesy). * I tend to rely a lot on the Stanislavski method, which requires me to really know my character. This is a really intense play with very intense emotions (I am an anti-war nurse who ends up having to serve in Vietnam, the play covers before, during, and after the war). As I create her backstory, would it make more sense to focus on her motivations for being so staunchly anti-war and for being a nurse, or more on events in her life that shaped her personality? Sorry for the amateur post, but I figured this was a good place to get started. Thank you in advance!

Seeking Advice by Valcrye  •  last post Jan 21st

Hey everyone! So I've wanted to become a voice actor for some time, and wanting to hopefully make it to be professionally suited for it. A lot of voice acting advances seems like a giant circle where you already have to start out on the inside of it to make it around. That and I have like no resources I can reach out to. For instance; to get a talent agent, you need to have a good resume, and for resume building, I'm just wondering, do small jobs and gigs on sites like, [](, and []( all work for that? Or are those just viewed as gigs but not anything professionally viable? My mind is kind of just filled with questions about all of it, as its extremely hard to separate legitimacy from scams since most sites require you to fork over money for jobs and advice. Any help would be appreciated.

[paid] Male voice over actors needed! by RedMartyrEnt  •  last post Jan 21st

Red Martyr Entertainment is looking to hire male voice actors for the roles of two main characters in Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask. **Category**: Voice actors in a video game **Roles**: Main characters - Benedek Dohnany and Nikolay Kalyakin **Type of work**: Paid - 50 to 100$ per hour (depending on the voice acting skill) **Deadline**: Friday, January 24th **Requirements**: * male actors with a voice suited for characters in the 30-40 age range * highly proficient in spoken and written English * high level of acting abilities * skilled to express emotions and different mental states If you think this is the perfect role for you, please contact us right away at []( for further information. More about the game: [Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask]( We look forward to your applications!

Deadline on Actor's Access by curtst  •  last post Jan 21st

I saw a breakdown for a film that will be happening "nearby" (about 6 hrs away). But it's passed the deadline. Is this something I should even bother submitting for?

What is getting an acting job like? by Zerreitug101  •  last post Jan 21st

I’m currently working on a new movie script, which involves an up and coming actor getting a huge part in an upcoming big budget movie. I have no experience in that field, so I wanted to ask what is it like landing an important acting job? What was your reaction, who contacts you to tell you, and any other small details? Thank you guys.

Greetings r/acting! by knightworth_manor  •  last post Jan 21st

Ever since I was little I have known that acting is my true passion. I will do whatever it takes to make it in the world of cinematography as an actor. My question is: Where should I study acting? I could definitely use some help on that. I want to study somewhere in Europe (I am aware of the competition) What are some good universities/conservatoires where the competition is not that tight and I might actually have a real chance of being accepted? (My dream would be to study at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland but I assume that we all know how tight the competition is there.) **Thank you in advance for your help!** *- Andrew*

Anyone with experience doing video game work in Seattle/Redmond? by Brandt-son-of-Thora  •  last post Jan 20th

Moving to the Seattle area on a few months and would like any and all pointers for getting in VO work for the various game companies there. Any particular resources y'all would recommend? Specific talent agencies I should shoot for? Or particular websites I should be looking at? I'm just assuming a lot of the VO stuff is done in house, with local actors, but please correct me if I'm wrong!

Question About Agents by Kleifromschool  •  last post Jan 20th

Guys where can I find a good online acting agent so I can score some acting jobs I know that this sounds so unprofessional but what can I say everyone has a start you know. I am 19 years old and know almost 4 languages Italian, Albanian, English, Turkish and right now learning German as I live in Vienna Austria now. What I can do is sing, act mainly comedy but I like the horror genre as well, Voice Actor If anyone responds to this with a good site or something that would be awsome thank you for your time guys \^\_\^

Bad Audition Experience, Help! by cutieinadeathcab  •  last post Jan 20th

Today I had an audition that I was really excited about as the director is a director that directed one of my University shows and we had a great working relationship. After I got my audition confirmation email, they sent two sides. The first side they said was optional because it required juggling a soccer ball on your knees while chanting a song and said it was COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and intended for those with exceptional soccer skills, of which I have not. The second side was for a middle aged soccer mom (40-55) but did not specify the age of the actress who was to play her. Now I'm 30, but I've played older on stage before (Grandmother and a mom in one of my shows this year, who this specific director directed me in) so I thought, hey I'll give it a go. I figured not waste their time doing the optional soccer one and stick to something I know well, playing mature characters. I go into the audition and absolutely nail my contemporary monologue which was a teenage monologue. They complimented it and said it was a really good choice. I then sat down and talked about the play with the director and the characters I was interested in and why (but I forgot to mention soccer mom). Everything was going great and then they asked me if I had the sides prepared and I sheepishly said that I didn't prepare the soccer ball one but I prepared soccer mom. They looked shocked, kind of bit their lip and said"...interesting". I felt that at this point I was wasting their time and she said reluctantly "...,well I guess let's see it". I did what I thought was a good job, but their reaction made me so uncomfortable. I did a cold read afterwards but my confidence was so down that I missed the last page and some of the most crucial lines. THE WORST PART was my other classmates were auditioning hours after me asked how it went and I told them and they were like "OH I GUESS I BETTER PREPARE THAT SIDE THEN". They were going to do the same thing as me and not do it but I threw one in for the team I guess. ​ I just feel really down because I was very prepared otherwise, read the play inside out, and there was no age specification of the actress to play soccer mom. Did I blow my chances? What are some of your audition horror stories?