Hey Guys! I have to say that I love going through our community thread and picking up tips and tricks here and there. I thought it would be great to start a thread listing what we carry or bring on set. Kind of like the actor’s edition of what in...
Hi Actors! I'm looking for a great scene study class. Any recommendations?
Hey I'm an aspiring actor from NYC who wants to take acting classes. The thing is I'm free all day on the weekends (Saturday & Sunday). Any good acting classes I can take on the weekends? Thanks!
So last night I was in a class where I had to play the role of a Police Captain who was insinuating in a fashion unbecoming an Officer and a gentleman. He was not exactly an anti-hero but he was not exactly a moral character (or even sympathetic). The character was reinforcing social strictures and roles instead of breaking yokes (which we are supposed to do). I broke character in the middle of the scene (while doing a cold read / table read for the first time) and explained that this character was not someone I agree with. I have admired actors who play unwholesome , insecure characters - and the generous actors who portray these imperfect characters and who develop empathy even for the anti-heroes. I am FOR developing empathy for the anti-heroes so none stigmatize or harm even the most reviled. I have always tried to side with the sinner and the lost & asked for mercy, clemency, understanding & gentle, kind , loving reform. Nonetheless there is a difference between perpetuating an immoral character (by inhabiting it ) and embracing, including & forgiving & reforming the anti-hero. I dislike the excuses people use for perpetuating immorality - excuses like "well its the real world" or "well that is what sells" or "well its all about the bottom line". I feel physically revolted from playing a character that is diametrically opposite to my own (evolving and already liberal & already flexible & already nearly absent) moral code. ​ By playing an immoral character I feel I am harming my already non-existent morality (not only do I not know much about morality but even when I do know the difference between right and wrong I don't have the will power and the ability to say no). By playing unpleasant characters in stories where there is no empathy or salvation for the lost I feel that (1) I am merely perpetuating a caricature of an anti-hero (2) further condemning an anti-hero to stigma & abuse (instead of understanding and redemption) due to bad writing or other constraints. ​ I don't know how to turn down such characters and portrayals particularly if its a teacher who is asking me to do it in the class and I know that I am seriously uncomfortable inhabiting or doing it. For example, one teacher asked me to deliver lines in a comical way. I did not want to tell her that I don't believe in the school of thought where a person is forcibly funny (makes noises or faces or makes a lot of effort at being funny) but comedy should be based in truth and the resulting laughter ought to be organic. I could not explain all that to her in front of the entire class and she was becoming increasingly upset with me for not being "funny enough" and not "being funny enough to impress/win the girl". The lines did not warrant it and the character did not warrant it and I was uncomfortable forcing it (it ought to be organic and nothing ought to be forced). ​ How do I explain to the teacher that I don't believe in portraying 1 dimensional caricatures of anti-heroes? that I don't want to force myself to do something that does not feel natural or organic ? These very same people who give me these roles may say I am not "letting go" and I am not "giving it my all" - but that is not true. I just don't find justification for playing a role which perpetuates wrong. I would like to know how I can gracefully turn down a role a teacher springs upon me (in the middle of a class) without ruining my relationship with a teacher etc. ​ EDIT of EDIT of EDIT: p.s. I also have differing views about the way art and storytelling is taught today by some people. I do not believe conflict is necessary for telling a good story , in fact it is counter productive to telling a good, entertaining, engaging, educational, edifying story. ​ Some more EDIT: Please the topic is about how to portray the highest values and the Kingdom of Heaven NOT about the nature of storytelling and my views about elements of storytelling. I am trying to say that we ought to give and expect actors to inhabit roles that are entirely good, entirely edifying , entirely wholesome (and if there is any portrayal of anti-heroes it ought to be portrayed with humanity and a hope in salvation , redemption, innate innocence and goodness of all life).
Ok guys. So I don't have any background in acting. I am a musician if that means anything. I did a little acting in high school for the school but nothing serious. I know it's a long shot to "make it" as an actor. However, as of now I would like to just be an extra or something like that to get started out. Doe's anyone know the proper channels to go through that aren't very expensive? I have tried it in the past, and they all said they were free, but when I got to the "audition/casting call" that's when they actually informed me it would cost. So if anyone has any info on the proper channels to go through. Or just tips in general, please let me know. Thanks, Tim
“Many actors will say that actors are artists not entertainers. Being an entertainer enhances the actor’s art. The entertainer half of the equation sparks an audience’s imagination, taps into an audience’s dreams, and inspires an audience…”
Remember Henry Thomas? The little boy who starred in ET? Check out his audition. Unbelievable.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9575438/reference?mode=desktop& My dear Karmalicity friends - i have a new Feature Film listing on IMDB please visit and vote and share your links - i will do the same for you if you leave a link here happy 2019 lets make this year a great one thanks for so much support sabrina culver
Hi everyone! I’m a new actress in the US and have no experience here YET but I was wondering if you guys can give me tips and advice on how to film an audition video? I’m very nervous and I don’t know where to even start. Thank you so much!
What do you all think about Hollywood and big production companies casting the SAME actors over and over again? This is what I feel: I'm honestly sick and tired of going to the cinema. Each film has the same actors over and over again, there is NO FRESHNESS, no NEW FACES, no NEW TALENT. It's so sickening and vexing to grudgingly put up with every new movie that is out, casting Samuel L. Jackson, Will Smith, Jake Gyllenhaal, The Rock, Bruce Willis, Michael Keaton, Will fucking Ferrell again and again and again until our minds explode. I want to see new talent, I want to see new characters and new **ways** to portray them. This is genuinely why I rather go see a play on Broadway. *Upvote to make others see and join in on the discussion!*
Thank you so much for entertaining me. I don't know about you but, for me this is the worst part of being an actor. I completely understand...if I don't know my brand how can I sell myself. YEa! Yea! yea! soo voila. if you have a second to do this survey I will send you a thousand virtual thanks. P.S. scroll down for the headshot. XOXO [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17AHDG2C14rCP4Vs8aATFqpaPsL8Ns2lmmnqbMSuOwIU/edit](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/17AHDG2C14rCP4Vs8aATFqpaPsL8Ns2lmmnqbMSuOwIU/edit)
Get Out Album Release Show We Were Here First Thursday Jan 17th, 2019 Old Towne Pub 66 N. Fair Oaks Ave. Pasadena CA 91103 (down the alley at 22 E. Holly St.) 8:00pm $10 cover 21+ www.getouttm.com
Also any books or other resources to help directors work with actors would be greatly appreciated! I’m reading Judith Weston’s book Directing Actors now and I’m enjoying it so far!
Why you should move back and forth on camera and not side to side...
Hey guys, after a studying with my former teacher for a couple of years, I'm now in the market for a new voice teacher that fits my needs/schedule! I'm looking for a seasoned teacher who knows all about alignment. Drop your recommendations below, please and thank you!
“You’ll be instantly cinematic on camera if you play the subtext of the scene as if it is the text but not the subtext of individual lines, the subtext of the scene. This will engage the audience’s imagination because the audience will be wondering what it is your character can’t say, won’t say, or doesn’t know how to say…"